VisualSVN asking for TortoiseSVN - visual-studio

I have a team of 4 peoples, including me, who are going to work on a project.
I have installed VisualSVN Server on my machine to set it as SVN Server.
Also I have installed VisualSVN Client on my machine and its been integrated with my machine. Here my machine will be a client and server. Server for other users and client for me.
Earlier, I had Tortoise and VisualSVN Client. That time everything was working fine. Now I have removed TortoiseSVN, as I have installed VisualSVN Server. But when I "commit" the changes, VisualSVN says that
"TortiseSVN is not installed. ....."
Now as I am using both VisualSVN as Server and Client, why should I need TortoiseSVN any more?
Or something is wrong ..?

I guess the reason for your problem is explained on
VisualSVN uses TortoiseSVN for most of the dialogs. But "Add Solution" wizard, "Get Solution" command and Visual Studio integration (status icons, transparent file operations etc.) do not depend on TortoiseSVN.


Connecting to TortoiseSVN repository using AnkhSVN on VS 2012

I am using AnkhSVN v2.5 and TortoiseSVN 1.9.4
I am not able to browse through the directories on my local drive.
Running as administrator didn't help either. However when using VisualSVN the issue is resolved.
Unfortunately, I can only use AnkhSVN, please help.
TortoiseSVN 1.9.x is based on Subversion 1.9. Local repository it creates and that you access via file:/// has FSFS format 7, by default. This FSFS format is new in SVN 1.9; SVN 1.8 and older clients and servers will not be able to read this repository unless you dump-load its data into an clean repository with older format.
AnkhSVN 2.5.x is based on SVN 1.8 (via SharpSVN) and this explains why it is unable to access this repository. The problem is that AnkhSVN does not display full error message in your case. The error could help you find out what's going on. I'm not sure, but I guess that this is the error that AnkhSVN had to display in your case: svnadmin: E125006: 'REPOS\db\format' contains invalid filesystem format option 'addressing physical'.
These steps should help you solve the problem:
Install VisualSVN Server or another Subversion server on Windows and access your repositories via HTTP(S) or svnserve instead of local file:/// access. The repository internals will not matter for your client in this case as the client will communicate with the server, not with the repository directly. This will help you avoid such problems in future.
Update to AnkhSVN 2.6.x. It should be compatible with SVN 1.9.x and Visual Studio 2012. I guess will access that repository without errors. I'm not sure, but I guess that there is no practical reason to use older AnkhSVN builds.

How to speed up TortoiseSVN to VisualSVN server through SSH tunnel?

This is our current setup: Windows Server 2008 with Visual SVN Server. On the client side we use tortoise svn.
Inside the company (internal network), the access speed(checkout,update,commit) is good.
When we access from outside the company via our SSH tunnel, it becomes really slow.
I read that there could be a few possibilities:
usage of HTTPS vs SVN (VisualSVN doesnt support SVN protocol :( )
antivirus (did not test it yet)
Any other suggestions ? Thank you

VS Code Mac OSX with TFS

I have installed VS Code to Mac OSX. I would like to connect to my companies TFS server , so I could work on the project from mac as well .
The company is not using Visual Studio Team Services (was VS Online), still using TFS on company servers.
I see that there are ways to connect to Team Services with git settings, but how can I cannot to TFS from Mac VS Code ?
VS Code currently only supports Git, so your company's TFS must be hosting a Git Repostory for that to work. You can access TFVC using Team Explorer Everywhere and/or the cross platform commandline tools. If you want something close to integration with VS Code, consider git-tf(s), which will create a local git repository which you can push to TFS.

Visual Studio with a Remote Server

The site that I am working on is at a remote server. I want to work on it locally. Are there any tools better then that in Visual Studio for working with a remote website?
Rather than deal with the quirkiness of VS remoting, what about using Remote Desktop to drive VS on a machine local to your target (behind VPN for example)?
If you can set up a subversion server on the remote site you could use that to sync changes between locations. This would be really helpful in other areas as well such as allowing multiple people to mess with your code and to keep track of every change you make. It would also be the best in the area of performance.
If its a windows share, just set up the repository where it is right now then use:
svn checkout file:///project/trunk
Or if its over a web server you can set up SVN to be served though that as well.
There are plenty of free/not free plugins for VS that make working with SVN very easy.

Best way to deploy subversion (SVN) in a multisite windows environment

We are planning on moving for MS Source Safe (ouch) to SVN. We are working mostly in a Microsoft environment (windows, Visual Studio, .NET) and we have developers in multiple sites. I heard about VisualSVN and integration with visual studio. On the other hand I can get someone to host SVN for me and use TortoiseSVN. Any recommendations? Any pitfalls I should avoid?
I heard about VisualSVN and
integration with visual studio
Point to note, VisualSVN (the one that integrates with VStudio) is not a server technology at all, it is simply a integrated GUI front end to SVN, and in fact works through TortoiseSVN (which is required to be installed). However, VisualSVN is GREAT and defnitely worth the $50 per developer to use it. I used it daily and it saves me SO much time.
There is also VisualSVN Server, which will take care of the server side of things and the setup is absolutely dead simple. As long as you have an internet facing server and copious amounts of bandwidth (though SVN is not much of a bandwidth hog) you should be fine to host it yourself. Oh yeah, and VisualSVN Server is completely FREE!
However, having your repository hosted off-site is definitely always an option.
I use dreamhost for this now and couldn't be happier.
Hosting subversion is fantastically simple. At the risk of being labeled a brown nose (is there a badge for that?) Jeff Atwood did put up an article on installing subersion
So really you could save yourself some money by running your own subversion server and you'll never have to worry about what happens to your code if your hosting company goes belly up.
I would start with tortoise because it is free and is really easy to use. If you find you really need integration with VS then by all means try out visual svn. In my experience source control <-> editor integration is most useful for automatically opening files when you edit them. Subversion doesn't require you to open files so that big advantage is gone.
Another SVN integration with Visual studio is AnkhSVN It is free, and has a few quirks. Personally, I use it for basic diffing and the visual indicators for file status (changed, conflict, etc.) while I use Tortoise for the heavy lifting.
You can get hosting of secure svn repositories from a variety of sources: and many others. Often free if the usage (users, data, etc.) is limited.
VisualSVN does integrate with Visual Studio but not like SourceSafe does (and I mean this in a good way). It requires TortoiseSVN so it's not not an either/or. VisualSVN and Tortoise is a great combination.
Best way to deploy subversion (SVN) in a multisite windows environment
As far as I understand, you have multiple development teams in different locations (even different continents, maybe) who have to access the same codebase. For such a case VisualSVN Server provides Multisite Repository Replication feature.
The feature is based on VDFS (VisualSVN Distributed File System) technology which allows automatic, transparent, bidirectional master/slave replication of your repositories between remote sites. What's more -- it works out-of-the-box with minimal configuration steps done via VisualSVN Server Manager MMC console.
Learn more at
