Children dynamic content with reactjs - ajax

I'm trying to experiment here. I want to build a component that auto populates some data from an ajax request after mounting. Something like this:
var AjaxComponent = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function() {
return {
data: {}
render: function() {
return (
componentDidMount: function() {
data: response.body // or something
With that example component, I'd use <AjaxComponent url="/url/to/fetch" /> to display the content.
Now, what if I'd like to access different bits of data from children elements? Can I do something like this?
<AjaxComponent url="/url/to/fetch">
No problem if it doesn't render anything before the ajax request ends. The thing is how could I pass the data for children to render, not as props. Is it possible?

I had a similar scenario where I had similar Components that would query data from different APIs. Assuming you know the expected response from a given API, you could do it the same way perhaps.
Essentially make a generic Component where it props functions as an "API" of sorts, then define different types of sub components and their associated render function.
For example:
In widget, you then do something like this, where widgets is just a plain javascript file with a bunch of functions:
componentDidMount: widgets[type].componentDidMount(),
render: widgets[type].render().
In widgets, it would be like this:
var widgets = {
widget1: {
componentDidMount: function () {
//Ajax call..
render: function() {
//How should I draw?
widget2: //Same format, different functions
Then in some parent component you simply go
< Widget type="widget1" \>
or whatever.
There are a couple weird things about this that probably don't sit right with React. First off, you should take state all the way up to the top-level component, so I wouldn't do my ajax calls in componentDidMount...I'd more likely get the data I want for the widgets I want to render at a higher level, then pass that in as a prop too if it won't change until I make another API call (thinking Flux style flow here). Then, just pass in the data as a prop as well and just specify the render functions:
< Widget data={[0]} type=widget1 />
The "gotcha" here is that you are making an assumption that whatever is in this data prop will match what you need in the widget type. I would pass in an object, and then validate it all in the render function etc.
That's one way. Not sure if it's valid, I'm sure someone who knows more could pick it apart but it suited my use case and I now have a library of similar components that I can selectively render by passing in data and a type, then looking up the appropriate render function and checking to make sure the data object contains everything I need to render.


SAPUI5: Extend Control, renderer has html tags with event

I extend a Control to create a new custom control in UI5 and this control renders a tree as UL items nicely. Now I need to implement a collapse/expand within that tree. Hence my renderer writes a tag like
<a class="json-toggle" onclick="_ontoggle"></a>
and within that _ontoggle function I will handle the collapse/expand logic.
No matter where I place the _ontoggle function in the control, I get the error "Uncaught ReferenceError: _ontoggle is not defined"
I am missing something obvious but I can't find what it is.
At the moment I have placed a function inside the
return Control.extend("mycontrol",
{_onToggle: function(event) {},
Please note that this event is not one the control should expose as new event. It is purely for the internals of how the control reacts to a click event.
I read things about bind and the such but nothing that made sense for this use case.
Took me a few days to crack that, hence would like to provide you with a few pointers.
There are obviously many ways to do that, but I wanted to make that as standard as possible.
The best suggestion I found was to use the ui5 Dialog control as sample. It consists of internal buttons and hence is similar to my requirement: Render something that does something on click.
In short, the solution is
1) The
<a class="json-toggle" href></a>
should not have an onclick. Neither in the tag nor by adding such via jQuery.
2) The control's javascript code should look like:
[ 'sap/ui/core/Control' ],
function(Control) {
var control = Control.extend(
metadata : {
renderer : function(oRm, oControl) {
init : function() {
var libraryPath ="mylib"); + "/MyControl.css");
onAfterRendering : function(arguments) {
if (sap.ui.core.Control.prototype.onAfterRendering) {
sap.ui.core.Control.prototype.onAfterRendering.apply(this, arguments);
control.prototype.onclick = function (oEvent) {
var target =;
return false;
return control;
Nothing in the init(), nothing in the onAfterRendering(), renderer() outputs the html. So far there is nothing special.
The only thing related with the onClick is the control.prototype.onclick. The variable "target" is the html tag that was clicked.

react-bootstrap ModalTrigger doesn't work on React components

Looks like the ModalTrigger doesn't play well when being supplied a React component. Consider the following:
var MyDiv = React.createClass({
render : function() {
return <div>Click me!</div>
var Content = React.createClass({
render : function() {
return <div>
<ModalTrigger modal={<MyModal/>}>
<ModalTrigger modal={<MyModal/>}>
<div>No, click me!</div>
React.render(<Content/>, document.getElementById("mydiv"));
When clicking on the first div, nothing happens, but the second div opens the modal as expected.
The DOM looks identical, but when using the React extension for Chrome I can see that there is an additional React component between the first ModalTrigger and the underlying div, named MyDiv.
The reason this is a problem is that ModalTrigger depends on its child element onClick to show the modal. When using a regular div it works as expected, but since the direct child here is a React component, there is no obvious way to make this connection go to the actual div component.
So my question, is this a shortcoming of react-bootstrap that cannot deal with the way React instantiates components, or is this the normal / expected behavior that I should work around somehow?
I wanted to post this as a comment but could not format it properly :/
One way of getting around this is to have MyDiv aware that it has a this.props.onClick method, and trigger it explicitly:
var MyDiv = React.createClass({
render : function() {
return <div onClick={this.props.onClick>Click me!</div>
This creates coupling (or extra lines for PropTypes/getDefaultProps to decouple), which is far from ideal.
Another way is to wrap MyDiv in another anonymous div:
<ModalTrigger modal={<MyModal/>}>
Which is much better, but somehow doesn't feel right either. Any suggestions?
It seems that the answer is under the MyDiv's responsibility, at least in how react-bootstrap works. The magic happens when the top-level div in MyDiv is passed the props, like so:
var MyDiv = React.createClass({
render : function() {
return <div {...this.props}>Click me!</div>
This is both in step with react-bootstrap's inner components' behavior, and allows MyDiv to remain agnostic of whatever is passed through. It's probably better, as Facebook suggests, to use the harmony destructuring syntax (e.g., var {myProp, ...otherProps} = this.props and then using it in <MyDiv {...otherProps}/>), but, well... harmony.

Ajax request in Backbone View render function

I want to pass an extra variable (the userid) with before rendering my backbone view. I am getting the the extra variable with a ajax request but because is asynchronous I think my page is being rendered before I get the variable. For simplicity lets say I have this in my backbone view :
PostsApp.Views.Post = Backbone.View.extend({
template: _.template($('#post-template').html()),
render: function(){
var newObject = this.model.toJSON();
newObject.twittername =; ;
I guess I can put this.$el.html(this.template(newObject)); in the callback but than 'this'refers to something else.. Can anyone think of a work around for this?
Or is it completely very bad to send such a request in the render function..
You are correct in your assumption. It will not render correctly.
The simple fix
Just like the more general case, you can perform the actual rendering inside the success callback.
render: function(){
var newObject = this.model.toJSON();
var that = this; // to fix that `this` refers to in the callback
newObject.twittername =; ;
The better fix
What I'd do is:
Have the twitter name as a part of the model
fetch it from the model (maybe even with a restful .fetch
listen to change events in the view, and call render on such events.
This is because the view should not be responsible for changing model data in Backbone. It's mixing "business logic" with presentation and it can get ugly pretty fast.
[I think this example 2 from Addy Osmani's "Backbone Fundamentals" should give you a general idea on how this sort of structure is laid out.

does an onclick function go in model, view or controller?

I am using backbone.js and trying to stay strict to the model-view-controller structure as I learn it. I have an onclick function for a link in one of my views that I am not sure where to put. Is the best place to keep this in the render function of the view?
More specifically, the onclick performs a facebook login and then adds the user to my database if they are not currently in it. Don't know if this changes anything.
Here is what I think I will go with:
var NewUserView = Backbone.View.extend({
el: $('#window'),
render: function(){
// Render
listeners: function(){
// onclick and other listeners
From the Backbone documentation:
In Backbone, the View class can also be thought of as a kind of
controller, dispatching events that originate from the UI, with the
HTML template serving as the true view. We call it a View because it
represents a logical chunk of UI, responsible for the contents of a
single DOM element.
Here's the general way to handle events in Backbone:
var NewUserView = Backbone.View.extend({
el: $('#window'),
render: function() {
// Render
events: {
"click #facebookButton": "loginViaFacebook"
loginViaFacebook: {
// Perform facebook login and add user to database
Where do you want the link to appear? On View page right? So , you should keep it in the same view on which you want the link to appear.
But , if you are building an architecture rather than just a web application, then you should put the onclick function in some different file where you will keep all these function and then import them in the view as required or keeping them in separate files and bundling them for import on view page.
Please make a file and write all the functions in that file and include that file in the your view file and use the onClick in the anchor tag. Please let me know if this make sense.

Auto Complete for Generic list MVC 3

I have a Generic list in my Model class. I want to have a textbox with autocomplete in my view which fills data from the generic list. How can I do this?.
For this you will need
Function on server side which will return list of matching data and will accept string entered by the user.
Something like this
public JsonResult AutoComplete(string input)
//Your code goes here
In the View, for the text box you need to bind KeyDown event. You can take help of jQuery for this. On key down handler you will make an Ajax call to the function you have defined in the Controller. Some thing like this:
url: '#Url.Action("AutoComplete", "ControllerName")',
data: 'input=' + sampleInput,
success: function (data) {
//Show the UL drop down
error: function (data) {
// Show Error
In response you will get list of strings, which you will need to bind to some html element like "UI". Once done, display this UI with proper CSS below the text box. Using jQuery, you can retrieve the pixel location of text box too.
You can not use Asp.Net Auto Complete box in your project as you are developing app in MVC (no viewstate). I hope you get the idea.
You can use JQuery Autocomplate.
To fill the list, you can populate the data from you object.
I can't remember the exact Razor syntax, but you can refer to this:
//data is your Model object of type List<String>
var listString = [#foreach(x in data) { '#x',}];
$( "#dataList" ).autocomplete({
source: listString
<input id="dataList">
JQuery Autocomplte
This is client side auto complete, I can provide server side if you need.
