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How to efficiently create a multi-row photo collage from an array of images in Swift
(4 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I would like to create a collage of images (about 7) of varying shapes and sizes within a UIView.
I originally tried to do it manually using auto layout & constraints. But it's sloppy.
I was thinking of using UICollectionView...probably not a flow but a general layout.
Is there a tutorial, cookbook and/or literature that can explain how to create a collage/template from an array of images (png)?
There's a tutorial that I saw here. I'm not sure if it is what you want. It's in Objective-C though.
UPDATE* I found something that may be useful but in swift -
Check out the solution I propose on this question (How to efficiently create a multi-row photo collage from an array of images in Swift). The ideas produce a rectangular solution of only one size but you might look at scaling the image appropriately to attain the utile sizes. Essentially I use CGGraphics to create rectangles and then draw images within each CGRect.
See my answer to the question that Tommie C is referring to. It builds on Tommie C's answer but gives a bit different results.
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Closed 2 years ago.
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I have recently taken up film photography. Part of the workflow is to scan the images using a flatbed scanner. Unfortunately this process is very slow. Using some software (Silverfast) you make a prescan, zoom in make a more detailed pre scan, click ad drag around a rectangle which highlights the frame, do this for 12 frames, then set the software to do the full res scans.
I want to automate this process. Rather than layout where each frame is, I want to scan the whole film strip, and then use ML.Net to find each frame (X,Y coordinates of the top left corner) which I will then pass to ImageMagick to extract the actual image.
I want to use ML.Net because I am a .Net developer and may have the opportunity to use this experience later. So although example using OpenCV would be welcome, ML.Net would be preferable.
I am a bit of noob when it comes to ML stuff. My first thought is to try train a neural net, inputting the scan image and outputting the X and Y values. However that seems naive (as the image is 100s of MB in size). I imagine the there are better tool then just a raw neural net.
My searching on 'ML object recognition' didn't seem to help as the examples I found were about finding the Dog or Person in an image not a 'frame'; which could be a dog or a person.
Even a pointer in the right direction, of the correct name for this problem would be a great help.
So, what are the type of tool/functions I should I be using to try and solve this type of problem using
This is not so much a machine learning problem as it is an image processing problem. I would think ML.Net is quite overkill.
What you probably want is an image processing library and utilize some form of edge detection or "region of interest" detection.
For example, look at this question:
Detect display corners with Emgu
Maybe I misunderstand what you want to do and you actually would benefit from machine learning; then you probably should pre process your images with an image processing library before feeding them to your model.
Hope it helps.
I would like to ask a question I already asked on the OpenCV board but did not get an answer to:
After learning about the fundamental matrix I have the following question that I could not answer by googling. The fundamental matrix is a more general case of the homography as it is independent of scene's structure. So I was wondering if it could be used for image stitching instead of a homography. But all papers I found only use homographies. So I reread the material about the properties of the fundamental matrix and now I am wondering:
Is it not possible to use the fundamental matrix for stitching because of its rank deficiency and the fact that it does only relate points in Image 1 to lines (epipolar lines) in Image 2?
Another question I have regarding homographies: All papers I read about image stitching use homographies for rotational panoramas. What if I want to create a panorama based only on translation between images? Can I use the homography as well? The answers provided by a google search vary quite a lot.
Kind regards and thanks for your help!
About using fundamental matrix for stitching.
It actually depends on how you want to stitch the image together.
The problem is even if you get the fundamental matrix, when you stitch images together, you will only need homography matrix to do the transformation of images. So what is the point of using fundamental matrix. Unless you figure out how to handle the different distance on the same image.
In the case of panorama images, the assumption is that the scene structure is far enough to be seen as planar, so comparatively the translation could be ignored. If that is not the case, translation could be considered.
I am working on a project in which I need to highlight the difference between pair of scanned images of text.
Example images are here and here.
I am building a webapp based on HTML,JS for this.
I found that openCV does support highlighting differences between 2 images.
Also I saw that imageMagick also has such support.
Does openCV has support for doing automatic registration of images?
And is there a JS module for openCV?
Which one is more suited for my purpose?
1. Simplistic way:
Suppose the images are perfectly aligned and similarly illuminated: subtract one image from another pixel by pixel, then threshold the result, filter out noisy blobs, and select the biggest ones. Good for a school project
2. A bit more complicated:
Align the images, then find a way to uniform the illumination, then apply the simplistic way.
How to align:
Find the text area in two images, as being a darker than the file color.
Find its corners
Use getPerspectiveTransform() to find the transform between images.
warpPerspective() one image to another.
Another way to register the two images is by feature matching. It has quite an extensive support in OpenCV. And findHomography() will estimate the pose between two images from a bigger set of matching points.
3. Canonical answer:
Align the image.
Convert it to text with an OCR engine.
Compare the text in the two images.
Well, besides the great help given by vasile, you also need the web app answer.
In order to make it work in a server, you will probably need a file upload form, as well as an answer from the server with the applied algorithm. There are several ways you can do it depending on the server restrictions you have. If you can run command line arguments, you would probably need to implement the highlight algorithm in opencv and pass the two input files a an output one for the program. A php script should be used for uploading the files, calling the command line program, and outputting the result to the user.
Another approach could be using java and JavaCV in a web container like Apache Tomcat, for instance.
Best regards,
I'm sorry if my question is somewhat vague. It's been a few years since I did anything with Qt, and back then I never did any fancy image stuff. What I'm asking for below is just some general suggestions on which classes to consider using. I'm trying to avoid barking up the wrong tree from the very start.
The situation: I'm writing a Qt-based program in which I need to display a somewhat large (let's say 5000x5000) raster image. The user should be able to zoom (quickly) in and out, and pan around the image in a way similar to for example Google maps. So far, this is not very different from the Qt ImageViewer example, except perhaps for the requirement that zooming happens quickly. However, I need to draw on the order of 50k simple geometric shapes (let's say circles) on top of the image, and be able to add and remove some of these in a simple way. The circles should have the same size no matter the zoom level, and should thus either be redrawn whenever the user zooms, or should be drawn with vector graphics. Think of the circles as map annotations. These should look the same at any zoom level, and also behave nicely with respect to panning.
I guess my question is twofold:
Can Qt draw vector graphics on top of a raster image?
In general, which classes should I consider for the above?
Thanks in advance. I don't like answering vague questions myself, but maybe someone with experience with Qt's graphics capabilities has an answer.
I suggest you use QGraphicsView and friends for this. It helps handling all the view/world transformation and the vector items can be achieved with various QGraphicsItems.
You can change the sizes of the items whenever the zoom level changes to maintain constant apparent sizes.
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How to maintain widgets aspect ratio in Qt?
(5 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
I'm using Ruby Qt bindings.
I'm trying to make a square widget (checker board), but it doesn't seem to work.
This is the code that I tried
What is the proper way to making a widget that maintains its aspect ratio?
See this question: How to maintain widget's aspect ratio in Qt?