Security in SPA with oAuth 1.0a , woocommerce usecase - ajax

I'm trying to implement an online application (single page) with angularjs in forntpage and wordpress + woocommerce plugin in backend.
For this purpose I'm installed WP RESTful API and activated woocommerce self api. and using angularjs resource for ajax calls with server.
The woocommerce API is protected by oAuth 1.0a protocol.
As I figured out in this answer, the right way to request a protected API is just server side calls. So I created a new file in my server named "ApiCall.php" and wrote the whole secure communication stuffs in that.
Now my requests first send to "ApiCall.php" then the server communicate with woocommerce API (which is in the same server!) and the response will redirect to my angular code!
After all , now I'm confusing with this flow and security. When someone can request to woocommerce API, so he can request to "ApiCall.php" too! then the same security calculations will proceed for that person and result will returned to him!
On the other side, WP RESTful API have no security contraptions, and data are available with direct ajax calls.
I'm looking the best approach for this type of communications which a single page application want to get and set data to its backend.


Can Shopify-App Admin URLs be used as endpoints for Ajax requests?

I am developing an app for shopify. The app will provide pages and functionality for the Shopify Admin area, specifically using App Bridge.
The app bridge URLs look like this:
When you visit this page it loads shopify header/footer/menu, also an IFrame pointing to [my-path] on my site, for example:[my-path]
I would like to setup Ajax requests using the same system of URLs. for example I would use the endpoint as follows (I know this one doesn't exist, just an example):
Then instead of rendering the IFrame with my URL, Shopify admin would proxy the request, forwarding it to:[my-path]
Is this possible, or do I have to send the Ajax request directly to my own server? If the later, how is it recommended I do authorisation? Can the HMAC that came in the original request be forwarded to the AJAX request (seems that would be bad, but not sure exactly why), or use a session that I establish on the original request?
You setup an App Proxy in your App. You provide an endpoint in your App for the Proxy. Once this App is installed in a store, you can now call your App from the store itself, to the Proxy. Securely. That is the whole point of the App Proxy.

Can any body answer my question about Oauth2?

I am buiding an app using svelteKit and django rest framework. SvelteKit is responsible for rendering HTML page(SSR) and django rest framework is responsible for providing restful API.
Both App server and browser will fetch my restful API. I want protect my restful api by add Authorization. After reading some documents, I plan to use OAuth2(django-oauth2-tookit) and I draw the following chart:
My auth flow chart
But I was confused by following problems:
I can use Authorization Code grant flow auth APP server, but how about the browser?
Can I separate the auth server and restful server, If so, how auth server protect restful server?
I can use Authorization Code grant flow auth APP server, but how about
the browser?
In fact the authorization code based flow is the one that is suitable & meant for web client. While using this flow server will redirect the intermediate code (oauth code) to the redirect uri passed in the request so client can capture that code and make another request to exchange it with access_token.
Can I separate the auth server and restful server, If so, how auth
server protect restful server?
Yes, you can. The resource server should talk to auth server to get the authentication/token object verified.

How to connect Woocommerce WordPress plugin to a Spring Boot API based on Spring Security Oauth2 JWT?

I am a Spring Developer trying to figure out how to connect a WordPress WooCommerce Website to my REST Spring boot Service. I haven't worked with WordPress, so there are a lot of unknown unknowns for me there. I am in collaboration with another developer on the WordPress side of things, trying to solve this issue, but we are a little lost.
Are there Best Practices for a WordPress website to access the Spring boot Oauth2 API (including JWT Token delivery Service) ?
State right now (working):
Someone orders a Product on the WooCommerce website and the order status is set to processing.
The goal:
WordPress WooCommerce Backend calls the Spring boot API to send how many Products were ordered.
Spring boot:
We found out that Spring boot outh2 is the way to go for the REST API ENDPOINT
The only resource I found about this are this once, which are very good and sufficient:
The Problem is, that we find a lot on WordPress Webhooks but not a lot on how to call an API Endpoint with a Token system.
Here are some resources we worked through, which are not sufficient:
In WordPress, I manually safely store a Username and a Password which
Spring Security knows about, on WordPress.
WordPress, an order has been finished.
WordPress calls Spring boot Https Request to /api with Payload:
OrderInformation, Password and Username.
Spring sees that there is no Token or the Token is outdated
Spring searches the Request Payload for Username and Password
Spring generates a signed JWT Token based on Username and Password.
WordPress receives that Token and stores is safely
WordPress HTTPS Request /api with Payload: OrderInformation, Token.
Spring validates the Token, accepts the OrderInformation
Spring does what ever it needs to do with the information and when
everything works out
Spring Oauth2 somehow has to tell Woocomerce that the information
was successfully delivered. Otherwise Woocomerce has to resend the
information. And start form point
If someone knows any resource or best practices how to configure WordPress WooCommerce, please let us, who have a lot of unknown unknowns, know what to do next.
We hope this post and its answers can be a gateway and vertex for other people to find the information they need.
Thank you very much in advance
I am not sure about Spring Boot API specifically, but I have done this type of integration with other REST API's.
I would recommend using wordpress action hook. The hook that I would recommend you to use is woocommerce_order_status_changed.
// define the woocommerce_order_status_changed callback
function action_woocommerce_order_status_changed( $this_get_id, $this_status_transition_from, $this_status_transition_to, $instance ) {
// make action magic happen here...
// add the action
add_action( 'woocommerce_order_status_changed', 'action_woocommerce_order_status_changed', 10, 4 );
At the place of // make action magic happen here... write the logic where you contact with your API. Run your code when $this_status_transition_to is processing. The $instance should have woocommerce order instance which you can use to push to API.
Some pointers that I would like to give are.
Save the API Token/Credentials in an Enviroment Variable for security.
Would recommend using Guzzle package to make http request. Use composer to install the package.

Laravel AJAX requests via API Controller / Passport

Most of the requests like ChangePass, Create Blog, Update Blog and etc. are done via AJAX. I've decided to make API controllers that handle every AJAX based request that the user is sending.
Should I use Passport as well because of the API calls?
What's the best way to authorize every registered/logged user to make AJAX based requests, without they have to authorize themselves manually?
If you make those calls from a page which is already authenticated with Laravel adding Passport is not needed, just add csrf token as documentation explains,
Passport is needed if your site doesn't authenticate against Laravel, like if you have separate NodeJS based client site and Laravel is acting only as an API backend.

Securing jQuery calls to Spring MVC REST API using Spring Security

I'm developing a REST JSON API with the Spring MVC Framework. I want to serve a single HTML application to the user and the whole communication between server and client is done with JSON format. So the client single HTML application uses jQuery to send AJAX calls to the server.
My big problem is to find the right way to do integrate a proper security technique. I read a lot about basic, digest or form based authentication via Spring Security, but I don't think this is the right way. I want to get JSON responses if the user isn't logged in and I don't want to send a jsessionid with each request.
Could you please tell me the right way or the best-practice how to authenticate user by performing AJAX requests? Maybe it's OAuth 2-legged? (don't have much clue of OAuth)
If you don't want to store auth information in server-side session (and use JSESSIONID in cookies/urls) you may send auth info with every ajax request using BASIC auth header (created in JS).
I've never used 2-legged oauth, so I won't comment about it.
edit: typo
