Capacity of Bolt in Apache Storm is over 1 - apache-storm

As per the given link the capacity of a bolt is the percentage of time spent in executing. Therefore this value should always be smaller than 1. But in my topology I have observed that it is coming over 1 in some cases. How is it possible and what does it mean ?

It means that your bolt is running over capacity and your topology will fall behind in processing if the bolt is unable to catch up.
When you see a bolt that is running over (or close to over) capacity, that is your clue that you need to start tuning performance and tweaking parallelism.
Some things you can do:
Increase the parallelism of the bolt by increasing the number of executors & tasks.
Do some simple profiling within your slow bolts to see if you have a performance problem.

You can get more detail about what's happens in your bolts using Storm Metrics


Tasks distribution is unbalanced against workers

Storm UI suggests that one of my bolt is a bottleneck. It is red when you visualize the topology and its capacity is over than 1 sometime it reaches 10. If I tried to investigate how the tasks were splitted against the workers. One worker is clearly idle. Althought It is used (not idle) for other bolts?

Count the execution times of bolt and spout in Storm

Now there is a problem that puzzles me. How should I count the execution times of bolt and spout in Storm? I have tried to use ConcurrentHashmap (considering multithreading), but it can't be done on multiple machines. Can you help me solve this problem?
Considering your question i think you are trying to keep a track of number of tuple got executed and not the amount of time bolt or spout takes to execute one tuple.
You can use metices with graphite for visualisation. It gives a time series data.
Database can also be used for the same purpose.

Apache storm: why and how to choose number of tasks per executor?

According to the official documentation:
How many instances to create for a spout/bolt. A task runs on a thread with zero or more other tasks for the same spout/bolt. The number of tasks for a spout/bolt is always the same throughout the lifetime of a topology, but the number of executors (threads) for a spout/bolt can change over time. This allows a topology to scale to more or less resources without redeploying the topology or violating the constraints of Storm (such as a fields grouping guaranteeing that the same value goes to the same task)
My questions are:
Under what circumstances would I choose to run multiple tasks in one executor?
If I do use multiple tasks in one executor, what might be reasons that I would choose different number of tasks per executor between my spout and my bolt (such as 2 tasks per bolt executor but only 1 task per spout executor)?
I thought was a fine answer, but I'll try to reword it as examples:
The number of tasks for a component (e.g. spout or bolt) is set in stone when you submit the topology, while the number of executors can be changed without redeploying the topology. The number of executors is always less than or equal to the number of tasks for a component.
Question 1
You wouldn't normally have a reason to choose running e.g. 2 tasks in 1 executor, but if you currently have a low load but expect a high load later, you may choose to submit the topology with a high number of tasks but a low number of executors. You could of course just submit the topology with as many executors as you expect to need, but using many threads when you only need a few is inefficient due to context switching and/or potential resource contention.
For example, lets say you submit your topology so the spout has 4 tasks and 4 executors (one per). When your load increases, you can't scale further because 4 is the maximum number of executors you can have. You now have to redeploy the topology in order to scale with the load.
Let's say instead you submit your topology so the spout has 32 tasks and 4 executors (8 per). When the load increases, you can increase the number of executors to 32, even though you started out with only 4. You can do this scaling up without redeploying the topology.
Question 2
Let's say your topology has a spout A, and a bolt B. Let's say bolt B does some heavyweight work (e.g. can do 10 tuples per executor per second), while the spout is lightweight (e.g. can do 1000 tuples per executor per second). Let's say your load is initially 20 messages per second into the topology, but you expect that to grow.
In this case it makes sense that you might configure your spout with 1 executor and 1 task, since it's likely to be idle most of the time. At the same time you want to configure your bolt with a high number of tasks so you can scale the number of executors for it, and at least 2-3 executors to start.
Config#TOPOLOGY_TASKS -> How many tasks to create per component.
A task performs the actual data processing and is run within its parent executor’s thread of execution. Each spout or bolt that you implement in your code executes as many tasks across the cluster.
The number of tasks for a component is always the same throughout the lifetime of a topology, but the number of executors (threads) for a component can change over time. This means that the following condition holds true: #threads <= #tasks.
By default, the number of tasks is set to be the same as the number of executors, i.e. Storm will run one task per thread (which is usually what you want anyways).
Also be aware that:
The number of executor threads can be changed after the topology has been started.
The number of tasks of a topology is static.
There is another reason where having tasks in place of executors makes more sense.
Lets suppose you have 2 tasks of the same bolt running on a single executor(thread). Lets suppose you are calling a relatively long running(1 second maybe) database subroutine and the result is needed before proceeding further.
Case 1 - Your database call would be running on the executor thread and it would pause for a while and you would not gain anything by running 2 tasks.
Case 2 - You refactor your database call code to spawn a new thread and execute. In this case, your main executor thread would not hang and it would be able to start processing of the second bolt task while the newly spawned thread would be fetching data from database.
Unless you introduce your own parallelism within the component, I do not see a performance gain and no reason to run multiple tasks apart from maintenance reasons as mentioned in other answers.

How is the work divided amongst Storm Workers?

How does Apache Storm Divide the tasks amongst it's workers, I read that storm does it by itself, and it's a function of parallelism, but what I don't know is how do I figure out which node does what and how many nodes would do which task, basically so that I can calculate the optimal number of nodes required?
Assuming that the hardware configuration of all nodes is not the same.
By default, Storm used "round robin" scheduling, ie, it loops over all supervisors with available slots and assigns the parallel instances of spouts/bolts. If no more free slots are available, single workers are assigned multiple spout/bolt instances.
You need to have a look at storm UI. The metrics: complete latency, capacity, execute latency, process latency and failed tuples will give you "hints" on how many executors and tasks you should allocate for each bolt.

Issues with storm execution in single node

We have the Storm configured in a single node development server with most of the configurations set to default (not local mode).
Having storm nimbus, supervisor and workers running in that single node only and UI also configured.
AFAIK parallelism and configuration differs from topology to topology.
I think finding the right parallelism and configuration is by trial and error method only.
So, to find the best parallelism we have started testing our Storm topology with various configurations in a single node.
Strangely the results are unexpected:
Our topology processes stream of xml files from HDFS directory.
Having a single spout (Parallelism always 1) and four bolts.
Single worker
Whatever the topology parallelism we get the almost same performance results (the rate of data processed)
Multiple workers
Whatever the topology parallelism we get the similar performance as of single worker until sometime (most of the cases it is 10 minutes).
But after that complete topology gets restarted without any error traces.
We had observed that Whatever data processed in 20 minutes with single worker took 90 minutes with 5 workers having the same parallelism.
Also Topology had restarted 7 times with 5 workers.
And CPU usage is relatively high.
(Someone else also had faced this topology restart issue but no answer)
After testing many configurations we found that single worker with less no of parallelism (each bolt with 2 or 3 instances) works better than high parallelism or more no of workers.
Ideally the performance of Storm topology should be better with more no workers/ parallelism.
Apparently this rule is not holding good here.
why can't we set more than a single worker in a single node?
What are the maximum no of workers can be run in a single node?
What are the Storm configurations changes that are need to scale the performance? (I have tried nimbus.childopts and worker.childopts)
If your CPU usage is high on the one node then you're not going to get any better performance as you increase parallelism. If you do increase parallelism, there will just be greater contention for a constant number of CPU cycles. Not knowing any more about your specific topology, I can only suggest that you look for ways to reduce the CPU usage across your bolts and spouts. Only then can you would it make sense to add more bolt and spout instances.
