How Paw read dynamic values from a csv or json file? - macos

Can I have Paw for mac (http rest client) read Dynamic Values from a csv or json file? I need to run 10000 APIs by using different Dynamic Values in my collections.

You could create a dynamic value extension, and use readFile() to read your json file.
I have created a dynamic value extension for passwords, and other such stuff that I don't want to share, when I share my Paw documents.
Please note that because of sandboxing, your json file must live inside you extension folder.


How to return an image file (Byte[]) as a compressed file with Spring API?

I'm the company's file server
Get the file as byte[] through the image path and authentication key.
(This server is not accessible to me.)
What I want to do is, when the user downloads the selected files, I want to compress these files and provide them as a compressed file.
Since the company's file server does not have a download API for multiple files, I think I need to request as many APIs as the number of file lists with a for statement in my service API.
In other words, it seems that we need to take a List<Byte[]> and compress this list.
Is there something wrong with my method?
And can I pass the result as json after compression? (I confirmed that the image file is passed as json.)

Uploading unique files at concurrent load using JMeter

We have usecase where we need to call an API that uploads its respective category of unique file.
For every API call we need to use a unique FileName. I mean File once used in an API call should not be used again.
For Example
CarAPI will be called by uploading a file-name from list of files (CarAP_1.xml to CarAP_1000.xml files)
File CarAP_1.xml once used in an API call should not be used again in next call
BikeAPI will be called by uploading a file-name from list of files (BikeAP_1.xml to BikeAP_1000.xml files)
File once used in an API call should not be used again.
Any thoughts or inputs on how we can achieve this using JMeter.
You can put these filenames
either to a CSV file and use HTTP Simple Table Server, its READ endpoint has KEEP=false mode so once the data is used it will be removed from memory hence you can avoid duplicate requests
or to Redis and use Redis Data Set Config which also provides possibility to remove the data from the list once it has been utilized
Both plugins can be installed using JMeter Plugins Manager

Change CSV Delimiter in ORDS

I've recently setup Oracle Rest Data Services (ORDS) and managed to successfully create several endpoints returning both JSON and CSV data. However, is there was a way to change the delimiter (such as to a tab or pipe) on csv/query services? Since the ORDS packages are encrypted, there's no way to do modifications on that front, and none of the documentation I've read suggests there's a built in option to make this change.
I'm considering creating an plugin into ORDS that would basically call the CSV path and then convert it to the new delimiter before returning the data, but before that I wanted to make sure there wasn't any easier way of accomplishing this.
Take a look at Developing Oracle Rest Data Applications
Pattern: POST http://< HOST>:< PORT >/ords/< SchemaAlias>/< ObjectAlias>/batchload?< Parameters>
One parameter is: delimiter
"Sets the field delimiter for the fields in the file. The default is the comma (,)."

Talend tRESTClient does not work

I have a Talend job which has an input CSV file which needs to be converted to a JSON format and then using a tRESTclient/tREST , make a HTTP call request and post data.
In the current job, I have an Elasticsearch server installed on my local machine and provided that URL.
I was able to convert the files to JSON format and also verified with a tlogrow component but unable to post data.
(P.S: I was able to post data using a bulk Java code, loading jar files and making HTTP call and sending parameters using a tJAVArow component. So no issue with my localhost and posting data.)
After converting the data from input file to JSON format, set the context variable with your JSON data and then make the rest call. You can add the context variable in the HHTP Body. example : context.json_post without double quotes.

Output all language strings in Revel?

I'm developing an API Server in Go and the server (at the moment) handles all translations for clients. When an API client fetches particular data it also asks for the translations that are available for the given section.
Ideally I want to have the following folder structure:
Where news and home are distinct modules.
Now the question I have for Revel is is it possible to fetch ALL language strings for a given module and given locale? For example pull all home strings for en-US.
I would like the output (something I can return to the client) a key:value string of translations.
Any guidance would be appreciated.
It seems to me that revel uses messaged based translation (just like gettext does), so you need
the original string to get the translation. These strings are stored in Config objects,
which are themselves stored in messages of i18n.go, sorted by language.
As you can see, this mapping is not exported, so you can't access it. The best way
to fix this is to write a function for what you want (getting the config by supplying a language)
or exporting one of the existing functions and create a pull request for revel.
You may workaround this by copying the code of loadMessageFile or by forking your version
of revel and exporting loadMessageFile or parseMessagesFile. This also is a great opportunity
to create a pull request.
Note that the localizations are stored in a INI file format parsed by robfig/config,
so manually parsing is also an option (although not recommended).
