editing article in Frontend changes style/language to default - joomla

I have the following configuration for a site (intranet):
- Joomla 3.3.6/tiny mce
- 1 template
- 2 styles for 2 languages English and Italian
- English is default
- each style has different header color and logo.
Now my problem:
When I edit an english article in frontend - no problem
when I edit an italian article, it changes the style to default (english: other header color/logo). It happens if I change to edit mode by clicking the gear icon directly. However, if I first click on the "read more ..." button and then click on gear icon, it works just fine.
I assume the problem is somewhere in the language setting, but I couldn't fix it yet...
Is this problem already known and more importent, how can it be solved?
Thanks in advance


oracle apex switch theme error "This application cannot be converted to a theme using list-based navigation"

I am migrating apex code from 4.2 to 5.0. Before we used the theme "Light Blue - 15" and now in order to use the navigation menu feature, we want to switch theme to "Universal Theme - 42".
When switching, one error window popped up and said "This application cannot be converted to a theme using list-based navigation, as it uses two levels of tabs. Please update the application and set current tabs settings to use only one level of tabs prior to switching the theme."
enter image description here
Then I checked my app current theme "Light Blue - 15" and it said this is one level tabs customized:
enter image description here
Is there anything wrong? Can you give me some help on how to resolve this kind of error?
I just stumbled upon this problem and it was kinda hard to research -- all answers were vague or just plain wrong.
APEX does not allow switching to Universal theme until all parent tabs are gone. You have to delete all of them and then you'll be able to switch your current theme to Universal. During import operation APEX turns all your tabs into a long list. Then add new parent items to that list and rebuild your menu tree.
You will not be able to make this switch. If you wish to use "Universal theme - 42" you will need to write your app in that theme from the ground up.

Troubleshooting a multilingual joomla 3.2 site after changing the language title

I made a complete bilingual joomla (3.2) site which was working perfectly fine until I tried changing the title of the English language from "English (UK)" to just "English". The reason I did this is because I only want to see "English" on the front end to switch to English.
Even after changing the language title back to "English (UK)", it did not work anymore.
Basically I have tow questions:
How do I get the English switch working again and
how do I get rid of the country tag i.e. DE and GB?
Problem solved: It looks like it was a bug in Joomla, the error has been reported.
There is two solutions I encountered, I only tried out the first one, so I don't know whether the second one works.
Go to the Content Language tab in the Language Manager
Open the language en-GB for Edit
Change the Access from Guest to Public
Save the changes
Invoke phpMyAdmin
On the left panel double click on the database that is being used for your site
On the left panel click on the table named xyz_languages (where xyz_ is the table prefix for your site) and on the right side you would notice rows from the table
On the right panel, click on the link Edit that is against the row with lang_id 1
In the resultant window on the right panel for the column Access change the value from 5 to 1
Save the row
Note: Make a back-up of your database content before making this change.
Apparently, this should be resolved in the next release of Joomla!. Suggest reviewing the tracker http://joomlacode.org/gf/project/joomla/tracker/?action=TrackerItemEdit&tracker_item_id=33034 and the Github pull request https://github.com/joomla/joomla-cms/pull/2714.
Removing the (DE) and (UK) parts of the language switcher module was easy, just change the title native in the content tab of the language manager. Just make sure that the access is set to public.

Selected menu item not active in a Joomla 3 multilingual site

I am building a multilingual site using Joomla 3.1.5 and am having trouble in getting the menu item for the active page to be higlighted in the English version only.
By inspecting the HTML source I can see that the active menu item (a HTML li tag) has css classes "current active" in all languages except English. In the English version of the site, none of the menu item would be selected. I am totally lost in fiddling with the settings and wonder if anyone has any idea on this issue?
I found the answer myself. The menu being wrongly shown was the one from "ALL" language, once I unpublished the "ALL" menu, the real "English" menu got shown up correctly with the active one being marked with css class "current active".

Why can't components be added in localization mode in Visual Studio 2010?

I just started creating a Windows Service; out of curiousity, selected English (United States) as the Service's Language, though localization is not part of requirements on hand.
Then when I tried dragging a Timer component into the design area of the service, I get this message:
"Components cannot be added in localization mode. Select (Default) in the Language Property to return to the default form and add components."
My question is, what does localization have to do with components?
I'm using VS2010/C#/.Net 4 with all latest service packs. Thank you for any answers.
To change localization mode to default:
Right side of main visual studio window there is a panel called "Properties".
If you do not have that, right click to form that you created(or you have one as default) and you'll see Properties bottom of that little window. Once you clicked "Properties" will appear on right side. There are few tabs in it. And for clear see close those tabs one by one from top.
Like "Accessibility", "Appearance" ex. You should see a "Design" tab. Under that there is a label "Language" one click on across it (I had Afar) and choose "Default".
Change Localization property back to Default and than add Timer component. The Localization property makes Designer generate resource files for languages you pick. These resource files contains texts, control positions, etc, so you can have different values for each language.
If localization is not a requirement, then better not to do it. Localization can get you additional work and confusement.

How to Disable/Enable WYSIWYG editor in Magento 1.4

When entering code in CMS static block(possible page as well) and in this code there is empty DIV tags such us:
<div class="dropoff_button"></div>
The DIV tags will be gone next time you open the block to edit. it will look as this
without the div tags
...and saving again it modifies your code.
I think it something to do with the 'show/hide editor'. By default it goes into the WYSIWYG editor, so when updating static block i don't see any other solution than
1."hide the editor' by clicking 'show/hide editor'
2.delete the old code from the editor
3. get code that doesn't miss the DIVs
4. Merge new code with code in 3 in some other editing software than magento
5. paste result in the magento editor,
6. Save
Is this bug? What is your solution? Can i turn of WYSIWYG editor?
This may not be consider as an answer but it solved our problem. It turns out that the editor WYSIWYG can be disabled by completely or by default at Admin->System->Configuration. Under 'General Tab' there is 'Content Management' section and there you can set different modes for this editor.
In our case we set to "Disable by Default" so that any time we open static block it does not clean the code only if we choose by clicking "Show/Hide Editor"
The editor, whether in WYSIWYG or not, tries to clean up your code. You may notice that it also replaces all your newlines and indentation as well. This means that you cannot just freely enter HTML into the CMS editor w/o it interfering.
I have not found a simple way to trigger the CMS not to clean your code on the way into the database.
Hope that helps. Thanks,
You can allow specific tags into tinymce.
You just need to edit the settings var in /js/mage/adminhtml/wysiwyg/tiny_mce/setup.js and add the following line:
extended_valid_elements : 'iframe[src|style|width|height|scrolling|marginwidth|marginheight|frameborder|allowTransparency],style,script',
You can see more info about it at this other thread:
Magento - How to allow certain tags (iframe, embed) in Magento's CMS editor?
It works for me on Magento 1.6.
