Grails 2.2.1 app cannot resolve dependencies - maven

I am running into problems setting up an existing grails (2.2.1) project on a new mbp. I get dependency resolution errors whenever I try to run any grails command. It seems that it cannot resolve any grails plugins that are marked with the compile phase like below.
compile ":cache:1.0.0"
I've taken a look at the org.grails.plugins repository to make sure the plugins exist, and they all appear to be there. I cannot for the life of me figure out why it cannot resolve these plugins. A coworker said he upgraded to grails 2.4, got the dependencies to resolve and download to his local cache, then went back to grails 2.2.1 to run the app. I'd rather figure this out than have to do that.
Anyone seen something like this before?

Recently I faced the same problem with Grails 2.2.0.
I've fixed it by adding this repository to BuildConfig.groovy:
mavenRepo ''


Intellij Maven says Dependency not found but the same is working in eclipse

I wanted to use Intellij to code but the issue is it is not recognizing one dependency but the same does not happen in Eclipse. Attached is the error I am getting.
Maven error Intellij
I tried the following things but none of them worked.
Maven reload all projects
Invalidate Cache
Maven Settings checked Always update snapshots
Maven clean and Install
Can someone guide me on this with what is the exact issue? Because it does not show any such error in eclipse. Why Intellij has this issue?

Importing old Play 2.3.4 project into IntelliJ gives SERVER ERROR: HTTPS Required

When importing a Play project (Play 2.3.4, Scala 2.11.4, sbt 0.13.5) into IntelliJ IDEA I get the following error message:
According to the latest IntelliJ docs, only Play versions 2.4 and later are supported. So I downloaded an old IntelliJ version from 2016 (2016.2.5), which should have worked because the project was in active development with this IDE version back then. After finding a this article stating the Maven repo has deprecated http in favor of https, I'm not sure if the IntelliJ version mismatch is even the cause of this issue. However, the build was ok in 2016, and now I cannot fix this problem even if I create a settings.xml for Maven as described here... I still get the same error. I also tried to enable the "Override" setting in IntelliJ->Preferences->Build->Build Tools->Maven->User Settings File and pointed it to a settings.xml copy in a different folder. In both IntelliJ versions (2019.3.3 and 2016.2.5) I installed the Scala plugin directly in the IDE.
What am I doing wrong? How can I get IntelliJ to use the mirrors from my custom settings.xml?
Command-line already ran only by overriding the sbt repository as shown in this answer, IDE-based build still didn't recognize this file.
Finally solved it by bumping the sbt version at least one minor version up, to >=0.13.6 (source), from then on sbt itself uses a secure connection to the Maven repository.

AEM Mocks missing artifact for latest version

I have added the latest version of AEM Mocks (2.7.2) as a Maven dependency in my AEM project. When I try to build my project, I get an error saying that this artifact cannot be found: So I looked online, found it and added it as a dependency. But now I get the same error when trying to build. Does this artifact still exist? When trying various recent versions of AEM Mocks, I found that they all depend on this missing artifact.
For now, I downgraded to version 2.3.0, which works fine without that artifact but I would like to use the most recent version if possible.
Can anyone please help? Thanks!
This artifact is defined as a workaround, it is explained here in comment:
Workaround for AEM 6.5: The new uber-jar does no longer contain the package
It works without any issues for me, so I would check if you have correctly configured Maven repositories. To do it, in your Maven project root type:
mvn help:evaluate
and then:
It should list your project effective repositories. Ensure that there is Central Repository ( listed. If it is there, then maybe your corporate network cuts requests to external repositories or it was temporarily down.

pom error - org.apache.maven.archiver.MavenArchiver.getManifes

I am getting error in pom file - org.apache.maven.archiver.MavenArchiver.getManifest(org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject, org.apache.maven.archiver.MavenArchiveConfiguration)
in my pom i am using maven-war-plugin 3.0.0 , IDE- STS , java 7
encountered the same issue after updating the maven-jar-plugin to its latest version (at the time of writing), 3.0.2.
Eclipse 4.5.2 started flagging the pom.xml file with the org.apache.maven.archiver.MavenArchiver.getManifest error and a Maven > Update Project.. would not fix it.
Easy solution: downgrade to 2.6 version
Indeed a possible solution is to get back to version 2.6, a further update of the project would then remove any error. However, that's not the ideal scenario and a better solution is possible: update the m2e extensions (Eclipse Maven integration).
Better solution: update Eclipse m2e extensions
From Help > Install New Software.., add a new repository (via the Add.. option), pointing to any of the following URLs: or
Then follow the update wizard as usual. Eclipse would then require a restart. Afterwards, a further Update Project.. on the concerned Maven project would remove any error and your Maven build could then enjoy the benefit of the latest maven-jar-plugin version.
Additonal notes
The reason for this issue is that from version 3.0.0 on, the concerned component, the maven-archiver and the related plexus-archiver has been upgraded to newer versions, breaking internal usages (via reflections) of the m2e integration in Eclipse. The only solution is then to properly update Eclipse, as described above.
Also note: while Eclipse would initially report errors, the Maven build (e.g. from command line) would keep on working perfectly, this issue is only related to the Eclipse-Maven integration, that is, to the IDE.
Upgrade your m2e extensions instead downgrade.
(In Eclipse IDE) From Help > Install New Software.., add a new repository (via the Add.. option)
Specify name for your plugin and add path
once you are done with installation, please restart eclipse and update your project.

Grails 2.3.1 on Mac ; ClassNotFound NoUniqueBeanDefinitionException

Recently, I upgraded a Grails project to 2.3.1 from 2.0.1. The project runs fine on my Window's machine, and on my coworker's Mac (pulled via Git). On my Mac, though, I get this error when I try to run-app, after it finishes installing plugins and compiling:
ClassNotFoundException: org.springframework.beans.factory.NoUniqueBeanDefinitionException
The full stack trace is at, but that's the crux of the error.
If I run grails in interactive mode, the server starts up, but when I browse to a controller, I just get a white page.
What could be different between my environment on my Mac and the environment on my colleague's that causes this error? Here's what I've tried in order to fix the issue:
Deleting the contents of my ~/.grails folder (as well as less extreme variants clearing particular subfolders)
Deleting the project and pulling it back from git
grails clean
Reinstalling grails 2.3.1 (using gvm, so the commands I ran were gvm uninstall grails 2.3.1, gvm flush archives, gvm install grails 2.3.1)
Cloning the project contents into a different directory
Checking my dependency report to make sure that the version of spring pulled is greater than 3.2.1, in which the NoUniqueBeanDefinitionException class was added. See for full report.
Verifying that the NoUniqueBeanDefinitionException.class file is inside the spring-beans jar, located at ~/.gvm/grails/2.3.1/lib/org.springframework/spring-beans/jars/spring-beans-3.2.4.RELEASE.jar.
grails refresh-dependencies myApplicationDependencies.xml Resulting file at
Manually deleted the 3.1.2 release of spring-beans and other spring jars from my maven repository, since that was being listed in the dependencies. Maven just re-resolves it though.
Switching the dependency resolver to ivy and getting a dependency report. The 3.1.2 version of Spring is listed as "evicted."
Both my colleague and I are running Mac OS X Mavericks and the latest version of Java. Any thoughts welcome.
I've also double-checked to make sure that my project doesn't contain duplicate classes. To do that, I ran grails dev war and used jar scan with the -double flag to search for duplicate classes. None were found.
Again, I am pretty sure the system isn't actually trying to throw a NoUniqueBeanDefinitionException. I think it's just trying to find that class and can't for some reason.
Scanned archives: 2
Errors: 0
Archives with hits: 0
Maybe a problem with some file name upper/lower case. Check all source file names are correctly names (camel case) and there are not to file with the same name but different case
Failing that, take a look at the output of grails dependency-report. Make sure that the version of Spring that your project is pulling in is above or equal to 3.2.1, since that's the version of Spring where the NoUniqueBeanDefinitionException class was added. That class is in the spring-beans module. Also, make sure that none of your other dependencies are pulling in an older version of spring-beans.
If they are, you can tell Grails to ignore that transitive dependency with the excludes configuration option in BuildConfig.groovy. For example, let's say you're pulling in the activiti-engine jar from the mavenRepo "". Change the dependency declaration to exclude spring-beans, and you should be right as rain.
compile("org.activiti:activiti-engine:5.13") {
excludes "spring-beans"
I had a dependency (activiti 5.13) that included and older version of the spring-beans module as a dependency of its own. For some reason, the version was winning out on my Mac, but was getting trumped on other workstations by the newer spring jar. The workaround was to exclude spring-beans from that dependency in my BuildConfig.groovy file.
dependencies {
// specify dependencies here under either 'build', 'compile', 'runtime', 'test' or 'provided' scopes eg.
compile("org.activiti:activiti-engine:5.13") {
excludes "spring-beans"
// runtime 'mysql:mysql-connector-java:5.1.16'
That prevents Grails from transitively resolving that particular dependency of my dependency.
See the information under Disabling transitive dependency resolution at
