How to show a comment box on checkout page in netsuite - comments

How can I show a custom comment box on a checkout page in netsuite. I am a newbie in netsuite.

You can create a custom "Transaction Body Field" by going to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Transaction Body Field.
Select type "Free-Form Text" and make sure to select the "web store" checkbox.
This will show up on the checkout process on the Review and Submit Your Order page.


Add custom text to each product in cart - Magento 1.9X

how can I attach a custom text to a product which will be added into the cart along with the product itself when adding it to cart and furthermore being passed through the whole order process like in order page in back office or on pdf invoices and so on??
Ex :
When customer is on my product page he has the opportunity to
"customize" the product with the help of a configuration wizard I
have built with javascript/jquery.
List item At the end of this process customer can add customized
product to cart which now has a custom price and a custom
"order text" for me as the shop-owner to get all the customization
When clicking on add-to-cart-button
product is added to cart with new custom price and custom text
Please note that my custom text is not entered by customer. Instead it's gonna be generated by programmatically.
1- make a text or textarea in custom options according to your need.
2- hide it by title
3- put your calculated information into that text field or text area using client side script before adding product into cart.
4- then you will be able to get that information in cart order overview and order details in frontend/backend.

How magento redirect the checkout page to "edit profile" page

I'm working on a onepage checkout,
In the original version of magento, when I erase the firstname of a user in database, and load checkout page, it will automatically redirect to edit profile page to fill the firstname field.
I want to use this feature, Can you suggest some approches?
Ofcource , if anyone can explain the magento way, I would appreciate that more.
I want an approach to add another field for user, just like the firstname field. So that whenever that field is empty, the checkout page should redirect to "edit profile" page.
You can add custom field for Customer by following this link
or the tutorial
Then add validation condition for your attribute just like other validations in Customer Model file app/code/core/Mage/Customer/Mode/Customer.php. Arround line number 792 look for method public function validate()

values in dropdown of configurable products attributes in listing page of magento

This is my product description page.
In the dropdown of color there is a list.i want this list (red,green,blue) in my product listing page.
thats here:-
How to get the value of configurable products in product listing page?
Thanks in advance,
Go to Magento admin panel. Then, go to Manage Product under Catalog Menu.
Click on you product. Then, it will show product detail.
You will see Custom Option on Left Menu. Click on this
Click on Add New Option
After that, type display name on Title eg. Color
Choose Drop-Down on Input Type
New Box appear. So, you can add Red on Title. Then, click to Add New Row. You should add 3 row based on your requirement. Then, save.
If you don't see any thing on front-end UI, Clear Cache and ReIndex Manage again.
Hope this help

product customization with extra price in magento

I am using Magento for my online store. Now i need to add a extra feature, throught which, customer can choose a custom text that needs to be engraved on the product. This feature must be available for only few products, so i have added a yes/no dropdown custom attribute in the "manage product" section. If yes is chosen for a product, i need to show a text box in that product details page in the store frontend.
The customer can enter the custom text in the text box, which needs to be saved and shown in the order invoice. And a extra fixed charge needs to be added to the product price, when this feature is used by the customer.
Does any community module available for this feature in magento or Do i need to create a custom module to do this, if so please guide me in carrying this out.
Thanks in Advance.
This feature is already available.
Create a new product!
Open the Custom Options Tab
Add a custom option
Give your new option a title and select field as input type
Now the attributes for this new options get displayed
Add a fixed or percent price to it
Also you need a SKU for every new option so that the options are displayed in the order process (invoice etc)
So if a customer fill in this field the additional price is added automatically.
I hope this helps further.
No need to add a yes/no box, just add an text field option to those specific products. Did i miss something obvious here?

Change Magento product status in different store views

I have a Magento Multi-Store installation.
I have a product that must be enabled in shopA and disabled in shopB
If i select the tab "Websites" there is an alert
"Items that you don't want to show in the catalog or search results should have status 'Disabled' in the desired store." so probably it is possible?
The default value status of the product is "enabled"
Then i select the store view of shopB and disabled the product status.
Now the status of the product in shopA is also disabled.
Is it possible to set the product status in shopA to enabled en in shopB to disabled?
The manual said:
"The Product Status has a Website scope, meaning that you can hide or show a product per Website, affecting all store views for that Website. "
The question is: Is it possible to change the product status per store view without affecting other store views
You have got your cache cleared, indexes rebuilt and so forth?
Otherwise you are correct.
Since you are saying that your store is only a multi-store, so I don't think you will see a "Websites" tab, in that product's details page. So, you have only one way to make this product enabled in "Shop A" & disabled in "Shop B".
In the product's details page, Magento loads the "General" tab, in which you will see the "Status" field.
Now, in the left side, above the "General" tab, you will find a dropdown field for "Choose Store View:". If you click on the dropdown, you will see a list of all your store views available under each Website & Store.
Now select the "Shop B" in that dropdown. Magento will ask you that it will erase any unsaved data from the current view in Admin, if you have changed any data, without saving it. Without worrying on this part, click the "OK" button of that dialog box, & Magento will then load the "Shop B" store view of that same product.
Here beside the "Status" field, you will find a checkbox. Make sure that it's not checked. Now change the value of the "Status" dropdown to "Disabled" & save the changes.
Now go to the front-end of your "Shop B" store view & you shouldn't be able to see this product again. But it will also be active in the "Shop A" store view.
Hope it helps.
So many years withouth proper answer.
I have no idea why but magento doesn't offer the posibility to change status scope to store view. Found a workaround.
Find the attribute in catalog_eav_attribute and change it's is_global value to 0 - this means store view and works perfectly as it should in the first place :)
Now it's filling only selected view value in catalog_product_entity_int table instead of all views in the website scope.
the "Status" attribute in the product page detail is valid for Website and not for store!
