CAS Authentication Integration with Websphere portal - websphere

I have been trying to use the CAS Authentication for a Websphere Portal 8.0.1 application. Followed a few links :
This help was mainly in pursuit of finding a ready-made Trust Association Interceptor (TAI) and a possible login modules if needed.
But looks like Portal CASsification is not a well known territory. I did all the configurations , but looks like TAI is not calling CAS serviceValidation URL, so even when I am redirected to portal application , the session is not authenticated, So I see blank portlets.
So I am stuck at a few points :
Apart from Yale provided TAI , is there a open/closed sourced library for CASifying Websphere portal application.
Do we need to provide CAS filters in wps.ear web.xml or in the web.xml for the portal application war.? Or should be taken care by the TAI interceptor ?
Websphere portal is very rigid to the open source auth libraries!!
Appreciate any help!!


Implement Keycloack Authorization server using Spring Security 5 OAuth2

I've written a software system that uses Spring Cloud Netflix. Due to Spring Security 5 not offering support for writing an Authorization Server (pls shout out here I need to write my own Authorization server. I want my application to permit Social login and username/password registration, have a custom login page but also use keycloack. I don't even know from where to start, if you have any documentations or code samples please provide.
You can use the cas project. By using the overlay it is easy to set up and to customize:
It serves a frontend where your user can be redirected to and can login. After successful login, the user is redirected back to your web page. The frontend is completely customizable.
It supports all kinda of authentication providers like keycloak, database or Google/Facebook.
After basic setup you just add the dependency inside the gradle file, configure your keycloak/database/... in the and can start using it as authentication server.
It fits perfect into a microservice landscape and is curated by professionals implementing security best practice.

Spring SAML: alternative ways to generate SP metadata besides using /saml/metadata endpoint

Background: my web-app is running in PROD, and real users are using it. The initial authentication was implemented using Spring Basic Security.
Recently, client decided to use SSO for authentication, so my app should act as SP with client IdP. I used Spring SAML to configure my app as SP.
Integration with client IdP on QA environment involved next steps:
Get and store IdP metadata file received from customer.
Deploy code with SP configuration on the environment.
Generate SP metadata file using /saml/metadata endpoint and share it with customer.
Get a green light from customer IdP side that SP metadata file in a right place.
Verify that SSO is working successfully.
Now, It's time to deploy SP SSO configuration on PROD environment and integrate it with client PROD IdP.
I don't like to use the approach above for PROD, as real users will not be able to login into the app until app SP metadata file will be generated, and put in a right place at customer IdP.
Can anyone tell me how can I generate SP metadata file for my app in advance, before deploying SSO configuration on PROD?
(1) Quote "Recently, client decided to use SSO for authentication, so my app should act as SP with client IdP. I used Spring SAML to configure my app as SP."
I suppose that you use Spring SAML provided by the official GitHub repository of Spring Security SAML to "configure your app as SP".
(2) Quote "Integration with client IdP on QA environment involved next steps:.."
The five (5) steps (provided by your post) regarding integration of your web app as SP with client IdP are the practical SAML standard for "deploying SP SSO configuration on PROD environment and integrate it with client PROD IdP."
I have shared hands-on experience on integration of web app as SAML SP with SAML IdP by providing my answer to another recent Stackoverflow question "I have provided an instruction to address another Stackoverflow How can I generate metadata file of my Java Spring Application to establish a connection with Identity Provider like Ping Federate?"
(3) Quote "I don't like to use the approach above for PROD, as real users will not be able to login into the app until app SP metadata file will be generated, and put in a right place at customer IdP."
If you "don't like to use the approach above for PROD", you can modify the source code of "spring-security-saml/samples/boot/simple-service-provider/" (provided by the official GitHub repository of Spring Security SAML) to configure your web app as SAML SP.
(4) Question "Can anyone tell me how can I generate SP metadata file for my app in advance, before deploying SSO configuration on PROD?"
(I) The README on "How to run a simple sample of an Identity Provider (IDP) and Service Provider (SP)" (provided by the official GitHub repository of Spring Security SAML) will guide you "how can I generate SP metadata file for my app in advance, before deploying SSO configuration on PROD".
(II) I highlight the related information on "how to generate SAML SP metadata file of Spring Basic Security for my web app in advance, before deploying SSO configuration on PROD" (Quote your question).
Step 2 - Start the Service Provider
Service Provider runs on http://localhost:8080/sample-sp
$git clone
$cd spring-security-saml
$./gradlew :spring-security-saml-samples/boot/simple-service-provider:bootRun &
(II.a) Launch a web browser to access the URL http://localhost:8080/sample-sp
to ensure that Spring Security SAML Service Provider runs well.
(II.b) Launch a web browser to access the SP metadata endpoint
to download or "generate SP metadata file for my app in advance, before deploying SSO configuration on PROD" (Quote your question).
(5) Question "Spring SAML: alternative ways to generate SP metadata besides using /saml/metadata endpoint"
you can modify the source code of "spring-security-saml/samples/boot/simple-service-provider/src/main/java/sample/config/" (provided by the official GitHub repository of Spring Security SAML) to "generate SP metadata besides using /saml/sp/metadata endpoint".
For example, if you want to generate SP metadata from a specific endpoint such as /example/metadata, then you just need to replace
"super("/saml/sp/", beanConfig);"
(in the source code shown below) with
"super("/example/", beanConfig);"
public SamlSecurity(BeanConfig beanConfig, #Qualifier("appConfig") AppConfig appConfig) {
super("/saml/sp/", beanConfig);
this.appConfig = appConfig;
As long as you know the URIs of the endpoints and the signature certificate you can generate them manually and specify it in the configuration.

Spring-Security + SAML: authorize multiple applications acting as a single service provider

We are currently developing an application for a customer. The project has the restriction that we shall deliver only deployable WAR files. The customer provides the infrastructure and doesn't allow much deviation from it.
The application is developped with Spring Boot, Spring Security and SAML. The current version is a single monolithic WAR file.
At the moment, we are in the process of splitting this monolithic application in separate applications because of multiple reasons (maintainability, deployment, code quality, ...). Unfortunately we do not know yet how to implement authorization with these given restrictions:
Infrastructure constraints:
Applications will be deployed on JBoss EAP 7.0
A custom Identity Provider is provided by the customer
Communication with IdP has to be implemented with SAML 2.0
The custom IdP has the following restrictions:
Authentication is done through a proxy, which means only authenticated users arrive at the application
Only one SP metadata file can be provided, because it is linked to the user database. We want to share the same user database for all applications.
The SP metadata file can only provide one AssertionConsumerService-Location
The AssertionConsumerService-Location is statically defined in the metadata file and cannot be overriden in an AuthnRequest
Problem description:
Each application has to authorize itself with the IdP to receive roles and assertions. With the current (monolithic) deployment this is no problem as we require only a single AssertionConsumerService. With the new architecture, each application is able to redirect to the IdP, but the IdP can only redirect to the statically configured ACS. How can each application receive the AuthnResponse, when only a single ACS is possible?
Any ideas?
From SAML-standards point of view this could be achieved with an SAML IdP Proxy. Your apps, acting as the ServiceProviders only communicate with the IdP part of the IdP Proxy. The actual IdP only communiates with the SP apart of the IdP Proxy (so there is only a single ACS url).

Central Authentication Service Jasig for Wordpress and Spring MVC(REST) application

I have an application which is completely written in Java with Spring framework. Right now I need to integrate this application with some other application that is written on WordPress. Both applications have their own user database.
I need to implement Single Sign-on for both of these applications. I'm looking to CAS Jasig for this purpose(for example for WP I have found following plugin CAS Maestro).
Right now, I don't understand where users for WP and Spring MVC applications must be stored in order to pass authentication via Jasig CAS? I mean is it a single store(for example the same mysql database) or it can(must) be a different stores for each application ? Or Jasig CAS will have own users database and WP and Spring MVC application will also create the same users in own databases after successful authentication by CAS ?
i've made WP Cassify. This is a WordPress CAS Authentication plugin compatible with the latest CAS Server Version.
Plugin hosted on :
The Online documentation :
Best regards

SSO Between Websphere Portal and .NET Application

What's the best way to configure SSO between a WebSphere Portal Portlet and a .NET application?
We are using WebSphere Portal 6.1.5 and the portlet should just redirect to the .NET application, but not require the user to login since they already did on portal. Both Portal and .NET app are using same Active Directory(LDAP) for authentication.
SPNEGO is a mechanism that is widely used in WebSphere and Windows for SSO. I am not sure about .Net applications but it is worth your time to explore and see if this would help you in achieving your needs.
Try this for some basic info on SPNEGO and WebSphere
Using same LDAP for authentication does not necessarily mean anything. In most of the SSO scenarios, not all the back end servers use the same LDAP repository. All i am trying to say here is that there is no strong co-relation between the LDAP server and SSO.
