Use search fields as parameters in script_fields - elasticsearch

Background: the parameter is user-supplied so I can't enable scripting but only script_file.
I'm trying to use a field value as a param,
I will replace the XXX below to a field name in the original search result,
"script_fields": {
"my_field": {
"script_file": "my_test",
"params": {
"my_var": "XXX"
But I couldn't find relevant part in the document here, what is the syntax?

You can refer to the field in the script.
"script_fields": {
"my_field": {
"script_file": "myScript",
"params": {
"my_var": "fieldName"
Now from the script use the field name parameter to refer to that field.
myScript -
var fieldValue = doc[my_var].value
You can read more on the same here.


Kibana search pattern issue

I am trying to create a elastic search query for one of my Library projects. I am trying to use regex but I do not get any result. I am trying to enter the following regex query.
GET /manifestation_v1/_search
"query": {
"regexp": {
"bibliographicInformation.title": {
"value": "python access*"
access is a wildcard so i want to create a query which takes as python access* not python access
Can anyone help me out who already has some experience in kibana?
you can try wildcard query
"query": {
"wildcard": {
"bibliographicInformation.title": {
"value": "saba safavi*"
You need to run regex query on keyword field and use .* instead of *
GET /manifestation_v1/_search
"query": {
"regexp": {
"bibliographicInformation.title": {
"value": "python access.*"
Regex is slower , you can also try prefix query
"query": {
"prefix": {
"bibliographicInformation.title": {
"value": "python access"
If field is of nested type then you need to use nested query
For "text" type , field is stored as tokens. i.e
"python access" is stored as ["python","access"]. You query is trying to match "phython access*" with each of these tokens individually. You need to query against keyword field , which is stored as single value "phython access".

Compare two fields in same document without using script elasticsearch

We are using elastic version 7.10.2. I want to compare two fields from a same document.Scripting is disabled in my organization.
Kindly help in building below query without using script.
Here my query is : nickname is null or nickname is empty or nickname is equal to firstname.
Hard part is how to build query to get the records which have nickname is equal to firstname
Relevant script query to be converted to normal query :
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [{
"script": {
"script": {
"inline": "doc['nickname.keyword'].value==null || doc['nickname.keyword'].value =='' || doc['nickname.keyword'].value == doc['firstname.keyword'].value",
"lang": "painless",
I see you are already comparing the nickname.keyword to your firstname also mentioned this is the hard part, for this why you need a script, you can simply use the search query on this keyword field and get the result you want.
You can use below term query for it.
"query": {
"term": {
"nickname.keyword": {
"value": "your-nickname", // provide your nickname as value

Combination of and or elasticsearch

How to write query for following condition in elasticsearch
Select * from table1 where (cnd1 or cond2) and (cnd3)
My cond2 value is from nested object . My json object is below
details={ "name"="name1",
I need to take city from above object
Is above syntax is right , if not how to get value of second object city.
"bool" : {
"must" : cond3,
"should" : [
"minimum_should_match" : 1
go through this link for more info
You can easily create a conditional queries with Elasticsearch. But there is some weird situation of your data section.
details={ "name"="name1",
Elasticsearh save your data as a json object, but you should give your data as a json. In this section, there is an object, you try to sent. Let us examine:
There is a name attribute of detail object, it is a string. And also there is a address attribute, and it is a string too. It should be an object which has to include a city attribute if you want to reach this object via Now we try to fix:
"details": {
"name": "name1",
"address": {
"city": "city1"
In this case, I remove double quotation marks of details object. Now, you can reach city attribute of json as a json object. Now, we create a query to reach cities:
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": {
"term": {
"your-json-attribute": "???"
"should": [
"term": {
"your-json-attribute": "???"
"term": {
"your-json-attribute": "???"
I use term query but there is lots of another query types. You can check them on documentation. But for And and Or, you can use bool query. Check

ElasticSearch: Using an existing field in script param

I am trying to create a nested object and set the field value to be a document fields value. I can create a non nested field with my logic value and I can create a nested field with a hard coded value. But I cannot get the two of these things to work together.
Here is what I have so far.
Create a nested field:
"script": "ctx._source.displayFields = displayField",
"params": {
"displayField": {
"displayField": 11
Or I can use a script to fetch the value and sent a field like this:
"script" : "if (ctx._source['fielda'] == 'term1') {
ctx._source['displayField'] = ctx._source['field2']; }
else if (ctx._source['fielda'] == 'term2') {
ctx._source['displayFields.displayPrice'] = ctx._source['fieldb'];
But if I try and put a script in the param field like either of the below I always get an error. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Things I have tried and not worked:
"script": "ctx._source.displayFields = displayField",
"params": {
"displayField": {
"displayField": "tag"
"tag" : {
"script": "ctx._source['numberField']"
As well as trying to assign a script as its subfield or putting it as the value.

How to use special document fields in scripts in elastic?

I'm trying to write query with custom script in elasticsearch:
This is useful when you need to compare two document fields.
Everything worked fine, until I decide to use special document field (ex: _id, _uid, etc). The query always returns empty results and there is no errors if I use it like this: doc['_id'].value.
So how to use, for example, "_id" field of a document in a custom script?
The _id is indexed in the uid field, using this format: type#id.
So, your script should look like this (for a type called my_type and an ID of 1):
"query": {
"filtered": {
"filter": {
"script" : {
"script" : "doc['_uid'].value == 'my_type#1'"
A more elaborate solution, to take out the id ES-way is like this:
"query": {
"filtered": {
"filter": {
"script": {
"script": "org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.Uid.splitUidIntoTypeAndId(new org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef(doc['_uid'].value))[1].utf8ToString() == '1'"
where org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.Uid.splitUidIntoTypeAndId(new org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef(doc['_uid'].value))[1] is the id and org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.Uid.splitUidIntoTypeAndId(new org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef(doc['_uid'].value))[0] is the type.
