Suppress Blank lines in detail of report - visual-foxpro

I could find with "suppress blank lines" from "report->page layout->option" under foxpro 2.6 but I'm couldn't be able to find page layout option under report(.FRX) file in visual foxpro 6.
I hope someone could help me on how to suppress excess blank details lines under .FRX file in VFP 6.

The closest thing I can think of is... If you have textboxes and/or labels (or lines), if you right-click to bring up the properties of the control. There should be a tab for "Print When". You can put in an expression of when you want to print it, by default is always true. Above that is a checkbox for "Remove line if blank". If you do this for all controls on a given line in the report, then it SHOULD do what you are looking for.


How do I turn off "column box select" in visual studio code?

I seem to be unable to turn off box/column select. In other words, if I try to select across multiple lines, I only get a box select, as opposed to the usual behavior where entire lines are selected as I add lines.
I am using version 1.48.2 on a mac.
I must have pressed option+shift or some other such code inadvertently and now I can only select boxes. I have looked at my keyboard shortcuts but I don't know what to look for...
Unfortunately searching for solutions via google or SE only produces results for how to turn it on, not off! I don't know what the opposite mode is. "line select" seems to be just to select the current line, not for entire lines across multiline selections.
example of current behavior. I want the entire line "spaceship..." to be selected.
Just found the answer myself looking for something else. There is a "Text Editor" setting called "Editor: Column Selection" that controls this. The default is off, but I must have turned it on somehow without realizing it. Thanks to anyone who may have taken time to read this....
Cmd+8 is the shortcut to toggle the setting

Is there a way to indent lines (not format them) in Visual Studio?

In Eclipse, there are two distinct features: one to format a selection, one to just indent the lines, see e.g. Difference between Ctrl+Shift+F and Ctrl+I in Eclipse. I found the format feature in Visual Studio but how can I actually just indent the lines? Is there some built-in command for that or possibly a 3rd party add-on?
Note: I have asked a couple of friend that use VS daily and they all tried to persuade me that I am looking for the format feature. No I'm not. I tried to live with it for a while and it is just a different feature. I am after the indent/reindent only.
EDIT: I am looking for a clever indent, sometimes called reindent, which is different to just pressing Tab or Shift+Tab (increase/decrease indent level). The indent feature in Eclipse behaves like this:
It places a beginning of current line at the right position, no matter where that line was starting before. So instead of thinking whether you need to increase or descrease the indent level (Tab or Shift+Tab), you just invoke the indent command and it will do the right thing.
Invoking the indent command on an empty line places the caret at the right position for the user to start typing.
It never influences any character beyond the first non-whitespace character.
If you just want to indent some lines, you can
Select them.
Press Tab.
To un-indent them, replace the second step to: Shift+Tab.
You can find more VS shortcuts here.
There are toolbar buttons for this, with wonderfully inconsistent labels (at least in the Visual Studio 2013 I'm using)...
In the "Text Editor" toolbar (in my default setup), I have to buttons whose tooltips are:
"Decrease Line Indent"
"Increase Line Indent"
In the "Customize" dialog, on the "Commands" tab (with "Toolbar" set to "Text Editor") they appear in the list as:
"Line Unindent"
"Line Indent"
And finally, if you press the "Add Command..." button (on the "Customize" dialog) to produce the "Add Command" dialog and select the "Edit" category, you'll see these two entries:
As far as I can tell, these are all the same two commands, which should do what you want.
They also appear in the Edit -> Advanced menu, at the very bottom.
----- Edit -----
I believe you might be able to turn off all of the "formatting" actions except for indentation, so that when you use the "auto-format" command, only the indentation is "formatted" for you. (Of course this prevents you from ever using the rest of the formatting features without turning them on again, but if you don't use them, this might work!)

How can I block select multiple lines of code in VS 2012?

My question today is, when selecting multiple lines of code and not completely selecting the full line for all the lines selected, how can I (or is there any keyboard shortcut for) block select all the lines that I have already selected, so that I have not just some lines fully selected and some not fully selected, but all the lines are fully selected from the home of the top line selected, to the end of the last line selected?
Note: The bold text in the segment above is what I am mainly trying to ask.
Thanks to anybody that is able to provide me with any helpful information!
From your question it looks like you want to select a block and not the complete line.
Hold the alt key and use the mouse to select your block.
You can use Alt + Shift + Arrow keys..
Its called Box Selection and was introduced in VS2010.
learn more about it here

Why don't I see the option Suppress Embedded Field Blank Lines in Crystal Reports?

Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2010 V 13.0.4 SP4
VS 2010 Profesional SP1
This is my first time working with CR. I have a report that may have two optional lines in a section. To supress the blank lines I saw in help and all over the Internet that you follow these steps.
Right click the field of interest and select Format object.
On the common tab check the box next to Suppress Embedded Field Blank Lines.
Seems easy, but I don't have that as an option.
I see Supress and Suppress If Duplicated. There looks to be enough space below the second to hold my desired option. I've tried other fields and other reports still MIA.
Oddly enough I found no other posts anywhere with this issue.
I too came across this problem and discovered this workaround (Using CR XI R2)
1) Right click the section on which you have blank fields to suppress and click "Section Expert"
2) Check "Suppress (No Drill-Down)" and click on the Small Icon next to it to open the Formula Editor.
3) Type the following code
if {Condition resulting in a blank record} then true else false
4) Click "Save and Close" and Click OK.

What does the scalpel-shaped icon in the gutter in Visual Studio 2008 mean?

What does this icon mean?
It doesn’t seem to have a tooltip, it doesn’t respond on right-click, and it doesn’t seem to want to disappear either.
It shows Find All results. (Possibly other things too!)
Edit to clarify: when you double-click an entry in a Find Results panel, the "scalpel" shows up next to the relevant line of code. Helps you pick it out by eye, I guess, as the cursor may not be very noticeable.
Further edit: this page says To jump to a match, double-click any line in the results list. The source file is displayed in the Code Editor with the insertion point placed where the matched text begins. A symbol appears in the indicator margin of the Editor to mark the line that includes the match, and the status bar displays its full text. - as they don't name it I doubt the symbol is used elsewhere.
