Kulture error - kpm command not found - macos

I recently installed Sublime Text 3 with the aim of coding some C# on the Mac. I then followed the steps on http://www.omnisharp.net for the installation of the plugins and everything works fine until I try to build a simple "HelloWorld" project. Then I get the error
/Users/guevara/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/Kulture/build.sh: line 21: kpm: command not found
I did check that I have the ASP.NET 5 KVM for MAC installed. Following the steps at http://www.enterpriseframework.com/post/2014/12/02/how-to-mac-vnext-step-by-step-setup-and-first-app also works, so the kpm command has been installed through Homebrew.
Any idea what I am doing wrong or why Kulture can't find the kpm command?

Look at the last line of installing kvm on OS X instructions at https://github.com/aspnet/Home:
Run command source kvm.sh on your terminal if your terminal cannot understand kvm.
but with the beta3 there's an issue in Kulture's build.sh, I have updated 4 1st lignes:
ver=`cat ~/.k/alias/default.alias`
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin:$add_to_path
[ -s $HOME"/.k/kvm/kvm.sh" ] && . $HOME"/.k/kvm/kvm.sh"


Octave: error installing package on Windows

First of all, I know a lot of questions similar to mine have been asked, and nevertheless they don't help me solve the problem I'm facing. I'm running Octave on Windows 10 Pro 64 bit. I'm having no issues but one: when I try to install Symbolic package by pkg install symbolic-2.7.1.tar.gz (downloaded from Octave Forge), I get the error
unpack: unarchiving program exited with status: 1
tar: Error opening archive: Failed to open
error: called from
unpack at line 274 column 5
untar at line 48 column 5
install at line 81 column 9
pkg at line 441 column 9
and I have no clue where the problem related to the unpacking could be. Not only I have 7z and Winrar installed, but moreover I use a full installation of Cmder, so my system has everything that is needed to work with a .tar.gz
I've tried in different terminals, both with and without administrator privileges, and the problem persists. How should I proceed then?
EDIT: Following Andy's suggestion, I let you know that even before installing Octave I already have installed and used both Python and MinGW, as well as sympy module. Moreover, my Octave installation was the most standard possible for Windows, that is using the official .exe installer. No other package, apart from those included with installation, have been added before I tried adding symbolic.
Thank you in advance.

Sublime Text 2 - BeautifyRuby don't work

i've installed BeautifyRuby in my Sublime Text 2 (running OS X Yosemite 10.10), but is not working, I receive this message when I try to cmd + ctrl + k:
Error: invalid output. Check your ruby interpreter settings
I've changed, as suggested https://github.com/CraigWilliams/BeautifyRuby , the sublime-settings file with:
"ruby": "/Users/alessiogastaldo/.rbenv/bin/ruby"
and also using the specific version:
"ruby": "/Users/alessiogastaldo/.rbenv/versions/1.8.7-p371/bin/ruby"
but with no success.
I've read the different solutions proposed (like https://github.com/CraigWilliams/BeautifyRuby/issues/52) but nothing works.
Anyone do know how to solve this?
I had the same problem too.
I solved with this:
In terminal, run the command: which ruby.
Copy the result. In my case was: "/home/user/.rbenv/shims/ruby"
Open your package settings. In my case: Preferences > Package Settings > BeautyfyRuby > Settings Default.
Add this line in the file: "ruby": "/home/user/.rbenv/shims/ruby",
You will need to install the htmlbeautifier gem.
Run the commmand in terminal: gem install htmlbeautifier
It works for me.

Why doesn't LWP.pm work on Mac OSX?

I have a Mac Book Pro, it has Perl.
I have a script with includes.
use LWP ;
use HTTP::Request::Common qw{ POST };
use HTML::Form;
LWP so I ran (twice once as root once as normal user) Guide I followed
perl -MCPAN -e 'shell'
install Bundle::LWP
install HTML::Tree
install HTML::Form
Warning: Cannot install HTML::Format, don't know what it is.
It says its missing two dependencies, but when I install them it says they are already done...?
Pastebin showing the output of the dependencies problem
When I run the script this is the error I get:
Can't locate LWP.pm in #INC (#INC contains: /opt/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.16.3/darwin-thread-multi-2level /opt/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.16.3 /opt/local/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.16.3/darwin-thread-multi-2level /opt/local/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.16.3 /opt/local/lib/perl5/5.16.3/darwin-thread-multi-2level /opt/local/lib/perl5/5.16.3 /opt/local/lib/perl5/site_perl /opt/local/lib/perl5/vendor_perl .) at NMLRegAttack2.pl line 1.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at NMLRegAttack2.pl line 1.
build_dir_reuse is not set correctly
conf build_dir_reuse 0
o conf commit

Error -60005 when install Cocos2d-iPhone v3 RC4

When I try to install Cocos2d-iphone 3.0.0 RC4, I got an error: (run without sudo)
Error -60005 occurred while executing script with privileges.
So, I try to show its package content and use terminal to do: cd ...Cocos2D Installer 3.0.0.app/Contents/MacOS
I try this command: (with sudo)
sudo ./Cocos2D\ Installer\ 3.0.0
It works but I got log with some errors:
[1m>>> Installing Cocos2D-v3.0.0 files (B[m
[1m>>> Installing Cocos2D-v3.0.0 templates (B[m
[4m[1mCocos2D Template Installer (Cocos2D-v3.0.0)(B[m
Error: [31m✖︎(B[m Script cannot be executed as root.
In order for it to work properly, please execute the script again without 'sudo'.
If you want to know more about how to use this script execute '/Users/viethung/Downloads/Cocos2D-v3.0.0/install.sh --help'.
[1m>>> Building/Installing Cocos2D-v3.0.0 documentation, this may take a minute.... (B[m
appledoc version: 2.2 (build 963)
Generation step 4/5 failed: GBDocSetInstallGenerator failed generating output, aborting!
Documentation set was installed, but couldn't reload documentation within Xcode.
Xcode got an error: No documentation set present at specified path.
[1m>>> Cocos2D-v3.0.0 installation complete! (B[m
Are there any way is better than this way?
I have same problem.
I think you installed old cocos2d-iphone and it caused this problem.
You should remove old cocos2d-iphone first. I removed:
~/Library/Developer/Xcode/cocos2d v3.x
And install again. It works for me.
Hope it works for you :)

Problems with lein installation in a macbook

I'm trying to install lein in my new macbook (osx 10.8.2) following the tutorial on https://github.com/technomancy/leiningen
When executing the lein script, I'm getting this error:
/bin/lein: line 1: {rtf1ansiansicpg1252cocoartf1187cocoasubrtf340: command not found
/bin/lein: line 2: syntax error near unexpected token }'
/bin/lein: line 2:{\fonttbl\f0\fmodern\fcharset0 Courier;}'
The script I'm using is this one
The {rtf1 ... comes from an rtf document.
I suppose you haven't copy/pasted the script from the web into a document using TextEdit?
That program defaults to rtf, which could cause this problem.
You should try pasting in a 'decent' text editor. Try your IDE, or Vim or nano or something like that.
