[[ test ]] || <action> format not working in bash script - bash

Following up with a question I asked yesterday, I have a script which runs three tests and reports back on each of them.
Tom Fenech provided me with some code that is simple and should address my concerns. However, it doesn't seem to work as expected.
[[ test1 ]] || { echo 'test1 failed'; pass=0 }
[[ test2 ]] || { echo 'test2 failed'; pass=0 }
[[ test3 ]] || { echo 'test3 failed'; pass=0 }
[[ $pass -eq 0 ]] && echo 'one of the tests failed'
Let's just work with one of tests. Suppose I have a variable and I need to compare its value to a number:
[[ ${VAR} == '128' ]] || { echo "test failed"; pass=0 }
This always results in an error:
./magic_sysrq.sh: line 64: syntax error near unexpected token `else'
./magic_sysrq.sh: line 64: `else'
For context the script contains an if...elif...else...fi block in which these tests are run. The first (if) block runs code one way depending on the version of RedHat, the second (elif) runs it another way also depending on the RedHat version. The else block just says nothing was done due to an unexpected version.
I always hit the above error with the format of the code that was provided. I can get past the error if I remove the braces. However, this always results in the tests failing regardless of successful changes.
I've tried setting the format to
[[ ${VAR} == '128' ]] || echo "test failed" || pass=0
This isn't right either. It will result in a success message even if something fails. I've tried setting the second logical operator to && but that also results in the tests failed message despite the successful changes.
Can someone shed some light on what I might be doing wrong? I suppose I could just write out all of the if...fi blocks for each test as another suggested but that would be tedious at best.

[[ ${VAR} == '128' ]] || { echo "test failed"; pass=0 }
...is missing a semicolon; it needs to be:
[[ ${VAR} == '128' ]] || { echo "test failed"; pass=0; }
...otherwise, the } is interpreted as an argument (or, immediately following a variable assignment as here, as a command to run with that assignment applied to the environment), leaving the { unclosed, leading to the syntax error seen.
By contrast:
[[ ${VAR} == '128' ]] || echo "test failed" || pass=0
....is wrong for a different reason: If the echo command succeeds (and an echo command failing with an error is a very uncommon occurance), it'll never proceed to run pass=0. (This is true for any language that implements short-circuiting boolean logic, not just bash).

Curly braces, unlike parentheses, are not inherently special to the shell; they're only recognized in certain positions. Most significantly, a close-brace is only recognized as terminating a code block if it's found where the shell would otherwise expect the beginning of a new statement. That means you have to insert either a newline or a semicolon before every }:
[[ test1 ]] || { echo 'test1 failed'; pass=0; }
[[ test2 ]] || { echo 'test2 failed'; pass=0; }
[[ test3 ]] || { echo 'test3 failed'; pass=0; }
[[ $pass -eq 0 ]] && echo 'one of the tests failed'
Note that since the last test is arithmetic, you could use ((...)). For example:
(( pass )) || echo 'one of the tests failed'


How to assign a variable inside if condition in shell script

I would like to know how to assign a variable inside if block in shell script..
Below is my code..
if [[ -z "$MMBOX_PATH" || -z "$BACKUP_PATH" || -z "$REMOTE_SERVER" || -z "$LOG_PATH" ]]
echo -e "Must Provide All Required Paths [$FLAG is Empty].."
exit 1
The above code will run whenever it found empty variable, but I also wants to know which variable is empty (E.g., In above code suppose if LOG_PATH variable is empty then it should display in echo output in place of $FLAG )
I tried following codes..
echo -e "Must Provide All Required Paths [$FLAG is Empty].."
exit 1
But above code returns false hence it is not printing the content inside echo.
I also tried to keep FLAG variable before condition execution, but every time it returns 'Nothing'
if FLAG='MMBOX_PATH' && [[ -z "$MMBOX_PATH" ]]
echo -e "Must Provide All Required Paths [$FLAG is Empty].."
exit 1
In above case I'm getting FLAG='MMBOX_PATH' in output but if I add one more condition to that if nothing is printing (Means if I check same thing for BACKUP_PATH,REMOTE_SERVER..)
if FLAG='MMBOX_PATH' && [[ -z "$MMBOX_PATH" ]] && FLAG='LOG_PATH' && [[ -z "$LOG_PATH" ]]
echo -e "Must Provide All Required Paths [$FLAG is Empty].."
exit 1
In this case nothing is printing even though MMBOX_PATH present and LOG_PATH empty.
Note: Using if condition each and every variable it is possible to know which variable is empty,but I don't want to extend my lines with if-else conditions I just want to know in that if block itself how to assign a variable and prints once condition is true.
Can anybody help me how to get empty variable..? (/bin/bash)
If all you are doing is checking existence with the if you could use a function.
check() {
for i in "$#";do
if [[ -z "${!i}" ]]
echo -e "Must Provide All Required Paths [\$$i is Empty].."
exit 1
Shell already provides a syntax for verifying that a variable has a value and exits if it does not:
: ${MMBOX_PATH:?Must provide MMBOX_PATH}
: ${BACKUP_PATH:?Must provide BACKUP_PATH}
: ${LOG_PATH:?Must provide LOG_PATH}
There's no need to define a check function that does the same thing.
The initial colon is the do-nothing command; the shell evaluates its arguments, and : exits with status 0 immediately. The parameter expansion is what verifies that the named parameter has a value. If it does not, the given error message is printed. If the shell is not interactive, it also exits with status 1.

Can I omit the then part in an if statement?

How would be the correct bash syntax for something like this:
if [ "$actual" == "$expected" ]; then
echo "Error: actual: $actual. Expected: $expected"
I am looking for something that works for all possible values of the variables "actual" and "expected". The content of the variables must not be interpreted/evaluated/expanded in any way. The script does not need to be portable (a bash only solution is ok).
You could use the simplest do-nothing statement available:
if [ "$actual" = "$expected" ]; then
echo "Error: actual: $actual. Expected: $expected"
(Note: One = not two in [/test.)
But a better idea is to just invert the test and remove the need for that entirely:
if [ "$actual" != "$expected" ]; then
echo "Error: actual: $actual. Expected: $expected"
Did you try:
if [ "$actual" != "$expected" ]; then
echo "Error: actual: $actual. Expected: $expected"
if [[ $actual != $expected ]]
echo "Error: actual: $actual. Expected: $expected"
Using the builtin [[ has several advantages over test / [. For one, you don't get bitten if you don't quote variables containing whitespace.
[[ ]] also offers < and > for locale-aware lexicographic sorting, regular expression matching, and =~. Check man bash.
(Note Etan's comment though on at least one dissenting opinion. I haven't yet made up my mind whether this is a disadvantage or a feature to be exploited, but it is sure surprising.)
There's also the thing with putting then on a separate line, but that's just personal preference.

Finding a part of a string in another string variable in bash

I have an issue in finding a part of string variable in another string variable, I tried many methods but none worked out..
for example:
echo -e " > Required_keyword: $required_keyword"
send_func GUI WhereAmI
flag=`echo $FUNCVALUE|awk '{print match($0,"$required_keyword")}'`;
if [ $flag -gt 0 ];then
echo "Success";
echo "fail";
But it always gives fail though there are certain words in variable which matches like
0_Menu/BAA_Record ($required_keyword output string)
Trying to connect to ... OK! Executing sendFunc GUI
WhereAmI Sent Function WhereAmI [OK PageName:
"_0_Menu__47__BAA_Record" ($FUNCVALUE output string)
As we can see here the BAA_Record is common in both of the output still, it always give FAIL
The output echo is
> Required_keyword: 0_Menu/BAA_Record
Trying to connect to ... OK!
Executing sendFunc GUI WhereAmI
Sent Function WhereAmI [OK]
PageName: "_0_Menu__47__BAA_Record"
Bash can do wildcard and regex matches inside double square brackets.
if [[ foobar == *oba* ]] # wildcard
if [[ foobar =~ fo*b.r ]] # regex
In your example:
if [[ $FUNCVALUE = *$required_keyword* ]]
if [[ $FUNCVALUE =~ .*$required_keyword.* ]]
Not sure if I understand what you want, but if you need to find out if there's part of string "a" present in variable "b" you can use simply just grep.
grep -q "a" <<< "$b"
[[ "$?" -eq 0 ]] && echo "Found" || echo "Not found"
EDIT: To clarify, grep searches for string a in variable b and returns exit status (see man grep, hence the -q switch). After that you can check for exit status and do whatever you want (either with my example or with regular if statement).

if else statement is failing in shell script

I have a very simple shell script which is failing at if-else. And I am not able to understand what is wrong. I checked my syntax and indentation.
read -p "Do you want to preserve $EIP_HOME/conf and $EIP_HOME/installer/.datastore? [Y/N] " usr_in
if [ "$usr_in" == "y*" ] || [ "$usr_in" == "Y*" ]; then
if [ "$usr_in" == "n*" ] || [ "$usr_in" == "N*" ]; then
echo "Invalid input"
It is giving me the following error:
syntax error near unexpected token `else'
To call a function with no arguments, just use the name of the function. Empty parentheses are not necessary, and in fact are a syntax error. (Or, more precisely, it's part of the syntax for a function definition, and if you try to use it as a function call you'll get a syntax error message later -- if you're lucky.)
The idea is that a call to a shell function looks and acts like an invocation of an external program.
For example, change:
(Using elif rather than else followed by if is a good idea, but it's not the cause of the problem you're seeing.)
There's another problem that you won't see until you get past the syntax error (thanks to Sam for pointing it out in a comment). This:
if [ "$usr_in" == "y*" ] || [ "$usr_in" == "Y*" ]; then
isn't going to work correctly; the == operator used by the [ / test built-in doesn't do wildcard matching. If you're using bash, you can use [[ rather than [, and you can also combine the y and Y cases into a single pattern:
if [[ "$usr_in" == [yY]* ]] ; then
elif [[ "$usr_in" == [nN]* ]] ; then
If you don't have a shell that supports that syntax, a case statement might be your next best bet -- in fact that's probably even cleaner than the if version:
case "$usr_in" in

A way to do multiple statements per bash test && statement

Does anyone know of a way to execute multiple statements within a bash test? So if I use:
[[ $Var = 1 ]] && echo "yes-1" || echo "no-1"
And set Var=1 then output is: yes-1
If i set Var=2 then output is: no-1
And this work as I expected. But If i try to add another statement to execute in the mix and it doesn't work:
[[ $Var = 1 ]] && echo "yes-1";echo "yes-2" || echo "no-1";echo "no-2"
Which makes sense as bash sees the command ending at; but... this is not what I want.
I've tried grouping and evals and functions and have had failures and successes but I'd really just like to do is have this work on one line. Anyone have any ideas?
Simple command grouping should work; the syntax can be a little tricky though.
[[ $Var = 1 ]] && { echo "yes-1"; echo "yes-2"; } || { echo "no-1"; echo "no-2"; }
A few things to note:
Heed #tvm's advice about using an if-then-else statement if you do anything more complicated.
Every command inside the braces needs to be terminated with a semi-colon, even the last one.
Each brace must be separated from the surrounding text by spaces on both sides. Braces don't cause word breaks in bash, so "{echo" is a single word, "{ echo" is a brace followed by the word "echo".
Consider using regular IF THEN ELSE statement. Use of && and || is justified in simple test such as this:
[[ -z "$PATH" ]] && echo 'Disaster, PATH is empty!' || echo 'Everything ok!'
But, consider following command:
true && true && true && false && true || echo 'False!'
true && { echo true; false ; } || { echo false; true ; }
Anytime a non-zero exit status is returned, command after || is executed. As you can see, even command grouping doesn't help.
Execution in subshell behaves in similar manner:
true && ( true; echo true; true; false ) || ( true; echo true; false )
Just use regular IF, if you need proper IF behavior.
Use subshells:
$ Var=1; [[ $Var = 1 ]] && ( echo "yes-1";echo "yes-2" ) || ( echo "no-1";echo "no-2"; )
$ Var=2; [[ $Var = 1 ]] && ( echo "yes-1";echo "yes-2" ) || ( echo "no-1";echo "no-2"; )
