Swift Code Improvement - xcode

I'm quite new to Swift and Xcode 6 and just made an app. Now I'm trying to improve my code and I know there's a way to make this code way shorter, I just don't know how.
button1.layer.cornerRadius = 10
button1.layer.borderWidth = 1
button1.layer.borderColor = UIColor.whiteColor().CGColor
button2.layer.cornerRadius = 10
button2.layer.borderWidth = 1
button2.layer.borderColor = UIColor.whiteColor().CGColor
button3.layer.cornerRadius = 10
button3.layer.borderWidth = 1
button3.layer.borderColor = UIColor.whiteColor().CGColor
button4.layer.cornerRadius = 10
button4.layer.borderWidth = 1
button4.layer.borderColor = UIColor.whiteColor().CGColor
button5.layer.cornerRadius = 10
button5.layer.borderWidth = 1
button5.layer.borderColor = UIColor.whiteColor().CGColor

You can create an array of all the buttons, and then loop through them.
var buttons = [button1, button2, button3, button4, button5]
for button in buttons {
button.layer.cornerRadius = 10
button.layer.borderWidth = 1
button.layer.borderColor = UIColor.whiteColor().CGColor


How to change the color of the dot inside a radio button with Resource Hacker

I’m trying to modify the color of the dot inside a radio button with Resource Hacker. I managed to change the color of the circle/frame but not the dot inside. I looked everywhere online and found similar examples but doesn’t exactly suit me with my situation. I guess all I need is the right syntax format. I tried so many different code combinations to no avail since I’m a newbie in coding. I’d really appreciate if you could help me out. The exact code I’m fiddling is below. Many thanks in advance.
object ScanCandidateGrp: TRzRadioGroup
Left = 103
Top = 34
Width = 64
Height = 66
Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET
Font.Color = clWindowText
Font.Height = -13
Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
Font.Style = []
TextShadowColor = clActiveBorder
GroupStyle = gsCustom
ItemFrameColor = clRed << I managed to change the circle color with this
ItemHotTrack = True
ItemHighlightColor = clBlue
ItemHotTrackColor = clGreen
ItemIndex = 0
Items.Strings = (
ParentFont = False
StartXPos = 2
StartYPos = 0
TabOrder = 0
Transparent = True
VerticalSpacing = 5
OnClick = ScanCandidateGrpClick

Set borderColor to UIView

Is there any possible ways i can set a border color on a UI View?
I have tried this, but it does not work:
newView.backgroundColor = UIColor.clearColor()
newView.layer.cornerRadius = 2
newView.layer.borderWidth = 1
newView.layer.borderColor = UIColor.redColor().CGColor
Actually now this made it work:
newView.layer.borderColor = UIColor.redColor().CGColor
newView.layer.cornerRadius = 5
newView.layer.borderWidth = 2

Spritekit Swift particle SKEmitterNode add remove

so this is nice for create a particle, but whats the right way to remove it , after the duration, sparkEmmiter.particleLifetime do not remove it automatically
let sparkEmmiter = SKEmitterNode(fileNamed: "MyParticle.sks")
sparkEmmiter.position = CGPointMake(self.frame.size.width/2, self.frame.size.height/2 - 200)
sparkEmmiter.name = "sparkEmmitter"
sparkEmmiter.zPosition = 1
sparkEmmiter.targetNode = self
sparkEmmiter.particleLifetime = 1
this solutions produce simulator crash
var re = SKAction.waitForDuration(1)
var remove = SKAction.removeFromParent()
var seq = SKAction.sequence([re , remove])

AS3 SharedObject - Background images fails to load correctly. Set of images stored inside MC fails to load correct image from save

having issues with making a set of background images save and load correctly. Please note, that this has worked correctly in the past with "1 - 2" images in the caseSwapper.
Structure :
On my stage I have set of draggable objects that you can save and load as you please. (these work)
The background, which is movieClip called "caseSwapper" contains a set of frames with different images inside each frame. E.G frame one is called (labelled) "frameone" - contains a pretty picture. Frame 2 is labelled "Frametwo" which contains an alternative image etc etc
A load and save button on the stage allows you to store the data to sharedObject "mySO"
Issues and Behaviour
On the face of it, the save appears to be working. The trace statement is declaring that the current frame is being stored to mySO... although I'm not entirely convinced it is. Basically, when the player has a certain background selected and they click 'save' I need the current image to be saved/written to the sharedObject.
Notes : Frame 1 appears to work when I click 'load' from the stage. When I 'launch' the application (not load) even after saving frame 123 or 4 only frame 4 launches/dis[lays. I then have to click load to retrieve my sharedObject... which only shows the first frame... Any pointers. Script to edit is at the bottom. Please Note, that I'm designer first and foremost!
save_btn.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, clickersave);
function clickersave (e:MouseEvent):void {
mySO.data.myblcskull_mc_x = blcskull_mc.x;
mySO.data.myblcskull_mc_y = blcskull_mc.y;
mySO.data.myblackhandbag_mc_y = blackhandbag_mc.y;
mySO.data.myblackhandbag_mc_x = blackhandbag_mc.x;
mySO.data.myhotlips_mc_x = hotlips_mc.x;
mySO.data.myhotlips_mc_y = hotlips_mc.y;
mySO.data.my_x = bones_mc.x;
mySO.data.my_y = bones_mc.y;
mySO.data.mybut_x = btrfly_mc.x;
mySO.data.mybut_y = btrfly_mc.y;
mySO.data.mytig_x = tiger_mc.x;
mySO.data.mytig_y = tiger_mc.y;
mySO.data.myskullface_mc_y = skullface_mc.y;
mySO.data.myskullface_mc_x = skullface_mc.x;
mySO.data.myblack_tile_mc_zero_y = black_tile_mc_zero.y;
mySO.data.myblack_tile_mc_zero_x = black_tile_mc_zero.x;
mySO.data.myblack_tile_mc_one_x = black_tile_mc_one.x;
mySO.data.myblack_tile_mc_one_y = black_tile_mc_one.y;
mySO.data.mycrown_mc_y = crown_mc.y;
mySO.data.mycrown_mc_x = crown_mc.x;
mySO.data.myperfume_mc_y = perfume_mc.y;
mySO.data.myperfume_mc_x = perfume_mc.x;
mySO.data.myheart_mc_x = heart_mc.x;
mySO.data.myheart_mc_y = heart_mc.y;
mySO.data.myrose_mc_y = rose_mc.y;
mySO.data.myrose_mc_x = rose_mc.x;
// tears saved - - - - - - -
mySO.data.mytear_drop_mc_one_x = tear_drop_mc_one.x;
mySO.data.mytear_drop_mc_one_y = tear_drop_mc_one.y;
mySO.data.mytearup_drop_mc_three_x = tearup_drop_mc_three.x;
mySO.data.mytearup_drop_mc_three_y = tearup_drop_mc_three.y;
mySO.data.mytearup_drop_mc_four_x = tearup_drop_mc_four.x;
mySO.data.mytearup_drop_mc_four_y = tearup_drop_mc_four.y;
mySO.data.mytear_drop_mc_two_x = tear_drop_mc.x;
mySO.data.mytear_drop_mc_two_y = tear_drop_mc.y;
mySO.data.mytear_side_mc_one_x = tear_side_mc_one.x;
mySO.data.mytear_side_mc_one_y = tear_side_mc_one.y;
mySO.data.mytear_side_mc_two_x = tear_side_mc_two.x;
mySO.data.mytear_side_mc_two_y = tear_side_mc_two.y;
mySO.data.mytear_op_mc_one_y = tear_op_mc_one.y;
mySO.data.mytear_op_mc_one_x = tear_op_mc_one.x;
mySO.data.mytear_op_mc_two_y = tear_op_mc_two.y;
mySO.data.mytear_op_mc_two_x = tear_op_mc_two.x;
// pink gems
mySO.data.mypink_jewel_mc_one_x = pink_jewel_mc_one.x;
mySO.data.mypink_jewel_mc_one_y = pink_jewel_mc_one.y;
mySO.data.mypink_jewel_mc_two_x = pink_jewel_mc_two.x;
mySO.data.mypink_jewel_mc_two_y = pink_jewel_mc_two.y;
mySO.data.mypink_jewel_mc_three_x = pink_jewel_mc_three.x;
mySO.data.mypink_jewel_mc_three_y = pink_jewel_mc_three.y;
mySO.data.mypink_jewel_mc_four_x = pink_jewel_mc_four.x;
mySO.data.mypink_jewel_mc_four_y = pink_jewel_mc_four.y;
mySO.data.mypink_jewel_mc_five_x = pink_jewel_mc_five.x;
mySO.data.mypink_jewel_mc_five_y = pink_jewel_mc_five.y;
mySO.data.mypink_jewel_mc_six_x = pink_jewel_mc_six.x;
mySO.data.mypink_jewel_mc_six_y = pink_jewel_mc_six.y;
mySO.data.mypink_jewel_mc_seven_x = pink_jewel_mc_seven.x;
mySO.data.mypink_jewel_mc_seven_y = pink_jewel_mc_seven.y;
mySO.data.mypink_jewel_mc_eight_x = pink_jewel_mc_eight.x;
mySO.data.mypink_jewel_mc_eight_y = pink_jewel_mc_eight.y;
mySO.data.mypink_jewel_mc_nine_x = pink_jewel_mc_nine.x;
mySO.data.mypink_jewel_mc_nine_y = pink_jewel_mc_nine.y;
// bg saves
mySO.data.myBgFrame = 1;
mySO.data.myBgFrameone = 2;
mySO.data.myBgFrametwo = 3;
mySO.data.myBgFramethree = 4;
// silver gems - - - - - - - - -
mySO.data.mycircle_gem_mc_x = circle_gem_mc.x;
mySO.data.mycircle_gem_mc_y = circle_gem_mc.y;
mySO.data.mycircle_gem_mc_two_x = circle_gem_mc_two.x;
mySO.data.mycircle_gem_mc_two_y = circle_gem_mc_two.y;
mySO.data.mycircle_gem_mc_thirteen_x = circle_gem_mc_thirteen.x;
mySO.data.mycircle_gem_mc_thirteen_y = circle_gem_mc_thirteen.y;
mySO.flush ();
if (mySO.data.myBgFrame){
if (mySO.data.myBgFrameone){
if (mySO.data.myBgFrametwo){
if (mySO.data.myBgFramethree){
//caseSwapper.currentFrame = mySO.data.myBgFrame;
/////// ---------------------- loader
// ---------------------- LOADER -------------------------
// when load button is clicked it loads the x and y position of dragged objects pulled from the
//sharedOject, it remembers the last var!
load_btn.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, loadlast);
function loadlast (e:MouseEvent):void {
//caseSwapper.currentFrame = mySO.data.myBgFrame;
blcskull_mc.x = mySO.data.myblcskull_mc_x;
blcskull_mc.y = mySO.data.myblcskull_mc_y;
blackhandbag_mc.y = mySO.data.myblackhandbag_mc_y;
blackhandbag_mc.x = mySO.data.myblackhandbag_mc_x;
bones_mc.x = mySO.data.my_x;
bones_mc.y = mySO.data.my_y;
tiger_mc.x = mySO.data.mytig_x;
tiger_mc.y = mySO.data.mytig_y;
btrfly_mc.x = mySO.data.mybut_x;
btrfly_mc.y = mySO.data.mybut_y;
crown_mc.x = mySO.data.mycrown_mc_x;
crown_mc.y = mySO.data.mycrown_mc_y;
perfume_mc.x = mySO.data.myperfume_mc_x;
perfume_mc.y = mySO.data.myperfume_mc_y;
heart_mc.x = mySO.data.myheart_mc_x;
heart_mc.y = mySO.data.myheart_mc_y;
rose_mc.y = mySO.data.myrose_mc_y;
rose_mc.x = mySO.data.myrose_mc_x;
pink_jewel_mc_one.x = mySO.data.mypink_jewel_mc_one_x;
pink_jewel_mc_one.y = mySO.data.mypink_jewel_mc_one_y;
pink_jewel_mc_two.x = mySO.data.mypink_jewel_mc_two_x;
pink_jewel_mc_two.y = mySO.data.mypink_jewel_mc_two_y;
pink_jewel_mc_three.x = mySO.data.mypink_jewel_mc_three_x;
pink_jewel_mc_three.y = mySO.data.mypink_jewel_mc_three_y;
pink_jewel_mc_four.x = mySO.data.mypink_jewel_mc_four_x;
pink_jewel_mc_four.y = mySO.data.mypink_jewel_mc_four_y;
pink_jewel_mc_five.x = mySO.data.mypink_jewel_mc_five_x;
pink_jewel_mc_five.y = mySO.data.mypink_jewel_mc_five_y;
pink_jewel_mc_six.x = mySO.data.mypink_jewel_mc_six_x;
pink_jewel_mc_six.y = mySO.data.mypink_jewel_mc_six_y;
pink_jewel_mc_seven.x = mySO.data.mypink_jewel_mc_seven_x;
pink_jewel_mc_seven.y = mySO.data.mypink_jewel_mc_seven_y;
pink_jewel_mc_eight.x = mySO.data.mypink_jewel_mc_eight_x;
pink_jewel_mc_eight.y = mySO.data.mypink_jewel_mc_eight_y;
pink_jewel_mc_nine.x = mySO.data.mypink_jewel_mc_nine_x;
pink_jewel_mc_nine.y = mySO.data.mypink_jewel_mc_nine_y;
hotlips_mc.x = mySO.data.myhotlips_mc_x;
hotlips_mc.y = mySO.data.myhotlips_mc_y;
tearup_drop_mc_three.y = mySO.data.mytearup_drop_mc_three_y;
tearup_drop_mc_three.x = mySO.data.mytearup_drop_mc_three_x;
tearup_drop_mc_four.x = mySO.data.mytearup_drop_mc_four_x;
tearup_drop_mc_four.y = mySO.data.mytearup_drop_mc_four_y;
tear_side_mc_one.x = mySO.data.mytear_side_mc_one_x;
tear_side_mc_one.y = mySO.data.mytear_side_mc_one_y;
//tear_side_mc_two.x = mySO.data.mytear_side_mc_two_x;
//tear_side_mc_two.y = mySO.data.mytear_side_mc_two_y;
tear_op_mc_one.y = mySO.data.mytear_op_mc_one_y;
tear_op_mc_one.x = mySO.data.mytear_op_mc_one_x;
tear_op_mc_two.y = mySO.data.mytear_op_mc_two_y;
tear_op_mc_two.x = mySO.data.mytear_op_mc_two_x;
//--- silver little gems -----------------
circle_gem_mc_thirteen.x = mySO.data.mycircle_gem_mc_thirteen_x;
circle_gem_mc_thirteen.y = mySO.data.mycircle_gem_mc_thirteen_y;
circle_gem_mc_two.x = mySO.data.mycircle_circle_gem_mc_two_x;
circle_gem_mc_two.y = mySO.data.mycircle_circle_gem_mc_two_y;
mySO.flush ();
You're not actually storing the current frame anywhere — this section just saves the same numbers every time:
mySO.data.myBgFrame = 1;
mySO.data.myBgFrameone = 2;
mySO.data.myBgFrametwo = 3;
mySO.data.myBgFramethree = 4;
This is also why you're only seeing frame four when you launch, because all of your if statements see a positive number (and anything other than zero or NaN counts as true), so they all get executed one after the other.
Instead of the above, all you need is this in your save function:
mySO.data.myBgFrame = caseSwapper.currentFrame;
Then if you want to jump to that frame on launch, you only need your first if statement:
if (mySO.data.myBgFrame){

how to dynamically give names to buttons using a listbox

Dim cont = 0
If ListBox1.Items.Count > 0 Then
For i =1 To ListBox1.Items.Count
Dim botao3 As New Button
botao3.Text = CStr(ListBox2.Items(cont)) 'table.Item(i).text &
botao3.Top = top
botao3.Left = 40
botao3.Width = 300
top = top + 30
cont = cont + 1
End If
ps. my listbox has the sorted propriety set to true
this its my code but it will only give it the name of the last inserted value on the listbox .
how can i make this so that when ever i click the button it deletes the old set of buttons and add a new set of button the one i have just inserted.
and please give me a hand :$
You put 0 instead of the current loop value
botao3.Text = CStr(ListBox2.Items(0))
should be
botao3.Text = CStr(ListBox2.Items(i))
For the other part, I am not sure what you want to achieve but you can have Me.Controls.Clear() before your loop.
try that:
If ListBox1.Items.Count > 0 Then
For i =0 To ListBox1.Items.Count
Dim botao3 As New Button
botao3.Text = CStr(ListBox1.Items(i)) 'table.Item(i).text &
botao3.Top = top
botao3.Left = 40
botao3.Width = 300
top = top + 30
End If
use this:
Dim btn As Button() = New Button(ListBox1.Items.Count - 1) {}
For i As Integer = 0 To ListBox1.Items.Count - 1
btn(i) = New Button()
btn(i).Text = ListBox1.Items(i).ToString()
If i > 0 Then
btn(i).Left = btn(i - 1).Right
End If
