Create a composite reference key with novalidate option - oracle

I was trying to add a referential constraint on a table using a composite key with a novalidate key as i do have some junk data which i dont want to remove yet.
Below is the example:-
but it says
ORA-02270: no matching unique or primary key for this column-list

ORA-02270: no matching unique or primary key for this column-list
The error says it all.
You tried to reference a table using a unique or primary key, but the
columns that you listed did not match the primary key, or a primary
key does not exist for this table.
In your case:
As per the error, there is no primary key on the EP_TENANT table, you can not create a foreign key on the SOURCE_SYSTEM table that references the EP_TENANT table.
You must first add a primary key to the EP_TENANT table as follows:


Oracle Foreign Key

I get the following error when I try to add a foreign key to my purchaseorderheader table :
ORA-02270: "no matching unique or primary key for this column-list"
I made sure the table and column names are the same but I still get the error, any ideas?
You have a composite primary key that is composed of two columns but, in your foreign key, you are only referencing one of the columns of the composite primary key and not the entire primary key.
You either need to:
change the primary key to be only on the single column purchaseorderid;
keep the existing primary key and additionally create a UNIQUE key on only the purchaseorderid column of the first table; or
include both columns of the primary key in the foreign key.
Whichever option you choose, you should make sure that it implements the business logic that you are trying to capture in the table; if it does not then you should revisit the database-design and find a design that does capture your business logic.

Still Getting Errors After Applying All I've Read About the Error 02270

I'm creating a couple of Tables for an assignment.
So I created a Gardener Table and an Offering Table, with all the appropriate data types and NULL statuses, as well as the Primary Key constraint for each. In the Gardener table I've included offeringID, and vice versa.
When I try to add Foreign Key constraint offeringID to the Gardener Table I get an error.
After checking online, I realized I had forgotten to make offeringID and gardenerID in each other's tables UNIQUE, hence I altered table to add uniqueness.
Tried adding Foreign Key constraint and I get the same error. I reckon I may be understanding something wrongly, but I can't seem to put my finger on it.
Create Table Gardener
(gardenerID NUMBER(10) NOT NULL,
offeringID NUMBER(10) NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT gardener_pk PRIMARY KEY(gardenerID)
Create Table Offering
(offeringID NUMBER(10) NOT NULL,
gardenerID NUMBER(10) NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT offering_pk PRIMARY KEY(offeringID)
Alter Table Gardener
add CONSTRAINT offering_fk FOREIGN KEY(offeringID)
REFERENCES Offering(offeringID);
Alter Table Gardener
add Unique(offeringID);
Alter Table Offering
add Unique(gardenerID);
This is the error:
ORA-02270: no matching unique or primary key for this column-list
02270. 00000 - "no matching unique or primary key for this column-list"
Cause: A REFERENCES clause in a CREATE/ALTER TABLE statement gives a column-list
for which there is no matching unique or primary key constraint in the referenced table.
Like, I still don't get it. Isn't offeringID a Primary Key hence pointing to it from Gardener shouldn't be an issue still?
Since you're trying to add a a foreign key constraint for offering.offeringID column within the Gardener table, whereas that column has no unique/primary key key when you try to add a foreign key. i.e. operation stops at the 3rd command.
So, just exchange the order of commands as :
Alter Table Gardener
add Unique(offeringID); -- should be prior to the below command
Alter Table Gardener
add CONSTRAINT offering_fk FOREIGN KEY(offeringID)
REFERENCES Offering(offeringID);

Check constraints on two tables in Oracle

I have two tables with a one-to-one relationship (and relationship is mandatory from one side only). As follows:
create table PRS (
id number(18) not null,
common_code varchar2(10),
constraint pk_prs primary key (id));
create table RLP {
id number(18),
spec_code varchar2(20),
constraint pk_rlp primary key (id),
constraint fk_rlp_prs foreign key (id) references prs(id) on delete cascade);
So the problem is when inserting a record in RLP at least one of common_code or spec_code must have value.
Is it possible to enforce this constraint using a constraint or the only solution is having a trigger?
It seems there is no way to create a constraint on two tables, and the only solution is to create a trigger to throw an exception on desired situation.

creating composite foreign key from two different tables primary keys in oracle

tid(primary key) // no foreign keys here
sid(primary key) // no foreign keys here too
iid(primary key)
foreign key(Tid,Sid) references table1(tid).table2(sid)
In table3 i want to make a composite foreign key or composite foreign key constraint but failed . there are many questions related to this .But none of them seems helpful to me . How can i do that ? Is it valid ? Then what is the syntax of making composite foreign key from two different tables primary key
It's not possible to have a single foreign key referencing fields on different tables, and it makes no sense at all. A foreign key of two or more fields implies that the combination of values of the fields must be match on a single record of the referenced table, and this can't be done if the referenced fields are on different tables.
What you can do is to create two distinct foreing keys to the two tables, as following:

does foreign key always reference to a unique key in another table?

Is it not possible that foreign key(single column) in a child table references to a parent key which has some duplicate values?
By the SQL standard, a foreign key must reference either the primary key or a unique key of the parent table. If the primary key has multiple columns, the foreign key must have the same number and order of columns. Therefore the foreign key references a unique row in the parent table; there can be no duplicates.
Re your comment:
If T.A is a primary key, then no you can't have any duplicates. Any primary key must be unique and non-null. Therefore if the child table has a foreign key referencing the parent's primary key, it must match a non-null, unique value, and therefore references exactly one row in the parent table. In this case you can't make a child row that references multiple parent rows.
You can create a child row whose foreign key column is NULL, in which case it references no row in the parent table.
No, it is not possible.
When you define a foreign key constraint on a table, it means there is only one corresponding key on the foreign table. If multiples existed on the foreign table which one would be meant?
Wikipedia has this definition on the Foreign key entry:
A foreign key is a field in a relational table that matches a candidate key of another table
Candidate keys are unique within a table.
Yes, it is possible for a foreign key to reference a column with duplicate values.
This can happen if the primary key uses a non-unique index and is not validated when it is created. (But I have never seen a situation like this in real life. As #Bill Karwin pointed out, it would be very confusing. So this may not be a situation you really need to worry about.)
--Create a table with two duplicate rows
create table test1(a number);
insert into test1 values(1);
insert into test1 values(1);
--Create a non-unique index
create index test1_index on test1(a);
--Use the non-unique index for the primary key, do not validate
alter table test1 add constraint test1_pk primary key (a)
using index test1_index novalidate;
--Build another table with a foreign key to TABLE1
create table test2(a number,
constraint test2_fk foreign key (a) references test1(a));
--Inserting a value that refers to the duplicate value still works.
insert into test2 values(1);
--The foreign key still works:
--ORA-02291: integrity constraint (TEST2_FK) violated - parent key not found
insert into test2 values(2);
--The primary key works as expected, but only for new values:
--ORA-00001: unique constraint (TEST1_PK) violated
insert into test1 values(1);
