Mindscape Web Workbench missing Sass SCSS Style Sheet template - visual-studio-2013

I am using Visual Studio Community 2013 12.0.31101.00 Update 4 (with Web Essentials 2013 installed.
I downloaded Mindscape Web Workbench extension for visual studio. As it claims here: http://www.mindscapehq.com/products/web-workbench/getting-started#content
, it is supposed to install Sass SCSS style sheet template (the one highlighted in the photo in the link). However it is missing. The coffeeScript and Less Templates are installed normally. What can I do to bring back that specific template?

Although the template doesn't appear when using File->New File (probably a bug), I can add SCSS files through the Solution Explorer.(I have Web Development Environment settings)


VS 2013 Community Add new Typescript file missing

Downloaded and Installed Typescript 1.4 from typescript page into VS 2013 Community Den Update 4.
Following install (no error messages), I tried to add a new typescript file. I expected to see such an option in the righ-click menu on "ADD new". Cannot find any reference to typescript files anywhere in any of my projects.
I can manually create a file and give it a ts extension in the "Scripts" directory of my project. However, there is no intellisense and no indication that a "shadow" js file has been created.
I'm at a loss as to how to get typescript working in VS 2013 Community Edition
I think I found the problem.
To use typescript in conjunction with an existing project in Visual Studio, I had to add a new project (using the typescript template) to the solution containing my existing project. Then, I could add new typescript files to the typescript project.
The generated javascript files in the TypeScript project could then be made available to the pages in the existing (co-)project by selecting the "Output to Folder" option on the Typescript project, specifying the scripts folder in the other project.

how to use Typescript in (Solution>Add>Existing Web Site ...) projects?

When i create a project by adding an existing web site project
there is no typescript template in (add->new file) .
What should i do ?
I'm using visual studio 2013 update 3 .
From the typescript website:
Visual Studio 2013 Update 2 includes TypeScript. Visual Studio 2012
developers can install the TypeScript editor plugin to get rich
TypeScript tooling. There is also TypeScript support for other editors
It doesn't get installed as a template it is a plugin.
I opened my sample MVC 5 solution, right clicked on my Scripts folder and selected 'Add New Item'. In the dialog that pops up I selected from the treeview Visual C# -> Web -> Scripts. I select TypeScript File and click Add. If you have not added typescript to your project before you should get a message like this:
I'll guess that if you don't get that message the first time you add a typescript file to your project that something went wrong and this is why you cannot compile it properly.

Create a new TypeScript project in Visual Studio

How do I start writing TypeScript projects in Visual Studio? There's no option for it when I create a new project. I have Visual Studio 2012 installed along with the TypeScript add on
I just found the solution: Manual installation of the VS-Extension.
In some way, the VS-Extension is not getting installed. You can do it manually. There is a .vsix file located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\TypeScript\ called TypeScriptLanguageService.vsix.
Try to run this file. It should install the TypeScript extension.
If you are running an x86-based system, try to look at C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\TypeScript\
Worked for me. Now I can create TypeScript projects and it is listed in the Visual Studio extension list.
Note that the newer versions of TypeScript dropped the folder You may find the .vsix file in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\TypeScript.
You can add TypeScript files to an existing project using the Add > New Item dialog.
You can also create a project of type HTML Application with TypeScript using the Add > New Project dialog. This project type is under Installed->(Templates)->Visual C#.
If these options are missing from Visual Studio, you should try re-installing the TypeScript Visual Studio plugin.
If you use Visual Studio 2017, the template 'HTML Application with TypeScript' has been removed from the templates.
But you can install the extension made by rich-newman on Github: https://github.com/rich-newman/typescript-html-application-vs2017-template
To install it do the following:
Go to the 'Add New Project' window
At the left go to 'online' in the left tree view
Search for 'TypeScript HTML Application Template'
Install the extension and the template should be available under 'installed --> TypeScript'
Followed the other answers but could not locate TypeScriptLanguageService.vsix after installing TypeScriptSetup.0.8.0.msi on Win7 64 w/ VS 2010.
To install on VS 2010, use 7zip to open the above msi and extract "TypeScriptLS.vsix_File", remove the trailing _File, and run as usual.
This gives a new TypeScript project template (but not a file template mysteriously), intellisense, code highlighting, etc.
I didn't have the project and ts file templates also, tried reinstalling it(just by running vsix file) that didn't help, so I
1. uninstalled(from the VS2012 manager) the extension
2. closed VS2012 and then installed it again and voila-
the Project and file template magically appeared. Thank god it worked- I can start playing with the language without having to run transcompilation manually every time.
Installing typescript adds a new project type as well as adds a file type for existing projects. After installing typescript, you can try searching "typescript" in the new project window. It shows "HTML Application with TypeScript" to me.
Every .ts file typescript file will add a dependent .js file.
Hope this helps!
Old post, new suggestion:
I've spent a few hours on this issue on Win8/VS2012. After multiple install/reinstall (of Typescript plugin v 0.8.3), the one thing that worked, was to run VS2012 in Administrator mode and (re)install Web Essentials 2012. That did the trick for me and I got Typescript as it's own section in Add New Project... (and all the other goodies mentioned above).
What reminded me of the run in admin mode was the process to update documentation (if you want to install documentation locally) where it too had an annoying cryptic error. Running in admin mode was also the answer.
You don't have to run in admin mode all the time, just probably a good practice when updating the IDE itself (new plugins, etc.).
For version I was able to make it work following the instructions here: http://typescript.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Compile-on-Save.
Support for Typescript was just disabled on Web Essentials 2012 3.0: http://vswebessentials.com/changelog
Another tip - you need to install Visual Studio for Web. It will not work with just VS for Desktop. Also, you need to install the plugin after VS, so if you installed the plugin first, uninstall it then reinstall.
I spent days on this issue too. Eventually found this (very old) answer. Didn't quite help. I have VS 2022 and under Extensions/ Manage Extensions, searched for Typescript and found 'Typescript HTML Application Template'. Downloaded it, created project from it, set the start page and it all seems to work :-)
It was also a simple matter to add a tsconfig.json file. (Not forgetting to put a "dom" in the "lib" line: Mine was
"lib": [ "es6", "dom" ],

Typescript not installed in VS2012? [duplicate]

How do I start writing TypeScript projects in Visual Studio? There's no option for it when I create a new project. I have Visual Studio 2012 installed along with the TypeScript add on
I just found the solution: Manual installation of the VS-Extension.
In some way, the VS-Extension is not getting installed. You can do it manually. There is a .vsix file located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\TypeScript\ called TypeScriptLanguageService.vsix.
Try to run this file. It should install the TypeScript extension.
If you are running an x86-based system, try to look at C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\TypeScript\
Worked for me. Now I can create TypeScript projects and it is listed in the Visual Studio extension list.
Note that the newer versions of TypeScript dropped the folder You may find the .vsix file in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\TypeScript.
You can add TypeScript files to an existing project using the Add > New Item dialog.
You can also create a project of type HTML Application with TypeScript using the Add > New Project dialog. This project type is under Installed->(Templates)->Visual C#.
If these options are missing from Visual Studio, you should try re-installing the TypeScript Visual Studio plugin.
If you use Visual Studio 2017, the template 'HTML Application with TypeScript' has been removed from the templates.
But you can install the extension made by rich-newman on Github: https://github.com/rich-newman/typescript-html-application-vs2017-template
To install it do the following:
Go to the 'Add New Project' window
At the left go to 'online' in the left tree view
Search for 'TypeScript HTML Application Template'
Install the extension and the template should be available under 'installed --> TypeScript'
Followed the other answers but could not locate TypeScriptLanguageService.vsix after installing TypeScriptSetup.0.8.0.msi on Win7 64 w/ VS 2010.
To install on VS 2010, use 7zip to open the above msi and extract "TypeScriptLS.vsix_File", remove the trailing _File, and run as usual.
This gives a new TypeScript project template (but not a file template mysteriously), intellisense, code highlighting, etc.
I didn't have the project and ts file templates also, tried reinstalling it(just by running vsix file) that didn't help, so I
1. uninstalled(from the VS2012 manager) the extension
2. closed VS2012 and then installed it again and voila-
the Project and file template magically appeared. Thank god it worked- I can start playing with the language without having to run transcompilation manually every time.
Installing typescript adds a new project type as well as adds a file type for existing projects. After installing typescript, you can try searching "typescript" in the new project window. It shows "HTML Application with TypeScript" to me.
Every .ts file typescript file will add a dependent .js file.
Hope this helps!
Old post, new suggestion:
I've spent a few hours on this issue on Win8/VS2012. After multiple install/reinstall (of Typescript plugin v 0.8.3), the one thing that worked, was to run VS2012 in Administrator mode and (re)install Web Essentials 2012. That did the trick for me and I got Typescript as it's own section in Add New Project... (and all the other goodies mentioned above).
What reminded me of the run in admin mode was the process to update documentation (if you want to install documentation locally) where it too had an annoying cryptic error. Running in admin mode was also the answer.
You don't have to run in admin mode all the time, just probably a good practice when updating the IDE itself (new plugins, etc.).
For version I was able to make it work following the instructions here: http://typescript.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Compile-on-Save.
Support for Typescript was just disabled on Web Essentials 2012 3.0: http://vswebessentials.com/changelog
Another tip - you need to install Visual Studio for Web. It will not work with just VS for Desktop. Also, you need to install the plugin after VS, so if you installed the plugin first, uninstall it then reinstall.
I spent days on this issue too. Eventually found this (very old) answer. Didn't quite help. I have VS 2022 and under Extensions/ Manage Extensions, searched for Typescript and found 'Typescript HTML Application Template'. Downloaded it, created project from it, set the start page and it all seems to work :-)
It was also a simple matter to add a tsconfig.json file. (Not forgetting to put a "dom" in the "lib" line: Mine was
"lib": [ "es6", "dom" ],

Is it possible to provide custom content for the VS2012 Start Page?

Visual Studio 2012 (and 2010, too) has a Start Page that has links and streamed videos. Is it possible for my package to provide content on this page, e.g., create a separate section next to Welcome/Windows 8/etc.?
I finally got a custom start page working in VS2012 - my issue was I could not install the Start Page Project Template in 2012 as the extension only installs on 2010 (which I don't have access to) and my My Documents folder is mapped to a network drive, so putting the raw XAML file in My Documents/Visual Studio 2012/Startpages didn't work as Visual Studio refused to use this "untrustworthy file".
Download the Start Page Template from here.
Rename the file to .zip and extract it.
Copy the "\Solution\CSharp\Extensibility\StartPage.zip" file to your project template folder (by default "My Documents\Visual Studio 2012\Templates\ProjectTemplates\Visual C#").
Create a new project using this template.
Follow the instructions here to upgrade from 2010 to 2012 start page.
Update the project properties target framework to 4.5.
Update the project references in the Control project by removing the Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.10.0 reference and adding the Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.11.0 and Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Immutable.11.0 references.
Update the namespaces references in the xaml file by replacing the existing ones with the two below.
Replace the references to vsfx:VsBrushes keys to vs:EnvironmentColors keys, e.g. vsfx:VsBrushes.StartPageBackgroundKey to vs:EnvironmentColors.StartPageTabBackgroundBrushKey
In the VSIX project, make the following changes to the source.extension.vsixmanifest file (values depending on if 2010 support is desired, it is not for me):
Add an author, the default empty tag is not allowed: <Author>Ken</Author>
Change/add the visual studio support version to 11.0: <VisualStudio Version="11.0">
Change the supported runtime edition to include 4.5: <SupportedFrameworkRuntimeEdition MinVersion="4.5" MaxVersion="4.5" />
The VSIX solution should now build and spit out a VSIX file in the project bin folder. Install this and you can now choose your Start Page from the drop down list in the visual studio options.
I haven't actually developed my custom start page beyond this, but hopefully it is a helpful to people wanting to get started developing them with VS2012
EDIT: A project which includes a basic 2012 start page, custom control and can be deployed via VSIX: template
Custom Start Pages, via google:
