Why does Windows switch processes between processors? - windows

If a single threaded process is busy and uses 100% of a single core it seems like Windows is switching this process between the cores, because in Task Managers core overview all cores are equal used.
Why does Windows do that? Isn't this destroying L1/L2 caches?

There are advantages to pinning a process to one core, primarily caching which you already mentioned.
There are also disadvantages -- you get unequal heating, which can create mechanical stresses that do not improve the expected lifetime of the silicon die.
To avoid this, OSes tend to keep all cores at equal utilization. When there's only one active thread, it will have to be moved and invalidate caches. As long as this is done infrequently (in CPU time), the impact of the extra cache misses during migration is negligible.
For example, the abstract of "Energy and thermal tradeoffs in hardware-based load balancing for clustered multi-core architectures implementing power gating" explicitly lists this as a design goal of scheduling algorithms (emphasis mine):
In this work, a load-balancing technique for these clustered multi-core architectures is presented that provides both a low overhead in energy and an a smooth temperature distribution across the die, increasing the reliability of the processor by evenly stressing the cores.
Spreading the heat dissipation throughout the die is also essential for techniques such as Turbo Boost, where cores are clocked temporarily at a rate that is unsustainable long term. By moving load to a different core regularly, the average heat dissipation remains sustainable even though the instantaneous power is not.

Your process may be the only one doing a lot of work, but it is not the only thing running. There are lots of other processes that need to run occasionally. When your process gets evicted and eventually re-scheduled, the core on which it was running previously might not be available. It's better to run the waiting process immediately on a free core than to wait for the previous core to be available (and in any case its data will likely have been bumped from the caches by the other thread).
In addition, modern CPUs allow all the cores in a package to share high-level caches. See the "Smart Cache" feature in this Intel Core i5 spec sheet. You still lose the lower-level cache(s) on core switch, but those are small and will probably churn somewhat anyway if you're running more than just a small tight loop.


Sequential program cache consistency

I wanted to ask you a question regarding the consistency of the cache memory.
If I have a sequential program, I shouldn't have cache consistency problems because in any case the instructions are executed sequentially and consequently there is no danger that several processors will write the same memory location at the same time, in case there are is the shared memory.
Different case is the situation where I have a parallel program, so it runs on multiple processors and there is a high probability that there are cache consistency problems.
Quite right?
In a single-threaded program, unless otherwise programmed, it doesn't change the thread by itself, except if OS does (and when it does, all the same thread-states are re-loaded from memory into that cache so there is no problem about coherence in there).
In a multi-threaded program, an update on same variable found on other caches needs to inform those caches somehow. This causes a re-flow of data through all other caches. Maybe it's not a blocking effect on same thread but once user wants only updated values, the synchronization / locking will see a performance hit. Especially when there are also other variables being updated on very close addresses such that they're in same cache-line. That's why using 20-byte elements for locking resolution is worse than using 128-byte elements in an array of locks.
If CPUs did not have coherence, multi-threading wouldn't work efficiently. So, for some versions, they chose to broadcast an update to all caches (as in Snoop cache). But this is not efficient on high number of cores. If 1000 cores existed in same CPU, it would require a 1000-way broadcasting logic consuming a lot of area of circuitry. So they break the problem into smaller parts and add other ways like directory-based coherence & multiple chunks of multiple cores. But this adds more latency for the coherence.
On the other hand, many GPUs do not implement automatic cache coherence because
the algorithm given by developer is generally embarrassingly parallel with only few points of synchronization and multiple blocks of threads do not require to communicate with other blocks (when they do, they go through a common cache by developer's choice of instructions anyway)
there are thousands of streaming pipelines (not real cores) that just need to make memory requests efficiently or else there wouldn't be enough space for that many pipelines
high throughput is required instead of low-latency (no need for implicit coherence anywhere)
so multi-processors in a GPU are designed to do completely independent work from each other and adding automatic coherence would add little performance (if not subtract). When developer needs to synchronize data between multiple threads in GPU in same block, there are instructions for this and not using these do not make any valid data update. So it's just an optional cache coherence in GPU.

The effects of heavy thread consumption on ARM (4-core A72) vs x86 (2-core i5)

I have a realtime linux desktop application (written in C) that we are porting to ARM (4-core Cortex v8-A72 CPUs). Architecturally, it has a combination of high-priority explicit pthreads (6 of them), and a couple GCD(libdispatch) worker queues (one concurrent and another serial).
My concerns come in two areas:
I have heard that ARM does not hyperthread the way that x86 can and therefore my 4-cores will already be context switching to keep up with my 6 pthreads (and background processes). What kind of performance penalty should I expect from this?
I have heard that I should expect these ARM context-switches to be less efficient than x86. Is that true?
A couple of the pthreads are high-priority handlers for fairly rare-ish events, does this change the prospects much?(i.e. they are sitting on a select statement)
My bigger concern comes from the impact of GCD in this application. My understanding of the inner workings of GCD is a that it is a dynamically scaled threadpool that interacts with the scheduler, and will try to add more threads to suit the load. It sounds to me like this will have an almost exclusively negative impact on performance in my scenario. (I.E. in a system whose cores are fully consumed) Correct?
I'm not an expert on anything x86-architecture related (so hopefully someone more experienced can chime in) but here are a few high level responses to your questions.
I have heard that ARM does not hyperthread the way that x86 can [...]
Correct, hyperthreading is a proprietary Intel chip design feature. There is no analogous ARM silicon technology that I am aware of.
[...] and therefore my 4-cores will already be context switching to keep up with my 6 pthreads (and background processes). What kind of performance penalty should I expect from this? [...]
This is not necessarily the case, although it could very well happen in many scenarios. It really depends more on what the nature of your per-thread computations are...are you just doing lots of hefty computations, or are you doing a lot of blocking/waiting on IO? Either way, this degradation will happen on both architectures and it is more of a general thread scheduling problem. In hyperthreaded Intel world, each "physical core" is seen by the OS as two "logical cores" which share the same resources but have their own pipeline and register sets. The wikipedia article states:
Each logical processor can be individually halted, interrupted or directed to execute a specified thread, independently from the other logical processor sharing the same physical core.[7]
Unlike a traditional dual-processor configuration that uses two separate physical processors, the logical processors in a hyper-threaded core share the execution resources. These resources include the execution engine, caches, and system bus interface; the sharing of resources allows two logical processors to work with each other more efficiently, and allows a logical processor to borrow resources from a stalled logical core (assuming both logical cores are associated with the same physical core). A processor stalls when it is waiting for data it has sent for so it can finish processing the present thread. The degree of benefit seen when using a hyper-threaded or multi core processor depends on the needs of the software, and how well it and the operating system are written to manage the processor efficiently.[7]
So if a few of your threads are constantly blocking on I/O then this might be where you would see more improvement in a 6-thread application on a 4 physical core system (for both ARM and intel x86) since theoretically this is where hyperthreading would shine....a thread blocking on IO or on the result of another thread can "sleep" while still allowing the other thread running on the same core to do work without the full overhead of an thread switch (experts please chime in and tell me if I'm wrong here).
But 4-core ARM vs 2-core x86... assuming all else equal (which obviously is not the case, in reality clock speeds, cache hierarchy etc. all have a huge impact) then I think that really depends on the nature of the threads. I would imagine this drop in performance could occur if you are just doing a ton of purely cpu-bound computations (i.e. the threads never need to wait on anything external to the CPU). But If you are doing a lot of blocking I/O in each thread, you might show significant speedups doing up to probably 3 or 4 threads per logical core.
Another thing to keep in mind is the cache. When doing lots of cpu-bound computations, a thread switch has the possibility to blow up the cache, resulting in much slower memory access initially. This will happen across both architectures. This isn't the case with I/O memory, though. But if you are not doing a lot of blocking things however, then the extra overhead with threading will just make it slower for the reasons above.
I have heard that I should expect these ARM context-switches to be less efficient than x86. Is that true?
A hardware context switch is a hardware context switch, you push all the registers to the stack and flip some bits to change execution state. So no, I don't believe either is "faster" in that regard. However, for a single physical core, techniques like hyperthreading makes a "context switch" in the Operating Systems sense (I think you mean switching between threads) much faster, since the instructions of both programs were already being executed in parallel on the same core.
I don't know anything about GCD so can't comment on that.
At the end of the day, I would say your best shot is to benchmark the application on both architectures. See where your bottlenecks are. Is it in memory access? Keeping the cache hot therefore is a priority. I imagine that 1-thread per core would always be optimal for any scenario, if you can swing it.
Some good things to read on this matter:
Optimal number of threads per core
Thread context switch Vs. process context switch

Hyper-threading and gaming (and other computing applications)?

I was wondering what the real-world performance effects are of hyperthreading (multiple logical cores for each physical core) in different situations. Intel advertises this as being effective for when threads of execution are waiting for I/O, however in memory intensive applications, it can be ineffective because when a switch occurs between logical cores, locality is lost in the processor cache. The second application's data is loaded into cache, forcing the first application's memory out of cache. Upon returning to the first application, its references are all cache misses and performance is lost. I know several super computer managers and they claim that they turn off hyperthreading because doing so is more efficient in their cases. Are there "normal" user cases where disabling hyperthreading is more efficient? Gaming can be pretty memory intensive--would it be better without hyperthreading?
First, it should be recognized that hyperthreading is an Intel marketing term labelling Switch-on-Event MultiThreading (on Itanium) and Simultaneous MultiThreading (on x86). SoEMT is primarily beneficial in hiding high latency events such as last level cache misses, is easier to implement, and is friendlier to VLIW-like scheduling. SoEMT is also a better fit for a small L1 (given a somewhat fast L2) than SMT since cache contention is moved more to L2 or L3 (thousands of accesses between thread switches) which can better handle contention given their greater capacity and higher associativity. SMT can be useful in hiding smaller latencies like branch resolution delay or L2 cache hits and provides instruction level parallelism, but introduces more intense contention for resources.
(There is also a difference between disabling hyperthreading and not using hyperthreading. Disabling hyperthreading might provide a small performance benefit in that some shareable resources will be used even by an inactive but enabled thread and some partitioned resources may still use a small amount of power, but the primary benefit would be in preventing the OS from making disruptive scheduling decisions.)
For "normal" code, the available thread-level parallelism may well be lower than the number of cores available. In that case, a modern OS typically will not use the hardware multithreading since it recognizes that a full core has more performance than a core shared by more than one thread. (Sharing a core can theoretically improve performance in special cases where using L1 to communicate between threads is unusually helpful. In addition, waking an inactive thread on an active core is much faster and requires less energy than waking up a core, so using multithreading might be helpful for energy efficiency in some special cases.)
HPC codes tend to be the worst case for SMT. HPC code is more likely to be friendly to static scheduling. This means that the latency hiding benefits of SMT tend to be minimized. (Similarly, HPC code tends to benefit less from out-of-order execution.) HPC code also tends to be constrained by memory bandwidth rather than memory latency. SMT can increase the bandwidth demand per unit of execution (by increasing cache misses) and reduce the actual achieved memory bandwidth by contention at the memory controller. (DRAM is not friendly to random access; such causes excessive refresh and row active cycles.) SMT may also cause the number of data streams that are active to exceed the hardware's support for prefetching. HPC code is also more likely to be blocked according to cache sizes assuming one thread per core; in such cases SMT will produce significant cache thrashing.
Disabling hyperthreading may also be friendlier to gang-scheduled operation, which is common in HPC. If only some of the cores are using multithreading, those cores might have higher performance per core yet would have lower performance per thread; that forces other cores to idly wait for the slowed threads to complete. (HPC systems may have dedicated OS cores and spare cores to avoid similar problems, where OS activity would slow down one core/thread and force hundreds of others to wait or where a failed core could cause, e.g., a 16-thread gang scheduled program to run 15 threads and then one thread, doubling execution time.)
(In theory, SMT could be used in HPC to reduce register pressure in some optimized loops since the effective latency of operations like FMADD in a dual threaded core may be viewed as roughly being halved. Since compilers generally use a fixed latency for scheduling [SMT is treated as a transparent feature], exploiting this feature is not generally practical even when it could be beneficial.)
Rather like out-of-order execution, SMT is most beneficial for irregular code. (OoO looks ahead in a single code stream for instruction level and memory level parallelism; SMT looks "sideways" across threads for such parallelism.) If branch mispredictions and cache misses are common, SMT can use existing thread-level parallelism to hide such latencies (the cost of a branch misprediction is largely in the latency of resolution).
The benefit from SMT varies by workload and by the specific hardware. A deeply pipelined in-order microarchitecture like the initial Intel Atom benefits more from SMT than a shallower pipelined OoO microarchitecture would (latencies, especially branch resolution latency, being generally higher with longer pipelines and OoO providing some parallelism that would otherwise be used by SMT's thread-level parallelism).
Enabled hyperthreading may also have the disadvantage of increasing the number of threads used by an application where performance scaling with increased thread count is sufficiently sublinear that the lower performance per thread with hyperthreading would result in a net loss of performance. E.g., if two-thread-per-core hyperthreading provided a 30% increase in per core performance and doubling thread count increased performance by 50%, then total performance would decrease by 2.5%.
The standard advice of "when in doubt, measure" obviously applies.
Obviously some people don't understand some things. I have done so, here is what I copied froma site:
Depending on when you last bought a computer, you may remember Hyper-Threading as a feature that Intel introduced and then discontinued. This could understandably leave a sour taste in your mouth – why would Intel discontinue it if it wasn’t trouble?
The truth isn’t so grim. Hyper-Threading was for a time made available on certain Intel Pentium 4 and Intel Xeon processors. It was discontinued not because the feature itself was bad, but rather because the processor that used it turned out to be a bit of a misstep for other reasons. The Pentium 4 architecture was a minor disaster for Intel because it was incapable of going the direction Intel hoped (Intel wanted to have Pentium 4 processors with clock speeds of up to 10 GHz). As a result, Intel jumped back to designing processors based on the Pentium Pro family tree.
Hyper-Threading was gone, but not forgotten. Intel eventually found the time and resources to integrate it into another new processor architecture - Nehalem. This is the architecture that is the basis for all current Intel Core i3, i5 and i7 processors.
Source: http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/hyperthreading-technology-explained/

many-core CPU's: Programming techniques to avoid disappointing scalability

We've just bought a 32-core Opteron machine, and the speedups we get are a little disappointing: beyond about 24 threads we see no speedup at all (actually gets slower overall) and after about 6 threads it becomes significantly sub-linear.
Our application is very thread-friendly: our job breaks down into about 170,000 little tasks which can each be executed separately, each taking 5-10 seconds. They all read from the same memory-mapped file of size about 4Gb. They make occasional writes to it, but it might be 10,000 reads to each write - we just write a little bit of data at the end of each of the 170,000 tasks. The writes are lock-protected. Profiling shows that the locks are not a problem. The threads use a lot of JVM memory each in non-shared objects and they make very little access to shared JVM objects and of that, only a small percentage of accesses involve writes.
We're programming in Java, on Linux, with NUMA enabled. We have 128Gb RAM. We have 2 Opteron CPU's (model 6274) of 16 cores each. Each CPU has 2 NUMA nodes. The same job running on an Intel quad-core (i.e. 8 cores) scaled nearly linearly up to 8 threads.
We've tried replicating the read-only data to have one-per-thread, in the hope that most lookups can be local to a NUMA node, but we observed no speedup from this.
With 32 threads, 'top' shows the CPU's 74% "us" (user) and about 23% "id" (idle). But there are no sleeps and almost no disk i/o. With 24 threads we get 83% CPU usage. I'm not sure how to interpret 'idle' state - does this mean 'waiting for memory controller'?
We tried turning NUMA on and off (I'm referring to the Linux-level setting that requires a reboot) and saw no difference. When NUMA was enabled, 'numastat' showed only about 5% of 'allocation and access misses' (95% of cache misses were local to the NUMA node). [Edit:] But adding "-XX:+useNUMA" as a java commandline flag gave us a 10% boost.
One theory we have is that we're maxing out the memory controllers, because our application uses a lot of RAM and we think there are a lot of cache misses.
What can we do to either (a) speed up our program to approach linear scalability, or (b) diagnose what's happening?
Also: (c) how do I interpret the 'top' result - does 'idle' mean 'blocked on memory controllers'? and (d) is there any difference in the characteristics of Opteron vs Xeon's?
I also have a 32 core Opteron machine, with 8 NUMA nodes (4x6128 processors, Mangy Cours, not Bulldozer), and I have faced similar issues.
I think the answer to your problem is hinted at by the 2.3% "sys" time shown in top. In my experience, this sys time is the time the system spends in the kernel waiting for a lock. When a thread can't get a lock it then sits idle until it makes its next attempt. Both the sys and idle time are a direct result of lock contention. You say that your profiler is not showing locks to be the problem. My guess is that for some reason the code causing the lock in question is not included in the profile results.
In my case a significant cause of lock contention was not the processing I was actually doing but the work scheduler that was handing out the individual pieces of work to each thread. This code used locks to keep track of which thread was doing which piece of work. My solution to this problem was to rewrite my work scheduler avoiding mutexes, which I have read do not scale well beyond 8-12 cores, and instead use gcc builtin atomics (I program in C on Linux). Atomic operations are effectively a very fine grained lock that scales much better with high core counts. In your case if your work parcels really do take 5-10s each it seems unlikely this will be significant for you.
I also had problems with malloc, which suffers horrible lock issues in high core count situations, but I can't, off the top of my head, remember whether this also led to sys & idle figures in top, or whether it just showed up using Mike Dunlavey's debugger profiling method (How can I profile C++ code running in Linux?). I suspect it did cause sys & idle problems, but I draw the line at digging through all my old notes to find out :) I do know that I now avoid runtime mallocs as much as possible.
My best guess is that some piece of library code you are using implements locks without your knowledge, is not included in your profiling results, and is not scaling well to high core-count situations. Beware memory allocators!
I'm sure the answer will lie in a consideration of the hardware architecture. You have to think of multi core computers as if they were individual machines connected by a network. In fact that's all that Hypertransport and QPI are.
I find that to solve these scalability problems you have to stop thinking in terms of shared memory and start adopting the philosophy of Communicating Sequential Processes. It means thinking very differently, ie imagine how you would write the software if your hardware was 32 single core machines connected by a network. Modern (and ancient) CPU architectures are not designed to give unfettered scaling of the sort you're after. They are designed to allow many different processes to get on with processing their own data.
Like everything else in computing these things go in fashions. CSP dates back to the 1970s, but the very modern and Java derived Scala is a popular embodiment of the concept. See this section on Scala concurrency on Wikipedia.
What the philosophy of CSP does is force you to design a data distribution scheme that fits your data and the problem you're solving. That's not necessarily easy, but if you manage it then you have a solution that will scale very well indeed. Scala may make it easier to develop.
Personally I do everything in CSP and in C. It's allowed me to develop a signal processing application that scales perfectly linearly from 8 cores to several thousand cores (the limit being how big my room is).
The first thing you're going to have to do is actually use NUMA. It isn't a magic setting that you turn on, you have to exploit it in your software's architecture. I don't know about Java, but in C one would bind a memory allocation to a specific core's memory controller (aka memory affinity), and similarly for threads (core affinity) in cases where the OS doesn't get the hint.
I presume that your data doesn't break down into 32 neat, discrete chunks? It's difficult to give advice without knowing exactly the data flows implicit in your program. But think about it in terms of data flow. Draw it out even; Data Flow Diagrams are useful for this (another ancient graphical formal notation). If your picture shows all your data going through a single object (eg through a single memory buffer) then it's going to be slow...
I assume you have optimized your locks, and synchronization made a minimum. In such a case, it still depends a lot on what libraries you are using to program in parallel.
One issue that can happen even if you have no synchronization issue, is memory bus congestion. This is very nasty and difficult to get rid of.
All I can suggest is somehow make your tasks bigger and create fewer tasks. This depends highly on the nature of your problem. Ideally you want as many tasks as the number of cores/threads, but this is not easy (if possible) to achieve.
Something else that can help is to give more heap to your JVM. This will reduce the need to run Garbage Collector frequently, and speeds up a little.
does 'idle' mean 'blocked on memory controllers'
No. You don't see that in top. I mean if the CPU is waiting for memory access, it will be shown as busy. If you have idle periods, it is either waiting for a lock, or for IO.
I'm the Original Poster. We think we've diagnosed the issue, and it's not locks, not system calls, not memory bus congestion; we think it's level 2/3 CPU cache contention.
To reiterate, our task is embarrassingly parallel so it should scale well. However, one thread has a large amount of CPU cache it can access, but as we add more threads, the amount of CPU cache each process can access gets lower and lower (the same amount of cache divided by more processes). Some levels on some architectures are shared between cores on a die, some are even shared between dies (I think), and it may help to get "down in the weeds" with the specific machine you're using, and optimise your algorithms, but our conclusion is that there's not a lot we can do to achieve the scalability we thought we'd get.
We identified this as the cause by using 2 different algorithms. The one which accesses more level 2/3 cache scales much worse than the one which does more processing with less data. They both make frequent accesses to the main data in main memory.
If you haven't tried that yet: Look at hardware-level profilers like Oracle Studio has (for CentOS, Redhat, and Oracle Linux) or if you are stuck with Windows: Intel VTune. Then start looking at operations with suspiciously high clocks per instruction metrics. Suspiciously high mean a lot higher than the same code on a single-numa, single-L3-cache machine (like current Intel desktop CPUs).

Are there practical limits to the number of cores accessing the same memory?

Will the current trend of adding cores to computers continue? Or is there some theoretical or practical limit to the number of cores that can be served by one set of memory?
Put another way: is the high powered desktop computer of the future apt to have 1024 cores using one set of memory, or is it apt to have 32 sets of memory, each accessed by 32 cores?
Or still another way: I have a multi-threaded program that runs well on a 4-core machine, using a significant amount of the total CPU. As this program grows in size and does more work, can I be reasonably confident more powerful machines will be available to run it? Or should I be thinking seriously about running multiple sessions on multiple machines (or at any rate multiple sets of memory) to get the work done?
In other words, is a purely multithreaded approach to design going to leave me in a dead end? (As using a single threaded approach and depending on continued improvements in CPU speed years back would have done?) The program is unlikely to be run on a machine costing more than, say $3,000. If that machine cannot do the work, the work won't get done. But if that $3,000 machine is actually a network of 32 independent computers (though they may share the same cooling fan) and I've continued my massively multithreaded approach, the machine will be able to do the work, but the program won't, and I'm going to be in an awkward spot.
Distributed processing looks like a bigger pain than multithreading was, but if that might be in my future, I'd like some warning.
Will the current trend of adding cores to computers continue?
Yes, the GHz race is over. It's not practical to ramp the speed any more on the current technology. Physics has gotten in the way. There may be a dramatic shift in the technology of fabricating chips that allows us to get round this, but it's not obviously 'just around the corner'.
If we can't have faster cores, the only way to get more power is to have more cores.
Or is there some theoretical or practical limit to the number of cores that can be served by one set of memory?
Absolutely there's a limit. In a shared memory system the memory is a shared resource and has a limited amount of bandwidth.
Max processes = (Memory Bandwidth) / (Bandwidth required per process)
Now - that 'Bandwidth per process' figure will be reduced by caches, but caches become less efficient if they have to be coherent with one another because everyone is accessing the same area of memory. (You can't cache a memory write if another CPU may need what you've written)
When you start talking about huge systems, shared resources like this become the main problem. It might be memory bandwidth, CPU cycles, hard drive access, network bandwidth. It comes down to how the system as a whole is structured.
You seem to be really asking for a vision of the future so you can prepare. Here's my take.
I think we're going to see a change in the way software developers see parallelism in their programs. At the moment, I would say that a lot of software developers see the only way of using multiple threads is to have lots of them doing the same thing. The trouble is they're all contesting for the same resources. This then means lots of locking needs to be introduced, which causes performance issues, and subtle bugs which are infuriating and time consuming to solve.
This isn't sustainable.
Manufacturing worked out at the beginning of the 20th Century, the fastest way to build lots of cars wasn't to have lots of people working on one car, and then, when that one's done, move them all on to the next car. It was to split the process of building the car down into lots of small jobs, with the output of one job feeding the next. They called it assembly lines. In hardware design it's called pipe-lining, and I'll think we'll see software designs move to it more and more, as it minimizes the problem of shared resources.
Sure - There's still a shared resource on the output of one stage and the input of the next, but this is only between two threads/processes and is much easier to handle. Standard methods can also be adopted on how these interfaces are made, and message queueing libraries seem to be making big strides here.
There's not one solution for all problems though. This type of pipe-line works great for high throughput applications that can absorb some latency. If you can't live with the latency, you have no option but to go the 'many workers on a single task' route. Those are the ones you ideally want to be throwing at SIMD machines/Array processors like GPUs, but it only really excels with a certain type of problem. Those problems are ones where there's lots of data to process in the same way, and there's very little or no dependency between data items.
Having a good grasp of message queuing techniques and similar for pipelined systems, and utilising fine grained parallelism on GPUs through libraries such as OpenCL, will give you insight at both ends of the spectrum.
Update: Multi-threaded code may run on clustered machines, so this issue may not be as critical as I thought.
I was carefully checking out the Java Memory Model in the JLS, chapter 17, and found it does not mirror the typical register-cache-main memory model of most computers. There were opportunities there for a multi-memory machine to cleanly shift data from one memory to another (and from one thread running on one machine to another running on a different one). So I started searching for JVMs that would run across multiple machines. I found several old references--the idea has been out there, but not followed through. However, one company, Terracotta, seems to have something, if I'm reading their PR right.
At any rate, it rather seems that when PC's typically contain several clustered machines, there's likely to be a multi-machine JVM for them.
I could find nothing outside the Java world, but Microsoft's CLR ought to provide the same opportunities. C and C++ and all the other .exe languages might be more difficult. However, Terracotta's websites talk more about linking JVM's rather than one JVM on multiple machines, so their tricks might work for executable langauges also (and maybe the CLR, if needed).
