I tried to create zip archive without save archiving file to disk. So First I write method with save to disk:
file = Zip::File.open("#{file_name}.zip", Zip::File::CREATE)
save_file file_name
file.add(file_name, file_name)
rescue IOError => e
puts "Error: #{e}"
file.close unless file.nil?
File.delete file_name
This work fine but before create save archiving file.
Second I tried to write this code, first create StringIO zip archive with file witch I need, second I cant save them to disk in bin mode:
string_io = Zip::OutputStream.write_buffer do |zos|
zos.write dictionary.join(', ')
# Something wrong below
File.open("#{file_name}.zip", 'wb') do |file|
file.write string_io
What a do wrong? and how to do it right way?
string_io = Zip::OutputStream.write_buffer do |zos|
zos.write dictionary.join(', ')
# Rewind
# Write simply to file in bin mode
IO.write("#{file_name}.zip", string_io.sysread)
I'm writing to a file from a temp file, when I try to read the file that has been written from the temp file, it seems to be adding an extra character to the directory called tmp. (file is passed in through optparse)
require 'tempfile'
PATH = Dir.pwd
def format_file
puts 'Writing to temporary file..'
if File.exists?(OPTIONS[:file])
file = Tempfile.new('file')
IO.read(OPTIONS[:file]).each_line do |s|
File.open(file, 'a+') { |format| format.puts(s) unless s.chomp.empty? }
IO.read(file).each_line do |file|
File.open("#{PATH}/tmp/#sites.txt", 'a+') { |line| line.puts(file) }
puts "File: #{OPTIONS[:file]}, has been formatted and saved as #sites.txt in the tmp directory."
puts <<-_END_
Woah now my friend! I know you're eager to get those vulns;
But file: #{OPTIONS[:file]} doesn't exist or in this directory at least!
What I'm gonna need you to do is go move that file over here.
It's okay, you're forgiven, I'll wait until you return..
ruby whitewidow.rb -f sites.txt
[12:40:43 INFO]Formatting file
[12:40:43 INFO]Writing to temporary file..
[12:40:43 INFO]File: tmp/sites.txt, has been formatted and saved as #sites.txt in the tmp directory.
[12:40:43 INFO]Let's check out this file real quick like..
whitewidow.rb:224:in `read': No such file or directory # rb_sysopen - C:/Users/Justin/MyScripts/RubySQL/whitewidow/#tmp/#sites.txt (Errno::ENOENT)
#<= Correct path but the '#' in tmp shouldn't be there..
What it does is format the file to remove any empty lines within it (this program doesn't like empty lines) from there it should write to a temp file, rewrite from the temp file back to the original directory (whitewidow/tmp/) and delete the temp file (I know how to do this part).
It seems to me like while rewriting back to the original directory it's adding a # to the directory name (#tmp is actually tmp) is there a reason that it's adding this?
I fixed it, for some reason the program was adding a # to the path, so I gsubed out the # and it works.
Let me start by saying I'm open to a better way to do this, but here's what I have so far.
Lets say I have a zip file with 100 images in it. I want to loop through the zip file and 'attach' each image to a record. I have Paperclip installed to attach the image to the record in ActiveRecord. I'm using the following code so far:
Zip::File.open(params['images'].path) do |zipfile|
zipfile.each do |file|
This is what I'd like to end up with:
Zip::File.open(params['images'].path) do |zipfile|
zipfile.each do |file|
MyModel.create(parent_id: 1, image: "...")
How could I do that?
you should create tempfile from zip, than create paperclip attachment with this tempfile
Zip::File.open(params['images'].path) do |zipfile|
zipfile.each do |file|
tempfile = Tempfile.new(File.basename(file.name))
tempfile.write file.get_input_stream.read
# to save original file name to model, use image_file_name
MyModel.create(parent_id: 1, image: tempfile, image_file_name: file.name)
2 small questions to create the effect I'm looking for.
How do I check if a file exists within a directory with the extension of .zip?
If it does exist I need to make a folder with the same name as the .zip without the .zip extension for the folder.
Then I need to extract the files into the folder.
Secondly, what do I do if there are more than one .zip files in the folder?
I'm doing something like this and trying to put it into ruby
`mkdir fileNameisRandom`
`unzip fileNameisRandom.zip -d fileNameisRandom`
On a similar post I found something like
Dir.entries("#{Dir.pwd}").select {|f| File.file? f}
which I know checks all files within a directory and makes sure they are a file.
The problem is I don't know how to make sure that it is only an extension of .zip
Also, I found the Glob function which checks the extension of a filename from: http://ruby-doc.org/core-1.9.3/Dir.html
How do I ensure the file exists in that case, and if it doesn't I can print out an error then.
From the comment I now have
if Dir['*.zip'].first == nil #check to see if any exist
puts "A .zip file was not found"
elsif Dir['*.zip'].select {|f| File.file? f} then #ensure each of them are a file
#use a foreach loop to go through each one
Dir['*.zip'].select.each do |file|
puts "#{file}"
end ## end for each loop
Here's a way of doing this with less branching:
# prepare the data
zips= Dir['*.zip'].select{ |f| File.file? }
# check if data is sane
if zips.empty?
puts "No zips"
exit 0 # or return
# process data
zips.each do |z|
This pattern is easier to follow for fellow programmers.
You can also do it using a ruby gem called rubyzip
source 'https://rubygems.org'
gem 'rubyzip'
run bundle
require 'zip'
zips= Dir['*.zip'].select{ |f| File.file? }
if zips.empty?
puts "No zips"
exit 0 # or return
zips.each do |zip|
Zip::File.open(zip) do |files|
files.each do |file|
# write file somewhere
# see here https://github.com/rubyzip/rubyzip
I finally pieced together different information from tutorials and used #rogerdpack and his comment for help.
require 'rubygems/package'
#require 'zlib'
require 'fileutils'
#move to the unprocessed directory to unpack the files
#if a .tgz file exists
#take all .tgz files
#make a folder with the same name
#put all contained folders from .tgz file inside of similarly named folder
if Dir['*.zip'].first == nil #check to see if any exist, I use .first because Dir[] returns an array
puts "A .zip file was not found"
elsif Dir['*.zip'].select {|f| File.file? f} then #ensure each of them are a file
#use a foreach loop to go through each one
Dir['*.zip'].select.each do |file|
puts "" #newlie for each file
puts "#{file}" #print out file name
#next line based on `mkdir fileNameisRandom`
`mkdir #{Dir.pwd}/awaitingValidation/#{ File.basename(file, File.extname(file)) }`
#next line based on `unzip fileNameisRandom.zip -d fileNameisRandom`
placement = "awaitingValidation/" + File.basename(file, File.extname(file))
puts "#{placement}"
`sudo unzip #{file} -d #{placement}`
puts "Unzip complete"
end ## end for each loop
This is the code I'm trying.
require 'zlib'
Dir.glob('*.*').each do |file|
Zlib::GzipWriter.open('output.gz') do |gz|
gz.mtime = File.mtime(file)
gz.orig_name = File.basename(file)
gz.write IO.binread(file)
I've tried different variations of this. There doesn't seem to be a howto for "multiple files" online. I keep ending up with the first file name in the ouput.gz, and I think it may have the content of the last file from the directory (not sure). But that's besides the point. I just want to put each file as separate entities in a compressed file. The more cross platform compatible it is the better.
This answer is taken from http://old.thoughtsincomputation.com/posts/tar-and-a-few-feathers-in-ruby who took it from the RubyGems library.
require 'rubygems'
require 'rubygems/package'
require 'zlib'
require 'fileutils'
module Util
module Tar
# Creates a tar file in memory recursively
# from the given path.
# Returns a StringIO whose underlying String
# is the contents of the tar file.
def tar(path)
tarfile = StringIO.new("")
Gem::Package::TarWriter.new(tarfile) do |tar|
Dir[File.join(path, "**/*")].each do |file|
mode = File.stat(file).mode
relative_file = file.sub /^#{Regexp::escape path}\/?/, ''
if File.directory?(file)
tar.mkdir relative_file, mode
tar.add_file relative_file, mode do |tf|
File.open(file, "rb") { |f| tf.write f.read }
# gzips the underlying string in the given StringIO,
# returning a new StringIO representing the
# compressed file.
def gzip(tarfile)
gz = StringIO.new("")
z = Zlib::GzipWriter.new(gz)
z.write tarfile.string
z.close # this is necessary!
# z was closed to write the gzip footer, so
# now we need a new StringIO
StringIO.new gz.string
# un-gzips the given IO, returning the
# decompressed version as a StringIO
def ungzip(tarfile)
z = Zlib::GzipReader.new(tarfile)
unzipped = StringIO.new(z.read)
# untars the given IO into the specified
# directory
def untar(io, destination)
Gem::Package::TarReader.new io do |tar|
tar.each do |tarfile|
destination_file = File.join destination, tarfile.full_name
if tarfile.directory?
FileUtils.mkdir_p destination_file
destination_directory = File.dirname(destination_file)
FileUtils.mkdir_p destination_directory unless File.directory?(destination_directory)
File.open destination_file, "wb" do |f|
f.print tarfile.read
### Usage Example: ###
# include Util::Tar
# io = tar("./Desktop") # io is a TAR of files
# gz = gzip(io) # gz is a TGZ
# io = ungzip(gz) # io is a TAR
# untar(io, "./untarred") # files are untarred
First off, that will keep overwriting output.gz, leaving it containing only the last file compressed.
Second, the gzip format does not hold multiple files. It only holds one. You need to use the .tar.gz or .zip format. .zip is more "cross platform compatible". Take a look at rubyzip.
I want to copy the contents of one file to another using Ruby's file methods.
How can I do it using a simple Ruby program using file methods?
There is a very handy method for this - the IO#copy_stream method - see the output of ri copy_stream
Example usage:
File.open('src.txt') do |f|
f.puts 'Some text'
IO.copy_stream('src.txt', 'dest.txt')
For those that are interested, here's a variation of the IO#copy_stream, File#open + block answer(s) (written against ruby 2.2.x, 3 years too late).
copy = Tempfile.new
File.open(file, 'rb') do |input_stream|
File.open(copy, 'wb') do |output_stream|
IO.copy_stream(input_stream, output_stream)
As a precaution I would recommend using buffer unless you can guarantee whole file always fits into memory:
File.open("source", "rb") do |input|
File.open("target", "wb") do |output|
while buff = input.read(4096)
Here my implementation
class File
def self.copy(source, target)
File.open(source, 'rb') do |infile|
File.open(target, 'wb') do |outfile2|
while buffer = infile.read(4096)
outfile2 << buffer
File.copy sourcepath, targetpath
Here is a simple way of doing that using ruby file operation methods :
source_file, destination_file = ARGV
script = $0
input = File.open(source_file)
data_to_copy = input.read() # gather the data using read() method
puts "The source file is #{data_to_copy.length} bytes long"
output = File.open(destination_file, 'w')
output.write(data_to_copy) # write up the data using write() method
puts "File has been copied"
You can also use File.exists? to check if the file exists or not. This would return a boolean true if it does!!
Here's a fast and concise way to do it.
# Open first file, read it, store it, then close it
input = File.open(ARGV[0]) {|f| f.read() }
# Open second file, write to it, then close it
output = File.open(ARGV[1], 'w') {|f| f.write(input) }
An example for running this would be.
$ ruby this_script.rb from_file.txt to_file.txt
This runs this_script.rb and takes in two arguments through the command-line. The first one in our case is from_file.txt (text being copied from) and the second argument second_file.txt (text being copied to).
You can also use File.binread and File.binwrite if you wish to hold onto the file contents for a bit. (Other answers use an instant copy_stream instead.)
If the contents are other than plain text files, such as images, using basic File.read and File.write won't work.
temp_image = Tempfile.new('image.jpg')
actual_img = IO.binread('image.jpg')
IO.binwrite(temp_image, actual_img)
Source: binread,