Operations on certain tables won't finish - oracle

We have a table TRANSMISSIONS(ID, NAME) which behaves funny in the following ways:
The statement to add a foreign key in another table referencing TRANSMISSIONS.ID won't finish
The statement to add a column to TRANSMISSIONS won't finish
The statement to disable/drop a unique constraint won't finish
The statement to disable/drop a trigger won't finish
TRANSMISSION's primary key is ID, there is also a unique constraint on NAME - therefore there are indexes on ID and NAME. We also have a trigger which creates values for column ID using a sequence, so that INSERT statements do not need to provide a value for ID.
Besides TRANSMISSIONS, there are two more tables behaving like this. For other tables, the above-mentioned statements work fine.
The database is used in an application with Hibernate and due to an incorrect JPA configuration we produced high values for ID during a time. Note that we use the trigger only for "manual" INSERT statements and that Hibernate produces ID values itself, also using the sequence.
The first thought was that the problems were due to the high IDs but we have the problems also with tables that never had such high IDs.
Anyways we suspected that the indexes might be fragmented somehow and called ALTER INDEX TRANSMISSIONS_PK SHRINK SPACE COMPACT, which ran through but showed no effect.
Also, we wanted to call ALTER TABLE TRANSMISSIONS SHRINK SPACE COMPACT which didn't work because we needed to call first ALTER TABLE TRANSMISSIONS ENABLE ROW MOVEMENT which never finished.
We have another instance of the database which does not behave in such a funny way. So we think it might be that in the course of running the application the database got somehow into an inconsistent state.
Does someone have any suggestions what might have gone out of control/into an inconsitent state?
More hints:
There are no locks present on any objects in the database (according to information in v$lock and v$locked_object)
We tried all these statements in SQL Developer and also using SQLPlus (command-line tool).


Unique Constraint Violated on empty table

I recently received a case which my client came across the ORA-00001: unique constraint violated error. This happened when a program tried to truncate two tables and then insert data into them.
From the error-log file, the truncate step was completed,
delete from INTERNET_GROUP
delete from INTERNET_ITEM
BUT right after this, the insertion to the Internet_group table triggered the ORA-00001 error. I am wondering if there is any database settings related to this error? I never used Oracle and am wondering if Oracle puts a lock on a row with SELECT statement, in which case the row is locked and not deleted somehow? Any help is appreciated.
Please know that there is a difference between truncate and delete. You say you truncated the table, but you mention "delete from" . That is entirely different.
If you're sure you want to empty the tables, try replacing with
truncate table internet_group reuse storage;
Mind you that a commit is not necessary with the truncate statement as this is considered a DDL (data definition language) statement and not a DML (Data modification language) statement like updates and deletes.
Also, there is no row locking on selects. But changes are only applied and visible for other sessions in the database when commit-ed.
I guess that is wat happened; you deleted the records but did not execute a commit (yet) and subsequently inserted new records.
I now realize you're probably inserting multiple records....
The other option might be, that the data itself causes a violation. Can you please provide the constraints on the table? There must be a primary key or unique constraint. You might want to hold that against your dataset.

Creating a Triggers

How do I start a trigger so that this allows nobody to be able to rent a movie if their unpaid balance exceeds 50 dollars?
What you have here is a cross-row table constraint - i.e. you can't just put a single Oracle CONSTRAINT on a column, as these can only look at data within a single row at a time.
Oracle has support for only two cross-row constraint types - uniqueness (e.g. primary keys and unique constraints) and referential integrity (foreign keys).
In your case, you'll have to hand-code the constraint yourself - and with that comes the responsibility to ensure that the constraint is not violated in the presence of multiple sessions, each of which cannot see data inserted/updated by other concurrent sessions (at least, until they commit).
A simplistic approach is to add a trigger that issues a query to count how many records conflict with the new record; but this won't work because the trigger cannot see rows that have been inserted/updated by other sessions but not committed yet; so the trigger will sometimes allow members to rent 6 videos, as long as (for example) they get two cashiers to enter the data in separate terminals.
One way to get around this problem is to put some element of serialization in - e.g. the trigger would first request a lock on the member record (e.g. with a SELECT FOR UPDATE) before it's allowed to check the rentals; that way, if a 2nd session tries to insert rentals, it will wait until the first session does a commit or rollback.
Another way around this problem is to use an aggregating Materialized View, which would be based on a query that is designed to find any rows that fail the test; the expectation is that the MV will be empty, and you put a table constraint on the MV such that if a row was ever to appear in the MV, the constraint would be violated. The effect of this is that any statement that tries to insert rows that violate the constraint will cause a constraint violation when the MV is refreshed.
Writing the query for this based on your design is left as an exercise for the reader :)
If you want to restrict something about your table data then you should have a look at Constraints and not Triggers.
Constraints are ensuring some conditions about your table data. Like your example.
Triggers are fired when some action (i.e. INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) took place and you can do some work then as a reaction to this action.

Sybase ASE remote row insert locking

Im working on an application which access a Sybase ASE 15.0.2 ,where the current code access a remote database
(CIS) to insert a row using a proxy table definition (the destination table is a DOL - DRL table - The PK
row is defined as identity ,and is always growing). The current code performs a select to check if the row
already exists to avoid duplicate data to be inserted.
Since the remote table also have a PK definition on the table, i do understand that the PK verification will
be done again prior to commiting the row.
Im planning to remove the select check since its being effectively done again by the PK verification,
but im concerned about if when receiving a file with many duplicates, the table may suffer
some unecessary contention when the data is tried to be commited.
Its not clear to me if Sybase ASE tries to hold the last row and writes the data prior to check for the
duplicate. Also, if the table is very big, im concerned also about the time it will spend looking the
whole index to find duplicates.
I've found some documentation for SQL anywhere, but not ASE in the following link
The best i could find is the following explanation
But it doesn't enlighten in details how the row is locked (and if there is any kind of
optimization to write it ahead or at the same time of PK checking)
, and also if it will waste a full PK look if im positively inserting a row which the PK
positively greater than the last row commited
Unlike SqlAnywhere there is no option for ASE to set wait_for_commit. The primary key constraint is checked during the insert and not at the commit time. The problem as I understand from your post I see is if you have a mass insert from a file that may contain duplicates is to load into a temp table , check for duplicates, remove the duplicates and then insert the unique ones. Mass insert are lot faster though it still checks for primary key violations. However there is no cost associated as there is no rolling back. The insert statement is always all or nothing. Even if one row is duplicate the entire insert statement will fail. Check before insert in more of error free approach as opposed to use of constraint to the verification because it is going to fail and rollback is going to again be costly.
Thanks Mike
The link does have a very quick explanation about the insert from the CIS perspective. Its a variable to keep an eye on given that CIS may become a representative time consumer
if its performing data and syntax checking if it will be done again when CIS forwards the insert statement to the target server. I was afraid that CIS could have some influence beyond the network traffic/time over the locking/PK checking
I do agree that avoiding the PK duplication by checking if the row already exists by running a select and doing in a batch, but im currently looking for a stop gap solution, and that may be to perform the insert command in batches of about 50 rows and leave the
duplicate key check for the PK.
Hopefully the PK check will be done over a join of the 50 newly inserted rows, and thus
avoid to traverse the index for each single row...
Ill try to test this and comment back

oracle - moving data from to identical database

I have two databases with identical table layouts. There are a dozen or so tables of interest. They are a number of FK between them.
I have been asked to write a stored procedure to copy data from database A to database B based on the PK of the parent table at the top of the hierarchy. I may receive just one value, or a list of values. I'm supposed to select all records from database A that match the value(s) and insert/update them into database B. This includes all the records in the child tables too.
My questions is whats the best(most efficent/ best practice) way to do this?
Should I write a dozen select from... insert into... statements?
Should I join the tables together an try to insert into all the tables at the same time?
Additional info:
The record should be inserted if it is not already there. (based on the PK of the respective table). Otherwise it should be updated.
Obviously I need to traverse down to all child tables, so There would only be one record to copy in the parent table, but the child table might have 10, and the child's child table might have 500. I would of course need to update the record if it already existed, insert if it does not for the child tables too...
I think it would make the solution simpler if I just deleted all records related to the top level key, and then insert all the new records rather than trying to do updates.
So I guess the questions is it best to just do a dozen:
delete from ... where ... in ...
select from ... where ... in ...
insert into...
or is it better to do some kinda of fancy joins to do all the inserts in one sql statement?
I would do this by disabling all the foreign key constraints, then doing a set of MERGE statements to deal with the updates and inserts, then enable all the constraints.
Think about logging. How much redo do you want to generate?
You might find that it's quicker and better to truncate all the target tables and then do inserts of everything with nolog. Could be simpler than the merges.
One major main alternative would be to drop all the target tables and use export and import. Might be a lot faster.
A second alternative would be to use materialized views, particularly if you don't need to do updates on the target tables. That way, Oracle does all the heavy lifting for you. You can force integrity by choosing refresh groups carefully.
There are several ways to deal with this business problem. A PL/SQL program may not be the best.

Identical Oracle db setups: exception on just one of them

edit: Look to the end of this question for what caused the error and how I found out.
I have a very strange exception thrown on me from Hibernate when I run an app that does batch inserts of data into an oracle database. The error comes from the Oracle database, ORA-00001, which
" means that an attempt has been made to
insert a record with a duplicate
(unique) key. This error will also be
generated if an existing record is
updated to generate a duplicate
(unique) key."
The error is weird because I have created the same table (exactly same definition) on another machine where I do NOT get the same error if I use that through my app. AND all the data get inserted into the database, so nothing is really rejected.
There has to be something different between the two setups, but the only thing I can see that is different is the banner output that I get when issuing
select * from v$version where banner like 'Oracle%';
The database that gives me trouble:
Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Prod
The one that works:
Oracle Database 10g Release - 64bit Production
Table definitions, input, and the app I wrote is the same for both. The table involved is basically a four column table with a composite id (serviceid, date, value1, value2) - nothing fancy.
Any ideas on what can be wrong? I have started out clean several times, dropping both tables to start on equal grounds, but I still get the error from the database.
Some more of the output:
Caused by: java.sql.BatchUpdateException: ORA-00001: unique constraint (STATISTICS.PRIMARY_KEY_CONSTRAINT) violated
at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwBatchUpdateException(DatabaseError.java:367)
at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.executeBatch(OraclePreparedStatement.java:8728)
at org.hibernate.jdbc.BatchingBatcher.doExecuteBatch(BatchingBatcher.java:70)
How I found out what caused the problem
Thanks to APC and ik_zelf I was able to pinpoint the root cause of this error. It turns out the Quartz scheduler was wrongly configured for the production database (where the error turned up).
For the job running against the non-failing oracle server I had <cronTriggerExpression>0/5 * * * * ?</cronTriggerExpression> which ran the batch job every five seconds. I figured that once a minute was sufficent for the other oracle server, and set the quartz scheduler up with * */1 * * * ?. This turns out to be wrong, and instead of running every minute, this ran every second!
Each job took approximately 1.5-2 seconds, and thus two or more jobs were running concurrently, thus causing simultaneous inserts on the server. So instead of inserting 529 elements, I was getting anywhere from 1000 to 2000 inserts. Changing the crontrigger expression to the same as the other one, running every five seconds, fixed the problem.
To find out what was wrong I had to set true in hibernate.cfg.xml and disable the primary key constraint on the table.
-- To catch exceptions
-- to find the offending rows run the following query
-- SELECT * FROM uptime_statistics, EXCEPTIONS WHERE MY_TABLE.rowid = EXCEPTIONS.row_id;
create table exceptions(row_id rowid,
owner varchar2(30),
table_name varchar2(30),
constraint varchar2(30));
-- This table was set up
-- Removed the constraint to see what was inserted twice or more
alter table my_table
disable constraint PK_CONSTRAINT;
-- Enable this later on to find rows that offend the constraints
alter table my_table
enable constraint PK_CONSTRAINT
exceptions into exceptions;
You have a unique compound constraint. ORA-00001 means that you have two or more rows which have duplicate values in ServiceID, Date, Value1 and/or Value2. You say the input is the same for both databases. So either:
you are imagining that your program is hurling ORA-00001
you are mistaken that the input is the same in both runs.
The more likely explanation is the second one: one or more of your key columns is populated by an external source or default value (e.g. code table for ServiceId or SYSDATE for the date column). In your failing database this automatic population is failing to provide a unique value. There can be any number of reasons why this might be so, depending on what mechanism(s) you're using. Remember that in a unique compound key NULL entries count. That is, you can have any number of records (NULL,NULL.NULL,NULL) but only one for (42,NULL,NULL,NULL).
It is hard for us to guess what the actual problem might be, and almost as hard for you (although you do have the advantage of being the code's author, which ought to grant you some insight). What you need is some trace statements. My preferred solution would be to use Bulk DML Exception Handling but then I am a PL/SQL fan. Hibernate allows you to hook in some logging to your programs: I suggest you switch it on. Code is a heck of a lot easier to debug when it has decent instrumentation.
As a last resort, disable the constraint before running the batch insert. Afterwards re-enable it like this:
alter table t42
enable constraint t42_uk
exceptions into my_exceptions
This will fail if you have duplicate rows but crucially the MY_EXCEPTIONS table will list all the rows which clash. That at least will give you some clue as to the source of the duplication. If you don't already have an exceptions table you will have to run a script: $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/utlexcptn.sql ( you may need a DBA to gain access to this directory).
insight requires information: instrument your code.
The one that has problems is a EE and the other looks like a SE database. I expect that the first is on quicker hardware. If that is the case, and your date column is filled using SYSDATE, it could very well be that the time resolution is not enough; that you get duplicate date values. If the other columns of your data are also not unique, you get ORA-00001.
It's a long shot but at first sight I would look into this direction.
Can you use an exception table to identify the data? See Reporting Constraint Exceptions
My guess would be the service id. Whatever service_id hibernate is using for the 'fresh' insert has already been used.
Possibly the table is empty in one database but populated in another
I'm betting though that the service_id is sequence generated and the sequence number is out of sync with the data content. So you have the same 1000 rows in the table but doing
SELECT service_id_seq.nextval FROM DUAL
in one database gives a lower number than the other. I see this a lot where the sequence has been created (eg out of source control) and data has been imported into the table from another database.
