Global vs local variables? - ruby

I am wondering why my code works in one instance but doesn't in another. Does it have something to do with local and global variables?
This works:
def factorial num
result = 1
while (num > 1)
result = result * num
num -= 1
puts result
This doesn't work:
result = 1
def factorial num
while (num > 1)
result = result.to_i * num
num -= 1
puts result

Everything inside of a method definition cannot see local variables from other places. That sounds weird, but here's two ways to fix it:
result = 1
number = 10
def factorial(num,result_value)
while (num > 1)
result_value = result_value.to_i * num
num -= 1
puts result_value
factorial(number, result)
That passes result as an argument. That's a great way of handling the method because it doesn't allow you to change the value of result from within the method. That might not seem like a big deal but "pure methods" like this become very valuable as the size the code increases.
This is the "dirty" or un-pure way of doing the same thing:
#result = 1
def factorial(num)
while (num > 1)
#result = #result.to_i * num
num -= 1
puts #result
Putting an # in front of a variable name allows its scope to expand to methods defined outside of its scope. This becomes a problem as the complexity of your code increases.
Random personal opinion: even though Ruby doesn't require you to put the parentheses next to a method definition, you always should. It makes the code a lot more explicit and easier to read. Follow your heart though ;)

You could experiment by prepending all results with a $ sign, making it global. Prepending with a # results in an instance variable, also interesting. Sidenote: puts prints and returns nil, so your method returns nil.

result = 1 # line 1
def factorial num
while (num > 1)
result = result.to_i * num
num -= 1
puts result
In this code, factorial doesn't know about result variable from the line 1.
When Ruby find result = result.to_i * num in your method it will first assign nil to the result. Then Ruby will try to run result.to_i * num. Since result is already nil, result.to_i is equal 0.
Here is another example:
def foo
a = a
puts "#{a.class}"
foo #NilClass

In the Doesn't Work version the result variable you've assigned to 1 isn't visible inside the factorial method.
Now there is a possibly unexpected behaviour in Ruby that if you try to assign a variable and you refer to the same variable on the right hand side of the assignment, if that variable doesn't have a value yet then it is treated as nil rather than raising an error. So the first time round the loop when you perform
result = result.to_i * num
it's equivalent to result = nil.to_i * num and nil.to_i is equal to 0 so this then sets up result to be 0 for subsequent iterations of the loop and as you're just multiplying the value of result stays on 0.


Is there a nicer way to call the current method recursively, without using its name?

For example:
def recurse(value)
if value < 5
self.send(__method__, value + 1)
This works, but it's a bit ugly.
Basically I'm looking for a prettier way to call the currently executing method, without referring to it explicitly by name.
If there is a less-cryptic syntax for this, I would probably use it (to avoid the name duplication, reduce effort required for renaming a function, etc). If there isn't a nicer syntax for this, I'll just hard-code the name like normal.
It's a comment rather, as #sagarpandya82 mentioned, you can omit some redundant parts and use both variants. I would refactor it a bit:
def recurse(value)
return value unless value < 5 # return value if value >= 5
send(__method__, value + 1) # or just recurse(value + 1)
Non-recursion version with a block:
def non_recurse(value)
if value >= 5
yield value
(value..5).each do |i|
yield i
non_recurse(3) {|i| puts i}
#=> 3, 4, 5
non_recurse(6) {|i| puts i}
#=> 6
If you really want to use __method__, your method is correct and reasonably readable. To comply with usual Ruby guidelines, you could just remove returns and use 2 spaces as indent (as mentioned by #sagarpandya82 in the comments):
def recurse(value)
if value < 5
self.send(__method__, value + 1)
I don't see any reason to use self.send(__method__) here, so you could write :
def recurse(value)
if value < 5
recurse(value + 1)
Actually, I'd say that you don't need recursion at all. All your method does is to keep adding 1 to the value until it reaches 5. If the value is bigger than 5, it returns the value :
For integers:
def no_recurse(value)
[value, 5].max
# 5
# 5
# 7
# 5
# 5 # <- That's wrong
For floats, you'd just need to add the decimal part to 5. This will work for any number:
def no_recurse(value)
[value, 5 + value % 1].max
# 5.5
# 5.5
# 6
# 5

variable addition within index returns nil in ruby

I've come across this error twice now in exercises when I'm trying to iterate over indexes in a string with a conditional. When I break it all out with individual cases the logic seems to work, but Ruby doesn't like something about the way it's expressed.
def NumberAddition(str)
def is_num(num)
(0..9).include? num.to_i
i = 0
sum = 0
while i < str.length
if is_num(str[i])
if !is_num(str[i+1])
sum += str[i].to_i
mult = str[i]
n = 1
while is_num(str[i+n])
mult << str[i+n]
n += 1
sum += mult.to_i
i += 1
throws this error:
no implicit conversion of nil into String
(repl):18:in `NumberAddition'
for the line:
mult << str[i+n]
so obviously instead of returning, say, the string "5" for str[i+n],
where i=0 and n=1, it finds nil. Is there a way to express this with my methodology or do I need to retool the whole loop?
Your is_num function doesn't take into account that nil.to_i is 0. That's why you're getting error, because you're trying to append nil to a string. You need to use something like this:
def is_num(num)
# convert string to integer and back to string should be equal to string itself
num.to_i.to_s == num
Or, if you want to make sure that you concatenating strings, just convert the argument to a string
mult << str[i+n].to_s # nil gets converted to an empty string

Why can't I append to the end of an array recursively in Ruby?

I'm brand new to ruby and I've run into an error that I haven't been able to find the answer to in google, or stack overflow.
I'm trying to put the first 10 values of the fibinachi sequence into an array like so:
##fib=[] #Maybe try creating the array differently?
puts "foo is of type #{foo.class}"
#fib.push(42) #Testing the array
puts #fib #Show the test
def find_fib(anumber)
return anumber if anumber <= 1
( find_fib(anumber - 1) + find_fib(anumber - 2 ))
##fib.push(anumber.to_i) #Maybe I need to specify it is an integer
puts "anumber is of type #{anumber.class}"
puts "They array is of type #{#fib.class}"
puts "a number is #{anumber}"
#fib.push(anumber) #<= this line fails
puts find_fib(10)
I am getting the following error:
...`+': no implicit conversion of Fixnum into Array (TypeError)
foo is of type Fixnum
anumber is of type Fixnum
They array is of type Array
a number is 2
[Finished in 0.3s with exit code 1]
Can someone explain to me what is different between foo and anumber that prevents me from appending to the array? After all, they are both 'Fixnum' datatypes.
For the error you posted, that's because the terminate condition of the find_fib method returns anumber, which is of type Fixnum. This return value is used in your former recursion:
( find_fib(anumber - 1) + find_fib(anumber - 2 ))
Here you are going to call Array + Fixnum, which causes the type check error. Change the terminate condition to the following may remove that error.
def find_fib(anumber)
return [anumber] if anumber <= 1
BTW, you find_fib won't work as expected, you may need further tweak on the algorithm implementation.
There are a number of problems with your method:
def find_fib(anumber)
return anumber if anumber <= 1
(find_fib(anumber - 1) + find_fib(anumber - 2)) # 1
# ETC...
#fib.push(number) # 2 and 3
You're calculating a Fibonacci number here, but you don't assign the value to a variable,
so you're basically throwing away the number.
The last statement evaluated in a Ruby function gets returned, unless you make an
explicit return statement like in your first line. As Arie Shaw points out,
that last line returns an array object, while the first line returns a number, so you're
trying to call Array + Fixnum, which is not a defined operation.
You're pushing number into your #fib array, but that variable isn't assigned a
value anywhere.
If you want a method that generates an array of the first n Fibonacci numbers, here's one Ruby way to do it:
def fib(n)
(n == 1) ? [0] : (2..(n-1)).each_with_object([0,1]) { |i,a| a[i] = a[i-2] + a[i-1] }

In Ruby, how can I collect each new element passing through a method into an array?

I'm creating a small prime number program, and am confused about one thing.
I have a function called create_numbers, that generates numbers and passes them to a new function called check_for_primes, which passes only prime numbers to a final function called count_primes. I want to collect each prime into an array in the function count_primes, but for some reason each number is collected as its own array.
Any idea of what I'm doing wrong?
Here is the code:
def create_numbers
nums = 1
while nums < 100
nums = nums + 2
def count_primes(nums)
array = []
array << nums
puts array.inspect
def check_for_primes(nums)
(2...nums).each do |i|
if nums%i == 0
nums = false
if nums != false
Try this:
STEP = 2
class Integer
def prime?
return if self < 2
(2...self).each do |i|
return if self % i == 0
def create_numbers
num = START
while (num + STEP) < 100
num += STEP
primes << num if
def primes
#primes ||= []
p primes
When you want to save the 'state' of something, put it in an instance variable (#var).
It'll be accessible outside of the current function's scope.
Also, try naming your variables differently. For instance, instead of 'nums', in the
create_numbers method, use 'num'. Since the variable is only referencing one number at a
time and not a list of numbers, naming it in the plural will confuse people (me included)...
Hope it helps,
each time into count_primes you put a value into array (which should have a better name, btw). Unfortunately, each time it's a new variable called array and since no one outside the function can see that variable it's lost when the function ends. If you want to save the values you've already found you'll need to set some state outside your function.
I can think of 2 quick solutions. One would be to declare your storage at the top of create_numbers and pass it into both functions.
def count_primes(num, arr)
def check_for_primes(nums, arr)
The other would be to set a variable outside all the functions, $array, for example to hold the values.
$array = []
$array << num
Since the scope of $array is global (i.e. all functions have access to it) you have access to it from anywhere in the file and can just add things to it in count primes. Note that using globals in this way is generally considered bad style and a more elegant solution would pass parameters and use return values.

Lychrel numbers

First of all, for those of you, who don't know (or forgot) about Lychrel numbers, here is an entry from Wikipedia:
I want to implement the Lychrel number detector in the range from 0 to 10_000. Here is my solution:
class Integer
# Return a reversed integer number, e.g.:
# 1632.reverse #=> 2361
def reverse
# Check, whether given number
# is the Lychrel number or not.
def lychrel?(depth=30)
if depth == 0
return true
elsif self == self.reverse and depth != 30 # [1]
return false
# In case both statements are false, try
# recursive "reverse and add" again.
(self + self.reverse).lychrel?(depth-1)
puts (0..10000).find_all(&:lychrel?)
The issue with this code is the depth value [1]. So, basically, depth is a value, that defines how many times we need to proceed through the iteration process, to be sure, that current number is really a Lychrel number. The default value is 30 iterations, but I want to add more latitude, so programmer can specify his own depth through method's parameter. The 30 iterations is perfect for such small range as I need, but if I want to cover all natural numbers, I have to be more agile.
Because of the recursion, that takes a place in Integer#lychrel?, I can't be agile. If I had provided an argument to the lychrel?, there wouldn't have been any changes because of the [1] statement.
So, my question sounds like this: "How do I refactor my method, so it will accept parameters correctly?".
What you currently have is known as tail recursion. This can usually be re-written as a loop to get rid of the recursive call and eliminate the risk of running out of stack space. Try something more like this:
def lychrel?(depth=30)
val = self
first_iteration = true
while depth > 0 do
# Return false if the number has become a palindrome,
# but allow a palindrome as input
if first_iteration
first_iteration = false
if val == val.reverse
return false
# Perform next iteration
val = (val + val.reverse)
depth = depth - 1
return true
I don't have Ruby installed on this machine so I can't verify whether that 's 100% correct, but you get the idea. Also, I'm assuming that the purpose of the and depth != 30 bit is to allow a palindrome to be provided as input without immediately returning false.
By looping, you can use a state variable like first_iteration to keep track of whether or not you need to do the val == val.reverse check. With the recursive solution, scoping limitations prevent you from tracking this easily (you'd have to add another function parameter and pass the state variable to each recursive call in turn).
A more clean and ruby-like solution:
class Integer
def reverse
def lychrel?(depth=50)
n = self
depth.times do |i|
r = n.reverse
return false if i > 0 and n == r
n += r
puts (0...10000).find_all(&:lychrel?) #=> 249 numbers
bta's solution with some corrections:
class Integer
def reverse
def lychrel?(depth=30)
this = self
first_iteration = true
if first_iteration
first_iteration = false
elsif this == this.reverse
return false
this += this.reverse
depth -= 1
end while depth > 0
return true
puts (1..10000).find_all { |num| num.lychrel?(255) }
Not so fast, but it works:
code/practice/ruby% time ruby lychrel.rb > /dev/null
ruby lychrel.rb > /dev/null 1.14s user 0.00s system 99% cpu 1.150 total
