Are there methods for histogram bluring in image processing? - image

I'm looking for methods for histogram blurring in image processing. I found this old thread but the answers there does not solve my case.
One answer there suggest that
There is actually nothing called Histogram blurring.
so Is there any way for histogram blurring in image processing?
[edit1] some more info
image size is 3880x2592.
I want to blur with gaussian blur with radius about 15-20 (*pixels?).
I am using 256×16bit 8ea(*?) single ports memories.
I want to imlement this on FPGA

if by blur you mean smooth (removing high frequencies) then you can use any smooth filter or algorithm (most of them are based on FIR low pass filters)
if your question is what to smooth then the answer is same as in the question you linked it depends on what you need:
if you need smoothed histogram for some computation then smooth histogram directly and leave image be as is
if you need the image colors to be smoothed then smooth image and recompute histogram
sometimes is hard to smooth image to get smoothed histogram
(due to slow bleeding of colors or by too big data loss)
In that case you can smooth the histogram (remembering the original) then compute the area change for each color and statistically recolor whole image (it is not an easy task).
Pick (random) pixel of color a which area needs to be decreased and recolor it to closest color b thats area needs to be increased
update area of booth colors
loop until areas are matching ...


How can I track/color seperate shapes generated using perlin noise?

So I have created a 2D animation that consists of 3D Perlin noise where the X & Y axes are the pixel positions on the matrix/screen and the Z axis just counts up over time. I then apply a threshold so it only shows solid shapes unlike the cloud type pattern of the normal noise. In effect it creates a forever moving fluid animation like so
I have been trying to think of a way I can track and maybe index the different shapes so I can have them all be different colours. I'm tried looping over the image and flood filling each shape but this only works for one frame as it doesn't track which shape is which and how they grow and shrink.
I think there must be a way to do something like this because if I had a colouring pencil and each frame on a piece of paper I would be able to colour and track each blob and combine colours when two blobs join. I just can't figure out how to do this programmatically. The nature in which Perlin-noise works and since the shapes aren't defined objects I find it difficult to wrap my head around how I would index them.
Hopefully, my explanation has been sufficient, any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated.
Your current algorithm effectively marks every pixel in a frame as part of a blob or part of the background. Let's say you have a second frame buffer that can hold a color for every pixel location. As you noted, you can use flood fill on the blob/background buffer to find all the pixels that belong to a blob.
For the first frame, assign colors to each blob you find and save them in the color buffer.
For the second (and each subsequent) frame, you can again use flood fill on the blob/background buffer to determine all the pixels that belong to a discrete blob. Look up the colors corresponding to those each of those pixels from the color buffer (which represents the colors from the last frame) and build a histogram of all the colors you find.
The histogram will contain some of the pixels of the background color (because the blob may have moved or grown into an area that was background).
But since the blobs move smoothly, many of the pixels that are part of a given blob this frame will have been be part of the same blob on the last frame. So if your histogram has just one non-background color, that's the color you would use.
If the histogram contains only the background color, this is a new blob and you can assign it a new color.
If the histogram contains two (or more) blob colors, then two (or more) blobs have merged, and you can blend their colors (perhaps in proportion to their histogram counts with correspond to their areas).
This trick will be to do all this efficiently. The algorithm I've outlined here gives the idea. An actual implementation may not literally build histograms and might take recalculate each pixel color frame scratch on every frame.

Image pixelation library, non-square "pixel" shape

I've seen a few libraries that pixelate images, some of them even feature non-square shapes such as The Pixelator's circle and diamond shapes.
I'm looking however to make a particular shape, I want a "pixel" that is 19x27 px. Essentially, the image would still look pixelated but it would use tallish rectangle shapes as the pixel base.
Are there any libraries out there that do this, if not, what alterations to existing algorithms/functions would I need to make to accomplish this?
Unless I am not understanding your question, the algorithm you need is quite simple!
Just break your image up into a grid of rectangles the size you want (in this case 19x27). Loop over each section of the grid and take the average color of the pixels inside (you can simply take the average of each channel in RGB independently). Then set all of the pixels contained inside to the average color.
This would give you an image that is the same size as your input. You could of course resize your image first to a more appropriate output size.
You might want to look up convolution matrices.
In a shader, you would use your current pixel location to grab a set of nearby pixels from the original image to render to a pixel in a new buffer image.
It is actually just a slight variation of the Box Blur image processing algorithm except that instead of grabbing from the nearby pixels you would grab by the divisions of the original image relative to the 19x27 divisions of the resulting image.

Image Effect with Dark Borders

I was creating an effects library for a PhotoBooth App. I have created effects like Black/White, Vintage, Sepia, Retro etc. etc.
I wanted to create a few effects now in which I wanted to have a Dark Border at the edges which kind of form a frame for the image .. something like this -> Example Effect
How can I do this using Pixel Bender and Flash ?
The effect you are describing is called vignetting. It is basically just darkening the pixels with some weight that changes depending on distance from the center of the image. In image editing it corresponds to overlaying the image with black color and applying a circular or elliptic mask to it, for example:
You can do this by several methods depending on how you operate with image and its pixels. For example by multiplying the pixels by a weight coefficient that is smaller when closer to the center and bigger when farther away from it. The distance can be calculated from the difference between pixel coordinates.

image smoothing in opengl?

Does opengl provide any facilities to help with image smoothing?
My project converts scientific data to textures, each of which is a single line of colored pixels which is then mapped onto the appropriate area of the image. Lines are mapped next to each other.
I'd like to do simple image smoothing of this, but am wondering of OGL can do any of it for me.
By smoothing, I mean applying a two-dimensional averaging filter to the image - effectively increasing the number of pixels but filling them with averages of nearby actual colors - basically normal image smoothing.
You can do it through a custom shader if you want. Essentially you just bind your input texture, draw it as a fullscreen quad, and in the shader just take multiple samples around each fragment, average them together, and write it out to a new texture. The new texture can be an arbitrary higher resolution than the input texture if you desire that as well.

Organizing Images By Color

Maybe you've noticed but Google Image search now has a feature where you can narrow results by color. Does anyone know how they do this? Obviously, they've indexed information about each image.
I am curious what the best methods of analyzing an image's color data to allow simple color searching.
Thanks for any and all ideas!
Averaging the colours is a great start. Just downscale your image to 10% of the original size using a Bicubic or Bilinear filter (or something advanced anyway). This will vastly reduce the colour noise and give you a result which is closer to how humans perceive the image. I.e. a pixel-raster consisting purely of yellow and blue pixels would become clean green.
If you don't blur or downsize the image, you might still end up with an average of green, but the deviation would be huge.
The Google feature offers 12 colors with which to match images. So I would calculate the Lab coordinate of each of these swatches and plot the (a*, b*) coordinate of each of these colors on a two dimensional space. I'd drop the L* component because luminance (brightness) of the pixel should be ignored. Using the 12 points in the (a*, b*) space, I'd calculate a partitioning using a Voronoi Diagram. Then for a given image, I'd take each pixel, calculate its (a*, b*) coordinate. Do this for every pixel in the image and so build up the histogram of counts in each Voronoi partition. The partition that contains the highest pixel count would then be considered the image's 'color'.
This would form the basis of the algorithm, although there would be refinements related to ignoring black and white background regions which are perceptually not considered to be part of the subject of the image.
Average color of all pixels? Make a histogram and find the average of the 'n' peaks?
