Ajax call best practice: logical error through HTTP error - ajax

Is there any reason to avoid to send logical error as an HTTP 500 error?
I'm developing a web-app, after an Ajax call I have the default error handler that shows a modal notice with the text of the error.
In some case the error can be logical ('ID not found' or 'The input is not a number' ...), in these cases can I send a HTTP error or it should be reserved only for trasportation/authentication error?

This certainly is possible from a technical point of view, but I would advise against it. Reason is that you confuse a logical error in the request and a processing error in the processing. Those should be kept separate.
Instead I suggest you use http code 406 Not Acceptable. It signals that the request has been received, but will not be processed because "it does not make sense". I'd say that is more suitable.


When I am adding items to a sql db table from .csv file using J-Meter, why am I getting 500 Internal Server Error periodically off back of 200 reponse

I am new on here and new to J-Meter so bear with me.
I am trying to add items to a table on sql from a .csv file (Columns in .csv file are 'id', 'text', 'userId'). 200000000021,01232456459,john.smith#example.com. id and userId are same values. Text increments + 1 each time. About 40 records in the file.
I am using a Bearer token as Authorization, but each time I am running the test (json parameterized request) , I am noticing in the Results Tree Viewer I am getting a 200 but several 500 responses, then another 200 etc
Why won't all my requests appear as 200? Do I need to add a delay between each request?
Results Tree Viewer
I would ideally need this running over 3 threads
Thread Group properties
Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.
Expecting to see 200 responses against all requests processed
HTTP Status 500 means Internal Server Error
The HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) 500 Internal Server Error server error response code indicates that the server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.
This error response is a generic "catch-all" response. Usually, this indicates the server cannot find a better 5xx error code to response. Sometimes, server administrators log error responses like the 500 status code with more details about the request to prevent the error from happening again in the future.
So first of all check "Response Data" tab of the s listener for any suspicious entries, it might be the case the server tells you what went wrong.
If there is nothing useful there - check your server and/or database logs, it might be the case you will be able to figure out the reason from there
Then you could try running your test several more times to see if the behaviour is repeatable, i.e. whether the same requests with the same data failing all the time
It might be connected with concurrency, i.e. only one request is allowed at the moment, try decreasing the number of concurrent users to 1 and see whether it resolves your issue
Check Sharing Mode setting of the CSV Data Set Config, if it's different from the default value of All threads it might be the case 2 users are sending the same request and your server and/or database doesn't allow duplicate values.

View Result tree is not showing a correct request as in script

In the script we are using a PUT request as shown in below image
But when we run this, it is showing it as a GET request as shown in the below image
Due to this request is failing with a 400 bad request response code.
I am using Jmeter 5.5
If you expand this Sample Result to see its sub results you will see your initial PUT request followed by at least one redirect so View Results Tree listener is "showing the correct result", the fact that your PUT request fails is rather connected with a problem in your script, most probably you're simply not authorized due to missing or improperly implemented correlation or something like this.
So visit previous results and inspect their response data to ensure that your script is doing what is supposed to be doing, the fact that the request is "green" indicates only that HTTP Status Code is below 400, it doesn't necessarily mean that it's successful.

Why do some NiFi HTTP responses take so long?

I've noticed that when I issue 200 responses via NiFi, the response is typically immediate. However, 404 and 500 errors seem to take so long that they often cause the client to timeout.
Is this an intentional behavior? Or is my HandleHTTPResponse processor possibly setup wrong?
Edit: While answered below, it's worth clarifying -- the HandleHTTPResponse was not behaving differently; I just happened to be routing [penalized] flowfiles to processors that were set to give 404/500 error codes ... so, it appeared there was a correlation.
The failed requests might be penalized. Check out the settings on your failure path and update the default 30 seconds value to 0, which makes more sense when handling expected http errors.
Without knowing which responses are taking this long, my guess is that the error responses are being generated by an exception which may be thrown due to an internal timeout (i.e. waiting for some other connection or operation which fails to complete, exhausting the timeout, which leads to the HTTP response taking so long). You can profile these operations in the JVM if you like.

Ajax response - success / failure

I have seen multiple ways in the past of returning success/failure responses from ajax controller actions from backend services.
Is there an accepted best practice for this?
Im thinking in terms of whether the call was successful and also the transport of any error messages.
http codes
true / string (which would contain the error message)
json encoded object containing success/failure flag + data
Ive seen things like the above and also 'success' / 'error' responses etc.
My specific scenario here is a controller say for example testConnectionController. It tests whether a database connection is active or has any issues and reports the status back to the client.
You should definitely follow the recommendations for http response codes. Don't be tempted to ignore setting the response code in favor of some structured json error response. Other than that it is really dependent on the needs of you application. What ever you end up going with it is helpful to be consistent across all of your responses. e.g. If you are going to return an error as json make sure every http end point returns the same structure. That way your client can react in the same way to every error response. Generally speaking there isn't much your client is going to be able to do other than display the error to the user so a simple response like this, with various messages, will cover most cases:
"success" : false,
"message" : "Terrible things occurred!"

What's an appropriate HTTP status code to return by a REST API service for a validation failure?

I'm currently returning 401 Unauthorized whenever I encounter a validation failure in my Django/Piston based REST API application.
Having had a look at the HTTP Status Code Registry
I'm not convinced that this is an appropriate code for a validation failure, what do y'all recommend?
400 Bad Request
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
405 Method Not Allowed
406 Not Acceptable
412 Precondition Failed
417 Expectation Failed
422 Unprocessable Entity
424 Failed Dependency
Update: "Validation failure" above means an application level data validation failure, i.e., incorrectly specified datetime, bogus email address etc.
If "validation failure" means that there is some client error in the request, then use HTTP 400 (Bad Request). For instance if the URI is supposed to have an ISO-8601 date and you find that it's in the wrong format or refers to February 31st, then you would return an HTTP 400. Ditto if you expect well-formed XML in an entity body and it fails to parse.
(1/2016): Over the last five years WebDAV's more specific HTTP 422 (Unprocessable Entity) has become a very reasonable alternative to HTTP 400. See for instance its use in JSON API. But do note that HTTP 422 has not made it into HTTP 1.1, RFC-7231.
Richardson and Ruby's RESTful Web Services contains a very helpful appendix on when to use the various HTTP response codes. They say:
400 (“Bad Request”)
Importance: High.
This is the generic client-side error status, used when no other 4xx error code is appropriate. It’s commonly used when the client submits a representation along with a
PUT or POST request, and the representation is in the right format, but it doesn’t make
any sense. (p. 381)
401 (“Unauthorized”)
Importance: High.
The client tried to operate on a protected resource without providing the proper authentication credentials. It may have provided the wrong credentials, or none at all.
The credentials may be a username and password, an API key, or an authentication
token—whatever the service in question is expecting. It’s common for a client to make
a request for a URI and accept a 401 just so it knows what kind of credentials to send
and in what format. [...]
From RFC 4918 (and also documented at http://www.iana.org/assignments/http-status-codes/http-status-codes.xhtml):
The 422 (Unprocessable Entity) status code means the server
understands the content type of the request entity (hence a
415 (Unsupported Media Type) status code is inappropriate), and the
syntax of the request entity is correct (thus a 400 (Bad Request)
status code is inappropriate) but was unable to process the contained
instructions. For example, this error condition may occur if an XML
request body contains well-formed (i.e., syntactically correct), but
semantically erroneous, XML instructions.
A duplicate in the database should be a 409 CONFLICT.
I recommend using 422 UNPROCESSABLE ENTITY for validation errors.
I give a longer explanation of 4xx codes here: http://parker0phil.com/2014/10/16/REST_http_4xx_status_codes_syntax_and_sematics/
Here it is:
rfc2616#section-10.4.1 - 400 Bad Request
The request could not be understood by the server due to malformed
syntax. The client SHOULD NOT repeat the request without modifications.
rfc7231#section-6.5.1 - 6.5.1. 400 Bad Request
The 400 (Bad Request) status code indicates that the server cannot
or will not process the request due to something that is perceived
to be a client error (e.g., malformed request syntax, invalid request message framing, or deceptive request routing).
Refers to malformed (not wellformed) cases!
rfc4918 - 11.2. 422 Unprocessable Entity
The 422 (Unprocessable Entity) status code means the server
understands the content type of the request entity (hence a 415 (Unsupported Media Type) status code is inappropriate), and the syntax of the request entity is correct (thus a 400 (Bad Request) status code is inappropriate) but was unable to process the contained instructions. For example, this error condition may occur if an XML request body contains well-formed (i.e., syntactically correct), but semantically erroneous, XML instructions.
Rule of thumb: [_]00 covers the most general case and cases that are not covered by designated code.
422 fits best object validation error (precisely my recommendation:)
As for semantically erroneous - Think of something like "This username already exists" validation.
400 is incorrectly used for object validation
I would say technically it might not be an HTTP failure, since the resource was (presumably) validly specified, the user was authenticated, and there was no operational failure (however even the spec does include some reserved codes like 402 Payment Required which aren't strictly speaking HTTP-related either, though it might be advisable to have that at the protocol level so that any device can recognize the condition).
If that's actually the case, I would add a status field to the response with application errors, like
<status><code>4</code><message>Date range is invalid</message></status>
There's a little bit more information about the semantics of these errors in RFC 2616, which documents HTTP 1.1.
Personally, I would probably use 400 Bad Request, but this is just my personal opinion without any factual support.
Here's another interesting scenario to discuss.
What if its an type detection API that for instance accepts as input a reference to some locally stored parquet file, and after reading through some metadata of the blocks that compose the file, may realize that one or more of the block sizes exceed a configured threshold and therefor the server decided the file is not partitioning correctly and refuses to start the type detection process.
This validation is there to protect against one of two (or both) scenarios: (1) Long processing time, bad user experience ; (2) Server application explodes with OutOfMemoryError
What would be an appropriate response in this case?
400 (Bad Request) ? - sort of works, generically.
401 (Unauthorized i.e. Unauthenticated) ? - unrelated.
403 (Forbidden i.e. Unauthorized) ? - some would argue it may be somewhat appropriate in this case -
422 (Unprocessable entity) ? - many older answers mention this as appropriate option for input validation failure. What bothers me about using it in my case is the definition of this response code saying its "due to semantic error" while I couldn't quite understand what semantic error means in that context and whether can we consider this failure indeed as a semantic error failure.
Also the allegedly simple concept of "input" as part of "input validation" can be confusing in cases like this where the physical input provided by the client is only but a pointer, a reference to some entity which is stored in the server, where the actual validation is done on data stored in the server (the parquet file metadata) in conjunction with the action the client tries to trigger (type detection).
413 (PayloadTooLarge)? Going through the different codes I encounter one that may be suitable in my case, one that no one mentioned here so far, that is 413 PayloadTooLarge which I also wonder if it may be suitable or again, not, since its not the actual payload sent in the request that is too large, but the payload of the resource stored in the server.
Which leads me to thinking maybe a 5xx response is more appropriate here.
507 Insufficient Storage ? If we say that "storage" is like "memory" and if we also say that we're failing fast here with a claim that we don't have enough memory (or we may blow out with out of memory trying) to process this job, then maybe 507 can me appropriate. but not really.
My conclusion is that in this type of scenario where the server refused to invoke an action on a resource due to space-time related constraints the most suitable response would be 413 PayloadTooLarge
What exactly do you mean by "validation failure"? What are you validating? Are you referring to something like a syntax error (e.g. malformed XML)?
If that's the case, I'd say 400 Bad Request is probably the right thing, but without knowing what it is you're "validating", it's impossible to say.
if you are validating data and data is not, according to defined rules its better to send 422(Unprocessable Entity)so that sender will understand that he braking the rules what agreed upon.
Bad request is for syntax errors. some of the tools like postman shows syntax errors upfront.
