Randomize related posts in Docpad - docpad

I've installed the Related plugin for docpad and what I want to do is I want it to display five random related posts in the sidebar of every blogpost. At the moment I have it set up this way in my post.html.jade:
h4 Related posts:
each doc in getRelatedDocuments().slice(0,5)
a(href=doc.url)= doc.title
So, it displays 5 posts, but they aren't random. How do I shuffle the output of getRelatedDocuments()?

Have you tried a variation on the question Getting random value from an array?
I created a function in the docpad.coffee file to implement this solution:
getRandomPosts: (howMany) ->
items = #getCollection('posts').toJSON()
output = []
i = 0
while i < howMany
doc = items[Math.floor(Math.random() * items.length)]
return output
You may need an extra step in the while loop to check if the doc value is already in the output array as Math.floor etc could possibly return a value already used.

Thanks to Steve Mc for pointing me in the right direction. I ended up creating this function in docpad.coffee:
shufflePosts: (items) ->
i = items.length
return items if i == 0
while --i
j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1))
tmp = items[i]
items[i] = items[j]
items[j] = tmp
return items
It is basically an implementation of the Fisher-Yates shuffling algorithm. And in my post layout I call it using:
each doc in shufflePosts(getRelatedDocuments()).slice(0,5)
a(href=doc.url)= doc.title
So now everything's great, thanks!


office script - range find - return row or array to power automate

I have been trying several different ways to write an office script to search for a value in a cell and return the row or rows to power automate.
I believe I need to use range.find in order to make use of the "completematch: true" option.
However, I have also tried a filter and a foreach loop to find rows which include the text I am searching for.
I'm after a hint as to which method might be best?
essentially trying to:-
power automate - pass text parameter to the script
Scripts search for a match in excel business spreadsheet
the script finds match(s)
Script passes back the row(s) to powerautomate as an array
this is what I have so far: essentially it just finds the row number in which the matching result is found. This seems to work better to avoid partial matched (as happened with the filter method )
any pointers, most welcome
function main(workbook: ExcelScript.Workbook, siteNameToFilter: string) {
let activeSheet = workbook.getActiveWorksheet();
let range = activeSheet.getUsedRange();
let values = range.getValues();
* This script searches for the next instance of the text "Fino" on the current worksheet.
// Get the next cell that contains "Fino".
let findCell = range.find("Fino", {
completeMatch: true, /* Don't match if the cell text only contains "fino" as part of another string. */
matchCase: false,
searchDirection: ExcelScript.SearchDirection.forward /* Start at the beginning of the range and go to later columns and rows. */
// Set focus on the found cell.
// Remove the "TK" text value from the cell, as well as any formatting that may have been added.
let row = findCell.getRow().getUsedRange();
let ur = findCell.getUsedRange();
I think Find may only be returning the first match. It sounds like you want all matches with the siteName. To do this, you'd either want to filter the range or loop through it.
Here's an example that loops through the range and adds the values from the rows containing the site name to an array. After the loop's completed, the array containing the values is returning by the function:
function main(workbook: ExcelScript.Workbook, siteNameToFilter: string) {
let activeSheet = workbook.getActiveWorksheet();
let range = activeSheet.getUsedRange()
let values = range.getValues() as string[][];
let rowCount = range.getRowCount()
let colCount = range.getColumnCount()
let colIndex = range.getColumnIndex()
let rowsArr: string[][][] = []
for (let i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < colCount; j++) {
if (values[i][j] === siteNameToFilter) {
rowsArr.push(activeSheet.getRangeByIndexes(i, colIndex, 1, colCount).getValues() as string[][])
return rowsArr

How to get a list of links of a Wikipedia page (article) and the number of how many people clicked on a link?

This is my code so far. Now I have a list of how many people looked at the page (article) but I wondered if it's possible to make a list of links of a wikipedia page (article) and how many times there is clicked on the links?
String[] articles = {"Hitler", "SOA", "Albert_Einstein"};
void setup() {
for (int i = 0; i < articles.length; i++) {
String article = articles[i];
String start = "20160101"; // YYYYMMDD
String end = "20170101"; // YYYYMMDD
// documentation: https://wikimedia.org/api/rest_v1/?doc#!/Pageviews_data/get_metrics_pageviews_per_article_project_access_agent_article_granularity_start_end
String query = "http://wikimedia.org/api/rest_v1/metrics/pageviews/per-article/en.wikipedia/all-access/all-agents/"+article+"/daily/"+start+"/"+end;
JSONObject json = loadJSONObject(query);
JSONArray items = json.getJSONArray("items");
int totalviews = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < items.size(); j++) {
JSONObject item = items.getJSONObject(j);
int views = item.getInt("views");
totalviews += views;
println(article+" "+totalviews);
To get the links from an article use action=query in the API together with props=links.
In your example: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&format=json&prop=links&meta=&titles=Albert+Einstein%7CHitler%7CSOA&pllimit=500
Do note that this is not all results (you can only get 500 at a time) so you need to make more requests using the plcontinue you get as a parameter in the new request.
Break your problem down into smaller steps.
Create a single program that just returns all of the links on a wikipedia page. Make sure you have that program working perfectly, and post an MCVE if you get stuck.
Separately from that program, create a separate program that takes a hardcoded URL and returns the number of views that URL has. Again, post an MCVE if you get stuck. When you get that working, move up to a program that takes a hardcoded ArrayList of URLs and returns the pageviews for each URL.
Then when you have them both working separately, then you can start thinking about combining them.

Processing: How can I find the number of times two fields are equal in a CSV file?

I'm learning Processing for the first time and I've been tasked to deal with data but it's been terribly confusing for me.
For every line of a CSV file (apart from the header), I want to compare two specific columns of each. i.e. ListA vs ListB
For example, with the data below:
And for example, I want to check for all instances that a value in ListA is "Male" AND that the corresponding value in ListB is "Yes". In this scenario, I should get the value "2" for the two rows this is true.
How would I do that?
For now, I have a 2D String array of the data in the CSV file. From that I managed to assign specific columns as ListA and ListB. I tried using sort but it would only sort one list and not both at the same time.
Current relevant code:
for (int i=1; i<lines.length; i++) {
listA[i-1] = csv[i][int(whichA)];
listB[i-1] = csv[i][int(whichB)];
lA = Arrays.asList(listA);
lB = Arrays.asList(listB);
Not sure if this code really helps makes things clearer though. :/
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
So something like this should do what you need it to. Pseudocode:
int numRows = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
if (array1[i] equals "Male" AND array2[i] equals "Yes") {
//add to new collection here if you need the data

LinqToExcel - Need to start at a specific row

I'm using the LinqToExcel library. Working great so far, except that I need to start the query at a specific row. This is because the excel spreadsheet from the client uses some images and "header" information at the top of the excel file before the data actually starts.
The data itself will be simple to read and is fairly generic, I just need to know how to tell the ExcelQueryFactory to start at a specific row.
I am aware of the WorksheetRange<Company>("B3", "G10") option, but I don't want to specify an ending row, just where to start reading the file.
Using the latest v. of LinqToExcel with C#
I just tried this code and it seemed to work just fine:
var book = new LinqToExcel.ExcelQueryFactory(#"E:\Temporary\Book1.xlsx");
var query =
from row in book.WorksheetRange("A4", "B16384")
select new
Name = row["Name"].Cast<string>(),
Age = row["Age"].Cast<int>(),
I only got back the rows with data.
I suppose that you already solved this, but maybe for others - looks like you can use
var excel = new ExcelQueryFactory(path);
var allRows = excel.WorksheetNoHeader();
//start from 3rd row (zero-based indexing), length = allRows.Count() or computed range of rows you want
for (int i = 2; i < length; i++)
RowNoHeader row = allRows.ElementAtOrDefault(i);
//process the row - access columns as you want - also zero-based indexing
Not as simple as specifying some Range("B3", ...), but also the way.
Hope this helps at least somebody ;)
I had tried this, works fine for my scenario.
//get the sheets info
var faceWrksheet = excel.Worksheet(facemechSheetName);
// get the total rows count.
int _faceMechRows = faceWrksheet.Count();
// append with End Range.
var faceMechResult = excel.WorksheetRange<ExcelFaceMech>("A5", "AS" + _faceMechRows.ToString(), SheetName).
Where(i => i.WorkOrder != null).Select(x => x).ToList();
Have you tried WorksheetRange<Company>("B3", "G")
Unforunatly, at this moment and iteration in the LinqToExcel framework, there does not appear to be any way to do this.
To get around this we are requiring the client to have the data to be uploaded in it's own "sheet" within the excel document. The header row at the first row and the data under it. If they want any "meta data" they will need to include this in another sheet. Below is an example from the LinqToExcel documentation on how to query off a specific sheet.
var excel = new ExcelQueryFactory("excelFileName");
var oldCompanies = from c in repo.Worksheet<Company>("US Companies") //worksheet name = 'US Companies'
where c.LaunchDate < new DateTime(1900, 0, 0)
select c;

Truncating a collection using Linq query

I want to extract part of a collection to another collection.
I can easily do the same using a for loop, but my linq query is not working for the same.
I am a neophyte in Linq, so please help me correcting the query (if possible with explanation / beginners tutorial link)
Legacy way of doing :
Collection<string> testColl1 = new Collection<string> {"t1", "t2", "t3", "t4"};
Collection<string> testColl2 = new Collection<string>();
for (int i = 0; i < newLength; i++)
Where testColl1 is the source & testColl2 is the desired truncated collection of count = newLength.
I have used the following linq queries, but none of them are working ...
var result = from t in testColl1 where t.Count() <= newLength select t;
var res = testColl1.Where(t => t.Count() <= newLength);
Use Enumerable.Take:
var testColl2 = testColl1.Take(newLength).ToList();
Note that there's a semantic difference between your for loop and the version using Take. The for loop will throw with IndexOutOfRangeException exception if there are less than newLength items in testColl1, whereas the Take version will silently ignore this fact and just return as many items up to newLength items.
The correct way is by using Take:
var result = testColl1.Take(newLength);
An equivalent way using Where is:
var result = testColl1.Where((i, item) => i < newLength);
These expressions will produce an IEnumerable, so you might also want to attach a .ToList() or .ToArray() at the end.
Both ways return one less item than your original implementation does because it is more natural (e.g. if newLength == 0 no items should be returned).
You could convert to for loop to something like this:
Use Take:
var result = testColl1.Take(newLength);
This extension method returns the first N elements from the collection where N is the parameter you pass, in this case newLength.
