Not able to upload large files via plugin - ajax

The problem is from word-press admin panel, I can upload up to 100mb file. without any problem. But when i am uploading it via simple script in plugin. Even 1 mb file its showing 413 "
Request Entity Too Large
I know this is server side error, But my question is How word-press can able to upload large file via ajax and my script don't?
I am using this plugin for upload
I have tried every thing like
In PHP Code
ini_set('max_execution_time', "3600");
ini_set('memory_limit', "99M");
ini_set('post_max_size', '3000M');
In .htaccess file
LimitRequestBody 1024000
But i am not able to figure out why?

You're going to want to amend your servers php.ini file.
The code you put in your answer included part of the answer which was messing up which is the memory_limit.
Try this:
memory_limit = 256M
upload_max_filesize = 256M
post_max_size = 256M
max_execution_time = 3000
This allows for files up to 256Mb and will allow for up to 5 minutes of execution which can cause problems if you have a slow internet speed.
Amend it to whatever you think the absolute maximum file size will be.


Can't upload a recorded video longer than a few seconds using React Native & Laravel

I have a simple React Native app, that makes use of the Camera. I have a button that records video. As soon as the recording is stopped, the video gets sent to an API endpoint that effectively uploads the video to the web.
Everything works great – unless the video is longer than about 5 or 6 seconds.
Anything that is about 7 seconds longer seems to return an error from the web application.
I "have" to assume this is an issue with file size – but, I checked the PHP settings, and they are as follows...
post_max_size = 2500M
upload_max_filesize = 2000M
memory_limit = 1000M
max_execution_time = 360
max_input_time = 3000
max_input_vars = 3000
There's no way these videos are so big that they would exceed those limits – so I am at a bit of a loss here.
Any idea what I might be missing?
For anybody who might have a similar issue – it turns out that my NGINX settings had an upload limit of their own.
I changed the NGINX settings, and it fixed everything.

Configure Xampp for TYPO3

I have to learn how to use TYPO3 for an end-of-study internship. I use the last version of TYPO3.
And I want to use the local server Xampp on Windows 10. But I never used it before and I don't know how to configure it for TYPO3. I try to use the documentation on TYPO3's website but I don't really understand.
Could you help me ?
The first three messages can be resolved by changing the entries in the „php.ini“ file with an editor.
1);extension=php_soap.dll will be activated by removing the semicolon
2) max_execution_time = 30 has to be increased to 240
3) ; max_input_vars = 1000 will be activated by removing the semicolon and has to be increased to 1500 characters
Now restart Apache and MySQL with the XAMPP Control Panel and reload the website.
The „ThreadStackSize“ has to be raised to 8MB. In order to change this setup write the following lines with a text editor in the file „httpd.conf“:
<IfModule mpm_winnt_module>
ThreadStackSize 8388608
</ IfModule>
The last error „PHP OpenSSL extension not working“ can be ignored, since it’s just a local test system. So security is not that important in this case.
This information and more you can find here:

Error 500 after login to admin

I have my url set to and log in via or in to the dashboard but whe I log in the first time I always get a internal server error . Once I refresh I have no issues till I would say the next session
Any one has a suggestions how to fix this ? I don't have the issue on my Local
Increase the memory limit from .htaccess file. Thats the main issue may be. check for this variable in .htaccess in magento root php_value memory_limit

An unrecoverable error occurred. The uploaded file likely exceeded the maximum file size (2 MB) that this server supports

Ok I got Drupal 7.19, mySQL 5.1.66-cll PHP 5.3.21
Now I searched for he above error and found various answers of various age, however it doesn't address, my problem.
I get the error for any file bigger than 100k
went through php.ini settings.php as well as account settings, which is now 5000k.
and max post and max file are way higher.
The site has only 2 image fields, the original as well as one other. It doesn't matter which one is used in a content, the field settings for the original one were never changed and the themed installation came with images larger than 500k.
While for the time I can live with resizing images before uploading, it nevertheless is a pain in the .... and I really would appreciate any help.
I had a similar problem which i resolved via the php.ini file as well as the apache mod_security user.conf file.
My httpd is apache2, which has mod_security enabled, which also did not allow me to upload over 100k image file in Drupal. Apparently this is a common problem for the web-hosting provider (liquid web) because it took no more than 3 minutes to resolve.
First the php.ini file was altered (on CentOS it is in /usr/local/lib/) with lines:
;upload_tmp_dir = /tmp (yes it has a semi-colon at the start)
and also the line:
session.save_path = "/tmp"
Second file that was altered is the modsec2.user.conf file located on (CentOS) at /usr/local/apache/conf/
(appended at the bottom of the file in the last 2 lines):
SecUploadDir /tmp
SecTmpDir /tmp
Then /etc/init.d/httpd restart (or reload) apache and you should be able to bypass this limit for file uploads by mod_apache if it is enabled. Best of luck and please know that this is my first answer on stack so please be considerate.
just you can request your hosting provider
to added into the sites whitelist.conf file :
<IfModule mod_security2.c>
<LocationMatch .*>
SecRuleRemoveById 340147

Problems in installation of magento on wamp

Hello guys can anyone help me with the issue im having with installation of magento.
my problem is that i have downloaded the magento on wamp and during my installation i got the error and the msg it si giving is FATAL ERROR : Maximum execution time of 60 sec exceeded in
c:\wamp\www\magento\lib\varien\db\adapter\pdo\mysql.php on line 276. plz provide me with the solution any one coz im stuck on this for long enough thanks in advance
Modify your php.ini with this setting:
max_execution_time = 1800
I also modify the memory limit allocated to php when using Magento
memory_limit = 512M
Alternatively you can edit index.php, if you don't have php.ini access.
ini_set('max_execution_time ', 1800);
The exact resolution is as below
This is not an apache or php timed-out message. It really means that the mysql engine timed out. So we will give the mysql some more time to wait until it reports that the operation failed. To make this happen, lets go ahead and change the line with value
mysql.connect_timeout = 60
mysql.connect_timeout = -1
in the php.ini file and it will do the trick. The value -1 means unlimited seconds to wait before the mysql connection times out.
I had the same problem. None of the solutions provided above helped me.
What I did was change both the max_execution_time and max_input_time to 1800. This worked for me. I was able to then get Magento installed.
Change the value of max_input_time in php.ini to a safest value; time is expressed in seconds. Do give a try of 1800
max_input_time = 1800
You would get it worked
If its giving you the same error then it means that you have not changed the settings in php.ini file.
In windows if you install wamp you will have, php.ini in php folder and apache folder.
Make sure that you have modified in both files and restart your server. (I know its strange)
Try 1
Browse wamp's root folder and click on phpmyinfo link under tools section. This will give you the information of your php installation and settings.
look for "Loaded Configuration File", there you will have the location of your exact php.ini file that is used in your wamp installation.
Try to update the Max_execution_time in that file. Hope this will solve your problem.
Usually, you will not get problems like this.
Try 2
May be your antivirus is stopping the request to execute for more than 60 seconds, just trying stopping your anti-virus for a moment and check another time.
I hope this will solve your problems.
I got the same problem, as suggested I did the following changes.
(wampserver-path)\bin\apache(Apache Version)\bin\php.ini - Set the
value max_execution_time = 1800
(wampserver-path)\bin\php(PHPVersion)\php.ini - Set the value
max_execution_time = 1800
But it didn't work. Then I made the next change
In the host/(path-to-magento)/index.php, just after the opening <?php
tag, added the following. set_time_limit(1800);
//** Other bunches of code
Then tried to install a fresh copy. It worked! Hope this helps...
