I recently installed Laravel 5 on my local WAMP server. Firstly I was surprised, because I was expecting the 4.2 Laravel, but as I got the 5th, I decided to give it a try. Firstly I got confused with the folders, but I got used to that and now understand them, but I cannot seem to get my debugger work. In Laravel 4.2 all I had to do was to set 'debug' => true, in the config/app.php file, and when something went wrong, a nice widow appeared in the browser explaining what was wrong. But now all I get is the default Laravel 5 error page in white n' gray -
Sorry, the page you are looking for could not be found.......
I searched the web for the answer. The possible solutions were to:
run the command php artisan optimize in the app folder for the vegant box, but I seem to be not using it and if I run artisan command in the app folder, I'm getting an error: count not open an input file: artisan
Delete the storage/meta/compiled.php file. The problem here is that I dont have such a file.
So right now I am quite worried, because I can't work without that debugger, especialy when I haven't worked with Laravel for a quite a time.
Any help would be highly appreciated!
Laravel 5 uses dotenv. And it is easy to do it
In the root folder rename .env.example to .env you will see APP_DEBUG=true inside.
restart the webserve
The debug mode should be enabled right now.
More information http://laravel.com/docs/5.0/configuration#environment-configuration
I have set-up a Laravel-Nova project. And when i try to open this URL (htttps://localhost/81/App/nova) it opens up this folders directory instead of opening nova/login page.
I have followed all the instructions but still it's not getting resolved.
I have tried looking for solution of it but didn't find anything.
Use php artisan serve in your Terminal and then go to or any link which is getting generated by your terminal. THANKS!
I am new to VueJS. I am following one of the YouTube tutorial Let's Build a Multi-Purpose Laravel + Vue Application by Code Inspire
This is his github package.
I notice. When I logout and login again, it will redirect to .js file.
for my case:-
and I clone his project. I tried with inspect, I login and logout and login. It will redirect to
It will show 404 error. I have every time remove the /js/xxxx.js.map then only back to normal.
Both of my project, when I run inspect. I notice have the Chrome warning.
DevTools failed to parse SourceMap: http://laravstart.test/js/laravel-vue-pagination.common.js.map
DevTools failed to parse SourceMap: http://laravel-vuejs.test/js/laravel-js/popper.js.map
IMPORTANT NOTE It only happen when I open the chrome inspect windows. If I close it, it will back to normal means won't redirect to JS file.
Screen record: https://imgur.com/gZzcX5L
I tested with Chrome and Firefox with inspect both having the same problem.
But in Chrome if I off setting for source map, it will not have this issue.
Anyone how to fix it? Compile source map issue? the js.map file not exist.
If you use Laravel Mix, you can generate source maps by calling the mix.sourceMaps() method in your webpack.mix.js file.
This resolves the problem.
mix.js('resources/js/app.js', 'public/js').sourceMaps();
Laravel Mix Source Maps documentation
I found that one solution is created a dummy file at public/js/popper.js.map, then it will back to normal, basically just fulfil what browser developer tool required, it will not redirect to that specific file.
I believe this is browser developer tools behaviour.
I received solution from the laraStart repo owner.
This error happens when you have an error and compile your javascript
code. Later, when you fix it, it will remain in cache and happens.
Please try to compile your script again and login to see.
The solution is also working as well.
I run npm update and npm run dev, it is working fine.
Open "find in files", find every commented line of code that has
Delete the whole commented line for each.
There should be 3 entries here in public/app.js and 1 at the end of popper.js.
If you are using Brave shields or an ad blocker, turn it off
The best solution is just copy the popper.js.min from
- popper.js
- dist
-> popper.js.min
this solved my headache
There are two SourceMap error in my case so the two previous answers applied to me.
1) By adding sourceMaps() in the mix.js function in webpack.mix.js file
mix.js('resources/js/app.js', 'public/js').sourceMaps();
to remove popper.js source map error.
2) Adding toastr.js.map to public/js folder to remove toastr.js source map error.
I did installation of Userfrosting as per the steps - no errors and all went well (using ubuntu 16 command line).
When i loaded the site in browser, page did came but no CSS applied. Browser console said - failed to load resource. I checked and found that “asset-raw” folder is not there under userfrosting/public (this is my webroot).
Also when clicked on sign-in, it does not work. DO let me know if i missed anything.
If you're using Apache, you need to make sure Mod_Rewrite is enabled. asset-raw is not a real directory, it's an alias managed by the app.
See: https://learn.userfrosting.com/troubleshooting/common-problems#installation-went-fine-except-i-don-t-see-any-styling-on-my-home-page-i-am-using-apache-
i have installed php storm ide, now i have download smarty, and followed this tutorial
now i have created a test project in PHP storm, then created a php file.
As soon as i include a smarty file, browser shows an error
i have tried everything, nothing works, previously i have used the same method and everything used to work fine. Now, browser shows error.
second image shows php.ini file, please tell me if there is any error....
i have included the smarty libs directory as well.
dont know what to do...
Add this to the php file just before requiring Smarty and you probably will be able to see the problem description
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1);
I have recently installed wordpress on my Windows 7 machine for use with IIS7.5 and SQL Server 2008. The install went in with no issues and everything fired up correctly but I have some really major issues.
1.) In my dashboard when clicking on Posts>All Posts, my list of posts is empty and yet the links at the top (All, Published, Drafts) all show as having counts against them. I can browse to these post by entering the URL in directly to the browser but can't see them through the dashboard. The posts don't show up through the search either. This is also the same behavior for media libs too. It says the files are there but can be seen in the list.
2.) When trying to upload images I have two issues. The first is that when I try to upload an image with default settings from install I was getting a message like "Missing a temporary folder". I know there are a load of posts on this but none of the fixes have worked. I used the PHP Info file to get the default directory which was "C:\windows\temp". So I tried to override it in the PHPconfig using the upload_tmp_dir directory but it didn't change. So I changed the permission on the folder to allow "IUSR" and IIS users read and wright access but now I get the message "An error occurred in the upload". The weird thing is when I look in the wp-content/uploads folder, some of my images are there but can't be seen through the dashboard.
Can anyone help. I have search for hours trying to find resolutions but nothing works.
I have resolved both of the issues above. I cannot write the resolutions here as they are quite long winded but for anyone who comes across the same issues please review my blog post here: http://blog.building-blocks.com/installing-wordpress-on-windows-using-sql-server-2008-r2-part-1