How to only auto configure the embedded container? - spring

I'm trying bootify my app, which is XML configured. I'd love to have an embedded tomcat server that I can just run through the main method.
The simplest way to do it is to bootstrap the app using the existing XML config through #ImportResource("classpath:app-servlet.xml").
I cannot use auto configuration. We have certain circular dependencies that are not trivial to fix at this point.
The problem is that the embedded tomcat server only gets automatically configured if you use #EnableAutoConfiguration.
Is there a way to only auto configure the embedded server? I tried looking that Spring Boot's sources, namely EmbeddedServletContainerAutoConfiguration, including extending it and "running" it through my setup, but it only runs the customizers, not the ServletInitializer, therfore I'm getting an error "Root context already initialized".
Any help would be greatly appreciated.


How to configure Eclipse-RCP with Spring-Boot

I have an Eclipse RCP(E4) application, which I can start without any problem. Now I decide to connect it to my Spring-Boot embedded Tomcat-server. The Spring-Boot-container runs an H2 as an in memory DB. Running Spring-Boot as "Java Application", I access the data in the DB via a rest-service over the browser.
The problem is, I actually want to embed the Spring-Boot part in my RCP-application. So once I start the application it will start my embedded Sring-Boot tomcat and I can run my CRUD-operations directly from the RCP-UI.
Has anyone got experience dealing with Eclipse-RCP running with Spring-Boot?
P.S: I chose explicitly to not put any code hier, because I don't have any code problem yet. The applications run separately well. I just haven't no clue how to relate them.

Embedded ActiveMQ Server within Tomcat 8

I am trying to embed ActiveMQ Server within Tomcat 8 server.
For that I was following two tutorials available online.
In first tutorial changes were made only in $TomcatHome/conf/context.xml. But in second tutorial it was recommended to modify context.xml, server.xml and activemq.xml.
I follows both the tutorial separately one by one, also tried to use these with "Tomcat 7". But looks like both are not working for me.
With these changes, tomcat server starts without any issue no error in log. But Embedded ActiveMQ BrokerService is not getting started with Tomcat. Nothing is there in startup log for BrokerService.
Means there is no effect of these configurations on Tomcat Serve, and startup log is same with or without these configuration.
Am I missing anything in configuration for Tomcat 7 or Tomcat 8?
Why new JNDI Resource TAGs in configuration files is not getting picked by Tomcat?
Guys please help me.
I suggest looking at starting up ActiveMQ using the Spring XML bean configuration. Generally, you'll need/want to do some configuration of the broker and having the full XML is a simple way to manage that. I suggest looking at creating a simple war file that starts up a Spring beans.xml file. That file should just be the same contents as the conf/activemq.xml configuration. You then add all the JNDI resources as needed to point to the embedded broker.

Share spring container between test application and embedded tomcat

We are using cucumber-jvm to write an integration test layer in our application. One of the challenges we are finding is managing the database between the tests and the web application.
A typical scenario is that we want to persist some entities in a Given step of a scenario, then perform some actions on the user interface that may, in turn, persoist more entities. At the end, we want to clean the database. Because the cucumber-jvm tests are in one jvm and the web application is running in another jvm we cannot share a transaction (at least in a way of which I am aware) so the database must be cleaned manually.
My initial thought was to use an Embedded Tomcat server running off of an embedded in-memory database (HSQLDB) in the same JVM as the cucumber-jvm test. This way we might be able to share a single spring container, and by extension a single transaction, from which all objects could be retrieved.
During my initial tests it looks like Spring gets loaded and configured twice: once when the test starts and the cucumber.xml is read, and a second time when the embedded tomcat starts and the web application reads its applicationContext.xml. These appear to be in two completely separate containers because if I try to resolve an object in one container that is specified in the other container then it doesn't resolve. If I duplicate my configuration then I get errors about duplicate beans with the same id.
Is there a way that I can tell Spring to use the same container for both my test application and the embedded tomcat?
I'm using Spring 3.2.2.GA and Embedded Tomcat 7.0.39 (latest versions of both libraries).
Am I crazy? Do I need to provide more technical details? Apologies if I use some incorrect terminology.
p.s. If my problem seems familiar to you and you can suggest an alternative solution to the one I am trying, please let me know!
It is normal that spring is loaded twice. There are two places where two spring contexts are created:
In the servlet container listener org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener that is configured in web.xml. This one reads its configuration from the file set by the context-param contextConfigLocation.
In the implementation of ObjectFactory provided by cucumber-spring plugin This one reads its configuration from cucumber.xml.
The two spring contexts are totally different and their instances are kept in two different places. As a servlet context attribute for the former and kept by the JavaBackend for the latter.
When starting the embedded tomcat, it is possible to get access to the servlet context and thus set ourself the spring context used bt tomcat with the one from cucumber. But, spring has a special class called WebApplicationContext for context used in a servlet container. The cucumber SpringFactory on other hand creates its context through ClassPathXmlApplicationContext. So unless there is a way to specify the type of application context from the xml config, we will have to provide an ObjectFactory that shoots a WebApplicationContext.
What we can do is to have two web.xml. One for the normal and one for the test. For the test, we use our version of the ContexLoader listener.

tomcat: guvnor & webservice load order

I have guvnor deployed on tomcat 7. Now need to deploy a wrapper webservice around the BRMS. The webservice is a spring-ws and uses #Autowired kbase dependency injection. kbase is configured in spring-context XML as (not literal):
<drools:resource id="xxx" source="http://localhost:8080/guvnor/.../<package>/LATEST
Now the problem is tomcat first loads the webservice which fails to initialize as the guvnor URL is not up yet.
I can work around this by first starting only guvnor along with tomcat startup and then copy the WS war to the webapps folder. This works but is painful to do everytime.
What is the best approach?
I have seen this thread, but not sure if it will work in this context: Is there a way to enforce a deployment order in tomcat6?
Tried the following ways to address this:
Tomcat brings up both services on starup. The initialization of webservice fails but bring up the webservice manually through tomcate admin interface.
Use a script to do the same as above to bring up the webservice after a delay.
Change the drools package initialization to load through drools API instead of through config files along with a retry logic.
All of these work, but retaining the last option in the production code.

Having spring bean properties refreshed automatically from properties file

I'm using Spring 2.5.6. I have a bean whose properties are being assign from a property file via a PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer. I'm wondering whether its possible to have the property of the bean updated when the property file is modified. There would be for example some periodic process which checks the last modified date of the property file, and if it has changed, reload the bean.
I'm wondering if there is already something that satisfies my requirements. If not, what would be the best approach to solving this problem?
Thanks for your help.
Might also look into useing Spring's PropertyOverrideConfigurer. Could re-read the properties and re-apply it in some polling/schedular bean.
It does depend on how the actual configured beans use these properties. They might, for example, indirectly cache them somewhere themself.
If you want dynamic properties at runtime, perhaps another way to do it is JMX.
One way to do this is to embed a groovy console in your application. Here's some instructions. They were very simple to do, btw - took me very little time even though I'm not that familiar with groovy.
Once you do that you can simply go into the console and change values inside the live application on the fly.
You might try to use a custom scope for the bean that recreates beans on changes of the properties file. See my more extensive answer here.
Spring Cloud Config has facilities to change configuration properties at runtime via the Spring Cloud Bus and using a Cloud Config Server. The configuration or .properties or .yml files are "externalized" from the Spring app and instead retrieved from a Spring Cloud Config Server that the app connects to on startup. That Cloud Config Server retrieves the appropriate configuration .properties or .yml files from a GIT repo (there are other storage solutions, but GIT is the most common). You can then change configuration at runtime by changing the contents of the GIT repo's configuration files--The Cloud Config Server broadcasts the changes to any Client Spring applications via the Spring Cloud Bus, and those applications' configuration is updated without needing a restart of the app. You can find a working simple example here:
