Fishpig Disqus Comments Not Showing Up - magento

I have recently installed the latest version of fishpig Wordpress Integration on my Magento and have bought the fishpig disqus extension to go along with my wordpress blog.
The disqus comments do not seem to show up, do I have to create a disqus.phtml template in order to implement these comments and override the other comments page in the wordpress templates, or should it just do so automatically? If the latter, why might it not be doing so?
(note: I also do not have a wordpress.xml file in my custom theme, but I do have some custom templates that are expounded in my local.xml)

You will also need to install the free Disqus plugin in your WordPress Admin, setup a Disqus account and configure everything. Once this has been configured in Disqus and the WordPress Admin, the FishPig extension will read this data and display the Disqus comments automatically.


Orchard Disqus Feature

I'm new to orchard core and I'm trying to create a blog. About a month ago creating comment in orchard was available by just enabling disqus feature but now it is not possible for me. I enabled the feature and added the part to the content and it just create a check box which says: Hide Comments and nothing more happen.
can any one help me?
ps: I'm using asp net core 5 and orchardcore.application.cms.targets\1.0.0-rc2-16145\ and disqus.orchardcore\1.0.0-rc2-10019\
As mentionned in the Readme, you need to edit the settings of the Disqus Part and enter the name of the site that you created on

Adding blog to Magento sitemap

I installed Neotheme blog to my Magento 1.9, and I'm trying to figure out how to add it to my sitemap.xml. Default Google xml sitemap in Magento is not adding it, and there is no setting in the Neotheme blog to add it, or to make it's own sitemap.
I was trying to search Google for the solution, but I wasn't able to find anything.

How does one change Fishpig blog description/title?

Where do I need to go to change the /blog/ description? I noticed that Fishpig isn't using WordPress's blog description and that there also isn't a setting for changing this within the Fishpig settings page under Magento admin panel.
The description that is placed directly under the blog title is taken from the Settings > General page of the WordPress Admin.
The best way I've found to do this is to install the Yoast SEO plugin which allows you to manage that right on all posts including the blog listing that you referenced.
It's a good plugin to have in general for SEO anyway so it's win-win.

Is Google Shopping Feed option not available by default in magento 1.8

HI i have a store in magneto1.1.8
. I want to use google shopping
but when i go to under google api i cant see any google shopping
So can you please tell me
do i need to install some extension or there is some setting which i
need to enable to view google shopping option
Also is there any free extension for this if i need to install
Magento's new version 1.8.1 removes Google Checkout payment option due to Google announcing the product's end of life in November of 2013.
So not display in Google Api tab in System->Configuration.
If you want to intigrate google checkout in Magento 1.8.1 than download 1.8.0 version form
in that copy folling files to your magento 1.8.1 with same location
Now Google Checkout option display in your New Magento 1.8.1.

joomla/virtuemart - no layout on login page

i'm working on a joomla 1.5 with virtuemart 1.1.8. I'm not an experienced user of joomla, and one of my modifications exited the virtuemart page "shop.registration" (register page) out of the theme's layout : i miss the header and the footer.
Did anyone know how joomla and virtuemart templating system works ? It's my first use of virtuemart, and the 2nd of joomla.
Virtuemart prior to version 2.x does not use the Joomla! template system, instead it uses it's own "themes" mechanism which is frankly horrible. The main problem is that most people hack the standard theme and then when and update comes along it get over-written by the update.
You can still read about the old 1.1.x style of themes on the Virtuemart Developer documentation website.
Also, you should update to Virtuemart 1.1.9 as it includes some serious fixes.
