Frankfurt S3 Fineuploader authorization,V4 support? - fine-uploader

On S3 uploads with the location Frankfurt, I get. The authorization mechanism you have provided is not supported. Please use AWS4-HMAC-SHA256.
So I have searched and I see the reason. I just wish to ask if Fine Uploader using S3 scipts has a solution please? As it is the only bucket region that I am having problems with.

Fine Uploader S3 does not yet support v4 signatures, so you will need to avoid using new regions at the moment. However, the 5.3 version of Fine Uploader will support v4 signatures (5.2) is currently in development.
This is our highest priority for the 5.3 release. Please see case #1336 for updates and more details.
Update: Support for version 4 signatures was added to Fine Uploader 5.4.0.


Render apiary documentation locally with the V4 interactive documentation

I would like to render API Blueprint documentation in the v4 interactive documentation format locally using apiary-cli or something similar.
I recently started using Apiary. Currently I am generating docs locally using apiary preview but this generates v3 documentation using the old interactive documentation views.
apiary preview --output=./reporting.html --path=./doc/reporting/reporting.apib
I would like to see the new view locally to check my changes before pushing changes to the remote docs view to everyone. Is there any way to view the v4 view without pushing to remote?
The v4 is still in preview. We are in the stage of gathering feedback and progressively adding features to it. This one in particular isn't yet available, but it's on our roadmap.
Meanwhile you can use the online editor, via, to preview your changes.

SonarQube WebApi Access File Source Code

It looks like the sonar web api changed in the last days. At least one of my projects using the api isn't working anymore.
I specifically need to access the source code of components / files.
According to the online doc ( this should be possible with a call like '' what isn't working anymore.
Can anybody tell me how to access the source code of a file via the current sonar web api? Help would be very appreciated.
Thanks and best regards,
The API hasn't changed. But the key of components has changed in SonarQube 4.2. I updated the example on

Upload to Ooyala with Fine Uploader

We would like to see if Fine Uploader can be integrated with Ooyala. I am sure it can be done, but would rather not re-invent the wheel here.
Here is the Ooyala API for reference:
Has anyone seen this integration done before? Any sample projects?
Currently this is not supported by Fine Uploader's features. Maybe in the future if there is interest in this feature..
One idea is have a temporary upload server that Fine Uploader sends files to. Once file(s) are received, they are sent to Ooyala using one of their SDKs.

Liferay : Any one has updated jquery.tweet.js?

Has any one used and updated jquery.tweet.js for liferay 6.1
after following important note from,
Important note about Twitter's API changes
Twitter has discontinued its unauthenticated v1.0 API,
so this widget has stopped working as of 2013-06-11.
Twitter wants your only option for on-page widgets to be
their own Embedded Timelines, but there are workarounds
which involve installing server-side code to support this widget.
Please see this discussion for more details.
If yes, let me know steps to do ?
I am also trying, If done i ll update
Till then waiting for reply, might be save my time.
Basic wrapper for Seaofclouds / Tweet.js that incorporates functionality with Twitter's v1.1 API

Reports API Client Library for Java

I would like to work in Java with this Google Apps Admin SDK.
There is no samples (, link not working), download library is not working, found:, from
Is only available using, building, treating JSON?
The link on the documentation page is not working, but the team is aware of it and working on fixing the links. In the mean time you can find the download URLs here:
For reports API:
For directory API:
