CKEditor custom toolbar inline - ckeditor

I Want to use Underline in custom toolbar inline but it doesn't work while bold , link and Italic work as well.
var cfg1 = {
toolbar: [
['Source', '-', 'Bold','Italic', 'Underline']
CKEDITOR.disableAutoInline = true;
How can i use Underline in inline toolbar?

Did you check what you have in the config.js file? In standard and basic presets there is:
config.removeButtons = 'Underline,Subscript,Superscript';
And this setting has higher priority than config.toolbar, so make sure to remove this line.


CKEditor Prevent block elements ? like (`div,p,h1,h2, etc`)

How can prevent block elements in ckeditor?
I want to don't let to ckeditor to accept block elements.
With prevent enter key i can do this but if i paste some text that's include enter key or several paragraph in ckeditor everything down.
In other word i want a textbox with ckeditor.
Quoting an official weekly blog post:
CKEditor core developer, Olek Nowodziński, was hacking the editor a bit in his spare time and here is the result...
Editable header that does not break with Enter key or pasted multi–line content:
var editor = CKEDITOR.inline( 'editor', {
plugins: 'clipboard,floatingspace,toolbar,undo,basicstyles,link',
toolbar: [ [ 'Undo', 'Redo' ], [ 'Bold', 'Italic' ], [ 'Link', 'Unlink' ] ],
// Enter mode ill be set to BR automatically if editor was enabled on some element
// which cannot contain blocks (like <h1 for instance).
// If you want to enable editor on different elements, set BR mode here.
// Read the note below to learn why.
on: {
instanceReady: function() {
// Remove all "br"s from the data being inputted into the editor.
editor.dataProcessor.dataFilter.addRules( {
elements: {
br: function() {
return false;
} );
this.editable().on( 'keydown', function( evt ) {
var keystroke =;
if ( keystroke == CKEDITOR.SHIFT + 13 || keystroke == 13 ) {;
} );
} );
Note that the crucial part of this code is that the ACF filters out the rest of block tags (other than <br>). In the case above the ACF works in an automatic mode where it's configured by the enabled features. And since there's no Format dropdown or any other feature creating blocks, none of them is allowed. Read more in the Advanced Content Filter guide.
I expect that one could ask now: "Why can't we configure ACF to filter out <br>s too?"
The answer is that ACF must be able to normalise blocks which are not allowed to some content, and as CKEditor does not support "no enter" mode officially, it choses between normalising to <p>, <div> or <br>. The decision is made based on the enter mode, so that's why it's important to configure such editor to enter mode BR.

How to config CKEditor-4 inline editors?

I have a standard installation (like samples):
<meta charset="utf-8"></meta>
<script src="../ckeditor.js"></script>
With HTML content with many <div contenteditable="true"> blocks. I need to configure each editor by local or an external configTypeX.js file,
CKEDITOR.on( 'instanceCreated', function( event ) {
var editor = event.editor, element = editor.element;
if ( 'h1', 'h2', 'h3' ) ) {
editor.on( 'configLoaded', function() {
editor.config.toolbar = [
[ 'Source', '-', 'Bold', 'Italic' ]
]; // BUG: about "Source"?? NOT AT INTERFACE!
} else {
customConfig: 'configType2.js';
So, my problem is
How to do a customConfig in this context?
Where the "best complete documentation", about config menus (editor.config.toolbar) without online configuration-tool, where I can understand how to put and remove menu itens with correct names? Here nothing about how to fix the bug of 'Source' in a full installation.
I do,
git clone git://
cd ckeditor-releases
cp samples/inlineall.html samples/myinline.html
and edit samples/myinline.html with the code above.
For inline editors the standard Source button is hidden, because it is not possible to have different modes other than wysiwyg. Therefore for those editors new plugin was created - sourcedialog, but it is not included in any of builds by default. You can build editor with this plugin using online CKBuilder or by using one of presets with all parameter. For example: ./ full all. Remember also to load sourcedialog plugin (using config.extraPlugins = 'sourcedialog').
If you want to freely configure inline editors, then you should take a look at inlinebycode sample. First you need to disable automatic editors initialization on editable elements and then call CKEDITOR.inline() on elements you want to become editors:
// We need to turn off the automatic editor creation first.
CKEDITOR.disableAutoInline = true;
CKEDITOR.inline( 'editable1', {
customConfig: 'editableConfig.js'
} );
CKEDITOR.inline( 'editable1', {
toolbar: [ ... ]
} );

Hide toolbar and show colors

I have a problem. I'd like to show CKEditor without toolbar, and still keep colors on it. This is my code.
$(document).ready(function() {
var textAreaName = 'description';
CKEDITOR.replace( textAreaName, {
removePlugins: 'toolbar,elementspath',
readOnly: true
} ) ;
var oCKeditor = CKEDITOR.instances[textAreaName];
The problem is text color doesn't show. It seems that CKEditor disable color as well.
Assuming (because it's still unclear) that you want to keep text color in editor's contents (BTW. editor's contents is not rendered using textarea - it is only used for easier data submitting) this is a solution:
config.extraAllowedContent = 'span{!color}';
This will allow span elements with color style. Read more about Advanced Content Filter.
use this config.uiColor = '#AADC6E';
Where config is object of that component.

Adding Fontawesome to ckeditor

I am using Fontawesome in my website and have my own CMS to edit the website pages. What I would like to develop is a dialog for the user where he can pick an fontawesome icon but for now it is OK to add them in the codeview of ckeditor.
Icons added to the content are not shown in ckeditor designview. I have changed ckeditor config file so that the editor accepts i tags (*). I added the fontawesome CSS file as an #import rule to contents.css but still no fontawesome icon visible in the editor area.
config.allowedContent = true;
config.ProtectedTags = 'i' ;
config.protectedSource.push( /<i[\s\S]*?\>/g ); //allows beginning <i> tag
config.protectedSource.push( /<\/i[\s\S]*?\>/g ); //allows ending </i> tag
What can I do to make this work?
config.protectedSource.push( /<i class[\s\S]*?\>/g );
config.protectedSource.push( /<\/i>/g );
What you have will interfere with img tags.
AND OR, after all of config:
CKEDITOR.dtd.$removeEmpty['i'] = false;
Both work well. Just be sure you have cleared cache completely when making changes.
One works while messing something else up. A no go solution.
I stopped using this bulky editor. Created my own.
However, to solve the solution, use EM or SPAN instead of I tags for this.
When you add something to the protectedSource setting, you're hiding it from the editor, that content is converted into a HTML comment to protect it and avoid that it can be modified by the user, but being a comment it's obviously hidden.
I'm using 4.11.4 and this solution not working correctly
This solution correctly work on 4.11.4
config.protectedSource.push( /<i class[\s\S]*?\><\/i>/g ); // Font Awesome fix
Instead of:
config.protectedSource.push(/<i class[\s\S]*?\><\/i>/g );
use more stronger and best way:
config.protectedSource.push(/<i class="fa[s|r|l|b] [A-Za-z0-9\-]+"><\/i>/g);
Because when user pasting content from another source, CKEDITOR.dtd should remove empty < i >, or convert < i > to semantic < em >, but only fontawesome icons with class="fas/far/fal/fab *" should be preserved.
(Naming in fontawesome:
Take a look at this: ckeditor fontawesome addon.
Basically, you should download the fontawesome addon in zip format, and extract to "ckeditor/plugins/", with the name "fontawesome".
Then, open "ckeditor/config.js" and signal the usage of the new addon:
config.extraPlugins = 'fontawesome';
config.contentsCss = 'path/to/your/font-awesome.css';
config.allowedContent = true;
The next thing is to edit your HTML's section:
<script>CKEDITOR.dtd.$removeEmpty['span'] = false;</script>
The final step is to use the toolbargroupname: "FontAwesome" in your toolbar:
config.toolbar = [
{ name: 'insert', items: [ 'FontAwesome', 'Source' ] }
Here is a demo.
This also applies for glyphicons, in the same way the fontawesome is used.

CKEDITOR inline and multiple toolbars

I have multiple instances of a CKEDITOR inline on a page.
I want to be able to customise the toolbar for each of these to display different fonts in each of them.
So I have something like the following:
CKEDITOR.disableAutoInline = true;
var editor1 = CKEDITOR.inline(document.getElementById('editable_476'));
CKEDITOR.config.toolbar = [ .....
CKEDITOR.config.font_names = 'Helvetica Nueue/Helvetica Nueue';
This works well if I have one, but If I use the same code for another CKEDITOR instance, the font is overwritten.
How do I use different toolbars for different CKEDITOR instances?
CKEDITOR.inline( editable_498, {
toolbar: [
font_names: 'Helvetica Nueue/Helvetica Nueue';
This throws a syntax error:
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ;
The line is font_names: 'Helvetica Nueue/Helvetica Nueue';
Use per-instance config:
CKEDITOR.inline( element, {
toolbar: [
font_names: '...'
CKEDITOR.config is something that all instances inherit from. Use config for a specific instance, it'll overwrite global rules from CKEDITOR.config.
See the official configuration guide.
