Storing the object of Select_list [closed] - ruby

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Please consider the below code
In the aforementioned code, the first line is taking so much time, So Can anyone tell me Is there any way to store value of "a" object for further use without getting from b.select_lists[0]? Or Is there anyway can we directly get the value of 'a'?
The code which I am trying to write for the select list follows below
<select class="ng-valid ng-dirty" style="" ng-change="selectionsAgentType(AgentType)" ng-model="AgentType"> <select class="ng-valid ng-dirty" ng-change="AgentCategorySelected(agentoptions)" ng-model="agentoptions">

If option with text: 'Agent' is unique on this page.
If you need just simulate select
b.option(:text, 'Agent').select
Also, if you need value of this option
a = b.option(:text, 'Agent').value
b.select_lists.first.option(:text, 'Agent').select
a = b.select_lists.first.option(:text, 'Agent').value


When applying the annotation, it throws an error (#SpringBootApplication) [closed]

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Closed 5 months ago.
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such a question. When adding the annotation #SpringBootApplication(exclude={SecurityAutoConfiguration.class}) Gives an error when building Name expected The IDE writes like this:
enter image description here
What could be the problem?
Assuming by tags that you are using kotlin and it has slightly different syntax actually.

Search / replace in bash script with dynamic part [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I'm writing a bash script and I want to edit a PHP config file, find a string and replace by another.
The hard part is that I want this search/replace to be dynamic.
Here is an example:
define('APP_VERSION', '1.0.31');
The goal is to replace 1.0.31 by another version number.
How could I achieve that? I've tried with sed, but can't isolate the version number part (because it's not always the same, so I can't directly search for 1.0.31)
The point of regexes is to match non-static text. To replace any version number with 123 use
sed "s/define('APP_VERSION', *'[^']*')/define('APP_VERSION', '123')/"

XPath selector returning an empty list instead of targeted value [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I am trying to scrape some data from this table: but I ran into a problem when trying to extract information from the Value column. I've used Mozilla dev-tools to get the XPath selectors which worked fine for Names and Overall ratings, but in the case of Value, using the browser-generated XPath only returns an empty list. I'm using Scrapy.
In [85]: value = response.xpath('/html/body/div[1]/div/div/div[1]/table/tbody/tr[1]/td[13]').extract()
In [86]: value
Out[86]: []
What can I try next?
If you take a look at page source you will find out player's values are under the data-col="vl" so you can extract it with XPath:
Which give you all values in the table.
In order to crawl a page you better not using the XPath which inspect element gives you but use page source and try to find appropriate XPath statement by elements data and test it in scrapy shell.

Combo Box Boolean in Visual Basic [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm on visual studio and I have trouble doing some boolean on Visual Basic for a Combo Box Boolean. I am using Visual Studio btw. I tried to add the following:
if ClientBox.ValueMember() = "Agentleader1 (Leader)" Then
But it wouldn't work.
My program is a basic Contact-Us form for a person to fill out. A field (the combo-box field, called: clientbox) is a combo-box to where you can select which member of the whole group you want to send the contact-form to. Which is a problem. I'm very sorry I can't give a sample of the code. And btw, I just started C++ please don't give complex answers and maybe add a few annotations so I can understand. Please comment this question if I have not explained enough about my program! BTW, please no C# answers.
I found a solution to my problem, if anybody is wondering here it is, sorry for my amateur-ness! This actually kinda is a better answer than anything I could have come up with (except the fact that I found this answer by myself:
if ComboBox.SelectedItem().Equals("any choice of one of the items") = True Then
'execute command!
The above was the syntax, I got an example of my code below:
if ClientBox.SelectedItem().Equals("Agentleader1 (Leader)") = True Then
TEA = "****" 'That's my email!
Hope this helped to anybody that couldn't figure out how to find whether a specified item that is selected in a certain combo-box is selected!
is that exactly how it is written in your code? the single '=' is an assignment operator... you need '=='

Ruby detect if a column value has changed [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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So I have this line:
if self.company_changed?
And it works fine but this detects if the company has changed on the object. I need to know if the database value has changed and not if the value in memory has changed. So I tried this:
if :company_changed?
This seems to work in debug mode when I only execute the one line. If I let it run, it fails in testing on an infinite loop.
My question is what can be used in ruby to check to see if the column value has actually changed.
I'm pretty sure you're actually talking about ActiveRecord. In which case, you'd need to re-fetch the record to see if the value has changed in the database.
self.class.find( !=
A general purpose method for this might be something like:
def attr_changed_in_db?(attr)
self.class.find([attr] != self.attributes[attr]
There is an excellent screencast on this by the great Ryan Bates.
