boot2docker vm forgets changes when restarted - windows

Basically any changes I make while SSHed into the VM are lost at restart of the VM. I am assuming the problem is associated with the error when I stop the VM.
C:\Users\Tom>boot2docker stop
error in run: Failed to stop machine "boot2docker-vm": exit status 1
But, I may just be doing something dumb.
The sequence I followed is below (docker logo elided), you can see it losing the sample directory across the restart.
C:\Users\Tom>boot2docker up
Waiting for VM and Docker daemon to
Writing C:\Users\Tom\.boot2docker\certs\boot2docker-vm\ca.pem
Writing C:\Users\Tom\.boot2docker\certs\boot2docker-vm\cert.pem
Writing C:\Users\Tom\.boot2docker\certs\boot2docker-vm\key.pem
Docker client does not run on Windows for now. Please use
"boot2docker" ssh
to SSH into the VM instead.
C:\Users\Tom>boot2docker ssh
Boot2Docker version 1.5.0, build master : a66bce5 - Tue Feb 10 23:31:27 UTC 2015
Docker version 1.5.0, build a8a31ef
docker#boot2docker:~$ ls
boot2docker, please format-me
docker#boot2docker:~$ mkdir testdir
docker#boot2docker:~$ ls
boot2docker, please format-me testdir/
docker#boot2docker:~$ exit
C:\Users\Tom>boot2docker stop
error in run: Failed to stop machine "boot2docker-vm": exit status 1
C:\Users\Tom>boot2docker status
C:\Users\Tom>boot2docker start
Waiting for VM and Docker daemon to start...
Writing C:\Users\Tom\.boot2docker\certs\boot2docker-vm\ca.pem
Writing C:\Users\Tom\.boot2docker\certs\boot2docker-vm\cert.pem
Writing C:\Users\Tom\.boot2docker\certs\boot2docker-vm\key.pem
Docker client does not run on Windows for now. Please use
"boot2docker" ssh
to SSH into the VM instead.
C:\Users\Tom>boot2docker ssh
Boot2Docker version 1.5.0, build master : a66bce5 - Tue Feb 10 23:31:27 UTC 2015
Docker version 1.5.0, build a8a31ef
docker#boot2docker:~$ ls
boot2docker, please format-me
Windows: 8.1
VirtualBox: 4.3.12 r93733
Boot2Docker version 1.5.0, build master : a66bce5 - Tue Feb 10 23:31:27 UTC 2015
Docker version 1.5.0, build a8a31ef

That is what I explained in "Windows Boot2Docker behind corporate proxy": there is no persistence in the Tiny Core used by boot2docker as a Linux VM.
You need to make sure the VirtualBox has the Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack downloaded and added in the Virtual Box / File / Settings / Extension / add the Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack-4.x.yy-zzzzz.vbox-extpack file).
As documented in boot2docker, you will have access (from your Tiny Core ssh session) to /c/Users/<yourLogin> (ie the %USERPROFILE% is shared by Virtual Box)
What I do in my b2d.bat start script is copy the files I want to be restored (mainly docker profile or .ashrc, for http_proxy settings and favorite aliases), and keep all my other modifications in /c/Users/<yourLogin>.


Docker says it is running but it isn't

Docker says it is running, but it clearly isn't.
Machine is OSX 10.15.4
Detecting operating system of created instance...
Waiting for SSH to be available...
Detecting the provisioner...
Provisioning with boot2docker...
Copying certs to the local machine directory...
Copying certs to the remote machine...
Setting Docker configuration on the remote daemon...
Checking connection to Docker...
Docker is up and running!
To see how to connect your Docker Client to the Docker Engine running on this virtual machine, run: docker-machine env default
machine:file user$ ps aux | grep "docker"
user 56224 0.0 0.0 4258892 256 s006 R+ 4:56PM 0:00.00 grep docker
machine:file user$
It seems like you are using docker with boot2docker. It means that docker will run inside a virtual machine instead of your local machin and explain why you don't see the process with "ps". As mention in the Boot2docker github project, you should use docker desktop for mac.

Docker machine timeout - how to fix without destroying the machine?

I'm having a recurring problem with Docker Machine - every few days it decides to timeout and I am unable to recover it once this happens.
docker-machine ls
default virtualbox Timeout
Environment Info
uname -a Darwin ColeyMBPR 15.4.0 Darwin Kernel Version 15.4.0: Fri Feb 26 22:08:05 PST 2016; root:xnu-3248.40.184~3/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64
docker version 1.11.0
docker-machine version 0.7.0
vboxmanage --version 5.0.20r106931
Attempted Solutions
I've tried the following things in no particular order:
Restarting the docker machine.
Running eval "$(docker-machine env default)"
Regenerating the certificates docker-machine regenerate-certs default
Restarting my host box.
Upgrading Docker.
Reinstalling Docker.
Upgrading VirtualBox.
Removing all VirtualBox host-only network devices.
The only thing that's working for me right now is destroying the docker machine and recreating it. This destroys all my images and containers, and it's incredibly time consuming to set it up again.
docker-machine rm -y default && docker-machine create -d virtualbox default && eval $(docker-machine env)
Is there anything I can try? Thanks!
Update: 9th May (Steps to Reproduce)
I can reliably reproduce this problem with the following steps:
Start with a freshly created Docker machine.
Use docker-compose up to build some containers.
Shutdown the computer with the containers running.
After reboot the Docker CLI doesn't work due to the Docker machine timing out.
This command worked for me with the digitalocean driver:
docker-machine ls -t 20
It seems as though the default timeout of 10 seconds was too short.
This is usually a problem related to the way you start and stop your machine.
You can solve it using
$ docker-machine stop default
$ docker-machine start default
$ docker-machine regenerate-certs default
Do not use docker-machine restart default because it will not refresh your networking configs.
Check if you are are using a proxy or VPN!
None of the above suggestions worked for me until I turned off my VPN and suddenly:
docker-machine.exe ls
default * virtualbox Running tcp:// v19.03.5
I had the same issue with Docker version 1.11.2, build b9f10c9
This worked for me - my docker machine is back to the Running state
$ docker-machine restart
$ eval $(docker-machine env)
So far I have a bit of a hacky solution - this fixes the docker machine but destroys all containers and images.
docker-machine rm -y default
docker-machine create -d virtualbox default
docker-machine stop default
VBoxManage modifyvm "default" --natpf1 "Forwarding App 1,tcp,,3000,,3000"
VBoxManage modifyvm "default" --natpf1 "Forwarding App 2,tcp,,3001,,3001"
VBoxManage modifyvm "default" --natpf1 "Forwarding App 3,tcp,,3004,,3004"
VBoxManage modifyvm "default" --natpf1 "Forwarding App 4,tcp,,3005,,3005"
VBoxManage modifyvm "default" --natpf1 "Forwarding App 5,tcp,,3006,,3006"
VBoxManage modifyvm "default" --natpf1 "Forwarding App 6,tcp,,8081,,8081"
docker-machine start default
eval $(docker-machine env)
Destroys the default docker machine, containers and images.
Creates a new docker machine on VirtualBox and stops it so we can modify VirtualBox.
Adds port forwarding for various applications on VirtualBox.
Starts the docker machine.
Ensures the Terminal is setup for the new IP address of the docker machine.
My problem was very simple. I was blocking port 2376 with my ufw firewall. Docker-machine needs this port open to connect to the remote.
I found the answer to my problem in on this page:
I have opened virtualbox and closed and start all vm manually/. State is running again
This worked for me and my containers were not destroyed:
Opened Oracle virtual box and paused the VM
Restarted the VM on docker machine
$ docker-machine restart default
docker version: 1.12.3
docker-machine version: 0.8.2, build e18a919
My problem was very trivial - I did the docker machine ls command right after restarting a docker machine, so it was not running yet, and that caused a timeout.

Kitematic Fail after clean setup

I've just install Docker on Mac OS 10.10.5 and ran Kitematic after that and got a hug error right away. This is the beginning of it, I can paste the rest if it will help
Command failed: /usr/local/bin/docker-machine -D start default,Docker
Machine Version: 0.7.0, build a650a40,Found binary path at
/usr/local/bin/docker-machine,Launching plugin server for driver
virtualbox,Plugin server listening at address,()
Calling .GetVersion,Using API Version 1,() Calling .SetConfigRaw,()
Calling .GetMachineName,command=start machine=default,(default)
Calling .GetState,(default) DBG | COMMAND: /usr/local/bin/VBoxManage
showvminfo default --machinereadable,(default) DBG | STDOUT:,(default)
$ docker version
Version: 1.11.1
API version: 1.23
Go version: go1.5.4
Git commit: 5604cbe
Built: Tue Apr 26 23:44:17 2016
OS/Arch: darwin/amd64
Cannot connect to the Docker daemon. Is the docker daemon running on this host?
$ docker info
Cannot connect to the Docker daemon. Is the docker daemon running on this host?
$ docker-machine ls
default - virtualbox Stopped Unknown
I've read the Get started with Docker Machine and a local VM one more time and found I need to run eval "$(docker-machine env default)" to setup the env-var for docker on Mac OS X.

How to Setup a Docker Tomcat Container on Mac OS X

I'm new to Docker...
From my understanding, Docker is only compatible with Linux, is it possible to run docker for development purposes on a Mac?
I installed virtualbox using homebrew and have tried to create a virtualbox instance. I installed docker, but am having trouble getting my mac to communicate with the vm docker instance. My end goal is to get a locally debuggable instance of tomcat running on the docker container.
Any help or tips would be helpful.
Because Docker only runs on Linux you will need to install some kind of virtual instance on your local machine. An easy and popular way to do that is to install
Boot2docker and VirtualBox. VirtualBox is a dependency of Boot2docker. You can download, setup and install the latest versions from their websites or if you are using Homebrew, as you mentioned, you can quickly get the working binaries both in one step.
After installing boot2docker, you're ready to use Boot2docker to create a Tomcat Container. You can find a pre-configured tomcat image by searching Docker's community repository, docker hub registry.
Each time you execute the docker run command a new container is created.
The VM running Docker requires a ssh private/public encryption key handshake to connect to. If you follow my steps below, one will be generated for you.
Steps to Setup Tomcat using the tomcat image:
Open Terminal and run this command: brew install boot2docker
Create a new Boot2Docker VM instance using the init command: boot2docker init
Run this command in Terminal to forward local ports to the vm:
for i in {10000..10999}; do VBoxManage modifyvm "boot2docker-vm" --natpf1 "tcp-port$i,tcp,,$i,,$i”; VBoxManage modifyvm "boot2docker-vm" --natpf1 "udp-port$i,udp,,$i,,$i";done
Start the boot2docker daemon: boot2docker start or boot2docker up
After starting docker, copy the exports that are displayed from the previous command to your clipboard
Edit your bash profile file ~/.bash_profile (or if you are using zsh, edit the resource configuration file ~/.zshrc) with a text editor (I prefer using Sublime text): subl .zshrc *note: this will permanently save the docker env variables.
Paste the exports into that file and save
Execute the source command on the file: source .zshrc
Pull the latest tomcat image to create a container and start tomcat: docker run -it --rm -p 10080:8080 tomcat:8.0 *note: this will forward your local 10080 port to the vm's 8080 port.
Go to http://localhost:10080, you should see the tomcat start page!
Useful Docker commands:
$ boot2docker status
$ docker version
$ docker ps #shows running containers
$ docker ps -a # shows all containers
$ docker exec -it NAME /bin/bash #to start a bash session on the container. -i = interactive, -t = tty
External Resources:
Most people use boot2docker to run on Macs. You may also want to take a look at Kitematic, which gives you a GUI to play with.
Finally, the future is probably to use docker machine, which can provision a VM for you.
Docker requires Linux Kernel features, hence it cannot be run natively on OSX.
See instead Boot2Docker. This link gives you instructions on how to get going.

Using docker behind a proxy on an EC2 instance

I'm trying to run docker inside a EC2 VM instance. The instance is behind a http proxy.
As far as I can tell the docker install went okay.
Here is the instance information
Linux ip-X-X-X-X 3.8.0-31-generic #46~precise1-Ubuntu SMP Wed Sep 11 18:21:16 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
The docker version I've is
Docker version 0.6.3, build b0a49a3
When I try to run a simple docker command it hangs for a long time.
$sudo docker run -i -t ubuntu /bin/bash
Unable to find image 'ubuntu' (tag: latest) locally
Pulling repository ubuntu
I've a feeling that this has something to do with my HTTP proxy settings.
I tried setting proxy in different ways.
For example based on this I tried but it still doesn't work.
$sudo HTTP_PROXY= docker run -i -t ubuntu /bin/bash
Unable to find image 'ubuntu' (tag: latest) locally
Pulling repository ubuntu
Any idea what am I missing here?
On Amazon Linux, append proxy variables in /etc/sysconfig/docker
export no_proxy='localhost,'
export NO_PROXY='localhost,'
export http_proxy=http://<YOUR_PROXY>:<PROXY_PORT>/
export https_proxy=http://<YOUR_PROXY>:<PROXY_PORT>/
and then restart docker daemon
service docker restart
You need to be running the Docker daemon with your HTTP_PROXY environment variable, since the pulling of images happens through the daemon. If you're on Ubuntu, this can be accomplished by modifying /etc/init/docker.conf.
We also correctly support /etc/default/docker now, so the best way to accomplish this now (on Ubuntu and Debian) is via export http_proxy=... inside /etc/default/docker.
Something to add to tianon's answer is after modifying the config file don't forget to restart the docker daemon:
sudo service docker restart
to apply the proxy.
