Is it possible to integrate spring mvc ,hibernate apllication with solr? - spring

How can I integrate Spring Hibernate application with solr?
Can anyone please provide me sample working examples?

Of course, Spring has one specific project in the Spring Data projects tree.
You can take a look to ElasticSearch too.


Wicket-Springboot Implementation

I have an application developed in the Wicket-Spring framework. I want to implement Dynamic Database routing using the AbstractRoutingDataSource API of Spring framework. I have developed small wrapper application in Sprinbgoot using AbstractRoutingDataSource which is working fine.
Now, my requirement is that I have to Integrate that Springboot solution in the existing Applicaiton 'Wicket-Spring'. After searching for Springboot support for Wicket. I got this link: But, I am still not able to integrate my Solution developed in Springboot to the Wicket-Spring application.
Thanks in advance. Highly appreciate any guidance and direction on it.
You may want to check out project.
You may use it to create a new application or as an inspiration how to glue Spring-Boot with Apache Wicket.

Spring Integration (not Basic Spring) support for Drools

Do we have examples or out of box support to use Spring Integration(not Basic Spring) as opposed to Camel with Drools like in link here?
What I would looking for is a way to build/set-up Decision Tables
and be able to use Spring Integration framework already existing in my application.
I have read about Spring but what I am looking for is Integration Framework support - specifically Spring-Integration as opposed to Apache Camel
Any pointers for basic set-up appreciated.
I think would be better if I move my comment to the answer to close this question:
I'd say that you should use that Drools-Camel fusion and route the result to the Spring Integration MessageChannel Spring Integration doesn't support directly Drools and there is no plans.
The main reason - "do not reinvent the wheel".
Since Drools lives in JBOSS very well and has that Camel integration, there is no reason to find alternative solution.
Right, it's not a position of Spring Integration developer, but we just don't want to start a new holy war "Camel VS Spring Integration" :-).

Integration of AngularJS and Spring

I have to start a project in AngularJS, Spring and Hibernate. I know Hibernate and Spring but have no idea in AngularJS. Kindly suggest some good links of videos of project development in all AngularJS and Spring from scratch.
Are you looking for sample applications in Spring MVC and AngularJS?.Try following Applications which are done using above frameworks combinations.If you are beginner I hope this helps.
You may also interested in Integration of Spring Security with Spring MVC
That links helps to Explain good.

Spring 3 Hibernate Spring MVC Arch Type

Does anyone know of a good archytype for Spring Web MVC with Hibernate ? I have been searching and have not been able to find any ?
Kind Regards,
Muhammad Mateen
You could use appFuse:
However, I would recommend spring ROO. Spring ROO doesn't provide archetypes, but does provide a similar skeleton setup via spring roo commands.

Example projects for jBPM integration with Spring and Hibernate

Could anybody suggest me some example application of jBPM, that uses Spring and Hibernate?
I am new to jBPM and need to get some reference application about it.
Here is the sample application: A sample application, intended to provide a foundation for developers who need to build applications using jBPM 5, Spring, and Hibernate
Aslo this one can be interesting for you: JBPM-using-Spring-Hibernate-JSF-MySQL-Maven
