Migrating a Web Deployment Project from Visual Studio 2010 to 2013 - visual-studio-2010

I've been working on a web development/deployment project (.wdproj) in Visual Studio 2010 that is used in production. Word is that in Visual Studio 2012, 2013, and probably 2015, web development/deployment projects are no longer compatible.
I've searched a myriad of sites trying to find some way to convert/migrate/upgrade my project so that I can work with it in at least Visual Studio 2013 but I have not had any luck. I figured something like this would be very common but that is far from the case.
How do I convert, migrate, or upgrade my current Visual Studio 2010 web development/deployment project (.wdproj) to be compatible in Visual Studio 2013?
I use the .wdproj to compile all my .cs files to the code-behind of my site. Is there a different way of doing this now? If so, where is the documentation for this?


Visual Studio - Using different versions for the same project

I recently started a new job, and got a machine with Visual Studio 2013 Proffesional installed. This would be great, except the colleague that I'm working with is using Visual Studio 2010. As far as I know, there is no way to work on the same project (or solution), without having quite a lot of issues, is this correct?
And if so, is it still possible to download Visual Studio 2010 (from a reliable source)? I cannot seem to find it anywhere in my MSDN subscriber downloads. All I can find is a stuff like service packs, tools, etc. Did they terminate the support of it?
You work on visual studio 2013 but there are option to select which version of visual studio you want select 2010 and run your project.
You should be able to open Visual Studio 2013 solutions in 2010, if you install Visual Studio 2010 SP1. There is a possibility that some project types won't be supported, but the solution should open.

How to run a downloaded asp.net C# project in Visual Studio 2013

I feel ridiculous for asking this because it seems like it should be so simple, however I have been unable to discover an answer to this question.
I have a free standing set of files of asp.net with C#. I don't know how to import them into Visual Studio 2013
So how do you add existing projects and files in Visual Studio 2013?

Disable visual studio 2013 old project converter

Recently, I installed VS 2013 for my own computer. However, I still have some project that created by VS 2010. The uncomfortable thing is, my VS 2013 automatically convert my old project to VS 2013.
Is there anyway to disable the automation conversion of VS 2013?
EDIT: Instead of opening the project by VS2013, it should work well with Visual Studio Versions Selector. However, the issue can appear again on project that was used to be developed on VS2003, VS2005 and VS2008

Microsoft Test Professional 2013 can't open .net projects

I recently got a copy of Microsoft Test Professional 2013, where previously I used Visual Studio 2012. I'm unable to run any projects within Visual Studio 2013 - Shell Integrated, which comes with Test Professional 2013.
The development team have upgraded to Visual Studio 2013 with no issues and we have tried changing the project versions.
I have checked that I have the correct .net framework and mvc installed.
Should I be able to open the projects and if so what might be going wrong?

Visual Studio 2010 and Web Deployment Projects (wdproj 2008)

I have several wdprojects (web deployment 2008) in vs2008 solutions.
When I installed vs2010 RC none of my wdprojects will open.
What can I do to make it work?
Visual Studio 2010 Web Deployment Projects RTW is available here: Visual Studio 2010 Web Deployment Projects RTW
As per this SO question, Visual Studio 2012 does not have Web Deployment Projects.
But it's ok: Visual Studio 2012 Web Deployment Projects are Dead – Long Live Publishing Profiles
According to this post on the ASP.NET forum they will actually provide support for it some time after the release of Visual Studio 2010. But I can confirm that it is not supported out of the box in the Visual Studio 2010 RTM.
Note there could also be some conflicts/warnings or errors when migrating.
Something like:
"Unrecognized attribute 'targetFramework'. Note that attribute names are case-sensitive"
Here is an article which explains how to fix that:
VS 2010 convertor will convert the project as required when you try opening it in VS2010.
