Apple Watch Simulator not Vertically Scrolling - scroll

I created a basic table on my Apple Watch App, with a table row element in a group element which gets populated programatically by iterating over a simple array. The table displays in the simulator, but I cannot get it to scroll vertically through all the table entries. Have I missed something or does the simulator not support this action?
Followed the tutorial here

Is your table contained in a WKInterfaceGroup, by any chance? That would prevent proper scrolling.


Xcode Constraints issues

I am working on an App and I want the UI to look the same in every device screen. I have an iPhone 6 device and use iPhone 5 in the simulator; when I run the App, it looks Ok in my iPhone 6, but it looks like the following in the iPhone 5 simulator...
I added some constraints but I have been having trouble with these buttons and the labels. How can I fix this? I thank you in advance for your answers.
I erased all constraints and started over, now the final screen looks like the following...
Looks better now, the only thing I could not fix was the position of the two buttons (Agregar and Salir) because they are located in the centre and now they moved a bit to the right.
Here are my constraints
Constraint in Xcode UI is respectively, so you need to set all of the constraint for each element, not only for those button. Every single element is constraint to each other, so make sure that each element has already set its constraint to another element.
It looks like you only have constraints on those two items, try adding a constraint between the labels and the bottom buttons, so that there is always a space between those buttons.

UICollectionView container inside of UIScrollView breaks scrolling in ios 9.1

I have one large scrollView that contains a collectionView and a tableView. Neither the collection view and table view scroll independently. Both are resized based on their content so the user is just scrolling a long view within the scroll view.
This has always worked out fine until ios 9.1. Now any attempt by the user to pan within one of the collection container views fails to scroll the outer scroll view.
Can someone explain what has changed in ios 9.1 to make this setup no longer work?
My problem was entirely related to this issue with LXReorderableCollectionViewFlowLayout

My WatchKit wkinterfacetable won't scroll

Despite having more elements than fit the screen I can't seem to get a scroll behavior via touch or scroll wheel in the simulator or actual watch.
Tables don't behave properly when nested within a group. Remove the group and your tableview should scroll.
The HIG also mentions not to do this:
My one wasn't scrolling because I had "Fixed to screen edges" enabled in the storyboard for that interface controller. Make sure you have that disabled.
I found 2 solution for the table scroll issue in watch app.
Remove Table from the Group
Other solution that works for displaying indicator is to set Group Size to "Size to fit content"
Screen shot attached for the reference as well.

Adding a table in an iBook popover

I'm trying to add a table (i.e. a small grid) into a popover in an iBook I am trying to author.
Problem is: I have no idea how to do it. All I seem to be able to add are images and text boxes. The table is grayed out.
I tried creating a table in Numbers and cutting and pasting it in - but that did not work.
Any ideas?
Can I drop down to HTML to do this?
The only way I have found to do it is
Create a page at the end of the book
Create the table
Take a screen grab of the table
Paste the image into the popover
This does have the (small) advantage of having a single place with all the tables.

Where is the ipad table view row insert icon located

I've been searching the .png files on my Mac looking for the iPad Table View row insert icon (a white plus sign on a green background surrounded by a gray circle). I'd like to use it in a custom table view that inserts records. Is it possible to find that particular icon from Apple on my computer? Is the fact that it's not easy to find a hint that perhaps I shouldn't use it?
You're looking for the UITableViewCellEditingStyleInsert button:
