Is there a way to backup a Liberty server deployment in Bluemix? - websphere-liberty

I am deploying a packaged liberty server into Bluemix that contains my application.
I want to update my application but before I do so, I'm wondering what's the best way to backup what I have currently up and running? If my update is bad, I would like to restore the previous version of my app.
In other words, what is the best practice or recommended way to update a web application running on a Liberty server in Bluemix. Do I simply keep a backup of the zip I pushed to Bluemix and restore it if something goes wrong? Or is there management capability provided by Bluemix for backup and restore?

It's understood that manual backup of the pushed zip is an acceptable strategy. Additionally, I found the Bluemix documentation Blue-green deployments to be a reasonable solution, as it's a deployment technique that utilizes continuous delivery and allows clients to rollback their app in the case of any issues.
The Cloud Foundry article Using Blue-Green Deployment to Reduce Downtime and Risk succinctly explains the deployment steps (since Bluemix is based on Cloud Foundry, the steps are similar to the Example: Using the cf map-route command steps in the previously cited Bluemix documentation).

I agree with Ryan's recommendation to use the blue/green approach, though the term may be unfamiliar to those new to cloud server deployments. Martin Fowler summarizes the problem it addresses in BlueGreenDeployment:
One of the challenges with automating deployment is the cut-over
itself, taking software from the final stage of testing to live
production. You usually need to do this quickly in order to minimize
downtime. The blue-green deployment approach does this by ensuring you
have two production environments, as identical as possible. At any
time one of them, let's say blue for the example, is live. As you
prepare a new release of your software you do your final stage of
testing in the green environment. Once the software is working in the
green environment, you switch the router so that all incoming requests
go to the green environment - the blue one is now idle.
Solving this problem is one of the main benefits of PaaS.
That said, for historical context, it's worth noting this blue/green strategy isn't new to cloud computing. Allow me to elaborate on one of the "old" ways of handling this problem:
Let's assume I have a website hosted on a dedicated server, My public-facing server's IP address ("blue") would be represented in the DNS "#" entry or as a CNAME alias; another server ("green") would host the newer version of the application. To test the new application in a public-facing manner without impacting the live production environment, I simply update /etc/hosts to map the top-level domain name to the green server's IP address. For example:
Once I flush the local DNS entries and close all browsers, all requests will be directed to the green pre-production environment. Once I've confirmed all works as expected, I update the DNS entry for the live environment ( in this case). Assuming the DNS has a reasonably short TTL value like 300 seconds, I update the A record value if by IP or CNAME record value if by alias and the change will be propagated to DNS servers in minutes. To confirm the propagation of the new DNS values, I comment out the aforementioned /etc/hosts change, flush the local DNS entries, then run traceroute. Assuming it correctly resolves locally, I perform a final double-check all is well in the rest of the world with the free online DNS checker (e.g.,
The above assumes an update to the public-facing content server (e.g., an Apache server connecting to a database or application server); the switch over from pre-production to production is more involved if the update applies to a central database or similar transactional data server. If it's not too disruptive for site visitors, I disable login and drop all active sessions, effectively rendering the site read-only. Then I go about updating the backend server in much the same manner as previously described, i.e., switching a pre-production green front end to reference a replication in the pre-production green backend, test, then when everything checks out, switch the green front end to blue and re-enable login. Voila.
The good news is that with Bluemix, the same strategy above applies, but is simplified since there's no need to fuss with DNS entries or separate servers.
Instead, you create two applications, one that is live ("blue") and one that is pre-production ("green"). Instead of changing your site's DNS entries and waiting for the update to propagate around the world, you can update your pre-production application (cf push Green pushes the new code to your pre-production application), test it with its own URL (, and once you're confident it's production-ready, add the application to the routing table (cf map-route Green -n Blue), at which point both applications "blue" and "green" will receive incoming requests. You can then take the previous application version offline by unmapping it (cf unmap-route Blue -n Blue).
Site visitors will experience no service disruption and unlike the "old" way I outlined previously, the deployment team (a) won't have to bite their nails waiting for DNS entries to propagate around the world before knowing if something doesn't work and (b) can immediately revert to the previous known working production version if a serious problem is discovered post-deployment.

You should be using some sort of source control, such as Git or SVN. Bluemix is nicely integrated with IBM DevOps Services (IDS) which can leverage git or an external Github repo to manage your project. When you open your app's dashboard, you should see a link in the upper right-hand corner that says "ADD GIT". That will automatically create a git repo for your project in IDS.
Using an SCM tool, you can manage versions of your code with relative ease. IDS provides you with an ability to deploy directly to Bluemix as part of your build pipeline.
After you have your code managed as above, then you can think about green/blue deployments, etc. as recommended above.


What is the business benefit for Oracle Weblogic Server over OC4J?

Apart from Technology support , what are all the business benefits for oracle web logic server. For example in area of security,support etc.
What are all the new features supported by weblogic ?
Support is great when you open ticket with Oracle Support (Weblogic strictly).
Great admin/read-only user implementation. We authenticate to Windows Active Directory. Developers get read-only accounts, reduces churn for them to wait for ops to transfer logs and validate settings.
Dashboard useful out-of-box to do real-time monitoring without additional tools or installs. Easily accessed by any one who is authenticated to login. We could give it to our CIO if he wanted in about 3 minutes by adding him to the right authorized group in AD.
Easier to clone environments.
I haven't worked with OC4J but I believe Oracle's roadmap is picking Weblogic as their preferred Java application server. You can see it is the base technology for some of their other products, such as Oracle Service Bus, Oracle Enterprise Manager (OEM), and Oracle Line Planning.
I have opened 3 Oracle tickets in the past month. I was surprised at how fast they answered. For a Severity 3 ticket (medium), they usually have responded in 2-3 days. I can't say the same for their other services (over 2 weeks for a ticket on OEM).
Security is a pretty broad scope... so you'd have to be a little more specific on some of the topics of security.
One thing that is pretty awesome is the Dashboard. You can obviously add read-only monitor accounts so other users can get insight to the performance. We add developers to this so that they can validate any settings, or see performance whenever there is a production issue.
We used Microsoft Active Directory authentication in our Weblogic domains. People are not using the default weblogic administrator user so configuration changes are audited. When someone's account gets disabled when leaving the company, it disables their access to Weblogic similarly. You don't have to change the password.
Other useful settings I like in it is the ability to automatically archive config changes. Each time someone makes a config change, a backup is automatically created. This allows me to go fix something when developers break their environment without having to majorly reverse-engineer what they did.
I also like the fact that you can pack and unpack the domains. I've used it to move entire domains from staging to production with some minor changes... i.e. change all stg to prod variables. This should likewise make it easier to 'clone' environments when you want to build out a new one.
Although not related, I should mention Oracle Enterprise Manager. We are an Oracle shop because they seem to have given us a good deal on licencing. So we get to run Oracle Enterprise Manager, which is a tool slowly becoming more and more useful. The agent also reports how our RedHat Linux hosts are behaving, network input/output, CPU utilization, memory utilization, java heap stacks. We are going to move to defining groups within that has all the targets related to an application stack. This will give our operations team the insight to see where the bottleneck might be... the Oracle Weblogic web layer, network, Oracle Service Bus, or Oracle Database performance.
Supposedly, you can add jBoss, other JMX monitoring as well to OEM. It's on our to-do list for non-Weblogic instance. We're slowly rolling OEM out.

What is the definition of a Heroku production app?

I have an app running happily on Heroku, but it's registered as a 'development' app, and I can't for the life of me find any formal definition of what a 'production' app is, despite the apps dashboard and the status page making a very clear distinction between the two.
I have come across this explanation of the status of the two, which suggests that the difference is implicit (based on usage) rather than explicit (based on some configuration / setup):
Production issues are those that affect running, stable, production applications that have at least two web dynos and use a production-grade database (or no database at all). Includes dynos, database, HTTP caching, other platform components (DelayedJob workers, scheduler, etc.), and routing.
Development issues are those that affect the health of deployment workflow and tools. Includes deployment (git push, gem installation, slug compilation, etc.), general git activity, command line gem/API (scaling up/down, changing configuration, etc.), and related services (rake, console, db push/pull with TAPS, etc.). Development also includes issues specific to the operation of non-production applications such as unidling free 1-dyno apps and the operation of development databases.
Even these explanations reference a mysterious difference between development and production databases, although there is no corresponding explanation of the difference anywhere. Is the $9pcm 'Basic' Postgres plan a 'production' database?
There is now a 'Run Production Check' link on the app dashboard within your Heroku account that shows the steps to determine your app status. Screenshot attached:
I've been trying to find the same answer to your question.
So far from what I can glean Shared / Dev / Starter databases via Heroku Postgresql Database plans are not considered production and only Crane and higher are consider production grade database plans.
The Heroku Postgres production tier starts with Crane and extends through to the Mecha plan. Shared, Dev and Starter plans are not production databases.
In addition, it seems that Heroku has a plugin to check to see if your app meets their guidelines:
I'm not sure if you scale up and down web dynos from 2 (during the day) and 1 (at night) with a Crane database if that would be considered "production" in Heroku's eyes.
Hope that helps!

What exactly is Heroku?

I just started learning Ruby on rails and I was wondering what Heroku really is? I know that its a cloud that helps us to avoid using servers? When do we actually use it?
Heroku is a cloud platform as a service. That means you do not have to worry about infrastructure; you just focus on your application.
In addition to what Jonny said, there are a few features of Heroku:
Instant Deployment with Git push - build of your application is performed by Heroku using your build scripts
Plenty of Add-on resources (applications, databases etc.)
Processes scaling - independent scaling for each component of your app without affecting functionality and performance
Isolation - each process (aka dyno) is completely isolated from each other
Full Logging and Visibility - easy access to all logging output from every component of your app and each process (dyno)
Heroku provides very well written tutorial which allows you to start in minutes. Also they provide first 750 computation hours free of charge which means you can have one processes (aka Dyno) at no cost. Also performance is very good e.g. simple web application written in node.js can handle around 60 - 70 requests per second.
Heroku competitors are:
OpenShift by Red Hat
Windows Azure
Amazon Web Services
Google App Engine
HP Cloud Services
It's a cloud-based, scalable server solution that allows you to easily manage the deployment of your Rails (or other) applications provided you subscribe to a number of conventions (e.g. Postgres as the database, no writing to the filesystem).
Thus you can easily scale as your application grows by bettering your database and increasing the number of dynos (Rails instances) and workers.
It doesn't help you avoid using servers, you will need some understanding of server management to effectively debug problems with your platform/app combination. However, while it is comparatively expensive (i.e. per instance when compared to renting a slice on Slicehost or something), there is a free account and it's a rough trade off between whether it's more cost effective to pay someone to build your own solution or take the extra expense.
Heroku Basically provides with webspace to upload your app
If you are uploading a Rails app then you can follow this tutorial
As I see it, it is a scalable administrated web hosting service, ready to grow in any sense so you don't have to worry about it.
It's not useful for a normal PHP web application, because there are plenty of web hosting services with ftp over there for a simple web without scalability needs, but if you need something bigger Heroku or something similar is what you need.
It is exposed as a service via a command line tool so you can write scripts to automate your deployments. Anyway it is pretty similar to other web hosting services with Git enabled, but Heroku makes it simpler.
That's its thing, to make the administration stuff simpler to you, so it saves you time. But I'm not sure, as I'm just starting with it!
A nice introduction of how it works in the official documentation is:
Per DZone:
Heroku is a Platform as a Service (PaaS) product based on AWS, and is vastly different from Elastic Compute Cloud. It’s very important to differentiate ‘Infrastructure as a Service’ and ‘Platform as a Service’ solutions as we consider deploying and supporting our application using these two solutions.
Heroku is way simpler to use than AWS Elastic Compute Cloud. Perhaps it’s even too simple. But there’s a good reason for this simplicity. The Heroku platform equips us with a ready runtime environment and application servers. Plus, we benefit from seamless integration with various development instruments, a pre-installed operating system, and redundant servers.
Therefore, with Heroku, we don’t need to think about infrastructure management, unlike with AWS EC2. We only need to choose a subscription plan and change our plan when necessary.
That article does a good job explaining the differences between Heroku and AWS but it looks like you can choose other iaas (infrastructure) providers other than AWS. So ultimately Heroku seems to just simplify the process of using a cloud provider but at a cost.

How to do Continuous Integration with a live website without affecting users?

I have implemented Continuous Integration using TFS Version Control and TFS Build 2010. The compiled website project gets dropped in a shared folder with a version number.
Now I have a very basic question and may be a stupid question. When we normally deploy a website project from VS 2010 to a webserver it uploads App_Offline.htm file to the website folder so no requests are served to the user. After publish is completed that App_Offline.htm file is removed. During that period of time users see outage.
If we use CI on a live website then how can we eliminate that outage which appears to a user. I believe the whole point of CI is that users get to see newer features and the site is never down.
How is this accomplished? If we deploy website project to root folder then existing users will be affected and that is certainly no advisable.
I wanted to know what is the recommended practice with VS2010, TFS2010 Build & Version Control.
There's no real foolproof method for this, service up-time is never 100%, that's why people usually define it in 'nines'
But, if you had multiple web servers (Backup, fail-over, mirror etc.), you could roll out the update across them, so that as you update some servers, others will still be online (albeit with the old version) to serve users.
In general, only some of the largest websites have to worry so meticulously about being down for a few short minutes, so make sure you're focusing your energy in the right place ; )
Regarding taking down the site for the shortest time possible, the only way I've seen this done successfully is using multiple sites - either load balancing, or 2 sites on the same machine + swapping host headers after the release/warm up. But in most cases it's not worth the effort, releases shouldn't take down the site for more than a few seconds in which time there should be relatively few requests. You're better off trying a few things you can do to help your users live through a site release.
Move session out of proc.
If the users session lives in the app pool it will be lost when a new version is released, change the config to move it into a session server or the database.
Specify a machine key for the website
Viewstate (and cookies?) are encrypted using a key that is generated when a site starts, if a site restarts due to a release any users filling out a form will receive a invalid viewstate exception on postback. (Note: this may have other security implications)

Windows Centralized Configuration for third party applications?

We are looking at a standard way of configuring the various "endpoints" of our application. Our application is a distributed system with Windows Desktop applications, Windows Server "services" and databases.
We currently configure each piece using XML files. This is getting a little out of hands as we work with larger customers who can have dozens of Servers running our application and hundreds of desktop clients.
Can anyone recommend a Microsoft technology or a third party that would allow us to centralize all that configuration information and manage it in a one place for all our applications? Any changes would be "pushed" to the endpoint(s) that are interested.
For example, if we were to change the login for one of our database, we would make that change on the database, then reflect that change in our centralized system. Following that last step, any service that needs to connect to the database would be notified of the change (and potentially receive the new data). How and what each endpoint does with that information is outside the scope of the system.
Our primary business is not "Centralized Configuration Services". We are a GIS company that provides solutions for various utilities worldwide.
I've done a couple of things to give myself this functionality over the years. I build enterprise applicatons that may be distributed across many servers. I don't want to bury config settings in each services config file or each web server's web.config file. For application specific stuff I usually create an application settings table in the app's database. The table only has two fields. SettingName and SettingValue. I then write a web or wcf service whose sole function it is to retrieve these settings. I write a function called GetSetting where you pass "SettingName" and it returns SettingValue or an empty string if your setting is not found. This way I can store all application settings for all components of the application in one spot. Maintenance and troubleshooting for this is really easy, I'm not hunting through scads of config files spread across a dozen web and app servers.
For larger scale apps I might create a separate AppSettings database where I add a new field to my table mentioned above. ApplicationName. My web or wcf service for this approach has the same method call (GetSetting) only at this scope I pass ApplicationName and SettingName and it returns SettingValue or an empty string.
Doing either of these things allows you to centralize all app settings for any size application or IT shop. It has worked really well for us.
You could use RSS together with BitTorrent to distribute changes. See Wikipedia. It is not MS specific however, but should provide the flexibility you need - a configuration server holding the configuration and providing the feeds needed to configure the clients and possibly servers.
Any VCS through a secure channel?
For example, git through ssh (both available in cygwin).
I think the first step is to have the secure channel (if you want the push ability, pulling might be different).
As for managing the "versions" in different "branches", what's better than a version control system?
As it goes for the Microsoft requirement, well the Microsoft sofwares in that exists in that area would suck pretty bad in your case (as in not the best tool for the job).
