How to show a self-defined view as in the System preference - Keyboard - Input Sources - macos

I am trying to intergrate our input method to the 10.10.3
And I found it's not easy to act like as the pic shows
I opened the activity monitor to see what file it opened (the was not running) As you can see in the following images:
The left shows the file list opened by System preference, and the right shows after I click the pinyin-chinese, the file list opened.
So I guess the little view was created by CoreChinese.framework. Since it was in /System/Library/PrivateFramework , It seems impossible for me to show this view as by a normal way.
I turned to nm and hopper disassembler...But I found it a long way to go
I guess you guys may encounter the same question, maybe you can help me.

Yes, I came across the same problems with yours.
1.It's easy to know that the view you saw, is provided by two part, the upper keyboard is a webview, which takes data in /System/Library/Input Methods/*.keylayout, and finally shown by IntlKeyboard.prePane located in resources directory of Keyboard.prePane. and also you can find the actual html and pics, and 2nd part is a self-defined view provided by Preferences.prefPane.
2.Then 2nd part is to show the view you saw under the keyboard. as does, a file named Preferences.prefPane(must in the Resources directory of was taken by IntlKeyboard.prePane.


Nativescript - Add to favorites/featured

I´m in that point on my app where i need to give the user the ability to save to favorites. To be more specific, let´s say that he´s seeing a list-view and then presses one of the listitems which takes him to the detail of that i have a star icon that when pressed it should save that item and then if he navigates to the favorites page, he will see another listview with all of the favorites.
but i´m stuck on how to accomplish this, the only thing that comes to my mind is the application should be a dynamic array that always exists and then keeps adding or deleting objects(favorites).
Any thougts on this? can anyone suggest me an approach? maybe a better one?
You may use the nativescript-localstorage plugin which internally uses file system only and takes care of reading / updating JSON file as needed.

Xcode menu item Editor / Add Model Version... missing

Every once in a while I try to add a new data model version, and the menu item is missing. It seems the Editor menu is supposed to change depending on the file selected, and this sometimes doesn't happen. It the past I've randomly clicked, cleaned, built, etc. and eventually it showed up again with me not knowing what happened. Today it seems restarting Xcode fixed it, but I don't know if that will always work. Below are two screen shots, the first showing the wrong menu, and the second showing the correct menu. My data model is selected in both cases. Has anyone else seen this? Is it a bug, or is there some setting or selection I'm missing?
From the color of that file navigator bar I can see that you did not select the datamodel file. You probably were in "Assistant Editor"-Mode and had a .h or .m file on the right side. The active cursor was in the right file too.
The selected file shows a darker shade of gray:
The not selected file uses a lighter shade of gray:
It's important to know that the file selection highlight in the left side bar does not change when you select a different file without using the side bar. Don't trust the sidebar when you are editing files.
Click into the data model file first and your menu will be like you expect it.
Unless your are selecting the menu super fast after selecting the file (possibly not giving Xcode time to swap it out) then I say file a bug report
You should give Xcode a few moments to swap the menu out though to determine what kind of bug it is, if it doesn't swap out after 60 seconds or so then it likely isn't just a performance issue). Make sure to include a system profile as I just checked on my and every time I switched to a data model it changed the menu accordingly.
Does the same thing ever happen with xib files? Any other file types you use that sometimes have different menus?

Add to the "Open Recent" menu an item that doesn't point to a file

Is there a way to add an item that doesn't point to a file that exists on the file system to the "Open Recent" menu?
In an application not based on NSDocument, I can add an item to the "Open Recent" submenu with the following code:
[[NSDocumentController sharedDocumentController] noteNewRecentDocumentURL:[NSURL URLWithString:stringToFilePath]];
It works as documented, as long as the URL points to a file that exists on the file system.
If the url doesn't point to a file on the system, such as a web url, or a custom url scheme, nothing happens.
For example, this code has no effect, and produce no log during execution, even if my app handles the scheme used in the URL:
[[NSDocumentController sharedDocumentController] noteNewRecentDocumentURL:[NSURL URLWithString:#""]];
Update: someone found (a long time ago) a way to tweak this menu to have it show files whether they exist or not:
I successfully managed to subclass NSDocumentController, but my override of the method - (NSArray *)recentDocumentURLs is never called.
It's not very surprising, as the doc says:
This method is not a good one to
override since the internals of
NSDocumentController do not generally
use it.
But the doc doesn't say what to use instead and the poster didn't give more detail. Any idea?
If there is no solution, on workaround would be to rewrite the entire menu from scratch.
If possible, I would prefer to avoid that, for all the stuff I get for free (like when you have two items with the same name, it displays the parent directory as well to help differentiate them).
It looks like you'll probably have to create your own menu and maintain your own separate list. This menu automatically excludes files that don't exist.
I believe this is also true of files on removable media that is absent (ie, if the media comes back, the I believe the file is once again available in the list if it hasn't been pushed off by more recent items).

user interface: what should a file drop target look like?

I have a dialog that includes file selection and it has a "Browse..." button. But it seems like it would be a good idea to provide some kind of drop target so that the user can use his/her favorite file browser to select a file (or files) and drag it onto my application.
Is there any standard practice for what to use as a drop target?
Is it a file icon of some sort? what would that look like?
I tend to think that drop targets should be where the file "should land". That is, if I had a browse button and file path editbox, I'd make the path box the target. If I made a document editing application, I'd make the entire editing area the drop target (unless that would make an embedded object of course ... :-P who said these things are easy?)
So I'd say it depends on the application. But having a dedicated, separate target with no other purpose than to drop things on may not be the best solution, since it unneccessarily clutters the interface even for people who will never be interested in using the feature.
In Safari (on the Mac, at least), a file-chooser form element (Consisting of a "Choose..." button and a field showing the chosen file's name) is also a drag-and-drop target. (Contrast with Firefox, which treats the whole window as a drag-and-drop target, and will replace the current page with the dropped item.)
Other places, I've seen an inset box, sometimes with a centered, grayed-out "Drag items here" text which disappears if anything is dragged in.
As Ruddy said, I don't recall any standard icon for the drop idea. There is one for the no drop as shown in this image
Otherwise I tend to like this kind of drop explanation; I find them pretty explicit.
Usually if a window accepts files for drag'n'drop - it just accepts them anywhere in the window.
If you have a list of files (listbox/view) or an just an text box that accepts a single file, those individual control windows could be the drop target rather than the entire window.
Normally there is no visual indication that a window accepts file drops. The only indication would be that you try it and you don't get the no-drop cursor when you drag across the window.
(Note: this is under MS Windows, other os window systems may have different standards)

VB6 silently deleting huge chunks of control data from forms

My project has maybe 130 controls (total of all labels, textboxes, etc.) in an SSTab (4 tabs). The project loads fine, it runs fine, I don't see a single error or warning at any point, but when I save the form with the SStab on it, the SStab data isn't saved (it is completely gone). Normally the relevant portion of the .frm file looks like this:
Begin TabDlg.SSTab SSTab1
Height = 8895
[1550 more lines of code for all the controls]
Width = 540
Begin VB.Menu FileMenu
But lately it's getting cropped to:
Begin TabDlg.SSTab SSTab1
Begin VB.Menu FileMenu
This is very frustrating! In my VB IDE, the frame, sstab, and all the controls are there, editable, running/compiling fine, no error messages at any point, but when you save the file, 1550 lines of precious sstab data just disappears - again, with no warning or error messages. So if you exit and restart the IDE, you get a form load error because 60% of the code is now missing. The log file points to the first error it finds (in this case a Begin TabDlg with no End) - there's no other info in it. (The log file was generated after the code was deleted and saved, so it makes sense that it wouldn't be helpful.)
When I first posted this question, I thought it had to do with the number of controls, because it appeared after I added a control, and in my first few tests, seemed to disappear when that control (or other controls) was deleted. Now I can't seem to get that form to save under any circumstances, even when I delete many controls (bringing the number of controls far below where it was when it was last stable).
I also tried deleting the SStab and moving all the controls to 4 different frames. I successfully did that in the IDE, but when I saved, a huge chunk of the data (starting with a slider control) was missing. So I have no fraking idea what is going on.
The problem is reproducible on two different PCs, so it doesn't appear to be a hardware/corrupt software VB install issue.
Has anyone else run into something like this?
Create a UserControl for each tab. That makes editing MUCH easier. It also allows you to nicely modularize the code, so each tab lives in its own file, and it'll allow you to reuse tabs elsewhere if you want.
Sounds horrible, never heard of anything like that.
Presumably you aren't getting an error log file from VB6 when you load the form into the IDE before it gets corrupted? The log file has the same filename as the form file but with a .log filename extension. For example, if errors occurred when loading Myform.frm, Visual Basic would create a log file named Myform.log. The error messages you might see there are documented in the manual.
Have a look in the Windows Event Log, see whether it records any interesting problems against the VB6 IDE?
Are you using any weird controls? Maybe one of them is somehow corrupting the FRM or FRX. FRM files are just text as you obviously know & the format is documented in the VB6 manual. Can you see any corruption in the FRM in a text editor? If you remove any properties defined in the FRX, does it still fail.
I think I would try creating a new project and a new form, and then use the IDE to copy and paste all the control definitions into it - no code. Play with the new form, see whether it has the same problem. Maybe you can recreate the form this way without the problem. If the new form does have the problem, do the same thing but only take half the controls. Maybe you can find a problem control by "binary search".
I get the same problem when attempting to save a form when the .FRM is writable but the .FRX is read-only
Not sure if this is the issue, but on a VB6 form, there is a limit to 255 (or is it 256) named controls. Perhaps you are running into that?
One way around that limitation is to use control arrays. For example, if you had 10 labels, instead of label1, label2, label3, etc, you could do label(0) through label(9), and use up only one named control.
The other thing worth mentioning about the SSTAB is the way it shows/hides controls. While it may appear that the controls are on separate tabs, what is really happening is that the controls are getting moved waaaayyyyy to the left (and consequently out of view). Perhaps with so many components, the SSTAB is choking on this in the IDE as it tries to render the controls in design view?
Again, not sure if this is the issue, but I know these two tidbits are relatively unknown.
So the SAVE function is not working.
I suspect one of the components you are placing on the tab strip is the culprit.
So ..
1) Take an inventory of each and every kind of component you are placing on the form
2) eliminate one (kind), SAVE
3) Did it SAVE?
-> Yes = that was the problematic control
-> No = return to step 2, but pick another kind
Of course, its important to remove all controls of a certain kind in step #2 (for example, ALL labels, or ALL textboxes, etc).
I have never heard of this happening however.
You are not alone! I've seen this problem. . .in fact I'm dealing it right now, which is what brought me to this site.
I've been working with VB since '94 (VB3) and I first saw this problem about 5 or 6 years ago, while using VB6. My solution then, was not unlike some of the suggestions that you have recieved from the good folks who've responded above: throw out the existing file and rebuild the form in a new file. I did that back and the affected form has worked ever since.
My current problem is appearing in another, much newer form, and the replace/rebuild option (performed about a month ago) only worked for about three weeks. Now the problem is back and each new iteration of the file gets corrupted very quickly. Following the reply above regarding the total number of allowable controls, I'm looking into just how many controls I have. . .and, as it happens, I was in the process of consolidating the primary the buttons and menus into control arrays, simply because it was going to streamline their management.
I can also confirm your observations about moving the project to a second PC. . . I've done that too, and problem persists. Moreover, I can add that I have moved the project from one shared storage system to another to no avail. (The original storage location was on a drive mounted to a Win-tel system and the new location is on a UNIX-based NAS!)
Just rebuilt the file again and checked: Controls.Count = 62, so I am no where near the 255 control limit mentioned previously. This is indeed strange! (Not to mention furstrating!)
