How to limit the number of rows displayed in a table? - birt

I have a Data Source, a Data Set and a Data Cube. The data cube has a group and a summary field with a count function.
In the report I have a table sorted by that summary field. This table has a lot of rows (~1000) but I only want to show the first 5.
How can I limit the number of rows displayed?

Both tables and cross-tables have a top N operator allowing to filter rows as your requirement. In your case this is a cross-table based on a datacube:
Select the cross-tab -> filter tab -> Add -> Select your measure -> Operator "Top N" (or "Bottom N", depending on the sort direction of your crosstab)
Please note this approach is much less efficient than grouping and filtering in a dataset query, if it is based on a database.


DAX: Use measure outcome to populate calculated column without recalculating measure per row

I have two tables in PowerBI. One called 'Fact_WorstInstance' contains rows of (Index,Instance). For example:
One called 'Fact_AllInstances' contains rows of (Index,Instance,Value). For example:
The first table is essentially a pointer to the worst entry in the second table for the given index (as categorised by some external system).
There is a slicer on which Indexes are visible to the user.
What I want to do is find the worst instance value for the highest visible Index in the 'Fact_WorstInstance' table, and then get all the Index and Value rows from the 'Fact_AllInstances' table for that Instance.
For example, if the slicer isnt filtering then (3,2) should be the active row from from the 'Fact_WorstInstance' table and this should be used to get Instance 2 from the 'Fact_AllInstances' table
from the 'Fact_AllInstances' table.
I tried to do this in many different ways, by creating a measure on the 'Fact_WorstInstance' which gives the highest visible row. And then use this measure to create a calculated column on the 'Fact_AllInstances', with 1 for worst and 0 for not worst. And then use this calculated column as a filter in PowerBI.
The measure itself gives the expected value. The problem I have is when the measure is used to create the calculated column, I cannot find a way to stop the Index being filtered based on the row of calculated column - and therefore the measure outcome changes for each row.
My measure:
Worst Entry = CALCULATE(FIRSTNONBLANK(Fact_WorstInstance[Instance],1),filter(ALLSELECTED(Fact_WorstInstance),Fact_WorstInstance[Index]=MAX(Fact_WorstInstance[Index])))
My column:
WorstColumn = if(Fact_AllInstances[Instance]=[Worst Entry],1,0)
So instead of getting the output above, I get
2,1,'Amber' --> because for Index 2, the measure gives index 1 as worst
This is a possible solution you might want to implement.
First of all, calculated columns are not affected by slicers/page filters, you will need to create a measure for that, so the way your are appraching the problem won't work.
Create an additional calculated table that holds unique instances values. In Power BI, Modeling tab there is a icon for creating a New Table, where you can use an expression to produce the table.
Use this expression:
IsntancesCalcTable = VALUES(Fact_WorstInstance[Instance])
Now you have a table called InstancesCalcTable in your model.
Drag the Instance column in the InstancesCalcTable and drop it in the Instance column of the Fact_WorstInstance, this will create a relationship between InstancesCalcTable and Fact_WorstInstance via Instance. A line between both tables will be drawn in the Relationships view, double click that line and you will see the Edit Relationship window.
Make sure it looks like this:
Then do the same for creating the relationship between InstancesCalcTable and Fact_AllInstances.
You will end with a model like this:
Then you can use Index column in the Fact_WorstInstance table, in a slicer and it will filter the Fact_AllInstances table to get only the instances selected.
However if you don't have any filter all rows in Fact_AllInstances will be shown.


I am new to programming with Dax. Why doesn't the bottom table, which has Q5_2 Let at få aftale Total as values, show 8684 for all table rows, when it has been ALL'd in the measure ??
The function ALL() removes filters from a table or column. However, if applied on a column, only filters for that specific column are removed; other filters might still be in effect. I'm guessing that Power BI has problems with the special character in your column name, because I can see only one column and your measure in the table.
Here is an example of how removing the filter from the column should return the total amount of rows in that table:
If you add an additional column to the table though, data is filtered by the second column as well, bypassing the ALL() on the first column:
Now to solve your problem: you could write ALL(Data) instead of ALL(Data[Q5_2 Let at få aftale]), removing filters from the whole table and not just the whole column.
But also, I don't see why you would need CALCULATE() here. You can make the measures even shorter:
Number of all rows, regardless of filters: COUNTROWS(ALL(Data))
Number of rows, filters applied: COUNTROWS(Data)

Tableau create a table matrix?

I have a CSV file that looks like this. It is in matrix form where cell A1 is empty. I want to visualize this in Tableau like this
How can I build this in tableau to show a matrix?
I tried putting measure name in both the row and column field and measure values in the marks text box but i ended up with diagonal values which isn't what i want.
First structure your data in the form of a table.
A well structured CSV file for Tableau (and most tools) has a single header row that labels each column (so skipping the first cell in the header row is a problem). Then each data row that follows contains only values in each field separated by columns (so there should be no leading row labels)
Order is not significant in a relational table. The rows in a table form a set, not a matrix.
So your CSV should look something closer to
Normally, the prime use of Tableau is display an aggregated summary of the data, not to display each individual data row. So you can put measure_names on columns and measure_values on the text or label shelf to get a summary of each measure (by default a sum)
If all you want to do is to view the underlying data rows in a table for diagnostics, the easiest way is to use the view data button or menu command.
If you want to build a visualization that displays all the data (without summarizing it) in a table, you have two ways to go. The simplest is if you have a unique primary key in your data, you can place it on the row shelf to get a row in your viz for each row in your data.
If your data rows do not have a primary key, you can turn off aggregate measures from the Analysis menu, but then you'll see multiple values in each table cell. Then to get a row in your viz for each row in your data, put the calculation index() on the rows shelf and change it to discrete.

How to sort in filter without using Dynamic Ranking in Endeca?

We are using Endeca to fetch and display records in frontend as a datagrid. In that datagrid, we have 10 columns and we display data sorted in table on the basis of 2 columns (say X and Y). For this, we use Endeca.stratify(collection()/record[not%20(X)])||X|1||*,Endeca.stratify(collection()/record[not%20(Y)])||Y|1.
We can also apply filter on the columns where we display data sorted asc/desc. We used Dynamic Ranking in Endeca and created dimensions for each field with selecting dynamic ranking and set maximum dimension value to return as 20 as per the requirement. Since we know that dynamic ranking is the relevancy ranking, it fetches most used records and does sorting on that data.
However, we need to select 20 unique values and sort them in asc/desc order. Example: if we have date as the column, then we need to fetch 20 unique dates with most recent at the top. i.e. in descending order.
Is there any other way to do sorting on filter apart from dynamic ranking? If we disable dynamic ranking, then we won't have option to set maximum dimension value as 20 from developer studio.
Please suggest for the ranking.
We finally found a solution!! I removed/unchecked "dynamic ranking" for the properties in dimensions from the pipeline using developer studio. I did not want it to remove since we had already selected an option as sort "alphabetically" instead of "dynamically" in dynamic ranking tab in dimensions.
Also, if we uncheck dynamic ranking then the option for giving maximum limit for displaying the dimensions (which was set 20 for us as per the requirement) was also gone.
So, I handled this in java to display only 20 values by putting a check on results obtained and created a counter which would add values only till the 20 are received. Now this is working as required!!!!!

Joining grouped tables

I have two different scripted data sets that I am pulling data from and aggregating (on the same key). What I want to do is to display one one line the aggregated data from both sources. The data is coming from a scripted data source (POJOs).
A simplified example is given below in which an Order has many Components, with each component being for a different customer at a different quoted price. Then when each Order is filled in different lots (or Fills) at different prices. I want to be able to produce a summary of each Order with the total Ordered and Filled quantity, and the weighted average quoted price and filled price.
An Order Component table
Order ID, Customer Num, Qty, Quoted Px
And then a Order Fullfillment table
I would like to display something like this:
Order ID, Order Qty, Fill Qty, Avg Order Px, Avg Fill Px
Ord01, 6, 6, 101, 102
Ord02, 10, 10, 202, 208
I've tried using subreports and that seems to be able to get me the results but in a terrible format. The subtable headers repeat so every order gets it's own headers.
You may want to create a BIRT joined dataset between your two scripted datasets, based on a full outer join on the "order ID" column, and then use this joined dataset in your report. It should meet your needs.
I solved my problem by more or less following the following guide.
So I created a List linked to my first data source. I then added a group on Order ID so that I had one list row per Order. In the group header I added a 2x1 grid, I placed a table of the Order Components into one side of the grid and a table of Fills into the other. I had to add filters to both of these so that they only contained data for the correct OrderId. I then grouped the tables by OrderId, added my aggregation fields.
All that is left is to set the visibilty. So I set the visibility of the table details to false. In order to only show the table header once (instead of once per order) I added a Running Count aggregation to the List and set the visibiity to invisible when this aggregation was greater than 1.
Was actually quite easy in the end but took me ages to work out how to do it.
