Why use Gradle detached configurations? - gradle

I'm reading about Gradle's detached dependency configurations and the API docs' method description says "Creates a configuration, but does not add it to this container". What I'd like to know is
Why would I want to do this?
At what point would I then re-attach this dependency configuration?
Some initial searching revealed a plugin related reason but this was not conclusive.

To summarise what was mentioned here and in my own question on the Gradle forums the reason for using detached configurations is : Resolve artifacts in a general way for dependencies not declared in the build file.
For example, as mentioned by Al Jacinto above, for a plugin you would not want to "pollute" the project using the plugin with irrelevant dependencies. This would also prevent the project using the plugin from interfering with those plugin dependencies.

There's link in that post http://discuss.gradle.org/t/modify-dependencies-of-plugin-checkstyle-configurations/5969 The guy is complaining that the plugin configuration polluting the project configuration and he has to explicitly exclude it.
Second answer to you question, don't need to reattach. I guess it is just detached to the project but still available for the plugin.


Gradle dependency autocompletion in IntelliJ IDEA

I've been searching around for a while and can't seem to find anything regarding this issue. I'm new to Java in general and for the last half a year I've been learning Maven. I use IntelliJ IDEA and I'm already used to the fact that it can autocomplete dependency coordinates (groupId, artifactId, version) if you sync the repository. It works nicely and it feels natural when you decide to add some dependency after the initial project generation.
Now I'm trying to switch to Gradle (which is a requirement on my new job) and I'm studying it. And I can't get over the first roadblock that I've encountered with it: there is no autocompletion and it even seems like IntelliJ IDEA's support for this kind of feature has degraded over time (I saw a video of old version of IDEA where there used to be a "Generate" -> "Add maven dependency" option, which I cannot find in the latest version). I even tried a bunch of plugins with names like "Gradle Dependency Helper" and non of them worked.
Are we supposed to type the whole dependency coordinates to add them to gradle build? Because that feels like a big downside of Gradle with IDEA. Or is there some well hidden feature that I missed?
You may manage Gradle dependencies in Intellij IDEA using View→Tool windows→Dependencies.
It allows to add or remove dependencies from dependencies section in your build.gradle and gives full-text search for available dependencies.

Gradle composite build with custom gradle plugin fails in IntelliJ: "Could not find method api() for arguments"

I have a Gradle composite build project which contains a custom Gradle plugin. This project builds fine when using Gradle CLI, but IntelliJ fails.
I tried a few different variations on the plugin version within the resolutionStrategy block: org.test:test-plugin:0.0.1 and test-plugin:test-plugin.gradle.plugin:0.0.1 as described here: https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/plugins.html#sec:plugin_markers - both of those work from the CLI; changing to invalid values ("blah:blah") causes a failure.
I've made a sample Github project that contains the code to reproduce, here: https://github.com/mwmitchell/intellij-gradle-plugin-composite-build-bug along with instructions to reproduce and a workaround. The workaround is something that's not really feasible for me, as it requires repeating configuration code (dependencies, plugins etc.) and I have many, many projects that require the same/common configuration.
I would expect IntelliJ to load the project successfully, just like the CLI does. It seems like IntelliJ is loading the sub-project (:project-1:library-a) before the parent (:project-1), such that the java-library is not actually applied to the sub-project when it's evaluated.
Thanks for the sample project! Indeed, it is an issue in IntelliJ IDEA, see this ticket.
Gradle projects can have only one settings.gradle. You can include subproject "library-a" with include 'project-1:library-a' in the main settings.gradle.

How does the Intellij Idea change the scope of dependencies?

I found this function in Project Structure in Intellij Idea:
It seems that this UI can manually change the scope of the dependencies. However I found that it does not change the pom.xml file, so how can it manages to change the scope?
Besides, what is the corresponding operation in Linux?
That particular view is geared more towards projects which lack dependency management from something like Maven or Gradle, and will not interfere with either. In fact, this particular listing is built based on those dependencies and exclusions.
If you want to change the scope of your dependencies in a project that already contains Maven and Gradle, look to do so in their respective files (pom.xml / build.gradle).

When do I need the maven-compiler-plugin?

I understand that the maven-compiler plugin is used to compile the code. Some of my project does not have that plugin in the pom file? When is it required?
I am trying to answer my own question based on what I learned since posted this question. If this answer is correct or incorrect please comment. Thanks.
If this plugin is not defined, the Maven Super POM contains all the default plugins you will be using. It works fine for small and non-serious projects. However, the best practice is to define these plugins in a company-wise POM and so that when you upgrade maven, you would not end up using a different version of plugin.
Have a look at the Goals Overview Section in Apache Maven Compiler Plugin
The Compiler Plugin has two goals. Both are already bound to their proper phases within the Maven Lifecycle and are therefore, automatically executed during their respective phases.
You only have to add it if you want to change the default parameters

maven lifecycle configuration

I'm playing with maven plugins, specifically i'm trying to develop a custom maven plugin for eclipse. All goes well, it builds from console ... etc until:`
"Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration"
appears. I research and find this:
obviously i do not want to ignore the plugin's execution, the execute instruction does not seem to work, as for the delegate to project configurator, i am not able to find
I've searched in org.eclipse.jdt , core and source but there is no reference to what i am searching, best match i could find was here:
All in one, what i want to achive is this: "Starting with m2e 1.1, maven plugin developers are able to provide lifecycle mapping metadata as part of the plugin itself." as stated in the first link i inserted. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
To simply bypass the mojo execution or telling m2e to simply execute your mojo via maven embedder you need the following:
a proper lifecycle mapping as explained in your link. Reference: https://github.com/php-maven/maven-php-plugin/blob/master/ide-plugins/eclipse/tags/2.0.3/org.phpmaven.eclipse.core/lifecycle-mapping-metadata.xml
However I put it in the root of the eclipse project to be able to debug it (finding those extra resources sometimes failes if you put them in src folders).
A build properties to embedd it into build: https://github.com/php-maven/maven-php-plugin/blob/master/ide-plugins/eclipse/tags/2.0.3/org.phpmaven.eclipse.core/build.properties
Activation via dependencies and extension:
Hope this helps. I was confused about the project configurator too. But the above example does not require any project configurator.
