Bradley Adaptive Thresholding -- Confused (questions) - algorithm

I have some questions, probably stupid, about the implementation of the adaptive thresholding by Bradley. I have read paper about it and I am a bit confused. Mainly about this statement:
if ((in[i,j]*count) ≤ (sum*(100−t)/100)) then
Let's assume that we have this input:
width, i
[0] [1] [2]
height [0] | 1 | 2 | 2 |
j +---+---+---+
[1] | 3 | 4 | 3 |
[2] | 5 | 3 | 2 |
and let's say that:
s = 2
s/2 = 1
t = 15
i = 1
j = 1 (we are at the center pixel)
So that means we have a window 3x3, right? Then:
x1 = 0, x2 = 2, y1 = 0, y2 = 2
What is count then? If it is number of pixels in the window, why it is 2*2=4, instead of 3*3=9 according to the algorithm? Further, why is the original value of the pixel multiplied by the count?
The paper says that the value is compared to the average value of surrounding pixels, why it isn't
in[i,j] <= (sum/count) * ((100 - t) / 100)
Can somebody please explain this to me? It is probably very stupid question but I can't figure it out.

Before we start, let's present the pseudocode of the algorithm written in their paper:
procedure AdaptiveThreshold(in,out,w,h)
1: for i = 0 to w do
2: sum ← 0
3: for j = 0 to h do
4: sum ← sum+in[i, j]
5: if i = 0 then
6: intImg[i, j] ← sum
7: else
8: intImg[i, j] ← intImg[i−1, j] +sum
9: end if
10: end for
11: end for
12: for i = 0 to w do
13: for j = 0 to h do
14: x1 ← i−s/2 {border checking is not shown}
15: x2 ← i+s/2
16: y1 ← j −s/2
17: y2 ← j +s/2
18: count ← (x2−x1)×(y2−y1)
19: sum ← intImg[x2,y2]−intImg[x2,y1−1]−intImg[x1−1,y2] +intImg[x1−1,y1−1]
20: if (in[i, j]×count) ≤ (sum×(100−t)/100) then
21: out[i, j] ← 0
22: else
23: out[i, j] ← 255
24: end if
25: end for
26: end for
intImg is the integral image of the input image to threshold, assuming grayscale.
I've implemented this algorithm with success, so let's talk about your doubts.
What is count then? If it is number of pixels in the window, why it is 2*2=4, instead of 3*3=9 according to the algorithm?
There is an underlying assumption in the paper that they don't talk about. The value of s needs to be odd, and the windowing should be:
x1 = i - floor(s/2)
x2 = i + floor(s/2)
y1 = j - floor(s/2)
y2 = j + floor(s/2)
count is certainly the total number of pixels in the window, but you also need to make sure that you don't go out of bounds. What you have there should certainly be a 3 x 3 window and so s = 3, not 2. Now, if s = 3, but if we were to choose i = 0, j = 0, we will have x and y values that are negative. We can't have this and so the total number of valid pixels within this 3 x 3 window centred at i = 0, j = 0 is 4, and so count = 4. For windows that are within the bounds of the image, then count would be 9.
Further, why is the original value of the pixel multiplied by the count? The paper says that the value is compared to the average value of surrounding pixels, why it isn't:
in[i,j] <= (sum/count) * ((100 - t) / 100)
The condition you're looking at is at line 20 of the algorithm:
20: (in[i, j]×count) ≤ (sum×(100−t)/100)
The reason why we take a look at in[i,j]*count is because we assume that in[i,j] is the average intensity within the s x s window. Therefore, if we examined a s x s window and added up all of the intensities, this is equal to in[i,j] x count. The algorithm is quite ingenious. Basically, we compare the assumed average intensity (in[i,j] x count) within the s x s window and if this is less than t% of the actual average within this s x s window (sum x ((100-t)/100)), then the output is set to black. If it is larger, than the output is set to white. However, you have eloquently stated that it should be this instead:
in[i,j] <= (sum/count) * ((100 - t) / 100)
This is essentially the same as line 20, but you divided both sides of the equation by count, so it's still the same expression. I would say that this explicitly states what I talked about above. The multiplication by count is certainly confusing, and so what you have written makes more sense.
Therefore, you're just seeing it a different way, and that's totally fine! So to answer your question, what you have stated is certainly correct and is equivalent to the expression seen in the actual algorithm.
Hope this helps!


How divide pie with constraints

How divide a pie with constraints?
Hi I have rounded pie and would like to divide it, but am not able to figure out how to do it.
I have four friends: A,B,C,D
I want to divide pie based on how I like them, so based on opinion.
Slice sizes:
A= 1/22 of pie
B= 10/22 of pie
C= 1/22 of pie
D= 10/22 of pie.
How to divide the pie when there are some constrains?
Like B will tell me he wants < 10% of whole pie and
D must have at least 85% of pie.
A,C don't care.
In this case I can say ok, so D wants at least 85% 22*0.85= 18.7 so he will get this.
Now I have only rest of the pie 22-18.7= 3.3 = 15% to divide and I don't want to give bigger slice than 10% to B. And I want still apply the ratios I proposed but only on rest of the pie as D must have at least 85%.
I think the ratios should be now applied after constrains are resolved.
A has no constraint so he can get from 0-100%
B wants 0-10%
C has no constraints 0-100%
D wants at least 85-100%
I can apply the ratios on slices under constrains like
when B wants 0-10% then I can say the ratio will have influence to the size between 0-10%
and for D will the ratio influence size (85%-100%).
| friends: | A | B | C | D |
|constraints:| | <=0.1 | >=0.85 | |
|ranges: | 0 to 1 | 0 to 0.1 | 0.85 to 1 | 0 to 1 |
|ratios: | 1/22 | 10/22 | 1/22 | 10/22 |
Hopefully is the problem understandable. At the end I want to have whole pie divided among ABCD with not violated constrains, and with somehow applied ratios.
Let me propose a formalization of this problem as a quadratic program.
Let x be the desired result. We want to minimize the L2 norm of
x/ratio (element-wise) subject to lower ≤ x ≤ upper
(element-wise) and x·1 = 1.
The idea behind this objective is that, by examining the optimality
conditions, we can show that there exists some scalar z such that x
= median(lower, ratio z, upper).
Below is some very poorly tested Python 3 code to approximately solve
this quadratic program.
from fractions import Fraction
ratio = [1, 10, 2, 10]
lower = [0, 0, 0, 85]
upper = [100, 10, 100, 100]
# Want to minimize the L2 norm of x / ratio subject to lower <= x <= upper and
# sum(x) == 100
# Validation
assert 0 < len(ratio) == len(lower) == len(upper)
assert all(0 < r for r in ratio)
assert all(0 <= l <= u <= 100 for (l, u) in zip(lower, upper))
assert sum(lower) <= 100 <= sum(upper)
# Binary search
n = len(ratio)
critical = sorted(
{Fraction(bound[i], ratio[i]) for bound in [lower, upper] for i in range(n)}
a = 0
b = len(critical)
while b - a > 1:
m = (a + b) // 2
z = critical[m]
if sum(sorted([lower[i], ratio[i] * z, upper[i]])[1] for i in range(n)) <= 100:
a = m
b = m
x = [0] * n
z = critical[a]
divisor = 0
for i in range(n):
value = ratio[i] * z
if value < lower[i]:
x[i] = lower[i]
elif upper[i] <= value:
x[i] = upper[i]
divisor += ratio[i]
dividend = 100 - sum(x)
for i in range(n):
if lower[i] <= ratio[i] * z < upper[i]:
x[i] = Fraction(ratio[i], divisor) * dividend
[Fraction(5, 3), 10, Fraction(10, 3), 85]

Finding natural numbers having n Trailing Zeroes in Factorial

I need help with the following problem.
Given an integer m, I need to find the number of positive integers n and the integers, such that the factorial of n ends with exactly m zeroes.
I wrote this code it works fine and i get the right output, but it take way too much time as the numbers increase.
a = input()
while a:
x = []
m, n, fact, c, j = input(), 0, 1, 0, 0
z = 10*m
t = 10**m
while z - 1:
fact = 1
n = n + 1
for i in range(1, n + 1):
fact = fact * i
if fact % t == 0 and ((fact / t) % 10) != 0:
c = c + 1
z = z - 1
for p in range(c):
print x[p],
a -= 1
print c
Could someone suggest me a more efficient way to do this. Presently, it takes 30 seconds for a test case asking for numbers with 250 trailing zeros in its factorial.
To get number of trailing zeroes of n! efficiently you can put
def zeroes(value):
result = 0;
d = 5;
while (d <= value):
result += value // d; # integer division
d *= 5;
return result;
# 305: 1234! has exactly 305 trailing zeroes
print zeroes(1234)
In order to solve the problem (what numbers have n trailing zeroes in n!) you can use these facts:
number of zeroes is a monotonous function: f(x + a) >= f(x) if a >= 0.
if f(x) = y then x <= y * 5 (we count only 5 factors).
if f(x) = y then x >= y * 4 (let me leave this for you to prove)
Then implement binary search (on monotonous function).
E.g. in case of 250 zeroes we have the initial range to test [4*250..5*250] == [1000..1250]. Binary search narrows the range down into [1005..1009].
1005, 1006, 1007, 1008, 1009 are all numbers such that they have exactly 250 trainling zeroes in factorial
Edit I hope I don't spoil the fun if I (after 2 years) prove the last conjecture (see comments below):
Each 5**n within facrtorial when multiplied by 2**n produces 10**n and thus n zeroes; that's why f(x) is
f(x) = [x / 5] + [x / 25] + [x / 125] + ... + [x / 5**n] + ...
where [...] stands for floor or integer part (e.g. [3.1415926] == 3). Let's perform easy manipulations:
f(x) = [x / 5] + [x / 25] + [x / 125] + ... + [x / 5**n] + ... <= # removing [...]
x / 5 + x / 25 + x / 125 + ... + x / 5**n + ... =
x * (1/5 + 1/25 + 1/125 + ... + 1/5**n + ...) =
x * (1/5 * 1/(1 - 1/5)) =
x * 1/5 * 5/4 =
x / 4
So far so good
f(x) <= x / 4
Or if y = f(x) then x >= 4 * y Q.E.D.
Focus on the number of 2s and 5s that makes up a number. e.g. 150 is made up of 2*3*5*5, there 1 pair of 2&5 so there's one trailing zero. Each time you increase the tested number, try figuring out how much 2 and 5s are in the number. From that, adding up previous results you can easily know how much zeros its factorial contains.
For example, 15!=15*...*5*4*3*2*1, starting from 2:
Number 2s 5s trailing zeros of factorial
2 1 0 0
3 1 0 0
4 2 0 0
5 2 1 1
6 3 1 1
10 5 2 2
15 7 3 3
24 12 6 6
25 12 8 8 <- 25 counts for two 5-s: 25 == 5 * 5 == 5**2
26 13 8 8
Refer to Peter de Rivaz's and Dmitry Bychenko's comments, they have got some good advices.

How to find all possible reachable numbers from a position?

Given 2 elements n, s and an array A of size m, where s is initial position which lies between 1 <= s <= n, our task is to perform m operations to s and in each operation we either make s = s + A[i] or s = s - A[i], and we have to print all the values which are possible after the m operation and all those value should lie between 1 - n (inclusive).
Important Note: If during an operation we get a value s < 1 or s > n,
we don't go further with that value of s.
I solved the problem using BFS, but the problem is BFS approach is not optimal here, can someone suggest any other more optimal approach to me or an algorithm will greatly help.
For example:-
If n = 3, s = 3, and A = {1, 1, 1}
/ \
operation 1: 2 4 (we don’t proceed with 4 as it is > n)
/ \ / \
operation 2: 1 3 3 5
/ \ / \ / \ / \
operation 3: 0 2 2 4 2 4 4 6
So final values reachable by following above rules are 2 and 2 (that is two times 2). we don't consider the third two as it has an intermediate state which is > n ( same case applicable if < 1).
There is this dynamic programming solution, which runs in O(nm) time and requires O(n) space.
First establish a boolean array called reachable, initialize it to false everywhere except for reachable[s], which is true.
This array now represents whether a number is reachable in 0 steps. Now for every i from 1 to m, we update the array so that reachable[x] represents whether the number x is reachable in i steps. This is easy: x is reachable in i steps if and only if either x - A[i] or x + A[i] is reachable in i - 1 steps.
In the end, the array becomes the final result you want.
EDIT: pseudo-code here.
// initialization:
for x = 1 to n:
r[x] = false
r[s] = true
// main loop:
for k = 1 to m:
for x = 1 to n:
last_r[x] = r[x]
for x = 1 to n:
r[x] = (last_r[x + A[k]] or last_r[x - A[k]])
Here last_r[x] is by convention false if x is not in the range [1 .. n].
If you want to maintain the number of ways that each number can be reached, then you do the following changes:
Change the array r to an integer array;
In the initialization, initialize all r[x] to 0, except r[s] to 1;
In the main loop, change the key line to:
r[x] = last_r[x + A[k]] + last_r[x - A[k]]

Google Interview: Arrangement of Blocks

You are given N blocks of height 1…N. In how many ways can you arrange these blocks in a row such that when viewed from left you see only L blocks (rest are hidden by taller blocks) and when seen from right you see only R blocks? Example given N=3, L=2, R=1 there is only one arrangement {2, 1, 3} while for N=3, L=2, R=2 there are two ways {1, 3, 2} and {2, 3, 1}.
How should we solve this problem by programming? Any efficient ways?
This is a counting problem, not a construction problem, so we can approach it using recursion. Since the problem has two natural parts, looking from the left and looking from the right, break it up and solve for just one part first.
Let b(N, L, R) be the number of solutions, and let f(N, L) be the number of arrangements of N blocks so that L are visible from the left. First think about f because it's easier.
Let's get the initial conditions and then go for recursion. If all are to be visible, then they must be ordered increasingly, so
f(N, N) = 1
If there are suppose to be more visible blocks than available blocks, then nothing we can do, so
f(N, M) = 0 if N < M
If only one block should be visible, then put the largest first and then the others can follow in any order, so
f(N,1) = (N-1)!
Finally, for the recursion, think about the position of the tallest block, say N is in the kth spot from the left. Then choose the blocks to come before it in (N-1 choose k-1) ways, arrange those blocks so that exactly L-1 are visible from the left, and order the N-k blocks behind N it in any you like, giving:
f(N, L) = sum_{1<=k<=N} (N-1 choose k-1) * f(k-1, L-1) * (N-k)!
In fact, since f(x-1,L-1) = 0 for x<L, we may as well start k at L instead of 1:
f(N, L) = sum_{L<=k<=N} (N-1 choose k-1) * f(k-1, L-1) * (N-k)!
Right, so now that the easier bit is understood, let's use f to solve for the harder bit b. Again, use recursion based on the position of the tallest block, again say N is in position k from the left. As before, choose the blocks before it in N-1 choose k-1 ways, but now think about each side of that block separately. For the k-1 blocks left of N, make sure that exactly L-1 of them are visible. For the N-k blocks right of N, make sure that R-1 are visible and then reverse the order you would get from f. Therefore the answer is:
b(N,L,R) = sum_{1<=k<=N} (N-1 choose k-1) * f(k-1, L-1) * f(N-k, R-1)
where f is completely worked out above. Again, many terms will be zero, so we only want to take k such that k-1 >= L-1 and N-k >= R-1 to get
b(N,L,R) = sum_{L <= k <= N-R+1} (N-1 choose k-1) * f(k-1, L-1) * f(N-k, R-1)
I thought about this problem again and found a somewhat nicer approach that avoids the summation.
If you work the problem the opposite way, that is think of adding the smallest block instead of the largest block, then the recurrence for f becomes much simpler. In this case, with the same initial conditions, the recurrence is
f(N,L) = f(N-1,L-1) + (N-1) * f(N-1,L)
where the first term, f(N-1,L-1), comes from placing the smallest block in the leftmost position, thereby adding one more visible block (hence L decreases to L-1), and the second term, (N-1) * f(N-1,L), accounts for putting the smallest block in any of the N-1 non-front positions, in which case it is not visible (hence L stays fixed).
This recursion has the advantage of always decreasing N, though it makes it more difficult to see some formulas, for example f(N,N-1) = (N choose 2). This formula is fairly easy to show from the previous formula, though I'm not certain how to derive it nicely from this simpler recurrence.
Now, to get back to the original problem and solve for b, we can also take a different approach. Instead of the summation before, think of the visible blocks as coming in packets, so that if a block is visible from the left, then its packet consists of all blocks right of it and in front of the next block visible from the left, and similarly if a block is visible from the right then its packet contains all blocks left of it until the next block visible from the right. Do this for all but the tallest block. This makes for L+R packets. Given the packets, you can move one from the left side to the right side simply by reversing the order of the blocks. Therefore the general case b(N,L,R) actually reduces to solving the case b(N,L,1) = f(N,L) and then choosing which of the packets to put on the left and which on the right. Therefore we have
b(N,L,R) = (L+R choose L) * f(N,L+R)
Again, this reformulation has some advantages over the previous version. Putting these latter two formulas together, it's much easier to see the complexity of the overall problem. However, I still prefer the first approach for constructing solutions, though perhaps others will disagree. All in all it just goes to show there's more than one good way to approach the problem.
What's with the Stirling numbers?
As Jason points out, the f(N,L) numbers are precisely the (unsigned) Stirling numbers of the first kind. One can see this immediately from the recursive formulas for each. However, it's always nice to be able to see it directly, so here goes.
The (unsigned) Stirling numbers of the First Kind, denoted S(N,L) count the number of permutations of N into L cycles. Given a permutation written in cycle notation, we write the permutation in canonical form by beginning the cycle with the largest number in that cycle and then ordering the cycles increasingly by the first number of the cycle. For example, the permutation
(2 6) (5 1 4) (3 7)
would be written in canonical form as
(5 1 4) (6 2) (7 3)
Now drop the parentheses and notice that if these are the heights of the blocks, then the number of visible blocks from the left is exactly the number of cycles! This is because the first number of each cycle blocks all other numbers in the cycle, and the first number of each successive cycle is visible behind the previous cycle. Hence this problem is really just a sneaky way to ask you to find a formula for Stirling numbers.
well, just as an empirical solution for small N:
import itertools
from collections import defaultdict
def countPermutation(p):
n = 0
max = 0
for block in p:
if block > max:
n += 1
max = block
return n
def countBlocks(n):
count = defaultdict(int)
for p in itertools.permutations(range(1,n+1)):
fwd = countPermutation(p)
rev = countPermutation(reversed(p))
count[(fwd,rev)] += 1
return count
def printCount(count, n, places):
for i in range(1,n+1):
for j in range(1,n+1):
c = count[(i,j)]
if c > 0:
print "%*d" % (places, count[(i,j)]),
print " " * places ,
def countAndPrint(nmax, places):
for n in range(1,nmax+1):
printCount(countBlocks(n), n, places)
and sample output:
1 1
1 2
2 3 1
2 6 3
3 3
6 11 6 1
6 22 18 4
11 18 6
6 4
24 50 35 10 1
24 100 105 40 5
50 105 60 10
35 40 10
10 5
120 274 225 85 15 1
120 548 675 340 75 6
274 675 510 150 15
225 340 150 20
85 75 15
15 6
720 1764 1624 735 175 21 1
720 3528 4872 2940 875 126 7
1764 4872 4410 1750 315 21
1624 2940 1750 420 35
735 875 315 35
175 126 21
21 7
5040 13068 13132 6769 1960 322 28 1
5040 26136 39396 27076 9800 1932 196 8
13068 39396 40614 19600 4830 588 28
13132 27076 19600 6440 980 56
6769 9800 4830 980 70
1960 1932 588 56
322 196 28
28 8
40320 109584 118124 67284 22449 4536 546 36 1
40320 219168 354372 269136 112245 27216 3822 288 9
109584 354372 403704 224490 68040 11466 1008 36
118124 269136 224490 90720 19110 2016 84
67284 112245 68040 19110 2520 126
22449 27216 11466 2016 126
4536 3822 1008 84
546 288 36
36 9
You'll note a few obvious (well, mostly obvious) things from the problem statement:
the total # of permutations is always N!
with the exception of N=1, there is no solution for L,R = (1,1): if a count in one direction is 1, then it implies the tallest block is on that end of the stack, so the count in the other direction has to be >= 2
the situation is symmetric (reverse each permutation and you reverse the L,R count)
if p is a permutation of N-1 blocks and has count (Lp,Rp), then the N permutations of block N inserted in each possible spot can have a count ranging from L = 1 to Lp+1, and R = 1 to Rp + 1.
From the empirical output:
the leftmost column or topmost row (where L = 1 or R = 1) with N blocks is the sum of the
rows/columns with N-1 blocks: i.e. in #PengOne's notation,
b(N,1,R) = sum(b(N-1,k,R-1) for k = 1 to N-R+1
Each diagonal is a row of Pascal's triangle, times a constant factor K for that diagonal -- I can't prove this, but I'm sure someone can -- i.e.:
b(N,L,R) = K * (L+R-2 choose L-1) where K = b(N,1,L+R-1)
So the computational complexity of computing b(N,L,R) is the same as the computational complexity of computing b(N,1,L+R-1) which is the first column (or row) in each triangle.
This observation is probably 95% of the way towards an explicit solution (the other 5% I'm sure involves standard combinatoric identities, I'm not too familiar with those).
A quick check with the Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences shows that b(N,1,R) appears to be OEIS sequence A094638:
A094638 Triangle read by rows: T(n,k) =|s(n,n+1-k)|, where s(n,k) are the signed Stirling numbers of the first kind (1<=k<=n; in other words, the unsigned Stirling numbers of the first kind in reverse order).
1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 2, 1, 6, 11, 6, 1, 10, 35, 50, 24, 1, 15, 85, 225, 274, 120, 1, 21, 175, 735, 1624, 1764, 720, 1, 28, 322, 1960, 6769, 13132, 13068, 5040, 1, 36, 546, 4536, 22449, 67284, 118124, 109584, 40320, 1, 45, 870, 9450, 63273, 269325, 723680, 1172700
As far as how to efficiently compute the Stirling numbers of the first kind, I'm not sure; Wikipedia gives an explicit formula but it looks like a nasty sum. This question (computing Stirling #s of the first kind) shows up on MathOverflow and it looks like O(n^2), as PengOne hypothesizes.
Based on #PengOne answer, here is my Javascript implementation:
function g(N, L, R) {
var acc = 0;
for (var k=1; k<=N; k++) {
acc += comb(N-1, k-1) * f(k-1, L-1) * f(N-k, R-1);
return acc;
function f(N, L) {
if (N==L) return 1;
else if (N<L) return 0;
else {
var acc = 0;
for (var k=1; k<=N; k++) {
acc += comb(N-1, k-1) * f(k-1, L-1) * fact(N-k);
return acc;
function comb(n, k) {
return fact(n) / (fact(k) * fact(n-k));
function fact(n) {
var acc = 1;
for (var i=2; i<=n; i++) {
acc *= i;
return acc;
$("#go").click(function () {
alert(g($("#N").val(), $("#L").val(), $("#R").val()));
Here is my construction solution inspired by #PengOne's ideas.
import itertools
def f(blocks, m):
n = len(blocks)
if m > n:
return []
if m < 0:
return []
if n == m:
return [sorted(blocks)]
maximum = max(blocks)
blocks = list(set(blocks) - set([maximum]))
results = []
for k in range(0, n):
for left_set in itertools.combinations(blocks, k):
for left in f(left_set, m - 1):
rights = itertools.permutations(list(set(blocks) - set(left)))
for right in rights:
results.append(list(left) + [maximum] + list(right))
return results
def b(n, l, r):
blocks = range(1, n + 1)
results = []
maximum = max(blocks)
blocks = list(set(blocks) - set([maximum]))
for k in range(0, n):
for left_set in itertools.combinations(blocks, k):
for left in f(left_set, l - 1):
other = list(set(blocks) - set(left))
rights = f(other, r - 1)
for right in rights:
results.append(list(left) + [maximum] + list(right))
return results
# Sample
print b(4, 3, 2) # -> [[1, 2, 4, 3], [1, 3, 4, 2], [2, 3, 4, 1]]
We derive a general solution F(N, L, R) by examining a specific testcase: F(10, 4, 3).
We first consider 10 in the leftmost possible position, the 4th ( _ _ _ 10 _ _ _ _ _ _ ).
Then we find the product of the number of valid sequences in the left and in the right of 10.
Next, we'll consider 10 in the 5th slot, calculate another product and add it to the previous one.
This process will go on until 10 is in the last possible slot, the 8th.
We'll use the variable named pos to keep track of N's position.
Now suppose pos = 6 ( _ _ _ _ _ 10 _ _ _ _ ). In the left of 10, there are 9C5 = (N-1)C(pos-1) sets of numbers to be arranged.
Since only the order of these numbers matters, we could look at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
To construct a sequence with these numbers so that 3 = L-1 of them are visible from the left, we can begin by placing 5 in the leftmost possible slot ( _ _ 5 _ _ ) and follow similar steps to what we did before.
So if F were defined recursively, it could be used here.
The only difference now is that the order of numbers in the right of 5 is immaterial.
To resolve this issue, we'll use a signal, INF (infinity), for R to indicate its unimportance.
Turning to the right of 10, there will be 4 = N-pos numbers left.
We first consider 4 in the last possible slot, position 2 = R-1 from the right ( _ _ 4 _ ).
Here what appears in the left of 4 is immaterial.
But counting arrangements of 4 blocks with the mere condition that 2 of them should be visible from the right is no different than counting arrangements of the same blocks with the mere condition that 2 of them should be visible from the left.
ie. instead of counting sequences like 3 1 4 2, one can count sequences like 2 4 1 3
So the number of valid arrangements in the right of 10 is F(4, 2, INF).
Thus the number of arrangements when pos == 6 is 9C5 * F(5, 3, INF) * F(4, 2, INF) = (N-1)C(pos-1) * F(pos-1, L-1, INF)* F(N-pos, R-1, INF).
Similarly, in F(5, 3, INF), 5 will be considered in a succession of slots with L = 2 and so on.
Since the function calls itself with L or R reduced, it must return a value when L = 1, that is F(N, 1, INF) must be a base case.
Now consider the arrangement _ _ _ _ _ 6 7 10 _ _.
The only slot 5 can take is the first, and the following 4 slots may be filled in any manner; thus F(5, 1, INF) = 4!.
Then clearly F(N, 1, INF) = (N-1)!.
Other (trivial) base cases and details could be seen in the C implementation below.
Here is a link for testing the code
#define INF UINT_MAX
long long unsigned fact(unsigned n) { return n ? n * fact(n-1) : 1; }
unsigned C(unsigned n, unsigned k) { return fact(n) / (fact(k) * fact(n-k)); }
unsigned F(unsigned N, unsigned L, unsigned R)
unsigned pos, sum = 0;
if(R != INF)
if(L == 0 || R == 0 || N < L || N < R) return 0;
if(L == 1) return F(N-1, R-1, INF);
if(R == 1) return F(N-1, L-1, INF);
for(pos = L; pos <= N-R+1; ++pos)
sum += C(N-1, pos-1) * F(pos-1, L-1, INF) * F(N-pos, R-1, INF);
if(L == 1) return fact(N-1);
for(pos = L; pos <= N; ++pos)
sum += C(N-1, pos-1) * F(pos-1, L-1, INF) * fact(N-pos);
return sum;

Please explain to me the solution for the problem below [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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Consider the problem of adding two n-bit binary integers, stored in two n-element arrays A and B. The sum of the two integers should be stored in binary form in an (n + 1)-element array C. State the problem formally and write pseudocode for adding the two integers.
C ← [1 ... n + 1] ▹ C is zero-filled.
for i ← 1 to n
do sum ← A[i] + B[i] + C[i]
C[i] ← sum % 2
C[i + 1] ← sum / 2 ▹ Integer division.
output C
I thought the C[i] is A[i]+B[i] why are you adding sum ← A[i] + B[i] + C[i] in step 3?
why sum % 2 (why need to use modulo in step 4?)
why sum / 2 (why need to use division in step 5?)
Could you please explain above solution with real example? Thanks.
C is both the solution and the carry. For a real example, let's add 11 + 3. I'll write in binary with decimal in parens)
A = 1011 (11) + B = 0011 (3) [C starts as 00000 (0)]
^ ^ ^
The ^s mark the first position, and we go left, since we read left to right, but math goes right to left. Also, we divide integers, so 3/2 = 1, not 1.5. Now the steps.
1. sum = 1+1+0 = 10 (2), c[1] = 2 % 2 = 0, c[2] = 2/2 = 1
2. sum = 1+1+1 = 11 (3), c[2] = 3 % 2 = 1, c[3] = 3/2 = 1
3. sum = 0+0+1 = 01 (1), c[3] = 1 % 2 = 1, c[4] = 1/2 = 0
4. sum = 1+0+0 = 01 (1), c[4] = 1 % 2 = 1, c[5] = 1/2 = 0
^ ^ ^ ^ ^
i A B C, all at position i note that we store the carry for the NEXT step
Result: C = 01110 (14)
You add C[i] as well because C[i] may contain a carry bit from when you added A[i-1] + B[i-1] + C[i-1] in the previous iteration. For example if we do 1 + 1, our first iteration sum = 1 + 1 + 0 = 2, but since this is binary we have to carry the 1 and put it on C[1] and put the remainder (2 % 2 = 0) in C[0]. This gives us 10
C[i] gets sum % 2 because the sum of A[i] + B[i] + C[i] could be more than 1, but 1 is the most that will fit in that digit. The rest of the sum (if there is any) will be put in the carry bit. And that brings us to...
C[i+1] gets assigned sum / 2 because sum / 2 is the carry amount. It will be used in the next iteration when we do A[i] + B[i] + C[i] for i = i + 1.
You can think of adding binary numbers the same way you add base 10 numbers: there is an "add" step and a "carry" step to perform at each digit.
So, let's take the math one bit at a time. Say we're adding:
For the first step, we start on the far-right. (In your example, this corresponds to i=1). We add (1+1)%2, which gives us 0. What's really going on here? 1+1 is 2, which in binary is a two-digit number ("10"). We can only write the lower-order digit ("0"), so expressing the sum "mod 2" is really just saying "don't worry about the carry-over sum for now." So we've got:
0 (carrying a 1)
Now we implement the "carry a 1" by doing integer division ("sum / 2"), and temporarily storing it:
Now we are ready to add the 2nd digits: (0+1)%2 -- but we must add in the carry-over 1 that we've been keeping track of, so we take (0+1+1)%2 yielding:
Again we need to keep track of carry bit, giving us (0+1+1)=1:
Finally we add the 3rd bits: (1+0+1)%2 to give the answer:
