Multiple node cassandra cluster is really slow - performance

I had a single node cassandra cluster on EC2. I was running my tests on it and it worked great.
But then, I had to move this cluster to a VPC, so rather than moving the data, I created a new cluster with two nodes (both seeds), and imported the data from the former cluster using sstableloader.
I thought it was really slow, so decided to add two more instances (not seeds). It's even slower.
I use a ONE consistency, and my replication factor is 1, so I don't quite see why it is so slow.
To give you an idea, I can only do 3 read per second.
We use the EC2Snitch but not the AMI recommended by Cassandra though (we didn't see that part in the documentation when we installed it).
I didn't run a cleanup yet on the two first nodes after adding the two new nodes.
When I request all elements of a column family which contains only a dozen of rows, it times out. If I request one element, I get the result after a long time, and with a huge tracing session (~30000 lines...)!
Does anyone know what I can do to make it faster? I don't quite know where to look at right now.
My Cassandra version is Cassandra 2.1.3.
Here is my keyspace schema:
CREATE KEYSPACE keyspace_name WITH replication = {'class': 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'us-west-2': '1'} AND durable_writes = true;
And the options for our column family
CREATE TABLE keyspace_name."CFName" (
// ...
) WITH bloom_filter_fp_chance = 0.01
AND caching = '{"keys":"ALL", "rows_per_partition":"NONE"}'
AND comment = ''
AND compaction = {'min_threshold': '4', 'class': 'org.apache.cassandra.db.compaction.SizeTieredCompactionStrategy', 'max_threshold': '32'}
AND compression = {'sstable_compression': ''}
AND dclocal_read_repair_chance = 0.1
AND default_time_to_live = 0
AND gc_grace_seconds = 864000
AND max_index_interval = 2048
AND memtable_flush_period_in_ms = 0
AND min_index_interval = 128
AND read_repair_chance = 0.0
AND speculative_retry = '99.0PERCENTILE';

I had to run a compaction on my nodes because I had too many tombstones.
Many thanks to the amazing IRC channel on freenode #cassandra.


dht nodes in Libtorrent

How can I increase the number of dht nodes?
Current number is about 240:
While uTorrent says it has about 500 ones.
Here is the settings:
async def lt_session(app):
ses = app['lt_session'] = lt.session({
'active_downloads': 50,
ses.listen_on(6881, 6881)
# ses.set_max_connections(3)
ses.add_dht_router("", 6881)
ses.add_dht_router("", 6881)
ses.add_dht_router("", 6881)
ses.add_dht_router("", 6881)
ses.add_dht_router("", 6881)
app['torrents'] = {}
If you have an "extended routing table", and a depth of 19 (which I believe is about how large the network is), you end up having 128+64+32+16+(15*8) = 360 nodes in the regular routing table buckets (once it fills up). In
addition to this, each level has 8 replacement buckets, so + (19*8).
libtorrent's node_count only count the nodes in the main routing table buckets, the ones that are used. If you want to count the replacement nodes too, add dht_node_cache.
If you want to make sure your routing table fits as many nodes as possible, and is the least restrictive of which nodes are allowed to be added:
Make sure you set dht_extended_routing_table to true.
If you want to remove restrictions about which nodes are let into the routing table you can set:
dht_restrict_routing_ips to false
dht_restrict_search_ips to false
Also, if you have multiple external IPs, you may want to make sure to enable listening to all of them, as libtorrent will run a DHT node for each. For example if you have bot hIPv4 and IPv6.

Spark job just hangs with large data

I am trying to query from s3 (15 days of data). I tried querying them separately (each day) it works fine. It works fine for 14 days as well. But when I query 15 days the job keeps running forever (hangs) and the task # is not updating.
My settings :
I am using 51 node cluster r3.4x large with dynamic allocation and maximum resource turned on.
All I am doing is =
val startTime="2017-11-21T08:00:00Z"
val endTime="2017-12-05T08:00:00Z"
val start = DateUtils.getLocalTimeStamp( startTime )
val end = DateUtils.getLocalTimeStamp( endTime )
val days: Int = Days.daysBetween( start, end ).getDays
val files: Seq[String] = (0 to days)
.map( start.plusDays )
.map( d => s"$input_path${DateTimeFormat.forPattern( "yyyy/MM/dd" ).print( d )}/*/*" )
sqlSession.sparkContext.textFile( files.mkString( "," ) ).count
When I run the same with 14 days, I got 197337380 (count) and I ran the 15th day separately and got 27676788. But when I query 15 days total the job hangs
Update :
The job works fine with :
var df = sqlSession.createDataFrame(sc.emptyRDD[Row], schema)
for(n <- files ){
val tempDF = schema ).json(n)
df = df(tempDF)
But can some one explain why it works now but not before ?
UPDATE : After setting mapreduce.input.fileinputformat.split.minsize to 256 GB it works fine now.
Dynamic allocation and maximize resource allocation are both different settings, one would be disabled when other is active. With Maximize resource allocation in EMR, 1 executor per node is launched, and it allocates all the cores and memory to that executor.
I would recommend taking a different route. You seem to have a pretty big cluster with 51 nodes, not sure if it is even required. However, follow this rule of thumb to begin with, and you will get a hang of how to tune these configurations.
Cluster memory - minimum of 2X the data you are dealing with.
Now assuming 51 nodes is what you require, try below:
r3.4x has 16 CPUs - so you can put all of them to use by leaving one for the OS and other processes.
Set your number of executors to 150 - this will allocate 3 executors per node.
Set number of cores per executor to 5 (3 executors per node)
Set your executor memory to roughly total host memory/3 = 35G
You got to control the parallelism (default partitions), set this to number of total cores you have ~ 800
Adjust shuffle partitions - make this twice of number of cores - 1600
Above configurations have been working like a charm for me. You can monitor the resource utilization on Spark UI.
Also, in your yarn config /etc/hadoop/conf/capacity-scheduler.xml file, set yarn.scheduler.capacity.resource-calculator to org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.resource.DominantResourceCalculator - which will allow Spark to really go full throttle with those CPUs. Restart yarn service after change.
You should be increasing the executor memory and # executors, If the data is huge try increasing the Driver memory.
My suggestion is to not use the dynamic resource allocation and let it run and see if it still hangs or not (Please note that spark job can consume entire cluster resources and make other applications starve for resources try this approach when no jobs are running). if it doesn't hang that means you should play with the resource allocation, then start hardcoding the resources and keep increasing resources so that you can find the best resource allocation you can possibly use.
Below links can help you understand the resource allocation and optimization of resources.

Flume creating small files

I am trying to move my files in hdfs from local system using flume but when i am running my flume it is creating many small files. Size of my original file's are 154 - 500Kb but in my HDFS it is creating many files of size 4-5kb. I searched and got to know that changing the rollSize and rollCount will work i increased the values but still same issue is happening. Also i am getting below error.
ERROR hdfs.BucketWriter: Hit max consecutive under-replication
rotations (30); will not continue rolling files under this path due to
As i am working in cluster i am a bit scared to do changes in the hdfs-site.xml. Please suggest me what i can do to either move original files in HDFS or make the small files more in size (instead of 4-5kb make it 50-60kb).
Below is my configuration.
agent1.sources = source1
agent1.sinks = sink1
agent1.channels = channel1
agent1.sources.source1.channels = channel1 = channel1
agent1.sources.source1.type = spooldir
agent1.sources.source1.spoolDir = /root/Downloads/CD/parsedCD
agent1.sources.source1.deletePolicy = immediate
agent1.sources.source1.basenameHeader = true
agent1.sinks.sink1.type = hdfs
agent1.sinks.sink1.hdfs.path = /user/cloudera/flumecd
agent1.sinks.sink1.hdfs.fileType = DataStream
agent1.sinks.sink1.hdfs.filePrefix = %{basename}
agent1.sinks.sink1.hdfs.rollInterval = 0
agent1.sinks.sink1.hdfs.batchsize= 1000
agent1.sinks.sink1.hdfs.rollSize= 1000000
agent1.sinks.sink1.hdfs.rollCount= 0
agent1.channels.channel1.type = memory
agent1.channels.channel1.maxFileSize =900000000
I think the error you are posting is clear enough: the files you are creating are under-replicated (which means the blocks of the files you are creating, and which are distributed along the cluster, have less copies than the replication factor -usually 3-); and while that situation continues in time, no more rolls will be done (because each time you roll the file, a new under-replicated file is created, and the maximum allowed -30- has been reached).
I'll recommend you to check why files are under-replicated. Maybe this is because the cluster is running out of disk, or because the cluster was set up with the minimum number of nodes -i.e. 3 nodes- and one is down -i.e. only 2 datanodes are alive and the replication factor is set to 3-.
Other options (not recommended) would be to decrease the replication factor -even to 1-. Or increase the allowed number of under-replicated rolls (I don't know if such a thing is possible, and even it is possible, in the end you will experience again the same error).

es_rejected_execution_exception rejected execution

I'm getting the following error when doing indexing.
es_rejected_execution_exception rejected execution of$PrimaryPhase$1#16248886
on EsThreadPoolExecutor[bulk, queue capacity = 50,
pool size = 16, active threads = 16, queued tasks = 51, completed
tasks = 407667]
My current setup:
Two nodes. One is the master (data: true, master: true) while the other one is data only (data: true, master: false). They are both EC2 I2.4XL (16 Cores, 122GB RAM, 320GB instance storage). 2 shards, 1 replication.
Those two nodes are being fed by our aggregation server which has 20 separate workers. Each worker makes bulk indexing request to our ES cluster with 50 items to index. Each item is between 1000-4000 characters.
Current server setup: 4x client facing servers -> aggregation server -> ElasticSearch.
Now the issue is this error only started occurring when we introduced the second node. Before when we had one machine, we got consistent indexing throughput of 20k request per second. Now with two machine, once it hits the 10k mark (~20% CPU usage)
we start getting some of the errors outlined above.
But here is the interesting thing which I have noticed. We have a mock item generator which generates a random document to be indexed. Generally these documents are of the same size, but have random parameters. We use this to do the stress test and check the stability. This mock item generator sends requests to aggregation server which in turn passes them to Elasticsearch. The interesting thing is, we are able to index around 40-45k (# ~80% CPU usage) items per second without getting this error. So it seems really interesting as to why we get this error. Has anyone seen this error or know what could be causing it?

Get Hbase region size via API

I am trying to write a balancer tool for Hbase which could balance regions across regionServers for a table by region count and/or region size (sum of storeFile sizes). I could not find any Hbase API class which returns the regions size or related info. I have already checked a few of the classes which could be used to get other table/region info, e.g. org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HTable and HBaseAdmin.
I am thinking, another way this could be implemented is by using one of the Hadoop classes which returns the size of the directories in the fileSystem, for e.g. org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem lists the files under a particular HDFS path.
Any suggestions ?
I use this to do managed splits of regions, but, you could leverage it to load-balance on your own. I also load-balance myself to spread the regions ( of a given table ) evenly across our nodes so that MR jobs are evenly distributed.
Perhaps the code-snippet below is useful?
final HBaseAdmin admin = new HBaseAdmin(conf);
final ClusterStatus clusterStatus = admin.getClusterStatus();
for (ServerName serverName : clusterStatus.getServers()) {
final HServerLoad serverLoad = clusterStatus.getLoad(serverName);
for (Map.Entry<byte[], HServerLoad.RegionLoad> entry : serverLoad.getRegionsLoad().entrySet()) {
final String region = Bytes.toString(entry.getKey());
final HServerLoad.RegionLoad regionLoad = entry.getValue();
long storeFileSize = regionLoad.getStorefileSizeMB();
// other useful thing in regionLoad if you like
What's wrong with the default Load Balancer?
From the Wiki:
The balancer is a periodic operation which is run on the master to redistribute regions on the cluster. It is configured via hbase.balancer.period and defaults to 300000 (5 minutes).
If you really want to do it yourself you could indeed use the Hadoop API and more specifally, the FileStatus class. This class acts as an interface to represent the client side information for a file.
