Saving images using Octave but appearing fuzzy upon realoading - image

I am enrolled in a Coursera Machine Learning course where I am learning about neural networks. I got some hand-written digits data from this link:
Now I want to convert these data in to .jpg format, and I am using this code.
function nx=conv(x)
for i=1:size(x,1)
Then, I run the above code with:
x is 5000 training examples of handwritten digits. Each training example is a 20 x 20 pixel grayscale image of a digit. Each pixel is represented by a floating point number indicating the grayscale intensity at that location.
The 20 x 20 grid of pixels is "unrolled" into a 400-dimensional vector. Each of these training examples becomes a single row in our data matrix x. This gives us a 5000 x 400 matrix x where every row is a training example for a handwritten digit image.
After I run this code, I rewrite an image to disk to check:
However, I find the image is fuzzy. How would I convert these images correctly?

You are saving the images using JPEG, which is a lossy compression algorithm to save the images. Lossy compression algorithms guarantee a high compression ratio, but at the expense of slightly degrading your image. That's probably why you are seeing fuzzy images as it is attributed to compression artifacts.
From the looks of it, you want to save exactly what the data should be to file. As such, use a lossless compression algorithm instead, like PNG. Therefore, change your saving line of code to use PNG:


Difference in entropy values for the same image

I am finding the entropy value of an RGB image after histogram processing using the Y plane as follows:
i % the original image
Now I followed the procedure:
But now e1 and e2 are different. Why it is so?
You're writing the image r1 to disk using the JPEG compression standard. JPEG is lossy, which means that what is written to disk is not the same as what was originally stored in memory. Though the images look perceptually the same, if you compared the colour values between corresponding pixels, the majority of them will be slightly different. These slight differences is why the JPEG standard gives high compression ratios and thus smaller file sizes.
If you want to ensure that what you write to file is the same as what you read in, use a lossless compression standard, such as using PNG. As such, change the destination filename so that you're using PNG, not JPEG:
imwrite(r1,'temp1.png'); %// Change
i2=imread('temp1.png'); %// Change

How to estimate GIF file size?

We're building an online video editing service. One of the features allows users to export a short segment from their video as an animated gif. Imgur has a file size limit of 2Mb per uploaded animated gif.
Gif file size depends on number of frames, color depth and the image contents itself: a solid flat color result in a very lightweight gif, while some random colors tv-noise animation would be quite heavy.
First I export each video frame as a PNG of the final GIF frame size (fixed, 384x216).
Then, to maximize gif quality I undertake several gif render attempts with slightly different parameters - varying number of frames and number of colors in the gif palette. The render that has the best quality while staying under the file size limit gets uploaded to Imgur.
Each render takes time and CPU resources — this I am looking to optimize.
Question: what could be a smart way to estimate the best render settings depending on the actual images, to fit as close as possible to the filesize limit, and at least minimize the number of render attempts to 2–3?
The GIF image format uses LZW compression. Infamous for the owner of the algorithm patent, Unisys, aggressively pursuing royalty payments just as the image format got popular. Turned out well, we got PNG to thank for that.
The amount by which LZW can compress the image is extremely non-deterministic and greatly depends on the image content. You, at best, can provide the user with a heuristic that estimates the final image file size. Displaying, say, a success prediction with a colored bar. You'd can color it pretty quickly by converting just the first frame. That won't take long on 384x216 image, that runs in human time, a fraction of a second.
And then extrapolate the effective compression rate of that first image to the subsequent frames. Which ought to encode only small differences from the original frame so ought to have comparable compression rates.
You can't truly know whether it exceeds the site's size limit until you've encoded the entire sequence. So be sure to emphasize in your UI design that your prediction is just an estimate so your user isn't going to disappointed too much. And of course provide him with the tools to get the size lowered, something like a nearest-neighbor interpolation that makes the pixels in the image bigger. Focusing on making the later frames smaller can pay off handsomely as well, GIF encoders don't normally do this well by themselves. YMMV.
There's no simple answer to this. Single-frame GIF size mainly depends on image entropy after quantization, and you could try using stddev as an estimator using e.g. ImageMagick:
identify -format "%[fx:standard_deviation]" imagename.png
You can very probably get better results by running a smoothing kernel on the image in order to eliminate some high-frequency noise that's unlikely to be informational, and very likely to mess up compression performance. This goes much better with JPEG than with GIF, anyway.
Then, in general, you want to run a great many samples in order to come up with something of the kind (let's say you have a single compression parameter Q)
value1 v1,1 v1,2 v1,3
After running several dozens of tests (but you need do this only once, not "at runtime"), you will get both an estimate of, say, , and a measurement of its error. You'll then see that an image with stddev 0.45 that compresses to 108 Kb when Q=1 will compress to 91 Kb plus or minus 5 when Q=2, and 88 Kb plus or minus 3 when Q=3, and so on.
At that point you get an unknown image, get its stddev and compression #Q=1, and you can interpolate the probable size when Q equals, say, 4, without actually running the encoding.
While your service is active, you can store statistical data (i.e., after you really do the encoding, you store the actual results) to further improve estimation; after all you'd only store some numbers, not any potentially sensitive or personal information that might be in the video. And acquiring and storing those numbers would come nearly for free.
It might be worthwhile to recognize images with a fixed background; in that case you can run some adaptations to make all the frames identical in some areas, and have the GIF animation algorithm not store that information. This, when and if you get such a video (e.g. a talking head), could lead to huge savings (but would throw completely off the parameter estimation thing, unless you could estimate also the actual extent of the background area. In that case, let this area be B, let the frame area be A, the compressed "image" size for five frames would be A+(A-B)*(5-1) instead of A*5, and you could apply this correction factor to the estimate).
Compression optimization
Then there are optimization techniques that slightly modify the image and adapt it for a better compression, but we'd stray from the topic at hand. I had several algorithms that worked very well with paletted PNG, which is similar to GIF in many regards, but I'd need to check out whether and which of them may be freely used.
Some thoughts: LZW algorithm goes on in lines. So whenever a sequence of N pixels is "less than X%" different (perceptually or arithmetically) from an already encountered sequence, rewrite the sequence:
here the 656765234 sequence in the first row is almost matched by the 656755234 sequence in the second row. By changing the mismatched 5 to 6, the LZW algorithm is likely to pick up the whole sequence and store it with one symbol instead of three (6567,5,5234) or more.
Also, LZW works with bits, not bytes. This means, very roughly speaking, that the more the 0's and 1's are balanced, the worse the compression will be. The more unpredictable their sequence, the worse the results.
So if we can find out a way of making the distribution more **a**symmetrical, we win.
And we can do it, and we can do it losslessly (the same works with PNG). We choose the most common colour in the image, once we have quantized it. Let that color be color index 0. That's 00000000, eight fat zeroes. Now we choose the most common colour that follows that one, or the second most common colour; and we give it index 1, that is, 00000001. Another seven zeroes and a single one. The next colours will be indexed 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 and 128; each of these has only a single bit 1, all others are zeroes.
Since colors will be very likely distributed following a power law, it's reasonable to assume that around 20% of the pixels will be painted with the first nine most common colours; and that 20% of the data stream can be made to be at least 87.5% zeroes. Most of them will be consecutive zeroes, which is something that LZW will appreciate no end.
Best of all, this intervention is completely lossless; the reindexed pixels will still be the same colour, it's only the palette that will be shifted accordingly. I developed such a codec for PNG some years ago, and in my use case scenario (PNG street maps) it yielded very good results, ~20% gain in compression. With more varied palettes and with LZW algorithm the results will be probably not so good, but the processing is fast and not too difficult to implement.

Uncertainty in L,a,b space of compressed JPEG images

My team wish to calculate the contrast between two photographs taken in a wet environment.
We will calculate contrast using the formula
Contrast = SQRT((ΔL)^2 + (Δa)^2 + (Δb)^2)
where ΔL is the difference in luminosity, Δa is the difference in (redness-greeness) and Δb is (yellowness-blueness), which are the dimensions of Lab space.
Our (so far successful) approach has been to convert each pixel from RGB to Lab space, and taking the mean values of the relevant sections of the image as our A and B variables.
However the environment limits us to using a (waterproof) GoPro camera which compresses images to JPEG format, rather than saving as TIFF, so we are not using a true-colour image.
We now need to quantify the uncertainty in the contrast - for which we need to know the uncertainty in A and B and by extension the uncertainties (or mean/typical uncertainty) in each a and b value for each RGB pixel. We can calculate this only if we know the typical/maximum uncertainty produced when converting from true-colour to JPEG.
Therefore we need to know the maximum possible difference in each of the RGB channels when saving in JPEG format.
EG. if true colour RGB pixel (5, 7, 9) became (2, 9, 13) after compression the uncertainty in each channel would be (+/- 3, +/- 2, +/- 4).
We believe that the camera compresses colour in the aspect ratio 4:2:0 - is there a way to test this?
However our main question is; is there any way of knowing the maximum possible error in each channel, or calculating the uncertainty from the compressed RGB result?
Note: We know it is impossible to convert back from JPEG to TIFF as JPEG compression is lossy. We merely need to quantify the extent of this loss on colour.
In short, it is not possible to absolutely quantify the maximum possible difference in digital counts in a JPEG image.
You highlight one of these points well already. When image data is encoded using the JPEG standard, it is first converted to the YCbCr color space.
Once in this color space, the chroma channels (Cb and Cr) are downsampled, because the human visual system is less sensitive to artifacts in chroma information than it is lightness information.
The error introduced here is content-dependent; an area of very rapidly varying chroma and hue will have considerably more content loss than an area of constant hue/chroma.
Even knowing the 4:2:0 compression, which describes the amount and geometry of downsampling (more information here), the content still dictates the error introduced at this step.
Another problem is the quantization performed in JPEG compression.
The resulting information is encoded using a Discrete Cosine Transform. In the transformed space, the results are again quantized depending on the desired quality. This quantization is set at the time of file generation, which is performed in-camera. Again, even if you knew the exact DCT quantization being performed by the camera, the actual effect on RGB digital counts is ultimately content-dependent.
Yet another difficulty is noise created by DCT block artifacts, which (again) is content dependent.
These scene dependencies make the algorithm very good for visual image compression, but very difficult to characterize absolutely.
However, there is some light at the end of the tunnel. JPEG compression will cause significantly more error in areas of rapidly changing image content. Areas of constant color and texture will have significantly less compression error and artifacts. Depending on your application you may be able to leverage this to your benefit.

Match two images in different formats

I'm working on a software project in which I have to compare a set of 'input' images against another 'source' set of images and find out if there is a match between any of them. The source images cannot be edited/modified in any way; the input images can be scaled/cropped in order to find a match. The images can be in BMP,JPEG,GIF,PNG,TIFF of any dimensions.
A constraint: I'm not allowed to use any external libraries. ImageMagick is an exception and can be used.
I intend to use Java/Python. The software is purely command-line based.
I was reading on SO and some common image comparing algorithms. I'm planning to take 2 approaches.
1. I could use Histograms/buckets to find out the RGB values of the 2 images being compared.
2. Use SIFT/SURF to fin keypoint descriptors and find the euclidean distance between them and output the result based on the resultant distance.
The 2 images in comparison can be in different formats. An intuitive thought is that before analysis/comparison, the 2 images must be converted to a common format.I reasoned that the image should be converted to the one with lesser quality e.g. if the 2 input images are BMP and JPEG, convert the BMP to JPEG. This can be thought of as a pre-processing step.
My question:
Is image conversion to a common format required? Can 2 images of different formats be compared? IF they have to be converted before comparison, is my assumption of comparing from higher quality(BMP) to lower(JPEG) correct? It'd also be helpful if someone can suggest some algorithms for image conversion.
A match is said to be found if the pattern image is found in the source image.
Say for example the source image consists of a football field with one player. If the pattern image contains the player EXACTLY as he is in the source image, then its a match.
No, conversion to a common format on disk is not required, and likely not helpful. If you extract feature descriptors from an image (SIFT/SURF, for example), it matters much less how the original images were stored on disk. The feature descriptors should be invariant to small compression artifacts.
A bit more...
Suppose you have a BMP that is an image of object X in your source dataset.
Then, in your input/query dataset, you have another image of object X, but it has been saved as a JPEG.
You have no idea how what noise was introduced in the encoding process that produced either of these images. There is lighting differences, atmospheric effects, lens effects, sensor noise, tone-mapping, gammut-mapping. Some of these vary from image to image, others vary from camera to camera. All this is done before the image even gets saved to storage in the camera. Yes, there are also JPEG compression artifacts, but to assume the BMP is "higher" quality and then degrade it through JPEG compression will not help. Perhaps the BMP has even gone through JPEG compression before being saved as a BMP.

is jpg format good for image processing algorithms

most non-serious cameras (cameras on phones and webcams) provide lossy JPEG image as output.
while for a human eye they may not be noticed but the data loss could be critical for image processing algorithms.
If I am correct what is general approach you take when analyzing input images ?
(please note: using a industry standard camera may not be an option for hobbyist programmers)
JPG is an entire family of implementations, there are actually 4 methods. The most common method is the "normal" method, based on the Discrete Cosine Transform. This simply divides the image in 8x8 blocks and calculates the DCT of this. This results in a list of coefficients. To store these coefficients efficiently, they are multiplied by some other matrix (quantization matrix), such that the higher frequencies are usually rounded to zero. This is the only lossy step in the process. The reason this is done is to be able to store the coefficients more efficiently than before.
So, your question is not answered very easily. It also depends on the size of the input, if you have a sufficiently large image (say 3000x2000), stored at a relatively high precision, you will have no trouble with artefacts. A small image with a high compression rate might cause troubles.
Remember though that an image taken with a camera contains a lot of noise, which in itself is probably far more troubling than the jpg compression.
In my work I usually converted all images to pgm format, which is a raw format. This ensures that if I process the image in a pipeline fashion, all intermediate steps do not suffer from jpg compression.
Keep in mind that operations such as rotation, scaling, and repeated saving of JPG cause data loss each iteration.
