Find the minimum number of edits to balance parentheses? - algorithm

I was very confused about this question. I know about finding the edit distance between 2 strings using recursion and dynamic programming as an improvement, however am confused about how to go with this one.
Not sure if my thinking is correct. But we have a string of parenthesis which is unbalanced say
String s = "((())))";
How to find the String with balanced Parenthesis which requires minimum number of edits ?
Can some one explain this with an example ?
I am still not sure if I am explaining it correctly.

Given a string consisting of left and right parentheses, we are asked to balance it by performing a minimal number of delete, insert, and replace operations.
To begin with, let's look at the input string and distinguish matched pairs from unmatched characters. We can mark all the characters belonging to matched pairs by executing the following algorithm:
Find an unmarked '(' that is followed by an unmarked ')', with zero or more marked characters between the two.
If there is no such pair of characters, terminate the algorithm.
Otherwise, mark the '(' and the ')'.
Return to step 1.
The marked pairs are already balanced at zero cost, so the optimal course of action is to do nothing further with them.
Now let's consider the unmarked characters. Notice that no unmarked '(' is followed by an unmarked ')', or else the pair would have been marked. Therefore, if we scan the unmarked characters from left to right, we will find zero or more ')' characters followed by zero or more '(' characters.
To balance the sequence of ')' characters, it is optimal to rewrite every other one to '(', starting with the first one and excluding the last one. If there is an odd number of ')' characters, it is optimal to delete the last one.
As for the sequence of '(' characters, it is optimal to rewrite every other one to ')', starting with the second one. If there is a leftover '(' character, we delete it.
The following Python code implements the steps described above and displays the intermediate results.
def balance(s): # s is a string of '(' and ')' characters in any order
n = len(s)
print('original string: %s' % s)
# Mark all matched pairs
marked = n * [ False ]
left_parentheses = []
for i, ch in enumerate(s):
if ch == '(':
if len(left_parentheses) != 0:
marked[i] = True
marked[left_parentheses.pop()] = True
# Display the matched pairs and unmatched characters.
matched, remaining = [], []
for i, ch in enumerate(s):
if marked[i]:
remaining.append(' ')
matched.append(' ')
print(' matched pairs: %s' % ''.join(matched))
print(' unmatched: %s' % ''.join(remaining))
cost = 0
deleted = n * [ False ]
new_chars = list(s)
# Balance the unmatched ')' characters.
right_count, last_right = 0, -1
for i, ch in enumerate(s):
if not marked[i] and ch == ')':
right_count += 1
if right_count % 2 == 1:
new_chars[i] = '('
cost += 1
last_right = i
if right_count % 2 == 1: # Delete the last ')' if we couldn't match it.
deleted[last_right] = True # The cost was incremented during replacement.
# Balance the unmatched '(' characters.
left_count, last_left = 0, -1
for i, ch in enumerate(s):
if not marked[i] and ch == '(':
left_count += 1
if left_count % 2 == 0:
new_chars[i] = ')'
cost += 1
last_left = i
if left_count % 2 == 1: # Delete the last '(' if we couldn't match it.
deleted[last_left] = True # This character wasn't replaced, so we must
cost += 1 # increment the cost now.
# Display the outcome of replacing and deleting.
balanced = []
for i, ch in enumerate(new_chars):
if marked[i] or deleted[i]:
balanced.append(' ')
print(' balance: %s' % ''.join(balanced))
# Display the cost of balancing and the overall balanced string.
print(' cost: %d' % cost)
result = []
for i, ch in enumerate(new_chars):
if not deleted[i]: # Skip deleted characters.
print(' new string: %s' % ''.join(result))
For the test case ')()(()())))()((())((', the output is as follows.
original string: )()(()())))()((())((
matched pairs: ()(()()) () (())
unmatched: ) )) ( ((
balance: ( ) ( )
cost: 4
new string: (()(()()))()((()))

The idea is simple:
Find final string having left over open and close brackets which couldn't make pair. Remember that in this final string, close brackets will be present 1st and then open brackets.
Now we will have to edit open brackets and close brackets separately.
eg: for close brackets:
(1) if it is of even length:
min edit to balance will be to change half close brackets to open brackets.
So minEdit = closeBracketCount/2 .
(2) If it is of odd length:
min edit to balance will be to do above step 1 and remove the remaining 1 bracket.
So minEdit = closeBracketCount/2 + 1
For open brackets:
(1) if it is of even length:
min edit to balance will be to change half open brackets to close brackets.
So minEdit = openBracketCount/2.
(2) If it is of odd length:
min edit to balance will be to do above step 1 and remove the remaining 1 bracket.
So minEdit = openBracketCount/2 + 1
Here is the running code:
Let me know your thoughts.

While this interesting problem can be solved with dynamic programming as mentioned in the comments, there exists an easier solution to it. You can solve it with the greedy algorithm.
Idea for this greedy algorithm comes from how we check the validity of parentheses expression. You set counter to 0 and traverse the parentheses string, add 1 at "(" and substract 1 at ")". If counter always stays above or at 0 and finishes at 0, you have a valid string.
This implies that if the lowest value that we encountered while traversing is -maxi, we need to add exactly -maxi "(" at the start. Adjust final counter value for added "(" and add enough ")" at the end to finish at 0.
Here is the pseudo-code for the algorithm:
counter = 0
mini = 0
for each p in string:
if p == "(":
mini = min(counter, mini)
add -mini "(" at the start of the string
counter -= mini
add counter ")" at the end of the string

I tired to solve the problem with DP algorithm and it passed a few test cases made up by myself. Let me know if you think it's correct.
Let P(i,j) be the minimum number of edits to make string S[i..j] balanced.
When S[i] equals S[j], the number of minimum edits is obviously P(i+1,j-1)
There are a few options to make the string balanced when S[i] != S[j], but in the end we could either add '(' to the front of i or ')' at the end of j, or remove the parenthesis at i or j. In all these cases, the minimum number of edits is min{P(i+1, j), P(i, j-1)} + 1.
We therefore have below DP formula:
P(i,j) = 0 if i > j
= P(i + 1, j - 1) if S[i] matches S[j] OR S[i] and S[j] are not parenthesis
= min{P(i + 1, j), P(i, j - 1)} + 1

I would use stack to balance them efficiently. Here is python code:
def balance(s):
while i<l:
if s[i]=='(':
elif s[i]==')':
if st:
del s[i]
while st:
del s[st.pop()]
return ''.join(s)
for i in a:
print balance(list(i))

public int minInsertions(String s) {
Stack<Character> stack = new Stack<>();
int insertionsNeeded = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
char c = s.charAt(i);
if (c == '(') {
if (stack.isEmpty()) {
} else {
if (stack.peek() == ')') {
//in this case, we need to add one more ')' to get two consecutive right paren, then we could pop the one ')' and one '(' off the stack
} else {
} else if (c == ')') {
if (stack.isEmpty()) {
//in this case, we need to add one '(' before we add this ')' onto this stack
} else {
if (stack.peek() == ')') {
//in this case, we could pop the one ')' and one '(' off the stack
} else {
if (stack.isEmpty()) {
return insertionsNeeded;
} else {
while (!stack.isEmpty()) {
char pop = stack.pop();
if (pop == '(') {
insertionsNeeded += 2;
} else {
return insertionsNeeded;


How to recursively expand nested braces as cartesian product

(I deliberately removed the "Python" tag someone added so as to keep this question language-agnostic.)
I think I managed to solve this iteratively by unwinding a stack for each brace, which is a solution I'm happy with (assuming it works). But I failed to implement a single function recursion. Can someone please help? What I tried turned out too complex for me to envision, with how different scenarios for appending rather than expanding are needed depending on the relationship between the commas and braces.
Is there an elegant recursion for something like this? I would also appreciate any recommendations for other types of established parsing/language methods I could study for this kind of problem.
Problem description: given a string of letters, valid curly braces, and commas; expand the braces so that the result includes all possibilities of the substring of letters immediately to the left of the braces concatenated with each of the comma-separated substrings of letters inside the braces. Braces can be nested.
"abc{d,e}f{g,hi}" => ['abcdfg', 'abcdfhi', 'abcefg', 'abcefhi']
"abc{d{0,1},e}f{g{0{a,b},1,2},hi}" =>
['abcd0fg0a', 'abcd0fg0b', 'abcd0fg1', 'abcd0fg2', 'abcd0fhi',
'abcd1fg0a', 'abcd1fg0b', 'abcd1fg1', 'abcd1fg2', 'abcd1fhi',
'abcefg0a', 'abcefg0b', 'abcefg1', 'abcefg2', 'abcefhi']
(Hopefully working) iterative Python code:
# Brace expansion
# Example:
# input "abc{d,e}f{g,hi}"
# output ["abcdfg", "abcdfhi", "abcefg", "abcefhi"]
def f(s):
stack = []
i = 0
while i < len(s):
j = i
while s[j] not in ['{', '}', ',']:
j += 1
if s[i:j]:
i = j
if s[i] == '{':
i += 1
if s[i] == ',':
i += 1
# Unwind stack
if s[i] == '}':
# Get comma, separated elements
lst = []
while stack[-1] != '{':
lst = reversed(lst)
stack.pop() # Remove '{'
pfxs = reversed(stack.pop())
stack.append([pfx + sfx for pfx in pfxs for sfx in lst])
i += 1
# Cartesian product of stack
result = []
for i in range(1, len(stack)):
result = [pfx + sfx for pfx in stack[i-1] for sfx in stack[i]]
return result
s = "abc{d,e}f{g,hi}"
s = "abc{d{0,1},e}f{g{0{a,b},1,2},hi}"
['abcdfg', 'abcdfhi', 'abcefg', 'abcefhi']
['abcd0fg0a', 'abcd0fg0b', 'abcd0fg1', 'abcd0fg2', 'abcd0fhi',
'abcd1fg0a', 'abcd1fg0b', 'abcd1fg1', 'abcd1fg2', 'abcd1fhi',
'abcefg0a', 'abcefg0b', 'abcefg1', 'abcefg2', 'abcefhi']
To differentiate between the case where recursion is initiated by a comma or by a brace, I would suggest to pass as argument the prefixes that should be prefixed to whatever the recursive call will process.
I would also tokenize the input using a regular expression.
Here is how that would look:
import re
from itertools import product
def expand(s):
tokens = re.finditer(r"[^{},]+|.|$", s)
def recur(prefixes):
token = next(tokens).group(0) or "}"
if token == "}":
return prefixes
elif token == ",":
return prefixes + recur([""])
elif token == "{":
return recur([a + b for a, b in product(prefixes, recur([""]))])
return recur([prefix + token for prefix in prefixes])
return recur([""])
Example call:
s = "abc{d{0,1},e}f{g{0{a,b},1,2},hi}"
['abcd0fg0a', 'abcd0fg0b', 'abcd0fg1', 'abcd0fg2', 'abcd0fhi',
'abcd1fg0a', 'abcd1fg0b', 'abcd1fg1', 'abcd1fg2', 'abcd1fhi',
'abcefg0a', 'abcefg0b', 'abcefg1', 'abcefg2', 'abcefhi']
Version with input validation
If the solution should raise a controlled exception when the braces are not balanced, then extend the function to this:
def expand(s):
tokens = re.finditer(r"[^{},]+|.|$", s)
def recur(prefixes, until):
token = next(tokens).group(0)
if token == until:
return prefixes
elif token == ",":
return prefixes + recur([""], until)
elif token == "{":
return recur([a + b for a, b in product(prefixes, recur([""], "}"))], until)
elif token == "}":
raise ValueError("Unexpected closing brace")
elif token:
return recur([prefix + token for prefix in prefixes], until)
raise ValueError("Missing closing brace")
return recur([""], "")
I read "cartesian product" so of course my first reflex is to import the itertools module.
Secondly, due to the nested nature of braces, I am going to use recursion.
Thirdly, there are two things we can split the string on: commas and braces. So I am going to write two mutually recursive functions: one to expand on commas, and one to expand on braces.
Function expand_commas will attempt to split the string on commas. Function expand_braces will assume that the string does not contain commas at the upper level (that is, it could have commas hidden inside braces, but no visible commas outside of braces).
Fourthly, class str has a method .split which might have been convenient to split the strings on , and on { and }; but In can't use it, because I want the split to ignore nested characters. So I will have to write my own functions get_commas and get_braces to detect only non-nested commas and braces.
Python code
import itertools
# returns a pair of indices:
# the index of the first '{' in the string;
# the index of its matching '}'
def get_braces(s):
i = s.index('{')
j = i + 1
depth = 0
while j < len(s) and (depth > 0 or s[j] != '}'):
if s[j] == '{':
depth += 1
elif s[j] == '}':
depth -= 1
j += 1
return i,j
# returns a list of indices:
# the indices of every ',' in the string
# except ',' that are hidden inside braces
def get_commas(s):
depth = 0
commas = []
for i,c in enumerate(s):
if c == '{':
depth += 1
elif c == '}':
depth -= 1
elif depth == 0 and c == ',':
return commas
# splits on commas
# make recursive calls on substrings
# returns list of alternatives
def expand_commas(s):
commas = get_commas(s)
if commas:
return list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(expand_braces(s[i+1:j]) for i,j in zip([-1]+commas, commas+[len(s)])))
return expand_braces(s)
# assumes no commas outside of braces
# splits on first '{' and its matching '}'
# make recursive calls, return cartesian product
def expand_braces(s):
if '{' not in s:
return [s]
i,j = get_braces(s)
infixes = expand_commas(s[i+1:j])
suffixes = expand_braces(s[j+1:])
return list(''.join(p) for p in itertools.product([s[:i]], infixes, suffixes))
# balanced string
# ['abcd0fg0a', 'abcd0fg0b', 'abcd0fg1', 'abcd0fg2', 'abcd0fhi',
# 'abcd1fg0a', 'abcd1fg0b', 'abcd1fg1', 'abcd1fg2', 'abcd1fhi',
# 'abcefg0a', 'abcefg0b', 'abcefg1', 'abcefg2', 'abcefhi']
# only commas
# ['a', 'b', 'c']
# mismatched braces: missing closing brace
# ['abcd0fg0a', 'abcd0fg0b', 'abcd1fg0a', 'abcd1fg0b', 'abcefg0a', 'abcefg0b']
# ['abcd0fg0a', 'abcd0fg0b', 'abcd1fg0a', 'abcd1fg0b', 'abcefg0a', 'abcefg0b']
# mismatched braces: extra closing brace
# ['abcd}f', 'abce}f', 'g}}']
# empty braces
# ['abcd']
# empty commas
# ['abcd', 'abcd', 'abcd', 'abcd']
Thanks to trincot's brilliant insights, I was able to come up with the single recursive function I was after.
Python code:
# Returns expanded braces and the
# ending index for the processed section.
def f(s, prefixes=[''], i=0):
if i == len(s):
return prefixes, i
j = i
while j < len(s) and s[j] not in ['{', '}', ',']:
j += 1
new_prefixes = [pfx + s[i:j] for pfx in prefixes]
if j == len(s):
return new_prefixes, j
if s[j] == '}':
return new_prefixes, j + 1
if s[j] == '{':
suffixes, next_idx = f(s, [''], j + 1)
expanded = [pfx + sfx for pfx in new_prefixes for sfx in suffixes]
return f(s, expanded, next_idx)
if s[j] == ',':
words, next_idx = f(s, [''], j + 1)
return new_prefixes + words, next_idx

What is the least number of brackets you can delete to make sequence of brackets balanced

For example: we have sequence "(()(()))", then the answer is 0 (well, it is balanced brackets sequence)
Let's say that we have such sequence: "))(((", then optimal number to delete would be 5 (there is no other way to make it balanced apart from deleting all of them)
If we have such sequence: "())(()", then the answer is gonna be 2 (let's delete the third and the fourth ones)
here you are one possible solution:
start from the begin with a variable count = 0 that counts the "open" brackets and needed = 0 that are the number of brackets you need to balance
every time you find a ( add 1 to count
every time you find ):
if count == 0 then you need an open brackets before, so you do needed = needed += 1
else, decrease the number of open brackets found count = count - 1;
at the end, add the number of remaining open brackets, to the needed, because you need count final closing brackets: needed = needed + count
at the end:
count = needed = 0
for i = 0 to string.length
if string[i] == '('
count = count + 1
else if string[i] == ')'
if count == 0
needed = needed + 1
count = count - 1
return count + needed
You can push open characters into the stack and when you encounter a closed character, if the stack is not empty pop an element from the stack if balanced, else increase count. After iterating, add the remaining chars present in the stack.
private static int getCount(String input) {
char open = '(';
int charsToDelete = 0;
Stack<Character> characterStack = new Stack<>();
for (int i=0;i<input.length();i++) {
char ch = input.charAt(i);
if (ch == open) {
} else {
if (!characterStack.isEmpty()) {
char pop = characterStack.peek();
if (pop == '(') {
} else {
} else {
while (!characterStack.isEmpty()) {
return charsToDelete;

Algorithm for simple string compression

I would like to find the shortest possible encoding for a string in the following form:
abbcccc = a2b4c
[NOTE: this greedy algorithm does not guarantee shortest solution]
By remembering all previous occurrences of a character it is straight forward to find the first occurrence of a repeating string (minimal end index including all repetitions = maximal remaining string after all repetitions) and replace it with a RLE (Python3 code):
def singleRLE_v1(s):
occ = dict() # for each character remember all previous indices of occurrences
for idx,c in enumerate(s):
if not c in occ: occ[c] = []
for c_occ in occ[c]:
s_c = s[c_occ:idx]
i = 1
while s[idx+(i-1)*len(s_c) : idx+i*len(s_c)] == s_c:
i += 1
if i > 1:
rle_pars = ('(',')') if len(s_c) > 1 else ('','')
rle = ('%d'%i) + rle_pars[0] + s_c + rle_pars[1]
s_RLE = s[:c_occ] + rle + s[idx+(i-1)*len(s_c):]
return s_RLE
return s # no repeating substring found
To make it robust for iterative application we have to exclude a few cases where a RLE may not be applied (e.g. '11' or '))'), also we have to make sure the RLE is not making the string longer (which can happen with a substring of two characters occurring twice as in 'abab'):
def singleRLE(s):
"find first occurrence of a repeating substring and replace it with RLE"
occ = dict() # for each character remember all previous indices of occurrences
for idx,c in enumerate(s):
if idx>0 and s[idx-1] in '0123456789': continue # no RLE for e.g. '11' or other parts of previous inserted RLE
if c == ')': continue # no RLE for '))...)'
if not c in occ: occ[c] = []
for c_occ in occ[c]:
s_c = s[c_occ:idx]
i = 1
while s[idx+(i-1)*len(s_c) : idx+i*len(s_c)] == s_c:
i += 1
if i > 1:
print("found %d*'%s'" % (i,s_c))
rle_pars = ('(',')') if len(s_c) > 1 else ('','')
rle = ('%d'%i) + rle_pars[0] + s_c + rle_pars[1]
if len(rle) <= i*len(s_c): # in case of a tie prefer RLE
s_RLE = s[:c_occ] + rle + s[idx+(i-1)*len(s_c):]
return s_RLE
return s # no repeating substring found
Now we can safely call singleRLE on the previous output as long as we find a repeating string:
def iterativeRLE(s):
s_RLE = singleRLE(s)
while s != s_RLE:
s, s_RLE = s_RLE, singleRLE(s_RLE)
return s_RLE
With the above inserted print statements we get e.g. the following trace and result:
>>> iterativeRLE('xyabcdefdefabcdefdef')
found 2*'def'
found 2*'def'
found 2*'abc2(def)'
But this greedy algorithm fails for this input:
>>> iterativeRLE('abaaabaaabaa')
found 3*'a'
found 3*'a'
found 2*'b3a'
found 2*'a'
whereas one of the shortest solutions is 3(ab2a).
Since a greedy algorithm does not work, some search is necessary. Here is a depth first search with some pruning (if in a branch the first idx0 characters of the string are not touched, to not try to find a repeating substring within these characters; also if replacing multiple occurrences of a substring do this for all consecutive occurrencies):
def isRLE(s):
"is this a well nested RLE? (only well nested RLEs can be further nested)"
nestCnt = 0
for c in s:
if c == '(':
nestCnt += 1
elif c == ')':
if nestCnt == 0:
return False
nestCnt -= 1
return nestCnt == 0
def singleRLE_gen(s,idx0=0):
"find all occurrences of a repeating substring with first repetition not ending before index idx0 and replace each with RLE"
print("looking for repeated substrings in '%s', first rep. not ending before index %d" % (s,idx0))
occ = dict() # for each character remember all previous indices of occurrences
for idx,c in enumerate(s):
if idx>0 and s[idx-1] in '0123456789': continue # sub-RLE cannot start after number
if not c in occ: occ[c] = []
for c_occ in occ[c]:
s_c = s[c_occ:idx]
if not isRLE(s_c): continue # avoid RLEs for e.g. '))...)'
if idx+len(s_c) < idx0: continue # pruning: this substring has been tried before
if c_occ-len(s_c) >= 0 and s[c_occ-len(s_c):c_occ] == s_c: continue # pruning: always take all repetitions
i = 1
while s[idx+(i-1)*len(s_c) : idx+i*len(s_c)] == s_c:
i += 1
if i > 1:
rle_pars = ('(',')') if len(s_c) > 1 else ('','')
rle = ('%d'%i) + rle_pars[0] + s_c + rle_pars[1]
if len(rle) <= i*len(s_c): # in case of a tie prefer RLE
s_RLE = s[:c_occ] + rle + s[idx+(i-1)*len(s_c):]
#print(" replacing %d*'%s' -> %s" % (i,s_c,s_RLE))
yield s_RLE,c_occ
def iterativeRLE_depthFirstSearch(s):
shortestRLE = s
candidatesRLE = [(s,0)]
while len(candidatesRLE) > 0:
candidateRLE,idx0 = candidatesRLE.pop(0)
for rle,idx in singleRLE_gen(candidateRLE,idx0):
if len(rle) <= len(shortestRLE):
shortestRLE = rle
print("new optimum: '%s'" % shortestRLE)
return shortestRLE
Sample output:
>>> iterativeRLE_depthFirstSearch('tctttttttttttcttttttttttctttttttttttct')
looking for repeated substrings in 'tctttttttttttcttttttttttctttttttttttct', first rep. not ending before index 0
new optimum: 'tc11tcttttttttttctttttttttttct'
new optimum: '2(tctttttttttt)ctttttttttttct'
new optimum: 'tctttttttttttc2(ttttttttttct)'
looking for repeated substrings in 'tc11tcttttttttttctttttttttttct', first rep. not ending before index 2
new optimum: 'tc11tc10tctttttttttttct'
new optimum: 'tc11t2(ctttttttttt)tct'
new optimum: 'tc11tc2(ttttttttttct)'
looking for repeated substrings in 'tc5(tt)tcttttttttttctttttttttttct', first rep. not ending before index 2
new optimum: '2(tctttttttttt)c11tct'
new optimum: 'tc11tc10tc11tct'
new optimum: 'tc11t2(c10t)tct'
looking for repeated substrings in 'tc11tc2(ttttttttttct)', first rep. not ending before index 6
new optimum: 'tc11tc2(10tct)'
new optimum: '2(tc10t)c11tct'
Following is my C++ implementation to do it in-place with O(n) time complexity and O(1) space complexity.
class Solution {
int compress(vector<char>& chars) {
int n = (int)chars.size();
if(chars.empty()) return 0;
int left = 0, right = 0, currCharIndx = left;
while(right < n) {
if(chars[currCharIndx] != chars[right]) {
int len = right - currCharIndx;
chars[left++] = chars[currCharIndx];
if(len > 1) {
string freq = to_string(len);
for(int i = 0; i < (int)freq.length(); i++) {
chars[left++] = freq[i];
currCharIndx = right;
int len = right - currCharIndx;
chars[left++] = chars[currCharIndx];
if(len > 1) {
string freq = to_string(len);
for(int i = 0; i < freq.length(); i++) {
chars[left++] = freq[i];
return left;
You need to keep track of three pointers - right is to iterate, currCharIndx is to keep track the first position of current character and left is to keep track the write position of the compressed string.

Remove redundant parentheses from an arithmetic expression

This is an interview question, for which I did not find any satisfactory answers on stackoverflow or outside. Problem statement:
Given an arithmetic expression, remove redundant parentheses. E.g.
((a*b)+c) should become a*b+c
I can think of an obvious way of converting the infix expression to post fix and converting it back to infix - but is there a better way to do this?
A pair of parentheses is necessary if and only if they enclose an unparenthesized expression of the form X % X % ... % X where X are either parenthesized expressions or atoms, and % are binary operators, and if at least one of the operators % has lower precedence than an operator attached directly to the parenthesized expression on either side of it; or if it is the whole expression. So e.g. in
q * (a * b * c * d) + c
the surrounding operators are {+, *} and the lowest precedence operator inside the parentheses is *, so the parentheses are unnecessary. On the other hand, in
q * (a * b + c * d) + c
there is a lower precedence operator + inside the parentheses than the surrounding operator *, so they are necessary. However, in
z * q + (a * b + c * d) + c
the parentheses are not necessary because the outer * is not attached to the parenthesized expression.
Why this is true is that if all the operators inside an expression (X % X % ... % X) have higher priority than a surrounding operator, then the inner operators are anyway calculated out first even if the parentheses are removed.
So, you can check any pair of matching parentheses directly for redundancy by this algorithm:
Let L be operator immediately left of the left parenthesis, or nil
Let R be operator immediately right of the right parenthesis, or nil
If L is nil and R is nil:
Scan the unparenthesized operators between the parentheses
Let X be the lowest priority operator
If X has lower priority than L or R:
Not redundant
You can iterate this, removing redundant pairs until all remaining pairs are non-redundant.
((a * b) + c * (e + f))
(Processing pairs from left to right):
((a * b) + c * (e + f)) L = nil R = nil --> Redundant
^ ^
(a * b) + c * (e + f) L = nil R = nil --> Redundant
^ ^ L = nil R = + X = * --> Redundant
a * b + c * (e + f) L = * R = nil X = + --> Not redundant
^ ^
Final result:
a * b + c * (e + f)
I just figured out an answer:
the premises are:
1. the expression has been tokenized
2. no syntax error
3. there are only binary operators
list of the tokens, for example:
(, (, a, *, b, ), +, c, )
set of the redundant parentheses pairs (the orders of the pairs are not important),
for example,
0, 8
1, 5
please be aware of that : the set is not unique, for instance, ((a+b))*c, we can remove outer parentheses or inner one, but the final expression is unique
the data structure:
a stack, each item records information in each parenthese pair
the struct is:
left_pa: records the position of the left parenthese
min_op: records the operator in the parentheses with minimum priority
left_op: records current operator
the algorithm
1.push one empty item in the stack
2.scan the token list
2.1 if the token is operand, ignore
2.2 if the token is operator, records the operator in the left_op,
if min_op is nil, set the min_op = this operator, if the min_op
is not nil, compare the min_op with this operator, set min_op as
one of the two operators with less priority
2.3 if the token is left parenthese, push one item in the stack,
with left_pa = position of the parenthese
2.4 if the token is right parenthese,
2.4.1 we have the pair of the parentheses(left_pa and the
right parenthese)
2.4.2 pop the item
2.4.3 pre-read next token, if it is an operator, set it
as right operator
2.4.4 compare min_op of the item with left_op and right operator
(if any of them exists), we can easily get to know if the pair
of the parentheses is redundant, and output it(if the min_op
< any of left_op and right operator, the parentheses are necessary,
if min_op = left_op, the parentheses are necessary, otherwise
2.4.5 if there is no left_op and no right operator(which also means
min_op = nil) and the stack is not empty, set the min_op of top
item as the min_op of the popped-up item
example one
after scanning to b, we have stack:
index left_pa min_op left_op
1 0
2 1 * * <-stack top
now we meet the first ')'(at pos 5), we pop the item
left_pa = 1
min_op = *
left_op = *
and pre-read operator '+', since min_op priority '*' > '+', so the pair(1,5) is redundant, so output it.
then scan till we meet last ')', at the moment, we have stack
index left_pa min_op left_op
1 0 + +
we pop this item(since we meet ')' at pos 8), and pre-read next operator, since there is no operator and at index 0, there is no left_op, so output the pair(0, 8)
example two
when we meet the ')', the stack is like:
index left_pa min_op left_op
0 * *
1 2 + +
now, we pop the item at index = 1, compare the min_op '+' with the left_op '*' at index 0, we can find out the '(',')' are necessary
This solutions works if the expression is a valid. We need mapping of the operators to priority values.
a. Traverse from two ends of the array to figure out matching parenthesis from both ends.
Let the indexes be i and j respectively.
b. Now traverse from i to j and find out the lowest precedence operator which is not contained inside any parentheses.
c. Compare the priority of this operator with the operators to left of open parenthesis and right of closing parenthesis. If no such operator exists, treat its priority as -1. If the priority of the operator is higher than these two, remove the parenthesis at i and j.
d. Continue the steps a to c until i<=j.
Push one empty item in the stack
Scan the token list
2.1 if the token is operand, ignore.
2.2 if the token is operator, records the operator in the left_op,
if min_op is nil, set the min_op = this operator, if the min_op
is not nil, compare the min_op with this operator, set min_op as
one of the two operators with less priority.
2.3 if the token is left parenthese, push one item in the stack,
with left_pa = position of the parenthesis.
2.4 if the token is right parenthesis:
2.4.1 we have the pair of the parentheses(left_pa and the
right parenthesis)
2.4.2 pop the item
2.4.3 pre-read next token, if it is an operator, set it
as right operator
2.4.4 compare min_op of the item with left_op and right operator
(if any of them exists), we can easily get to know if the pair
of the parentheses is redundant, and output it(if the min_op
< any of left_op and right operator, the parentheses are necessary,
if min_op = left_op, the parentheses are necessary, otherwise
2.4.5 if there is no left_op and no right operator(which also means
min_op = nil) and the stack is not empty, set the min_op of top
item as the min_op of the popped-up item
The code below implements a straightforward solution. It is limited to +, -, *, and /, but it can be extended to handle other operators if needed.
#include <iostream>
#include <set>
#include <stack>
int loc;
std::string parser(std::string input, int _loc) {
std::set<char> support = {'+', '-', '*', '/'};
std::string expi;
std::set<char> op;
loc = _loc;
while (true) {
if (input[loc] == '(') {
expi += parser(input, loc + 1);
} else if (input[loc] == ')') {
if ((input[loc + 1] != '*') && (input[loc + 1] != '/')) {
return expi;
} else {
if ((op.find('+') == op.end()) && (op.find('-') == op.end())) {
return expi;
} else {
return '(' + expi + ')';
} else {
char temp = input[loc];
expi = expi + temp;
if (support.find(temp) != support.end()) {
if (loc >= input.size()) {
return expi;
int main() {
std::string input("(((a)+((b*c)))+(d*(f*g)))");
std::cout << parser(input, 0);
return 0;
I coded it previously in This doesn't have some errors in other answers.
(6 / (-2454) ** (((234)))) + (-5435) --> 6 / (-2454) ** 234 + (-5435)
const format = expression => {
var change = [], result = expression.replace(/ /g, "").replace(/\*\*/g, "^"), _count;
function replace(index, string){result = result.slice(0, index) + string + result.slice(index + 1)}
function add(index, string){result = result.slice(0, index) + string + result.slice(index)}
for (var count = 0; count < result.length; count++){
if (result[count] == "-"){
if ("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890)".includes(result[count - 1])){
}else if (result[count - 1] != "("){
add(count, "(");
_count = count + 1;
while ("1234567890.".includes(result[_count])) _count++;
if (_count < result.length - 1){
add(_count, ")");
add(_count + 2, ")");
change = change.sort(function(a, b){return a - b});
const len = change.length;
for (var count = 0; count < len; count++){replace(change[0] + count * 2, " - "); change.shift()}
return result.replace(/\*/g, " * ").replace(/\^/g, " ** ").replace(/\//g, " / ").replace(/\+/g, " + ");
const trim = expression => {
var result = format(expression).replace(/ /g, "").replace(/\*\*/g, "^"), deleting = [];
const brackets = bracket_pairs(result);
function bracket_pairs(){
function findcbracket(str, pos){
const rExp = /\(|\)/g;
rExp.lastIndex = pos + 1;
var depth = 1;
while ((pos = rExp.exec(str))) if (!(depth += str[pos.index] == "(" ? 1 : -1 )) {return pos.index}
function occurences(searchStr, str){
var startIndex = 0, index, indices = [];
while ((index = str.indexOf(searchStr, startIndex)) > -1){
startIndex = index + 1;
return indices;
const obrackets = occurences("(", result);
var cbrackets = [];
for (var count = 0; count < obrackets.length; count++) cbrackets.push(findcbracket(result, obrackets[count]));
return, i) => [e, cbrackets[i]]);
function remove(deleting){
function _remove(index){result = result.slice(0, index) + result.slice(index + 1)}
const len = deleting.length;
var deleting = deleting.sort(function(a, b){return a - b});
for (var count = 0; count < len; count++){
_remove(deleting[0] - count);
function precedence(operator, position){
if (!"^/*-+".includes(operator)) return "^/*-+";
if (position == "l" || position == "w") return {"^": "^", "/": "^", "*": "^/*", "-": "^/*", "+": "^/*-+"}[operator];
if (position == "r") return {"^": "^", "/": "^/*", "*": "^/*", "-": "^/*-+", "+": "^/*-+"}[operator];
function strip_bracket(string){
var result = "", level = 0;
for (var count = 0; count < string.length; count++){
if (string.charAt(count) == "(") level++;
if (level == 0) result += string.charAt(count);
if (string.charAt(count) == ")") level--;
return result.replace(/\s{2,}/g, " ");
for (var count = 0; count < brackets.length; count++){
const pair = brackets[count];
if (result[pair[0] - 1] == "(" && result[pair[1] + 1] == ")"){
const left = precedence(result[pair[0] - 1], "l"), right = precedence(result[pair[1] + 1], "r");
var contents = strip_bracket(result.slice(pair[0] + 1, pair[1])), within = "+";
for (var _count = 0; _count < contents.length; _count++) if (precedence(contents[_count], "w").length < precedence(within, "w").length) within = contents[_count];
if (/^[0-9]+$/g.test(contents) || contents == ""){
if (left.includes(within) && right.includes(within)){
if (!isNaN(result.slice(pair[0] + 1, pair[1]))){
if (Number(result.slice(pair[0] + 1, pair[1])) >= 0 && !"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890".includes(result[pair[0] - 1])) deleting.push(...pair);
}else if (!"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890".includes(result[pair[0] - 1])) deleting.push(...pair);
result = format(result);
return result;
<input id="input">
<button onclick="document.getElementById('result').innerHTML = trim(document.getElementById('input').value)">Remove and format</button>
<div id="result"></div>
I think that you are looking for kind of algorithm as seen in the following photo.
This algorithm is "almost" ready, since a lot of bugs arise once the more complex it becomes, the more complicated it gets. The way I work on this thing, is 'build-and-write-code-on-the-fly', which means that for up to 4 parentheses, things are easy. But after the expression goes more complex, there are things that I cannot predict while writing down thoughts on paper. And there comes the compiler to tell me what to correct. It would not be a lie if I state that it is not me to have written the algorithm, but the (C#) compiler instead! So far, it took me 1400 lines. It is not that the commands were difficult to write. It was their arrangement that was a real puzzle. This program you are looking for, is characterized by a really high grade of complexity. Well, if you need any primary ideas, please let me know and I will reply. Thanx!

native string matching algorithm

Following is a very famous question in native string matching. Please can someone explain me the answer.
Suppose that all characters in the pattern P are different. Show how to accelerate NAIVE-STRING MATCHER to run in time O(n) on an n-character text T.
The basic idea:
Iterate through the input and the pattern at the same time, comparing their characters to each other
Whenever you get a non-matching character between the two, you can just reset the pattern position and keep the input position as is
This works because the pattern characters are all different, which means that whenever you have a partial match, there can be no other match overlapping with that, so we can just start looking from the end of the partial match.
Here's some pseudo-code that shouldn't be too difficult to understand:
pPos = 0
iPos = 0
while iPos < n
if pPos == k
if pattern[pPos] == input[iPos]
// if pPos is already 0, we need to increase iPos,
// otherwise we just keep comparing the same characters
if pPos == 0
pPos = 0
It's easy to see that iPos increases at least every second loop, thus there can be at most 2n loop runs, making the running time O(n).
When T[i] and P[j] mismatches in NAIVE-STRING-MATCHER, we can skip all characters before T[i] and begin new matching from T[i + 1] with P[1].
1 n length[T]
2 m length[P]
3 for s 0 to n - m
4 do if P[1 . . m] = T[s + 1 . . s + m]
5 then print "Pattern occurs with shift" s
Naive string search algorithm implementations in Python 2.7:
In the middle of implementing Boyer-Moore's string search algorithm, I decided to play with my original naive search algorithm. It's implemented as an instance method that takes a string to be searched. The object has an attribute 'pattern' which is the pattern to match.
1) Here is the original version of the search method, using a double for-loop.
Makes calls to range and len
def search(self, string):
for i in range(len(string)):
for j in range(len(self.pattern)):
if string[i+j] != self.pattern[j]:
elif j == len(self.pattern) - 1:
return i
return -1
2) Here is the second version, using a double while-loop instead.
Slightly faster, not making calls to range
def search(self, string):
i = 0
while i < len(string):
j = 0
while j < len(self.pattern) and self.pattern[j] == string[i+j]:
j += 1
if j == len(self.pattern):
return i
i += 1
return -1
3) Here is the original, replacing range with xrange.
Faster than both of the previous two.
def search(self, string):
for i in xrange(len(string)):
for j in xrange(len(self.pattern)):
if string[i+j] != self.pattern[j]:
elif j == len(self.pattern) - 1:
return i
return -1
4) Storing values in local variables = win! With the double while loop, this is the fastest.
def search(self, string):
len_pat = len(self.pattern)
len_str = len(string)
i = 0
while i < len_str:
j = 0
while j < len_pat and self.pattern[j] == string[i+j]:
j += 1
if j == len_pat:
return i
i += 1
return -1
