- how do I update Xwiki via Jelastic? - jelastic

This is directed at support team: I'd liek to update the version of XWiki from 6.0 to the latest version but I don't know how to. I think you guys might have to update your repository. Could you please let me know if this is possible?
Thank you,

On the official Xwiki site is provided good instructions. You can find it by the following link -
I have easy upgraded my Xwiki version from the 6.0.1 to the 6.4.2 (


Does Sphinx have a feature to compare versions of documentation? [duplicate]

Like the documentation of python or django, how do I have multiple versions of my doc with sphinx ?
I saved my doc on git, and I want my user to be able to see documentation for different version like v2.7,v3.4, etc
Thank you for the help
You could just use Read The Docs to host your documentation for you. They automatically handle multiple versions with a dropdown:
If you'd like to host your own documentation on GitHub Pages or some other web server, I made a Sphinx extension that does what you're looking for:
There's the sphinx-multiversion extension.
It's similar to sphinxcontrib-versioning, but sphinxcontrib-versioning doesn't seem to be actively maintained. The last release was in 2016, and it doesn't work with more recent versions of Sphinx (issue #77). sphinx-multiversion is a new implementation (see comment by the author).
Note on healthiness of the project: as of December 2020, it seems that SMV is a one-person project and there are a number of open issues and pull requests that haven't been responded to (though see this comment by the author).

How to use the new feature Presence?

As Phoenixframework verison 1.2 has not yet released, I am searching for any examples about using the new feature of Presence using 1.2rc1
How to detect if a user has turned into offline? to get his current connection status? online or offline?
Any help is appreciated!
The Phoenix.Presence docs are available here:
You can always follow the hexdocs convention of<package>/<version>/<module>.html to find what you need.
Hope this helps!

Google Drive API - PHP Deprecated version

I found the Quickstart guide to run a drive APP in PHP,, but the example script is not working, because the new Github version has a different structure.
Where can I find the updated version of the example for the same purposes?
Or is there a similar one, for that exact github version (google-api-php-client-master)
I would love to create and edit google doc files.
Thanks a lot.

Upgrading Sharp Architecture from 1.9.6 to 2.0.x

I have an existing ASP.NET MVC3 site that has been built with Sharp Architecture 1.9.6 and I'd like to upgrade to 2.0.4.
I've used NuGet to: Update-Package sharp-architecture. Obviously there are a number of compile I've been trying to update the references using the version history as a rough guide.
Unfortunately, it hasn't helped all that much since namespaces like SharpArch.Infrastructure seem to have disappeared somewhere between 2.0.0 --> 2.0.4 which is odd because I thought they used Semantic Versioning... but anyway...
I've been searching the interwebs for a guide on how to upgrade and I haven't come across anything helpful. Even reading through the sharp architecture blog hasn't helped me with this problem...
So does anyone know if there is a guide for how to upgrade to version 2.0.x? Surely it must be possible. Or is one expected to start a new site using Templify?

Need help with CodeIgniter v2.0.2

I'm new to CI. Anyone could help to the latest version of CI. most of the Tutorial is for last version and it didn't work for the latest version. please help.
You can still get started using what's availabe for 1.7, if you pay attention to how file structure changed between the two versions (ie the System and Application directories are now separate). To that, many of the tuts you'll find are applicable - bearing in mind that the paths may differ, and you'll want to verify that the functions are still supported in 2.0 by use of the User's Guide).
If you walked through the tut in your link, using the Models, Views, Controllers directories inside Application, you'd get a "Hello World" page.
The User's Guide is a great tool, as are the Community Forums.
Best of luck to you.
I recently migrated a site using CodeIgniter from 1.7 to 2.0. - I found the following link to be very useful:
