Joomla - page visible only if registered user first visit - joomla

I would like that a page appear only one time for each registered user. (For each user that is logged and access to the page) the second time the page is no longer visible.


Design recommendations for Xamarin Forms Login scenario

I am looking for some best practice advice. I have a mobile application that has 4 functional elements. Out of the 4 only 1 requires the user to be authenticated.
For the authentication I have built a login page. So first I am checking if an application level property is setup. If that is true then the app does not need authentication. If that is not set I am loading a login form hosted on a content page.
The login page/ form has a backing ViewModel.
The PROBLEM I am trying to solve is that after the user has logged in from the login page and navigates to the next page, the back button takes user back to the login page.
The scenario I would like is that when user reaches a specific page, from that page back should go back to another page not the login page.
MainPage --> Login --> Dashboard
Dashboard(Back) --> Login (Not desired)
Dashboard(Back) --> MainPage (Desired)
Can somebody please help with this? I am looking for some guidance.

Ruby Padrino - Back button functionality

I am having difficulty with logging in and the functionality of the back and forward buttons associated with a user who is logged in. When I log into the application from the login page I am directed to a page (lets call it logged_home). If I press the back button I am returned to the login page. If I then press forward I am redirected to the "logged_home" page. The desired outcome when pressing the forward button at this point would be that the logged session is destroyed and if the person presses the forward button it remains or redirects back to itself i.e. login.
I have tried a number of approaches including clearing cache and destroying the session but havent found a workable approach as yet. In detail I have tried to instigate a session destroy every time the login page is loaded but it doesnt seem to work as intended. Any guidance would be appreciated.

How to avoid page refreshing when i click the back button

Am using struts2 to create login and logout functionality, when user login i will create the session for him,by using interceptor i will filter all users if they are in session or not if the session not created i will redirect the page to problem is once i done logout that will redirect to the login page but when user click browser back button the page will get refreshed and again that will login ,,,,,,could anybody help me out from this problem
Thanks in advance
When you click "<-" button on browser the browser renders the page from its cache. So server does not know if you have click back button. In your case when user clicks back button, page is loaded from cache but it does not mean that session is again created for that user as logged in. When user will click on any authorized link on that page, your server side code will check that user has no valid session and login page will be returned.
Solution: However if you do not want user to get cached page then you can load a script say checkLogin.js for every page in your site. This script should be executed on load event of the pages. When user logs out, set a variable in cookie indicating that user has logged out. When user clicks back button then that script will be executed. That script will check, using the mentioned cookie variable, if user has logged out. If user had logged out then redirect to login page using javascript.
To avoid that refreshing i have redirect my page to menu after loginsuccess not forward i have escaped from that ghost problem
use like this in ur struts.xml
<result name= success" type="redirect">Menu.jsp</result>
thanks for all

controlling where registered users land on login in Joomla

I am not quite a novice yet in Joomla but I am working my way up to that level of expertise!
I have never used Joomla and I have a friend who's asked if I can help with their website.
Basically, they have a members area which registered users can access however, when a registered user logs in, they see the default home page for the website instead of the members home page which they have created specifically for the members.
What is the simplest way to redirect users on login to go to the members home page instead of the default public home page?
They currently have a menu item which is called "Member Login" which is of type "User >> Login" which has an Access level of "Public" - I have set the variable "Login Redirection URL" as follows:
I have also tried configuring the module mod_login by setting the Login Redirection Page as follows:
But neither of these have changed the login behaviour.
The Article I am redirecting to is "Members Home Page" - This page has an Access level of "Registered"
Any help would be wonderful?
Assuming that you are using Joomla 2.5, then there are parameters you can set in the menu item to determine where a user is redirected to on login and logout. You just put the appropriate URL in the field and your done.
From what you are describing, the site is most likely J1.5. The User > Login menu also has the same redirect parameters, so you can still fill those in. However, I would HIGHLY recommend upgrading the site to at least J2.5 before the site gets hacked.

How to ask the user to add the logged in details after some time

In my website i want to implement the functionality of re-login after the page sits idle for some time. I mean when user opens the page and left the page for some time and doing some other work. when the user comes again i need to again ask the credentials of the user. How can it be done.
Your have to check session on all pages or other options is use Membership
