Send user ID from browser to websocket server while opening connection - websocket

Before asking this question, I did my best by reading severel
questions on SO (tagged Ratchet and dealing with similar issues but to
no avail. I even asked a question which received no attention and I
therefore deleted it to write another one (that hopefully is more
My final goal is to build a one-to-one private chat application using Ratchet. Everything is working fine except that I can't send message to a specific user.
Every logged in user connects to the websocket server while accessing secured area of website:
$(document).ready(function() {
var conn = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:8080');
conn.onopen = function(e) {
console.log("Connection established!");
// Here I need to send the logged in user_id to websocket server
// and get it in onOpen method so that I can index my array
// of connections with user_id instead of
//$connection->ResourceId, I explain more below
conn.onmessage = function(e) {
When a user writes a message in the chat box, the message is sent via AJAX to web server then pushed to Websocket using ZeroMQ. In the controller:
// Persistence of Message(message_id, sender_id, receiver_id, message_text)
$context = new \ZMQContext();
$socket = $context->getSocket(\ZMQ::SOCKET_PUSH, 'my pusher');
$pushData = array(
'receiver_id' => $receiver_id,
'sender_id' => $user->getId(),
'message' => $message->getMessageText(),
So at the end, my websocket server is able to know which is the id of receiver using the JSON. But how will he know which is the connection of that user? In other words, I need to store websocket connections in an array that is indexed by the user id.
namespace RealTime;
use Ratchet\MessageComponentInterface;
use Ratchet\ConnectionInterface;
use Ratchet\Wamp\WampServerInterface;
class Pusher implements WampServerInterface, MessageComponentInterface{
private $clients;
public function onOpen(ConnectionInterface $conn) {
$this->clients[$conn->resourceId] = $conn;
// I need here to get the user_id received from browser while opening connection
public function onMessageEntry($entry) {
$entryData = json_decode($entry, true);
//This is not what I need (It sends to all users in array)
foreach ($this->clients as $key => $client) {
public function onMessage(ConnectionInterface $from, $msg) {
echo $msg;
And the websocket server:
require dirname(__DIR__) . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use RealTime\Pusher;
$loop = React\EventLoop\Factory::create();
$pusher = new Pusher;
$context = new React\ZMQ\Context($loop);
$pull = $context->getSocket(ZMQ::SOCKET_PULL);
$pull->on('message', array($pusher, 'onMessageEntry'));
$webSock = new React\Socket\Server($loop);
$webSock->listen(8080, '');
$webServer = new Ratchet\Server\IoServer(
new Ratchet\Http\HttpServer(
new Ratchet\WebSocket\WsServer(
new Ratchet\Wamp\WampServer(
How to send the logged in user_id from client side while opening connection.I need to have the value in websocket server so that I can index my array of clients with it ($client[user_id]=$conn instead of $client[recourceId]=$conn). I tried the javascript function send but I don't know where to receive the sent data (even onMessage is not printing anything).
Why the onMessage method is not executing even MessageComponentInterface implemented (Is it because I have onMessageEntry method + $pull->on('message', array($pusher, 'onMessageEntry')); line of code?
Thank you.

Actually on my last try, I gave up on PHP WebSocket (it was so complicated to make this work) and started using SocketIO with nodeJS that solved my entire problem and could give me a functionnal simple Chat system.

This is what I found and any suggestions to enhance this solution are welcome.
One can use the Ratchet SessionProvider. This will require using one of the Symfony Custom Session handlers as indicated. I use in the following code the PdoSessionHandler.
require dirname(__DIR__) . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use YourDirectory\Pusher;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Storage\Handler;
use \Ratchet\Session\SessionProvider;
$pusher = new Pusher;
$pdo = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=community', 'root', null);
//This info is related to you db
$dbOptions = array(
'db_table' => 'session',
'db_id_col' => 'sess_id',
'db_data_col' => 'sess_data',
'db_time_col' => 'sess_time',);
$loop = \React\EventLoop\Factory::create();
$context = new \React\ZMQ\Context($loop);
$pull = $context->getSocket(\ZMQ::SOCKET_PULL);
$pull->on('message', array($pusher, 'onMessageEntry'));
$webSock = new React\Socket\Server($loop);
$webSock->listen(8080, ''); // Binding to means remotes can connect
$webServer = new Ratchet\Server\IoServer(
new Ratchet\Http\HttpServer(
new Ratchet\WebSocket\WsServer(
new SessionProvider(
new Ratchet\Wamp\WampServer(
),new Handler\PdoSessionHandler($pdo,$dbOptions)
Then my stub class will become:
public function onOpen(ConnectionInterface $conn) {
$this->clients[$conn->Session->get('current_user_id')] = $conn;
public function onMessageEntry($entry) {
$entryData = json_decode($entry, true);
But before, I have added the user id to the session in Web server (in the controller that returns the initial page)
$user = $this->getUser();
$request->getSession()->set('current_user_id', $user->getId());
Moving to PdoSessionHandler can be done by implementing this (Symfony).
I still can't answer 2 but all the logic that can be put onMessage is now moved to onMessageEntry which satisfies temporarly the needs.

As an alternative way to make the association between your clientConnection and his ID you need to send a message using websockets just after opening the connection to your websocket server this message will contain your user id you will use it to index his connection object by his ID in your array.
For the second question as I know the default websocket implementation is not working properly specialy with pubsub protocol you need to use a websocket library for that I suggest to use AutobahnJS it's a good websocket library with a lot of wonderfull features.


Return Image as http-response from Listener Symfony2

This listener sends me reports on all kinds of exceptions that occur on the website. Sometimes I get reports of images that have been deleted but are still consulted by search engines and others.
I want to do, instead of displaying an error message " 404 Not Found " return the correct image. To do this I created a database table that stores the old links and new links of the images that have been deleted, moved or changed its name.
then, this listener find in db the links to fallen and gets the new links of images . The goal is to return the image as http-response with header content-type as image.
My code is:
class ExceptionListener
private $service_container;
private $router;
function __construct(Container $service_container, $router){
$this->service_container = $service_container;
$this->router = $router;
public function onKernelException(GetResponseForExceptionEvent $event){
$exception = $event->getException();
$request = $this->service_container->get('request');
$document_root = $request->server->get('DOCUMENT_ROOT');
$filename = realpath($document_root . '/'. '/path/to/new_image.jpg');
$response = new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response();
$response->headers->set('Content-type', 'image/jpeg');
$response->headers->set('Content-Disposition', 'inline; filename="' . basename($filename) . '";');
$response->headers->set('Content-length', filesize($filename));
return $response;
The following error occurs:
In the browser you can see a small box , it is as if trying to show the image but the image source could not be obtained . But if the same code is testing on controller , its working properly and the image is displayed .
What can I do to return image from a listener ? thanks
There's few things wrong about the code snippet from your question.
Firstly, you should never use the request service. It's deprecated since Symfony 2.4 and was removed in Symfony 3.0. Use the request stack (request_stack) instead.
Secondly, do not send the response yourself, but let the framework do it. Symfony events system is designed for flexibility (see the docs). In your case it's enough to set the response on the event object.
Finally, you don't need the service container to access the request at all, as it's available on the event.
Moreover, instead of the standard Response class you can use the BinaryFileResponse. It's purpose is to serve files (have a look at the docs).
You can greatly simplify your listener:
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\BinaryFileResponse;
class ExceptionListener
private $router;
function __construct($router)
$this->router = $router;
public function onKernelException(GetResponseForExceptionEvent $event)
$exception = $event->getException();
// request is avialable on the event
$request = $event->getRequest();
// ...
$file = 'path/to/file.txt';
$response = new BinaryFileResponse($file);
// ... set response parameters ...
// finally, set the response on your event

connected users' list in sails socket

i've currently started using sailsJS with angularJs at frontend alognwith socket for realtime communiction.
Sailsjs gives built-in support to websocket through "".On client side after adding this library this code is added to angular's chat controller.
Client side code
chatController's action on sails side is like this.
Server side code
chat: function (req, res) {
//this gives true when called through client.
infact very new to sails so i want suggestion that how to maintain connected user's list because m not using redis as storage purpose.adapter is memory.array is not a good idea because it'll vanish when restart a server.m using sails version of 0.11.0.
thanx in advance.
I'm somewhat new but learning fast, these suggestions should get you there unless someone else responds with greatness...
They changed it in 11 but in 10.5 I use sockets.js in config folder and on connect I store the session data in an array with their socket.
I created a service in APIs/service that contains the array and socket associate function.
For v11 you can't do that exactly the same, but you can make your first 'hello' from the client call a function in a controller that calls the associate function.
A couple tips would be don't let the client just tell you who they are, as in don't just take the username from the params but get it from req.session
(This assumes you have user auth setup)
In my case I have
in api/services/Z.js (putting the file here makes it's functions globally accessible)
var socketList = [];
module.exports = {
associateSocket: function(session, socket) { // send in your username(string) socket(object) id(mongoId) and this will push to the socketlist for lookups
sails.log.debug("associate socket called!",socketList.length)
var iHateYou = socketList
var sList = socketList
var util = require('util')
if (session.authenticated){
var username = session.user.auth.username
var userId =
// sails.log.debug("Z: associating new user!",username,userId,socket)
if (username && socket && userId) {
sList[sList.length]= {
username: session.user.auth.username,
socket: socket,
sails.log.debug('push run!!! currentsocketList length',socketList.length)
} else sails.log("Z.associateSocket called with invalid data", username, userId, authId, socket)
}else{sails.log.warn("Z.associateSocket: a socket attempted to associate itself without being logged in")}
in my config/sockets.js
onConnect: function(session, socket) {
if (session.user && session.user.auth){
sails.log("config/sockets.js: "+session.user.auth.username+" CONNECT! session:",session)
}else sails.log.warn('connect called on socket without an auth, the client thinks it already has a session, so we need to fix this')
// By default, do nothing.
Then you can make add some functions to your services file to do lookups based on username and passwords, remove sockets that are disconnecting and the like (I'm using waterlock for my auth at the moment, although debating the switch back to sails-generate-auth)
Remove your onConnect and dicconnect function from config/sockets.js.

spring websocket notification

Ok here i'm , i'm right now following the guides on spring site but i'm having problem on how to deliver a notification to only one user using WebSocket, i'm following this guide .
What I want is: i have 2 users, both of them subscribe to process1... User1 need to let the server process his i want that the server will deliver the notification only to User1...
public class ProcessController {
public String notifica(#DestinationVariable String pass)throws Exception{
return "ok"+pass;
Now what should i write in the #SendTo field to deliver the answer only to user1 ? if ill write /Process/process1 both user1 and user2 will receive the message....
You ca use the sufix. It's send to every unique client.
When you subscribe in the js code:
client.connect('guest', 'guest', function(frame) {
var suffix = frame.headers['queue-suffix'];
client.subscribe("/queue/error" + suffix, function(msg) {
// handle error
client.subscribe("/queue/position-updates" + suffix, function(msg) {
// handle position update
On the server side you can use #ReplyToUser or the message template
String user = "fabrice";
String queue = "/queue/position-updates";
this.messagingTemplate.convertAndSendToUser(user, queue, position);
See more here: (section: Sending Messages To a Single User)

Sailsjs Session access during custom onConnect in

I'm trying to group all my connection into groups.
I want 1 group for each sails.js session.
My first goal is authentificate all tabs in a same time.
So I tried to do this with onConnect in config/sockets.js like that :
onConnect: function(session, socket) {
// By default: do nothing
// This is a good place to subscribe a new socket to a room, inform other users that
// someone new has come online, or any other custom logic
if (typeof session.socket == 'undefined'){
session.socket = [];
console.log(session, socket);
// This custom onDisconnect function will be run each time a socket disconnects
onDisconnect: function(session, socket) {
// By default: do nothing
// This is a good place to broadcast a disconnect message, or any other custom logic
var i = session.socket.indexOf(;
if(i != -1) {
session.socket.splice(i, 1);;
console.log(session, socket);
But I realize that session doesn't save my modifications.
I tried a but sailsjs doesn't know req !
Session.set(sessionKey, req.session, function (err) {
I want to access to sails.js sesion but I don't know how to do it.
I tried to search a solution but now, after 6 hours of search I think it's time to requiered some help !
Thanks and sorry for my poor english (I'm french).
There appears to be a bug in the implementation of onConnect and onDisconnect in Sails v0.9.x. You can work around it for now by adding the following line before a call to in those methods:
global.req = {}; global.req.session = session;
then changing to:{delete global.req;});
That will provide the missing req var as a global, and then delete the global (for safety) after the session is saved.
Note that this issue only affects sessions in the onConnect and onDisconnect methods; inside of controller code should work fine.
Thanks for pointing this out!

Writing Logs from Console Shell

I have been using CakePHP 2.4.4 to build the interactive web part of my app and that is going very well. CakePHP is awesome.
I am now doing some supporting background processes. The Console and Shell seems to be the way to do it as it has access to the Models.
I have written the code and have it working but I am trying to write to the same log that I use for the Models. In the models I have an afterSave function to log all the database changes and I just used the $this->log("$model $logEntry", 'info'); to write to the log.
That doesn't work in the Shell but I thought the CakeLog::write('info', "$model $logEntry"); might work but it doesn't either.
Do I need to initialise the CakeLog to point to the correct log files?
App::uses('CakeTime', 'Utility');
App::uses('CakeLog', 'Utility');
class ProcessRequestShell extends AppShell {
//Need to access the request and monitor tables
public $uses = array('Request');
private function updateRequest($data){
$model = 'Request';
$result = $this->Request->save($data);
$logEntry = "UPDATE ProcessRequestShell ";
foreach ($data[$model] AS $k => $v){$logEntry .= "$k='$v' ";}
if ($result){
//$this->log("$model $logEntry", 'info');
CakeLog::write('info', "$model $logEntry");
} else {
//$this->log("$model FAILED $logEntry", 'error');
CakeLog::write('error', "$model FAILED $logEntry");
public function main() {
$options = array('conditions' => array('state' => 0, 'next_state' => 1));
$this->Request->recursive = 0;
$requests = $this->Request->find('all', $options);
//See if the apply_changes_on date/time is past
foreach ($requests AS $request){
$this->out("Updating request ".$request['Request']['id'], 1, Shell::NORMAL);
//Update the next_state to "ready"
$request['Request']['state'] = 1;
$request['Request']['next_state'] = 2;
Did you set up a default listener/scope for those log types?
If not, they will not get logged.
// Setup a 'default' cache configuration for use in the application.
Cache::config('default', array('engine' => 'File'));
In your bootstrap.php for example
You need to setup default log stream writing to file, eventually, in app/Config/bootstrap.php.
CakeLog does not auto-configure itself anymore. As a result log files
will not be auto-created anymore if no stream is listening. Make sure
you got at least one default stream set up, if you want to listen to
all types and levels. Usually, you can just set the core FileLog class
to output into app/tmp/logs/:
CakeLog::config('default', array(
'engine' => 'File'
See Logging → Writing to logs section of the CookBook 2.x
