Kaltura Adding new APIs to Kaltura CE - kaltura

I am very new to Kaltura CE and want to understand different technologies used in Kaltura CE, I have Kaltura Single Server setup and able to use it. In case if I want to do any modification to APIs or add any new APIs, what all things I need to do?
For that I want to understand is all technologies that are used in Kaltura, I know there will be lot of technologies involved but a rough idea will help. Like for server side is in PHP/Java, interaction with DB using XYZ etc.
And also how to add modify kaltura APIs.

Kaltura server is based on the LAMP stack, so PHP and mysql are the main answer to your question.
Why do you need to extend the API? not sure if it's a good idea. Maybe create your own set of API.
the client are generated (automatically) in /opt/kaltura/app/clients/
so for php5 you can add a plugin under /opt/kaltura/app/clients/php5/KalturaPlugins/
But it may be overrun if you upgrade the server


SalesForce Commerce Cloud. Intercept data of users and orders

I'm not so familiar with Commerce Cloud product but I need to know one point and I hope community can help me.
I need to implement a feature for customer who use SF Commerce Cloud and I would like to know it is possible or not. Customer wants to send some of data such as orders and users to an additional storage. This is requirement of local law and they have to implement it to do business.
Is it possible to intercept some actions like order placing, modifying, deleting and e-store customers creation, modifying, deleting? It would be great if you help me with direction where I can find additional information because after several attempts I can't get access to trial version of Commerce Cloud.
Thank you!
Yes, it is possible to do this in various ways. One way might be to implement a Javascript tracking integration that runs in the customer's browser and is referenced by the Storefront application that is running on SFCC. Another way would be to implement what is known as an Integration Cartridge which would implement several export jobs and/or service connections to your third party storage solution.
There is no trial version of the platform. In order to access an instance for development purposes, you will need to work through your customer's sandbox instances or become a Salesforce Partner.
Please review the Getting Started documentation. See also: Demandware/SFCC prerequisites

Real time update front end data comming from laravel

Orriginal question
I'm relatively new to PHP web development and Laravel and looking for a good way to update my front end data real time. I'm developing a simple web based game what can be played with multiple players. When a player did his turn, the data in all players front end need to be updated.
I know there are 2 ways to do this
Laravel does not support websockets by default what means i need to use a third party service like socket IO. As i just want to run my application on a "normal" web hosting, this is not an option.
push messages:I can also use push message with a service like Pusher or firebase but this option has restrictions when using a free account OR i need to pay after i need more than x resources. This is not what i prefer.
Is there a way to update the front end data without using 3rd party services OR installing a 3rd party application on the server?
Serparated from the previous question, i'm curious if push messages (and the eventually suggested solution) works also for mobile browsers.
Question update:
After the comment of Yeeooow i noticed that i needed to ask the question different. Maybe i need to explain my "problem" a bit more and ask for the solution for this.
In my game a player decides when his turn ends and he can trade a card with other players. In both cases the data need to be updated for all players. I use Vue for the front end and Laravel for backend. What is the best practice to achieve my needs?
you can use websockets with laravel like Ratchet
i had used it with laravel, but you can't use it on shared hosting because you need to import ZMQ and open some ports and that's is not available on shared hosting it is available on VPS or dedicated hosting

How to move Parse.com database to my own server and still use Parse.com SDK?

I'm using Parse.com SDK services for my Android app.
I've seen that Parse had released their Android SDK as an open source project on Github on this address.
My app is almost finished, and when I'm uploading it to the Play Store, I don't want to be controlled by Parse.com (I mean that I don't want to be blocked someday, or I don't know that), so I want to move my whole database to my own server that hosted on a secure company.
I've checked the open source project on Github and realized that all I need to use it on my own server is to generate an Application ID and a client key.
So I want to ask if someone knows how to generate an Application ID and a client key of Parse to use it on my own server, or that you maybe knows another way of moving it to my server? And one more question: Today I'm using also Facebook SDK with my app. If I will move my database to my own server, will I still be able to use Facebook SDK on my app?
I have write an article about how to migrate parse to a custom server.
There's a massive difference between Parse open-sourcing their SDKs compared to revealing their entire backend architecture and its configuration.
The open-sourced SDKs are essentially wrappers for Parse's REST API along with some convenience functions and logic for natively interpreting the JSON data Parse is transmitting.
At a high level, Parse uses MongoDB for its core database and is entirely hosted using AWS (Amazon Web Services). The entire architecture is highly complex and is not something you could just drag and drop onto your own software stack or hardware backend.
To help give you a better idea of how Parse achieves all of their services, here's an interesting presentation their Dev Ops team gave at an AWS convention. Suffice it to say, hosting the backend services for over 180,000 apps requires a complex infrastructure and that is the "secret sauce" so to speak for Parse and is why Facebook purchased them for over $85 million two years ago.

Recommended method for communicating with QuickBooks Pro 2012

I am attempting to integrate a web site with Quickbooks Pro 2012 and would like to know what the recommended method is as I'm having a hard time getting information from the Intuit site.
Can I use QBFC13 with Quickbooks 2012 or do I have to use QBFC12?
Since this is a website, I think the correct method is to use Web Connector, although the web server could have direct access to the QuickBooks company file.
I'm been looking for a recent Web Connector sample (one that doesn't use Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB)
1. Can I use QBFC13 with Quickbooks 2012 or do I have to use QBFC12?
To my knowledge, all newer version of the SDK should work fine on older version of Quickbooks. I believe I read somewhere that they make an effort to keep it backwards compatible.
2. Since this is a website, I think the correct method is to use Web Connector, although the web server could have direct access to the QuickBooks company file.
I personally did not go with the webconnector route, because I needed real time comms. The webconnector will periodically "connect" to your website, and ask if it has any work for it to do. I personally created my own WCF Self Hosted service, which the website conencts to when needed. This wcf service, then interfaces with the quickbooks SDK, and passes the required info back to my website, when it wants it.
3. I'm been looking for a recent Web Connector sample (one that doesn't
use Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB)
Cant help you out here, although the QB specific stuff should generally still apply? Can't see why an example using a Jet DB would make the QB part of it unclear?
You can use either. You just need to make sure the QBXML version used is supported by QB.
Yes, you will need to use the web connector since this is going to a web site.

Simple php framework to support multi-tenancy

I am looking for a PHP based framework which is ready to go with following features
1. Simple dashboard with login/logout
2. Multiple DB with each db representing a client
Just the basic framework.
3. Simple registration support
Use case:
I download from github and deploy on the server - Assume the server is all configured up with dns and stuff.
I create a user through registration - a new db is created and tenant folder created on the server
I can then access
each connecting to different db. Assume: *.stckoveawesm.com is mapped to the server I am hosting the framework on.
I know there is code igniter, Zend and Symphony that supports the framework. I m looking for a library/framework which is ready to go. A shell code which can just do the trick with min. config.
I finally managed to get something done using Laravel framework and is hosted on github for folks to help and improve. Any one wants to pitch in and help fork and let me know so I can collaborate.
