Issue with more than two linters working on sublime 3 - sublimetext

I'm running sublime 3084 OSX 10.10.3 and i have three tabs open, one html document, one css and one javascript file. I have linters for all three installed but whenever I open the program only the css linter (csslint) and either the html or the javascript linter, but not both, work. If I open the program with the javascript tab open, that linter works. If I open the program with the html document open, that linter works. csslint works regardless. Does anyone know of this issue or possible bug? If so I would greatly appreciate some help, it's really frustrating.
Thanks in advance


Problem with auto-complete and syntax in *blade.php files with Laravel plugin in PhpStorm

I have strange problem with syntax and autocomplete in blade files. Yesterday it's worked normally, I didn't update any plugins or PhpStorm, I have newest versions.
After closing PhpStorm and launching it again couple of hours later, blade files stopped working. At the beginning HTML not worked too, but I changed some configuration in Editor > File Types and syntax for HTML came back (next I removed every changes and it still working for HTML code).
I had turn on Laravel Plugin and Blade Syntax in plugins. Syntax for directives don't had colors and auto-complete not working, tags {{}} etc. not working too. I fully removed PhpStorm, used Invalidate caches and this not helped me with that problem.
Under this post you can see how it looks like, directives should have purple color syntax, php code not working.
Could someone help me with that problem? I will be very appreciated. (I tried find some information in the google, but with no effect.)
Screen with code
Whole IDE
Before broke
New photo without material design theme

Does Sublime Text support live editing of CSS/SASS files?

Does Sublime Text support live editing of files?
I'm looking for a better workflow. I really like Sublime Text, but recently I've been spoiled by the "Live Editing" capabilites of tools like and (recently tested) Adobe Brackets. When I go back to Sublime, even Live Reload seems clunky in comparision.
Live Reload: Press Save To Preview..
I'm using the LiveReload Chrome plugin, and depending on the project (Ruby or JS) I'll use Guard or Grunt to watch system files. I like LiveReload. But having to press 'save' on a file to see its changes in the browser is driving me nuts. Even with CSS style injection (no full browser reload), I'm flying blind in comparision to Codepen and Brackets which have instant updates as you type.
Other Tools
** GUI Tools **: I've heard of tools like Codekit and Hammer. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but they seem to do exactly what Gaurd and Grunt do—except no command line.
** Chome Tools Spaces **: The ability to edit Sass in the browser is cool. I've set this up, but I rarely use it. Editing HTML/CSS/Sass in Sublime Text is superior to Chrome Tools in every way. And to that point, it is far superior to Adobe Brackets which is why I don't (at this point) considering using it (Also it seems most of Brackets 'cool features' work on vanilla CSS, and not on Sass).
**Live Style: I've tried this, and I just can't get it to work.
I must have Googled "Live editing Sublime", "Live Refresh Codepen Sublime Text", etc.. a thousand times this year and results have been pretty lousy.
If anyone has any gems of information regard this to add to this PLEASE POST THEM!
Yes it does, all you need is takana:
This tool creates a little server which interacts in live the the loaded css of the page. All you need is to setup the server and add the javascript snippet to your html code (you will obviously remove it afterwards…).
For now only OSX, live editing is even working on different browsers. Welcome to the awesome!

Is there a way in Sublime Text 2 to support JavaScript completion of objects/functions defined in other files?

If I am editing a .js file in Sublime Text 2 that makes use of a library defined in a separate .js file, is there a way to support tab completion of objects/functions defined in the external library file?
Something analogous to the following from Visual Studio:
/// <reference path="/js/some-library.min.js" />
which enables IntelliSense over the library/plugin code.
I haven't tried it myself yet, but there's SublimeCodeIntel:
The OP in this thread: seems to be complaining that it's pulling suggestions from outside the current file, which may mean it's doing what you want.
I was looking for the exact same thing, and I can confirm that SublimeCodeIntel works well. However, Sublime Text seems slightly less responsive when using SublimeCodeIntel, which is a drawback.
Another cool thing coming from a Visual Studio environment is the support for "Go to definition" in this plugin.
Another option is TernJS:
I haven't yet used it, but it looks promising. Editor slowdown seems to be an issue with any code completion plugin; sounds like authors are still working out kinks in scraping and caching related files for code completion. The TernJS page addresses this issue and offers some config options for managing how it handles related files.

Render HTML as Firefox would, without running Firefox

What command-line utility renders HTML as Firefox would, creating a
static image, without actually running Firefox and xwd (or ScreenGrab,
Since all of Firefox's rendering libraries are open source, I'm
assuming someone's written something like this? It would be very
I realize static images can't have Flash animation (animated GIF/PNG
notwithstanding), JavaScript, etc, so I'm just looking for something
that renders plain HTML.
html2ps is worth a try, although it does not seem to use the css style sheets. This is a serious limitation.
On Debian/Ubuntu, it is provided as a package, so the classical sudo apt-get install html2ps will be fine.
(I know this has been given in the comments, but for the future reader, I thought it might be easier to find as an answer.)
You could write a small script which simply runs firefox using the command line options does a screen-shot, then closes firefox. Should only be about 3 lines of code to get started.
firefox -url

Adding whitespace to web page source so that I can read it

I'm curious about the web page I'm viewing.
I use the "view--page source" and get a window with the html.
I cut and paste this into notepad++.
I manually parse through adding whitespace to make it readable to me.
Is there a better way to do the last step? I'm hoping something has been written which automates this process, giving the user a readable version of the source file.
Thanks for any help.
Try HTML Tidy
Numerous editors have support for HTML Tidy (if you use an editor that knows about HTML, check the menus or documentation); alternatively, you can run HTML Tidy from the command line.
There is HtmlTidy, which works in Notepad++
