elastic search fuzzy query strange results - elasticsearch

I'm use elastic search for about one month and i've found one thing one query fuzzie that i can't understand.
The scenario is i've a set of users on a type and index almost 10.000 items, and i want to search for username, and return all the items that match with search string in a fuzzy mode, for example my user is "masterviana" if i search by only with text "mastervi" i expect to see the masterviana at the top of results using a fuzzy query right?
"fuzzy" : {
"public_name" : {
"value" : "mastervi",
"boost" : 1.0,
"fuzziness" : 2,
"prefix_length" : 0,
"max_expansions": 100
However i'm not seeing my username (masterviana) at the first page and also i see usernames that are "less similar" like my query string, i'll show the only the first 5 hits for not extended to much the post
"_index": "username",
"_type": "username",
"_id": "2061|FZ4y1t042482S3EqobiVllmv00",
"_score": 9.198499,
"_source": {
"public_name": "masterv",
"bbid": "FZ4y1t042482S3EqobiVllmv00",
"hash": 2061,
"avata": "http://goo.gl/4CRt3v"
"_index": "username",
"_type": "username",
"_id": "2048|r0I5XZ31076phruMS1gu9Hjv00",
"_score": 5.9688096,
"_source": {
"public_name": "project--master",
"bbid": "r0I5XZ31076phruMS1gu9Hjv00",
"hash": 2048,
"avata": "http://goo.gl/4CRt3vr"
"_index": "username",
"_type": "username",
"_id": "1980|W5Wal166832UV5oCqUH9Vjcv00",
"_score": 5.7984095,
"_source": {
"public_name": "masterjv",
"bbid": "W5Wal166832UV5oCqUH9Vjcv00",
"hash": 1980,
"avata": "http://goo.gl/4CRt3v"
"_index": "username",
"_type": "username",
"_id": "2108|Kufhm899338GPWHsuoei1HOv00",
"_score": 5.7984095,
"_source": {
"public_name": "master25",
"bbid": "Kufhm899338GPWHsuoei1HOv00",
"hash": 2108,
"avata": "http://goo.gl/4CRt3v"
"_index": "username",
"_type": "username",
"_id": "1952|AtPw2a97575sC5JT406msOXv00",
"_score": 5.7984095,
"_source": {
"public_name": "masterpiz",
"bbid": "AtPw2a97575sC5JT406msOXv00",
"hash": 1952,
"avata": "http://goo.gl/4CRt3v"
AS you can see i'm getting at top 1. masterv 2. project-master i think my query "mastervi" is more close to "masterviana" that for example "masterv" or "project-master"
One more thing if i search with exactly the same text "masterviana" i'm getting only this item

The ranking is a blend of edit distance and (often unhelpfully) how rare a term is.
I'm not sure which of these is to blame in this case but the term scarcity ranking is a long-standing Lucene issue. There is a work-around in elasticsearch with FuzzyLikeThisQuery but that might not be around for much longer so this has accelerated the need to fix Lucene (see here for background https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch/pull/10391 )


Visualizing lifecycle of events in Kibana

My events in Elasticsearch look something like that (simplified version):
"_index": "greatest_index-2023.01",
"_type": "_doc",
"_id": "5BQ8yIUBtpR1CBn8kFyo",
"_version": 1,
"_score": 0,
"_source": {
"#version": "1",
"#timestamp": "2023-01-18T09:35:50.251Z",
"id": "4e80c00dd8e003c8",
"action": "action1"
"fields": {
"#timestamp": [
Basically, the "id" field is common to multiple events. Each id goes through a few "action" field values through time (action1, action2, action3) - only once for each action value.
I'm trying to create a visualization in Kibana that would display the actions each id went through.
If it were a table, it could look something like this :
action1, action 2
action1, action 2, action 3
I tried to use Transforms in the Elasticsearch section of Kibana (v 7.5.0), but it doesn't seem to be the right way.
How would you recommend doing that ?

Auto Increment a field value every time a doc is updated in elasticsearch

This is payload
"videourl": "*****",
"name": "ABCqq",
"description": "AAAnb",
"tags": "#AAAzx",
"uploadedtime": "2020-02-24T05:48:37.527Z",
"uploadedby": "Dr AAAgh",
"thumbnail": "http://",
"duration": "5:32",
"postedby": "AAAdf",
"doctorimage": "AAA12",
"doctorname": "nnn",
Result in the form
{"_index": "rwe",
"_type": "_doc",
"_id": "8wEed3ABcYN_H8khP4hB",
"_score": 1,
"_source": {
"videourl": "*****",
"name": "ABCqq",
"description": "AAAnb",
"tags": "#AAAzx",
"uploadedtime": "2020-02-24T05:48:37.527Z",
"uploadedby": "Dr AAAgh",
"thumbnail": "http://",
"duration": "5:32",
"postedby": "AAAdf",
"doctorimage": "AAA12",
"doctorname": "nnn"
This is a document where I want to increment the count value of the field every time when this doc gets updated.
we have to add new field which has the name counter_value.
Expected Resultt
{"_index": "rwe",
"_type": "_doc",
"_id": "8wEed3ABcYN_H8khP4hB",
"_score": 1,
"_source": {
"videourl": "*****",
"name": "ABCqq",
"description": "AAAnb",
"tags": "#AAAzx",
"uploadedtime": "2020-02-24T05:48:37.527Z",
"uploadedby": "Dr AAAgh",
"thumbnail": "http://",
"duration": "5:32",
"postedby": "AAAdf",
"doctorimage": "AAA12",
"doctorname": "nnn",
"counter_value": 1
You can just increment the counter via scripting, see here and here. However, elastic already has a version field. Depending on your usecase, it might be enough to add the version parameter to your query, as described here:
curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/rwe/_search?version=true'

Elastic serach record upsert with a complex _id field

I have to upsert bulk records in elastic search index with _id being combination of more than one field from the message. Can I do so. if that can be done then please give me a sample json for the same.
A sample _id field I am looking for some thing like below
"_index": "kpi_aggr",
"_type": "KPIBackChannel",
"_id": "<<<combination of name , period_type>>>",
"_score": 1,
"_source": {
"name": "kpi-v1",
"period_type": "w",
"country": "AL",
"pg_name": "DENTAL CARE",
"panel_type": "retail",
"number_of_records_with_proposal": 10000,
"number_of_proposals": 80000,
"overall_number_of_records": 2000,
"#timestamp": 1442162810
Naturally, you can specify your own Elasticsearch document ids during a call to the Index API:
PUT kpi_aggr/KPIBackChannel/kpi-v1,w
"name": "kpi-v1",
"period_type": "w",
"country": "AL",
"pg_name": "DENTAL CARE",
"panel_type": "retail",
"number_of_records_with_proposal": 10000,
"number_of_proposals": 80000,
"overall_number_of_records": 2000,
"#timestamp": 1442162810
You can also do so during a _bulk API call:
POST _bulk
{ "index" : { "_index" : "kpi_aggr", "_type" : "KPIBackChannel", "_id" : "kpi-v1,w" } }
{"name":"kpi-v1","period_type":"w","country":"AL","pg_name":"DENTAL CARE","panel_type":"retail","number_of_records_with_proposal":10000,"number_of_proposals":80000,"overall_number_of_records":2000,"#timestamp":1442162810}
Notice that Elasticsearch will replace the document with the new version.
If you execute these two queries on an empty index, then querying by document id:
GET kpi_aggr/KPIBackChannel/kpi-v1,w
will give you the following:
"_index": "kpi_aggr",
"_type": "KPIBackChannel",
"_id": "kpi-v1,w",
"_version": 2,
"found": true,
"_source": {
"name": "kpi-v1",
"period_type": "w",
"country": "AL",
"pg_name": "DENTAL CARE",
"panel_type": "retail",
"number_of_records_with_proposal": 10000,
"number_of_proposals": 80000,
"overall_number_of_records": 2000,
"#timestamp": 1442162810
Notice "_version": 2, which in our case indicates that a document has been indexed twice, hence performed an "upsert" (but in general is meant to be used for Optimistic Concurrency Control).
Hope that helps!

ElasticSearch - Get key of searched value

I search for key word machine4 in my ES . My python client is simply:
result = es.search('machine4', index='machines')
Result look like this
"_score": 0.13424811,
"_type": "person",
"_id": "2",
"_source": {
"date": "**20180601**",
"deleted": [],
"changed": [
"**added**": [
"_index": "contacts"
"_score": 0.13424811,
"_type": "person",
"_id": "3",
"_source": {
"date": "**20180701**",
"deleted": [
"**changed**": [
"added": [
"_index": "contacts"
So we can easily see:
In date 20180601 , machine4 belonged to added.
In date 20180701 , machine4 belonged to changed.
I can write another function to analyze the result. Basically loop through every key,value of each items and check if the searched keyword belong, like this:
for result in search_results['hits']['hits']:
source_result = result['_source']
for key,value in source_result.items():
if 'machine4' in value:
print key
However, I wonder if ES having API to detect which key/mapping/field that the searched keywords belonged to ? In this case is added of the 1st result, and changed in 2nd result
Thank you so much
The simple answer seems to be that no, Elasticsearch doesn't have a way to do this out of the box, because Lucene doesn't have it, as per this thread
Elasticsearch has the concept of highlights, however. These could be useful, but they do require you to have some idea about which fields the match may be in.
The ES Python search documentation suggests there's no way to do that as a parameter to search, but you could create a custom query and pass it on as the q argument. It would look something like:
q = {"query" : {"match": { "content": "'machine4'" }}, "highlight" : {"fields" : {"added" : {}, "updated": {}}}}
result = es.search(index='machines', q=q)
Hope this is helpful!

Has child query with date filter in Elasticsearch

I have two types in an index my_index. One is the parent of the other. The child is called calendar the parent is called stock. One stockcan have many calendar entries, but not viceversa. I need to calculate the number of days where there was stock available in a range of dates (greater or equal to and less than or equal to). How can I do it?
stock entries look more or less like this:
"_index": "my_index",
"_type": "stock",
"_id": "21321",
"_score": 1,
"_source": {
"description": "Screwdriver",
"size": "big",
"some_characteristic1": null,
"some_characteristic2": "Good",
"id": 21321,
calendar entries look more or less like this:
"_index": "my_index",
"_type": "calendar",
"_id": "21321-20161129",
"_score": 1,
"_routing": "21321",
"_parent": "21321",
"_source": {
"available": true,
"date": "2016-11-29",
"prices": {
"price": 2150
}, ...
The result of this query should look more or less like this:
"description": "Screwdriver",
"size": "big",
"some_characteristic1": null,
"some_characteristic2": "Good",
"id": 21321,
"available_days_in_february": {
"count": 12,
"total_count": 28
A similar query in sql could look like this:
SELECT s.*, sum(c.available = true) as count, count(c.available) as total_count
FROM stock as s
LEFT JOIN calendar as c ON s.id = c._parent
WHERE c.date >= 2017-02-01 AND c.date <= 2017-02-28
