Nested ngRepeat in AngularJS - angularjs-ng-repeat

I am trying to display a Table Data with column heading defined in a scope variable (which is not static) and and List of rows to display.
[Plunker URL]
It looks like the field value is not getting resolved in the expression {{row.field}}.

the correct expression should be {{row[field]}}


How pull in fields value from created parameter

I created a parameter [GroupID] that is used to query several datasets in my SSRS report. It is using the field [GroupID] from my GroupList_Rolling12 dataset. An example of [GroupID] is 77610N. When 77610N is selected, all of my datasets are correctly 'filtering' for this [GroupID].
I now need to create a text box that returns the [GroupName] of [GroupID]. In other words, when 77610N is selected from my GroupID parameter, I want the [GroupName] that is associated with the selected GroupID parameter to display.
I'm still very new to SSRS and cannot figure this out. I tried creating the expression =First(Fields!GroupName.Value, "GroupList_Rolling12") but that did not work since it simply returns the first value from the query.
I also tried =First(Parameters!GroupID.Value(0)) but this also did not work
I also tried this expression =Lookup(Fields!GroupID.Value, Fields!GroupID.Value, Fields!GroupName.Value, "GroupList_Rolling12")
Can you please help?
You can reference the parameter label directly like this
There is no need to put the index on the end (=Parameters!GroupID.Label(0)) unless your parameter is multi-value, in which case it would select the first selected entry.

A dynamic text field in QuickSight dashboard

I have a dashboard and I want to show when the dataset was created. I have a column in my dataset and I was trying to use QS Parameters or Calculated Field, but no luck. I can create a static parameter and output that value in a title of visualization, however I can't dynamically select max(my_last_date_filed) from the dataset.
Any ideas?
I used Insight type, where I defined variable as following: Maximum.timeValue.formattedValue, which solved my problem

dynamically select fields in linq

I have this here:
Dim query = FromTableRows.Select(Function(Row) Row.Item(_SqlSyntaxChecker.SelectedFields(0)))
Row is a normal DataRow, so I can get the field value of the rows like this: Row.Item(0), Row.Item(1), etc.
SelectedFields contains the field names of the FromTableRows.
Now, I would like to select all the fields in the SelectedFields list, while the number of the selected fields can vary.
Is this possible? How should I modify the code?
You can simply make use of the ItemArray property, if I understand your question correctly.
FromTableRows.Select(Function(Row) Row.ItemArray)
The ItemArray property is an object array that contains the elements found in the DataRow. You will, of course, lose any mapping via this method from columns to elements, but it sounds like that's what you want.

Bean property row mapper doen't match fields to variables

I am using bean property ro wmapper to match my DB column names with variables to do select * from table to data class. But if the column name is something like this which has number after underscore:
WEEK_7DAYS, I have property name in my POJO as week7days. but that is not matching and no values ar set to week&days. I tried week7Days too. That is also not working. how to match it. Please help.
Specifically, this scenario deals with underscores in front of numbers..
Fail condition:
Example: WEEK_7DAYS -> getWeek7Days()
Strangely, spring attempts to ADD IN the underscores of camelCased method signatures to derive the key in the result set.
In your case, Spring would guess that getWeek7Days() would translate to something like WEEK7_DAYS, and never in any case would it try to place an underscore in front of a number.
If you want your method to be handled properly, you have to retain any underscores that are proceeded by a number.
your successful method name would be getWeek_7days()
Use aliases in your query:
select, t.WEEK_7DAYS as week7days from mytable t
I suggest you alter the table field name as WEEK_7_DAYS or alter the property name in the POJO as week7days. Be careful of the lower case and the upper case.

Problem with birt report in PDF format

I am creating a report in BIRT. My problem is a data set value which I am putting inside a table column. The returned value is a sentence, but in my report that column is showing only the first word. How can I break the line of the column to show the full data?
Try to use Dynamic Text instead of Data field, which I assume you were using.
As expression write something like row["MY_COLUMN"].
